The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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9 Oleeldns Packard Whea INC Last Call or Moth Bags Sorosis Shoes 85 Sjze 3 for £2 Boston Produce Market tho evan tlSHING BOAT BELBASED is New Jersey Connecticut is: SUMMER TRAVELS the or Massachusett assachusetts Massachusetts New Hampshire Dry Goods i i oreign Exchanges Maine Rubber Prices at New York And Enjoy an Excellent Dinner Metals Produce Market on the Mountain Top ravels Next Sunday Connecticut Mrs Anna Vermont i HOLYOKE MASS 'll Hl JUDGE TENIIIGH BEAD bunch na southern $2 Rhode Island Motoring to Boston? small 50c doz 4he JAYOY SITMAR to the stand' that Genoa and Venice Picturesque Mediterranean 200 11 held $175 were $150 complete first time 20c pint crt' No 3 ship pnor ef the ot come to it for food and survive the winter from Re desk An irresistible variety of choice dishes prepared by expert chefs that' are culinary fresh mountain air that stirs the most jaded appetite sendee unex celled and beautiful scenery all abound in the dining room on Mt Tom We especially recommend our Entrees of Lobster Chicken and Plank Steak Our prices are very reasonable Size 4x76 ft Wal nut reduced to tali America Shipping Corp iSuttb the de by a Place tn Rest' Tel Natick 8610 Clearance of All Remaining Aerolux Pbrch Shades THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REiPUBLICAN' SPRINGIELD MASS 'AVEDNESDAY JULY 27 1927 POLICE DOG SAVES LIVES BY BARKING on trial today ecclesiastical Zee jack Garment Bags Come up next Sunday and enjoy the best meal you have ever had Loss of sleep gives the mind slightly higher power but at the expense of a heavier drain on physical condition recent tests indicate A special harvest weather forecast helps New York state farmers to save their hay crops by making hay while the sun shines CELTIC July 17 Aug 11 CEDRIC July 31 Aug 28 Boston to Queenstown (Cobh) and Liverpool 4 Now offering Cabin Tqurist Third Cabin and Third Class bu new $10 bbl mostly box bchs Tourist 3rd only" WIMREL'IAN July 16 DEIQNIAH Aug 6 Boston to Liverpool Pastor On Trial or Performing Airplane Wedding duhio Aus SpeiuZ Your In the Heart ot tne Berkshire Hills tn a orivate home Satis faction guaranteed Address A CL 139 Pleasant SLm Dalton Mas New London Ct July 26 (AP) Customs officials have notified the local coast guard authorities to re lease the American registered fishing boat Helen when her owpprs call for her The Helen IS was picked up riday afternpon in the Atlantic ocean by the patrol boat Legare It was believed that there was a dis crepancy in her papers and she was towed the local coast guard base where inspection by customs officials failed to reveal any error Kezm back riding home cookin of own summer or wire Maine A Carroll Clnrk Times Bld Indian CCK Branford Conn porches trolly cars Haven Rates for and up BOSTON ma Near Buck Bay Station Mr Coolidge his arms and licked Now York July inished goods being advanced in the cotton goods divi sion 'Trading was in moderate proportions Gray cloths were firm and quiet Burlaps advanced sharply in Calcutta and very mod erately here Raw silk cables reported quiet condition in Yokohama More business canw forward on silk fabrics for fall Wool goods buying was in tniQderate proportions' fdr mBng in fall needs URNISHED COTTAI to rent until Nn 1 $75 located at I'nrest lake A Hnlhrnok Tel Calmer On the Ocean Boating fishing bath ing all outdoor sports Entirely mod ern near Boston Post Road Excellent accommodations for motorists Ocean Beach New Loidon Conn Half way between New York and Boston HOTEL PLEASANTON REVERE BEACH MASS Twenty eighth season ownership man agement Completely renovated New location 41 Boulevard A Kirby CAE PLEASANTON amous for Its Shore Dinners try us next Phone 1003 Retere Blarkadar Lowell Thomas Enright senior justice of the Lowell district court for the past 15 years died early toejay at his home here following an extended