The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1966 WOMEN'S NEWS 15 A Lovelier You By MARY SUE MILLER A Lovely writes: Very short gloves appear to be in fashion seems to me. I'd like to know all kinds of clothes, and not always appropriately. Or so it seems to me. I'd like to know your ideas on the subject. The Answer: The fall glove story is both long and short.

The present popularity of the shortie is due in part to the fashion for wrist-length sleeves and in part to the youthful feeling of cloth in general. Shorties have a longtime association with the young. Cut-out tyles are a current teen kick. that as it may, the very short glove is not incapable of sophistication. It's a natural in pique sewed fabrics and leathers for tweedy clothes.

Short kidskins and suedes look spruce with street clothes when the sleeve meets wrist, nearly so. Worn with sleeveless dresses of either the day or evening variety, short kidskins lend a crisply casual air. But a sleeve that falls above the wrist calls for a glove, usually long longer, to meet the cuff. Whatever the length, the keynote of glove new's is color. White prevails on formal evenings.

Otherwise shades are soft and shadowy oyster, chamois, fawn, greige, taupe, tawny brown and smoke gray. In those shades, gloves blend with a costume in a most subtle way. The fashion way! Winning Manners To open a door on increased poIse and popularity, send tor our booklet, included WINNING MANNERS. Topics Table are Manners, The introductions, Charmina Hostess, YouInvitations, The Dances, Guest, Travel Tips and Tipping, Small Datina Manners. Formal like when to wear a hat write or check Points, your coat.

For your copy, to Mary Sue Union, enclosing 25 cents in Miller in care of The coin, Springfield and a long. self-addressed stamped envelope, Muscum Film An informative film will be shown at 1.30 this afternoon in the auditorium of the junior department of the Springfield Museum of Science. Entitled "Outboard Fisherman, U. S. this in full color, tells how the small, independent, commercial fishermen, using outboard motors, contribute 10 the national cconomy by catching and sellfish and shellfish.

At 2 there will be a star show in the planetarium. No charge is made for either program and adults, as well as children, are invited. Hampden County Mothers of Twins Club: Annual workshop convention, Schine Inn, Chicopee Falls, 10 a. m. to 1 p.

m. East Longmeadow Grange: Harvest bazaar, supper, Grange Hall, Somers that town, 10 a. m. to 7 p. m.

Ladies Auxiliary, Le Club Francais: Halloween party, Marconi Club. Ladies Philoptohos Society, St. George Greek Orthodox Church: Annual holiday bazaar, 10 a. m. to 10 p.

m. After- Five Tea Dance Club Calendar Today a Memory Speaking Frankly By MARY McGRATH The red rose of chivalry did "not die of natural causes. It strangled amid the angry weeds of male resentment. It was the pittance men paid for superiority and, as women have grown smarter. the price has gone up.

Man is no longer able to acquire superiority with the gallant gesture, the empty amenity. retaliation he has eliminated them from his repertoire of tricks. Not only has he eliminated them, but rather unblushing. ly has he substituted some reverse switches that are to show woman her place. For instance, where he once held the door to let her pass through first, he now insolently lets it swing in her face.

This little trick would rate him a punch in the mouth if he were to try it on one of his peers. Women, however, recognize it for the little-boylost act of defiance that it really is. I recently took a survey of the available chivalry locally. Disguising myself as helpless, I tried the dropped pocketbonk bit in an assortment of our allegedly better places. Right here I had better mention that I was accompanied on my mission by one perfectly legitimate husband to avoid the possibility that my intentions would be misinterpreted.

However, by prearrangement, he was always looking the other way when my poor old battered bag bit the dust. Seventeen consecutive falls it took and all I got out of it was a dirty pockethonk and an awful lot of exercise in retrieving it myself! The variety of fronts behind which they hid their lack of gallantry exceeded wildly my estimate of the male imagination. Most "did not see it," although each had to indulge in some pretty fancy footwork to avoid breaking a leg on it. One toed it back to me; one toed it out of sight under the table. One maitre d' graciously.

suggested to my husband that he do the honors! The biggest help I got all night was in a Chinese restaurant where the bag obligingly opened and spewed its contents wall-to-wall. In a quaint it effort at manly charm, Oriental style, the waiter rushed to my side. With a flashlight he stood by, like the guiding light, while I scrambled under booths and into corners to scoop up hidden valuables. The only consolation I could draw from my survey is that chivalry is either nonexistent or that all the gentlemen stay home evenings! Those who were out and about were definitely defiant, if not downright hostile. I'll have to, admit they've given us equal rights, but it is becoming painfully obvious that they are just not equal to it! (Copyright, 1966, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) Marriage Intentions The following marriage intentions have been filed in the office of the city clerk: Joel Everett Ryan of 216 Laurelton machinist.

and Irene May Morris of 361 Belmont waitress. James Francis Flynn of 835 Worthington parking lot manager, and Diane Marie Patruski of 1750 Dwight at home. Francis James Pandolfi, Jr. of 5 Beaufort cafeteria manager, and Barbara Jean Dartikke of 44 Everett clerk. Jesus Ruiz Alvarez of 115 Sanderson unemployed, and Antonia Enriques Ayala of 67 Sanderson at home.