illness Judge Enright who was a native of Lowell was widejv known in legal circles throughout New England He was admitted to tio bar in 1884 and practiced law here up to the time of his appointment to the local bench In 1912 He succeeded the late Judge Samuel XJ Hadley 6 (AP) Consols Beers bar silver 26 116J collar on THIN MAPLES LENOX MASS Tourist Inn and Coffee 8bop for the Good and a Moderate props MRS 8 BASSE YOKUM VIEW HOSE Becket Mqss Phone 8026 Henrietta Cottage 1 The place to rest Home rooking moderate rates Send for bookie Cot tages to rent by reason $200 up Clemens MARSH HOUSE 14 mites from Plymouth for hoarders and week end tounatf 'NANCY MARSH Prop BournedaJe Mass AIMEE TO BE Reported by the Massachusetts De partment of Agriculture Hampden County Improvement league co op erating Wholesale Market Report Native produce was much more plentiful morning and buy ers were actively buying best marks while fair to ordinary quality sold slowly Heavy receipts of sweet corn sold early at $250 a hundred but as the supply increased prices fell off to $2 to $225 with indications of anoth er drop for a elean up Raspberries were in wide range as to quality and price best marks sold at 18 to 20c and poorer as low as 10c Summer squash receipts were more than dou ble that ot any previous day causing a sharp reduction in the price The lettuce market holas firm with very little home grown offered There was a good demand for New York state head lettuce at $150 to $175 per crate of two dozen Green and wax beans were more plentiful and prices stfridy at $125 $1 50 against to $2 yesterday Native potatoes received yesterday and brought per 60 pound bushel Wholesale quotations egetnbles Beansnative wax flat JI bu round i poorer low aa JI Beans green best $150 bu fair quality fo $125 Beets native 25c to 35c Beet greens 50c to GOc box Cabbage native 75c to $1 bbl few higher Carrote native "0c to 35c doz Cauliflower $150 box some low as $1 vcivry nearts aoz ei tlve $3 box Cucumbers hothouse box to $225 hamper Kale 50c box bbl Lettuce native 50c to 75 box jounce Onions flVEBEC HALIAX CHARLOTTETOWN and up the Saguenay DE LUXE 12 Day Cruises COTTAGES Sound View Ct on beach modern conveniences own water system unlimited supnij seven large cool rooms wide piazzas fireplace Small cottages for six screened sleeping porches Size 514x76 ft Walnut reduced to Size 6x76 ft Wal nut reduced to $516 Size 714x76 ft 4 walnut and 5 green reduced to Size Green Blue green or red to mark individual contents all with white lining Have con venient sjde opening that stays open while you pack a new practical hanging de vice fasten with metal clasps Mail and Phone Order st Hed Quonochontaug Beach I THE BREAKERS Bathing Boating fishing tennis fine table farm connected Tour ists transients accommodated Phone or write fur booklet THE Sanford House tvoonMO'rr ON Tn sorNB conn Attractive home hotel orwlco*klnc Tonar Tflnnrt Snnnrt Bathing Tennis Golf Rates Borrklei 8ANT0RD A TODD Prop OLD NATICK South Natick Mass Clean Comfortable and Attractive 3 Size Walnut reduced to S8S0 THIRD LOOR Apples transparent Delaware $275 to Early Williams $325 to $350 Apples Astrakan to $3 25 Bananas to 5c lb Blackberries 22c to 25c qt lhiehcrrlez $8 crt soma as $750 Cantskjqpes standard $1 crt Cantaloupes Jumbo Arizona 150 crt Carolinas $275 to $3 Cantaloupes flat pink meat's $160 to $17 crt few higher Cherries native jour 18c qt Currants 15c to 19c qt some Oo as 72 Lemons Melons few nt $2 Oranges erfites) PeschAs Georgia Belt $2W to $275 Plum California $175 to $3 crt nispwrnei nanve reo jac to mostly 18c RaapberrlM native black J8 to (2 quarts) Watermelons 40c to 75c each DAILY STEAMER SERVICE NEW LONDON TO BLOCK ISLAND Juno 28th Sept 7 1927 STEAMER NELSECO II EASTERN STANDARD TIME Lv New London Daily except Sa 1030 A At Iv New London Saturdays 1331) Bus connections bpringfield Hartford MOMM Agt New London Conn sweet $2 to $250 new $350 to native fine to 30c to 35c doz 25c doz bchs native summer inn the New York July 26 (A) Rubber closed steady September 34 SO De cember 3520 March 3560 Smoked ribbed spot 34 Two Michigan Girls Hope Dog Will Take Placq of Dead Pct Rapid City d' July 26 (AP) Diana of WihRvood a beautiful four month old white collie arrived at the summer White House from Michigan by airplane today to be a companion for Rob Roy The dog a gift to Mrs Coolidge from Mary Anne and Robert Scripps replaces Prudence Prim the mate of Rpb Roy that died recently Diana withstood the long air trip from the Scripps estate in Michigan in fine shape and soon after her ar rival had her picture taken with President Coolidge is a fine dog said as he lifted her into and she turned toward him his face Diana wore a leather which was inset a silver plate giving her name anil the date of her birth March 23 1927 Modem Mu Iic Sports 2 I a 7 UI1K8 in miles I Springfield via 4 good routes sat hotel worthy QqIIiq Puppy Given Mrs Coolidge Sent West By Airplane Ruins oi Northfield' Granary Owned By Charles a Kehl With $10000 Loss JJOUNTAiN LAKE ARM MASS On state road V2 miles Iran Becket Depot Good boatin bathing and IRhinv Larue shady lawn irood table VV II Tur ner I'rop 0 Chester Mass Hampton Beach JI Trge airy on ocean front Reasonable MBS JOHN MONAHAN PHONE 8402 4 The Waverly Branford' Conn On tlie bracji enlarged dining rupm fine table all rooms hae iew of the water A 1 EBEL Proprietor COTTAGES Sound View Ct On beach modern convenience own water system unlimited supply seven large cool rooms wide piazzas fireplace bmall cottages lor six screened sleeping porches TO Largest Cat2in steamers in the world $10 to 11 crt Honej'iJew flat $1 60 to $175 $650 to 50 crt (150 to 328 In Elbertas $325 to $375 crt TO RENT BY 1VELK OK ur dished summer cottage on Williamstown' Road 9 miles from Pittsfield 3 rooms 2 screened porches fireplace Adults Ad dress 25 Warren Ave DaJton Maas New York July 26 (AP) Copper steady electrolytic spot and futures 1300 tin steady spot and nearby and September 035 iron steady and' unchanged lead firm spot 630 zinc easy East St Louis spot and futures G3214635 antimony spot 1212P1225 London July for money 54 De Rand mines 3: per ounce mbney 3 per cent dis count rates short and three bills 4 per cent Lighthouse for Navy of aith to Propagate I Square Los Angeles July 26 Rlan to ex pand Angelus Temple and its gospel Into a national move ment akin to the Salvation Army were announced today by Aimec SampleIcPherson as the first step in reor ganization following the showdown battle within the ranks ot her church Mrs McPherson will bo known ns admiral of the organization Other of fficers will bear naval titles In accord ance with their rank The members ofthis Navy of aith will "cruise over the sea of sin" it is stated Light houses will be established in all key cities of the country with central headquarters In Chicago On top of each lighthouse will be a tower in which the lighthouse keeper win blow a trumpet at intervals Workers will use automobiles deco rated like ships and in many other ways the naval atmosphere will be carried out Settlement ot all difficulties between Mrs McPherson and her mother vir tually has been effected and peace be tween the warring factions of Angelus Temple has been arranged gelisf said today Mrs McPherson assumed control of the temple for the when she called tho meeting Hereto fore she has directed spiritual work while Minnie Kennedy ruled over the business affairs Indications thst the peace claimed by Mrs McPherson is not shared by her mother was contained in a dis patch received from Lebec Cal "My side ot the story has never been told and I don't want to tell it unless 1 have to" Mrs Kennedy was credited with saying "I shall be back in a few days Then I am going to talk to Mrs again I don't want control of the temple All 1 want justification and peace and honor" I James Brown Mrr I frank Webber Rm' Mgr I atuous Cruises 5 