Henry Francis Pickul of 42 Whiting wire weaver, and Catherine Theresa Garvey of 30 Van Horn supervisor. Norman Ernest LeClair of 228 Old County Westfield, machine operator, and Gail Eileen Fitzgerald of 1359 Page registered nurse. Augustin Rivera Lebron of 122 Clyde laborer, and Audrey Rodriguez of 120 Clyde at home. Record of Births The following births have been recorded in the office of the city clerk: Boys Oct. 2, to Mr.

and Mrs. Armand Cardinal of 67 Boswick Lane, Chicopee Falls. Oct. 3, to Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Rosner of 107 Manchonis North Wilbraham. Oct. 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanke of 857 Belmont Ave.

Oct. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Canova of 29 Day East Longmeadow.

Oct. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Covoni of 3 Alfred Agawam; to Mr. and Mrs.

Stanley Van Wagner of 60 Pembroke to Mr. and Mrs. Renard Young of 38 Edmund Wynne Cir. Oct. 13, to Mr.

and Mrs. Gerald Davis of 55 Sessions Hampden; to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gagne of 75 Mooreland to Mr. and Mrs.

Normand Lemieux of North Longyard Southwick. Oct. 14. to Mr. and Mrs.

Richard Wohlfahrt of Beech Crescent Lake, Fast Lonzmeadow. Oct. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R.

Collins of 588 Carew St. Oct. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Willie Jordan of 361 Eastern Ave.

Oct. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Joyner of 16 Central St. Oct.

19, to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Horowitz of 24 Vanguard Lane. Longmeadow. Oct.

20, to Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Iacolino of 26 Fairfield Thompsonville; to Mr. and Mrs. Richard P.

Reavey of 20 Riverview Ter. Oct. 21. to Mr. and Mrs.

Waclaw Hojnoski of 76 Shefford to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lewenczuk of 113 Miller Ludlow. Oct.

22, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grunden of 62 Anne St. Girls Oct. 10, to Mr.

and Mrs. Richard Burwell of 75 Anthony Agawam. Oct. 11, to Mr. and Mrs.

Gary Swanson of 5 Almon West Springfield; to Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Roman of 63 Bancroft St. Oct.

13, to Mr. and Mrs. Fine Assortment DISCONTINUED PATTERNS IMPERIAL WASHABLE WALLPAPERS Always on Display For Easy Selection Save up to SPRINGFIELD IMPERIAL WALLPAPER PAINT CO. 1193 Sumner Ave. 486 Bridge St.

son, Shaker Farms Country Club, Westfield, 5.30 to 8.30 p. Springfield Women's Club: Education and legislative meeting. Museum of Fire Arts auditorium, 10.30 a. m. Atty.

Gen. Edward W. Brooke, guest speaker. Bela Grotto Auxiliary: Hawaiian luau dance, American Legion Hall, Oak Indian Orchard. p.

m. Longmeadow May Breakfast parish Harvest, of Association: supper, Christ, houserezational. Longmeadow, sittings from 5 to 7 Fellowship Hears Resident of India 20-year resident of India, Mrs. Loy Long (second from the Old right First A Church Friday at the church. Mrs.

Long was one of India's first above) spoke to members of the Women's Fellowship of social workers. (With her from the left are: Mrs. Charles R. Williams, Mrs. Roy S.

Alonzo and Mrs. Howard Stone Anderson, wife of the church pastor. Our Readers' Exchange Missouri, kies I requested." Missouri Cookies (Mrs. William J. Breor Old Westfield Russell) 7 ingredients 2 cups sugar 1 stick margarine milk 1, cup cocoa 2 cups uncooked oatmeal 1 teaspoon vanilla cup chopped walnuts Method: -Boil together for 3 minutes the sugar, margarine and milk.

Add the cocoa, uncooked oatmeal, vanilla and chopped walnuts. Remove from heat and drop by teaspoon on waxed paper. Cool. D'you recall the famous Highland Seafood co*cktail Sauce? It was given us by William E. Hartman just about this time several years ago.