By Cun ard Anchor new oil burners ratesincludehptels guides driven feea 65 days $600 to THE MEDITERRANEAN sailing Jan 25 24th cruise including Madeira Lis bon (Madrid) Spain (Granada) Al giers Tunis Carthage Atherus Con stantinople 15 days Palestine and Egypt the Riviera Havre (Paris) Europe stop over Sth World Cruise (Westward) Jan 16 125 days $1250 to $3000 medium 2324c small 2) fowl large 272Uc medium 2ic Roosters i518c apples $125330 bu: avo VC llnw bananas Lt it CXo 1R seedless $43(Va5 crt malaga ffranofriiit California bx Porto Rican $IS750 bx: lemons 1150 bx: watermelons 5000c each canta loupes $l450 std crt and $13()175 fit crt honey dew melons $15051225 crt honey ball melons $35 crt asaba melons $25)3 crt pink meat melons $1252 crt oranges bx peaches crt Bartlett pears $43Otl bx plums crt: currants I215c qt raspberries 105 20c pt: blueberries 2O30c qt blackberries 12fi5j 20c qt gooseberries 1215c qt Green and wax beans $12 bx: beets cutoffs bx bunch cabbage bx bunch carrots 60c bx: cucumbers bx onions val ley $25O35O bag Egyptian $2753 3 bag Spanish $27513 one half ease peas bx peppers $17512 bskt pota toes new white $3504 bbl sweet pota toes $t50L75 bskt: lettuce native ball 1050c bx Iceberg 2575c crt California Iceberg crt radishes 5075c bx spinach bx summer squash" $15o3 bx tomatoes No 1 hothouse 18c lb outdoor repacks $3p0 crt purple 'top tur nips bx GLENDALE 11 Iaurel Ave Milford Conn Walnut Beach urnished rooms light lunch Good location Modern improve ments Safe bathing Near amuse ments MRS DIXON Prop Arouses People Endangered by ire Granary Destroy ed at Northfield With $10 000 Loss Northfield July One of worst fires in years completely stroyed the granary owned Charles Rehl neqr the Northfield station and caused damage of over $10000 in the 'early hours this morn Oct 22 The popular Cabin Cigs steamer COLOMBO Sept 21 Xov 3 Jan 2 de luxe connecting Line Egypt Asia Minor and Constantinople Delightful Sitmar Cruises by the especially construct ed steamer NEPTUNIA STEEL EARNINGS SHOW SLIGHT DECLINE New York July 26 The United States Steel corporation today report ed net earnings for the second quar te rof 1927 at $46140460 against $4L 810105 In the same period last year In the first six months of this year the Steel corporation earned $52465 145 after taxes and charges against $53723 199 in the first halg of 1926 Net profits of the Steel corporation In the June quarter aggregated $26 137836 against $27648542 in the same period last year The corporation earned $560 a share on 7116235 shares of common stock outstanding in the first half ot the year which compares with earnings ot $808 a share in the first half of 1926 When the total number ot com mon shares outstanding was 5083025 In the June quarter the Steel corpora tion earned $278 a share On its in creased capitalization Total earnings for the first half of 1926 were $91625185 against $92875 390 In the same period last year DEER CONQUER EAR TO QBIAIN ALALA Hunger is Na i Hire's common denominator It tames the wildest deer and brings the stately elk to fed on man made hay In the Kaibab reservation 50000 ideer dirt from man's approach In for Montana grass is green land their appetites appeased Yel lowstone's 16000 elk stamp in regal fright when (he national park is ver dant Put winter comes and with it for age is curtailed Starvation stalks the herds Deer overreach the Kaibab food supply nor can they move out for the Grand Canyon halts them on one side and a desert on the other The wild state wavers and the deer turn to human friends All summer Uncle Sam has mowed alfalfa for his hungry wards They WHITE STAR LINE LEYLAND LINE International Mercantile Marine Company 84 State Street Boaton a or local agenu Is ollows Size 4x6 ft Wal nut reduced to CQ RQ Size 5x6ft Wal nut reduced to 95 1 Size 6x6 ft Wal nut reduced to J5 Size 714x6 ft 8 walnut and 7 green reduced to 12 Size 8x6 ft 5 wal nut and 1 green re duced to Size 10x6 ft wal nut reduced to Kezar Cottages Boarding by week or month oo shore of Lake Kezar Boating bwhnining horse (vegetables out garden) A delightful place for 'a vacation Number limited Write Mrs Gilmore North ryeburg Miller orthnirk Ma Tri 4 URNISilED BUNGALOW OR KENT Hsriferd Beat fa? York Reduced ares Ona Way $250 Round Trip £450 uooa or 15 cays) Leave Hartford daily Except Sunday at 4 PM Pleasant View House On the water's 'edge at Pleasant View Beach' Westerly Open June 15 to September 30 A popu lar place for young people b'lye inlle ocean beach modern improvements' Bath houses free to Garage Booklet James Collins Prop Westerly It I (18 hrts) Iceberg 60c to 80c hpx (9 hds) 50 ptt CJr'inlh S' 75 rf to $375 14 rrt Onions native $3 100 lbs: southern $175 to $325 hamper Pnrsley native 49c to 50c doz Peas native best $250 bu poorer low a i Potatoes bbl Potatoes $3 73 Radishes Rhubarg Scallions mash medium 75c: largr tn $125 doz Sweet corn $2 to $250 100 ears' Tomatoes New Jeraey $350 crt culls 1225 to $250: Tenn fiats $150 to $173 Tomatoes native $6 14 qt bskt Connect icut $5 pr All from our regular stocks all sharply reduced An occasion of importance to every woman who wants to make dollars do extra duty Here are to be found all the styles and fabrics of smartest footwear tagged at reduced prices only because size ranges are broken The group in cludes GRAY KID BLONDE KID PATENT LEATHER NOVELTY LEATHERS While nJ sizes are not here In every style there are all sizes ig suine style STREET LOOR i ELM TERRACE INN WOODMONT ON SOUND CONN i and country hoi SPECIAL WEEK END RATES Shore Dinners for Auto Parties lt water bathing dancing etc 75 ex rooms $23 weekly up Beautiful from Amusem*nt Park Booklet Npw management Local 12c to 4Sc doz ('adot Krceiotfl Pn tn A Bananas six New York potatoes one Virginia one Maryland fhicymuers one Delaware: Maryland4 Apples two Maryland Meloiis five South Carolina hnneydevs oae California Pears one Cal ifornia Tomatoes one Tenneseet The Luxurious Route to ITALY and the Continent by the Roman Splendor Ships ROMA 1 July S7 Aux 31 Ort 8 THE SIGOLIlXEy Sound View Conn Tables the best Newly furnished Reason able rntee l)B Warner Thp Colonial Sound View Conn Open Julyi let to bept Iltb sltanSantM near Long Island Sound Hom cooking all convenience' A good place to spend your vacation Reasonable rates Write A BIJCKLDy Proprietress 1 clean cool comfortable rooms each with bath st rates situated st the June tion ot Columbus Square and I ojuovk rars it rooms ar light and airy Awninn shu Out rhe hot sun Its location broad Columbus Ave a fee blocks from Massachusett' tve makes It very accessibb tor wutomohlliets RATES single SiiM) per day and Double $251) day and Excellent New England Cafe POCHOUG HOUSE 19th season Same management Directly on waterfront Excellent cuisine Sunday shore' dinners Saybrook 326 BIJEICHNEIU Prop WE NE GO INN INDIAN NECK CONN Combination seashore and country Own garden products II ST RATTO Al SOUND Shore front cottage seven rooms all modern MRS II BAGG 14 orest fit Tel River SILA ER BEACH Milford urnished cottages to week Strictly 'faniily resort Safe flat sandy beach American colony red Osborn Phone Rooms $10(1 per person and up Room and Board $250 per day Lohster Steak and ish Dinners HOTEL ATLANTIC 323 Ruulrtard REVERE BEACH MASS coni 0 1 1 ts 1 fl Mftmt rvcilAAlfna Ocean Same management pest twenty five years Ideal for Ycsti Bathing from Hotel Special rates for children Garage Solicits American trade only ATKINS Mgr Beach jSoufh Lake Cnngamuod Pathing floating Canoeing Water Tobog ganing Special Prizes for largest ish taught £ah Sunday lKNlsllED COT TAGES for rent wk month season inmps nnd Camp Sites iAlaplewood arm st vt Rooms Board suitable for persons subletting their ihonjea Beautiful location home comforts iLrerS vegetables from farm Strictly Christian hentele $15 weekM Alexander 31 No 2 ''LANDING LAKE Beautiful locati un rooms overlook lake home cooking boating