We're glad to be able to share it. Highland Seafood co*cktail Sauce 9 ingredients 1 cup mayonnaise cup tomato ketchup cup chili sauce 2 tablespoons prepared horseradish 1 red or green pepper chopped teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Few drops Tabasco teaspoon paprika 1. pinch curry powder Method: Blend all ingredients together and mix well. Keep refrigerated and sauce will last 3 or 4 weeks. (Not in some households!) Renew Dress Don't discard a dress because the buttonholes are frayed.

You can make it quite pretty and presentable again if you cover the holes with applique and work a new set of buttonholes. If you don't think the garment is worth that amount of trouble, stitch a band of contrasting material over the worn buttonholes and work new buttonholes into it. Finish by making cuffs to match and you will have a good looking dress. SHOP 1373 MAIN ST. a 4.

1 A HIGHLANDER FIRST COAT a la CARTE SNAP off the fur collar and Snap on the FREE matching suede collar and one suede coat is as versatile as two. length suede two in collars Taupe or Teak with $130 mittee: First dance of sea- p. m. The Girls By FRANKLIN FOLGER IT 10-20 "I just can't understand grown men wanting By ALICE SCOTT ROSS Our party was glorious, wasn't it? But, as (Vrs. Jots writes this, it hasn't happened yet! We'll enjoy your reactions, too, Mrs.

Leon Brezina, 259 Valley View Westfield, has sent us another try on the "sal soda" apron design. You'll all be getting your versions, soon. And how nice that you remembered your self-addressed stamped envelopes! "I wonder if the coverlet shown the other day made by the Whately group was what we called years ago the 'biscuit' pattern," writes Mrs. Mabel Mandigo, 170 Orange Springfield. "I am 82 years old," continues Mrs.

Mandigo, "and in old days we did a lot of sewing. I am not able to do too much but I still 'use my hands and have good eyesight." Then Mrs. Mandigo has a question, "A clerk in one of the stores was asking if I had ever made up a musical apron. It is made of organdy and has bells or notes on it. "Does anyone know about it?" "Isn't it wonderful the way column requests are answered SO quickly?" asks Loretta R.

Bok, 113 Madison Chicopee Falls. "Mrs. William J. Breor, Russell, sent me the recipe for the NO MORE DRY SKINI (T.L.C: Body Medicated Lotion T.L.C. lotion relieves dry, itchy skin.

Healing, protective treatment for irritations. Refreshing all day. Rubs in fast all over after bath non-sticky, leaves skin smooth. Stainless, alcoholic. Used by millions of hospital patients 8 OZ.

SQUEEZE BOTTLE AT DRUG COUNTERS Polychem Corporation, New Haven, Connecticut Imported 3 Pc. Knit Dresses $28 Comp. Value 39.95 $15 Excellent Color And Size Assortments Haynes Fashion Fourth Mink Trimmed Coats $79 Comp. Value $99 1 Nubby Boucle and Fur Fibre Wool Fabrics shaped or Flared silhouettes Colors: Honey, Sable, Black, Red, Green, Brown Miss or Petite Sizes4 to 18. HAYNES FASHION FOURTH a ball that badly." ATTENTION HAIRDRESSERS YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND SHAKOUR'S 35th ANNUAL HAIR STYLE AND COLOR SHOW KIMBALL TOWERS, OCT.

30th, SUNDAY 12:15 P.M. TO 5:30 P.M. OCT. 31st, MONDAY 9:00 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M.



and Mrs. Charles Terzi of 28 Saratoga to Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan of 27 Gillette to Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Trudeau of 1952 Page Blvd. Oct. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson, Jr.

of 143 Taylor St. Oct. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Cintron of 470 Chestnut St.

Oct. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Jose Laboy of 115 Sanderson St. Oct.

20, to Mr. and Mrs. William Tompkins of 70 Shady Knoll Longmeadow; to Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.

Osgood of 36 Duclos Feeding Hills; to Mr. and Drs. James Paul Russell of 873 Worthington St. Oct. 22, to Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Grunden of 62 Anne St. Twins Oct. 15 to Mr. and JIrs.

Neal Grant of 6 Lancer Thompsonville. Oct. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Maggipinto of 60 Loring St.

MURIELS MURIELS won leashes The news Wild Cats Who can be certain what's FUR and what's FAKERY? Our coats never saw the inside of a jungle, they're fabulous nonetheless. Note the different species shown are just three from a dazzling collection in a variety of lengths. Cheetah from ST Leopard to $90 Zebra from 887.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

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Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.