fishing to Mrs Blackwood Grand Irle 8x76 ft reduced to 10x76 ft IDirectly on waterfront one of the best locations on the beach very pleasant 'rooms board if desired Reasonable ratesMrs Davin Myrtle Beach Milford 'IIQOM with or without board Gartner Myrtle Bead) Milford Conn I Regala Your Health and Vitality The Bungalow Hotel VINEYARD 1S4AHD MAMWSChUSCttsure Air Pure Water anS the Glorious Scenery St rca ky and Country 18 Hole Good Hot Address Vineyard Chamber of Conunereo COTTAGES Accommodate gas tier S15 2U 'per week' Elmer Proctor 102 Henry Momauguin East Haven Conn IN'DJAN' NECK Branford Conn Horton Open for season always a good time at Horton's Reasonable rates Horton 4 Old Newgate Prison East Granby Cono NOW OPEN I the season' daily a 9 Guests can rely on tbe best of attention Guidos are In attendance to conduct visit 'rs through ths prison and mines recent ly electrified NEJWQATE 'LODGE jj Is also open a Specialty is made of Steak and Chicken Dinners Tlepbon Simrbory 53 2 Erick steel and Stone Construction PB3NCESS Oeaii End of South Carolina Ave' Atlantic City SPECIAL EARLY SUMMER RATES S3 daily $15 up weekly with meals SI 50 up daily European plan 'All white service Music dancing bath Iner direct from hotel water all rooms Booklet and Road Map on request PAUL RQSECRANS MUNARGO (IZopo tons) I Largest steamer In the run pasKenger list limited to 250 The bhlp Your Hotel Rntes S123 a i Sailing from New York July 29th Au I Cjjfilng at Bostoj) July I' y4 Wrl for muns dn STEAMSHIP LINES i 67 WALL STREET NEW YORK 131 "tnte St Roxton Phone Concress 0360 A police dojr saved the Hvfs of the owner and others in the house ad joining the grhnary by arousing its master with its barking The fire de partments of Northfield and East Northfield were unable to save the but concentrated their forts on the house connected with burning building The distance the fire from the hydrant on Main street made necessary the laying of a long ifose and considerably slowed the efforts of the firemen A large 'number delegates to the Northfield conference 'of religious education aided in fighting the flames and saving the furniture in the ad joining building yq cause fire had been discovered today Montasco Inn Boating fishing screen pass hotel from 'New Doara ana room 51i Watson Prop Madison Beach Hotel Madison on the ou nd Conn list of! tbe Boston Road Directly on the Beach Music Bathing Golf Tennis ishing American Plan Rooms with running water and en suite with private bath or booklet and reservation apply BOYD DECKER Prop NO ACTION OR PAROLE Washington July De Bartment of justice officials indicated today that nd immediate action would i be taken on the petition for clemency I filed by friepds of Earl Carroll the theatrical producer now in Atlanta penitentiary Carroll will be eligible for parole October 8 and Atty Gen Sargent is not expected to take up consideration of the application before that time? Justice department authorities are of the opinion that Carroll's health has not been impaired by his incarcera tion His sentence began June 8 the date of h's admission to the prison Travel July (AP) WHOLESALE PRICES lour 3'o ship from mill com mon Boston freight rate points in sacks per 196 pounds: Spring patents special $8809 standards $7 GOttS SO spring first clears $725760 hard winter patents $725 tfTS10 soft winter patents $7208 soft 'Winter straights soft winter clears $fi 390'(75 Rye tiouf white patents old 50 (T 6 85 new $585jli0 standards old $357D7O new dark rye old $595(510 new USO IS5 rys meal old $530550 new $480)495 in car lots f'o common Boston freight rate points all rail shipment' No 2 yellow $127il28 a bushel No 3 yellow $l25(g12ti Lake and rail shipment No 2 yellow $124125 No 3 yellow $121(5 123 Oats In car lots common Boston freight rate points all rail shipment regu lar 38 to 40 pounders 6263r' a bushel 36 to 38 pounders 34 to 36 pounders 55560 Lake and rail shipment regular 36 to 38 pounders 5557c Mill feeds In car lota common Boston freight rate points spring bran a ton winter bran $3435 middlings mixed feeds $9(g'4l rcjl dog $53 til 51 gluten feed September shipment $3925: gluten meal $17: hominy feed $4150 stock feed $41: oat hulls $1550 cottonseed meal $397546 linseed meal $515052 In large lots common Boston freight rate points granulated $5 a HMi pound bag bolted $3 feeding meal $24i cracked corn $2 45 Oatmeal Tn large lots 4 common Boston freight rate points rolled $335 a IWi pound bag cut and ground $3 68 Hay in car lots common Bos ton freight rate points No 1 timothy Aoov a tun iimoinv timothy $2(2150 eastern 50 Ping $210'2330: clover mixed $21(23 and damared io car lots common Bos ton freight rate points rve $28 a ton cats $195018 S3 JOBBING PRICES White The American Sugar Refin ing company quoted sugar at 6c a pound base New York and Michigan pea $685 LW per 110 pound bag: yellow eves $133) 1325 red kidney $9930 white California green peas $650 Canadian peas $625650 split peas $7 dried lima $8 50 G9 Creamery In ash tubs higher scoring He a pound: extras 43c ex tra firsts 4iz342fcc firsts 39 Vi (U4()Vic sec onds 37H38ic Cheese resh twins extras 2Gl427c a pound firsts 25r28c held twins extra 28fl290 firsts 2627c Young America 2027o Nearby hennery elected brown 5152c a dozen mixed colors 4S(u 30c white 43'470 Eastern fresh gathered extras 43 4 lc 'Western hennery 4 1c extras 35536e extra firafs 32c firsts 28 29c Baks and short cuts heavy $3450 a barrel medium long cutV $S65O: lean eMs $4250 bean pork $25 loose salt 14c a pound fresh ribs shoulders smoked 1 corned 14H16C fresn 14HlSc hams cooked 35(5J'42c regular 28c skinned hacon briskets IDIAc bologna I8tf21c trankfurts fresh sausage bag sausage 23(5'24c sausage pats 33Hc cooked meats pork trimintngs 140220 raw leat lard 15Uc rendered leaf lard lGic pure lard 13c Dressed meats resh beef heavy steers a pound light and medium 17l8c all weights 15 1 7c cow beef good 13 I1c medium 1213c common 12 Calf carcasses good medium 1 0:1 7c common 14 ft 13c Lamb 30 to 42 pounders 42 to 55 pounders 250) 2Sc all weights Mutton good 16 medium 14Qpl6c common Live owl large 24 26c a pound leghorns 22024c Broilers large 26028c small Stags 14016c Dressed Native fresh killed fowl large 28029c a pound medium 24 026c broilers 32035c roasting chickens 40043c Western dry packed In boxes corn fed fowl laifets 22c milk fed 25026c small ruit New Cado $7 crt: grapes Miss Miner THE ATI on the lllp WATER K9NT AJVRTLE BEAJ IL MILORD plXN Pleasant rooms home cooking all modern ImprowmentSr Good safe' bathing all amusem*nts Reasonable MR nndMRSA ELLS Prop AT SOUND Shore front cottage 7 rooms all modern Bagg 14 orest Street 3 4464 Lutheran Court Charges Ger man Clergyman Connived At Degrading Church Berlin July The flying: pastor Teichmann who was suspended from his church duties for performing jp airplane marriage' ceremony fdr two couples recently went before the Lutheran court The consistorv took though there was no harm In airPlqne weddings they degraded the dignity of the church when they assumed a character It is charged that the presence of a movie camera man proved that the weddings were a publicity stunt and the pastor should have ousted such a worldly intruder Meanwhile such commotion has "been raisefl by the flying that the civil authorities are prepar ing a book of rules for future airplane nuptials MnliMn Conn 7 rooni hue furntxlied imjinu einrnts fireplace: near beach In quire Bishop Cottage Waterbury Ave Eiiiynick Point Branford Conn ur nibhtd cottage for rent Tel 283 2 Bran ford Conn A Trjon pie 1 J' 1 I I ft A 5 A i 1 I v7 zj aS I VENTJLAT I Porch Sha 77 77 Sz $7 1 iMSp So i 1 jmlTiiiLM ijJTMii 2 9 BOSTON i SI ggj MUI will Iiim 4 Wr fl IP! ips LSSJ Uiitrstid Btekltit ruttr gtid I irilitHnlT Navigaziooe Generals Italiaa INfi IT I 3 I.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Views: 5999

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.