Top Posts Tagged with #tyler seguin imagines | Tumlook (2024)


Sep 6, 2022

the seasons are changing and so are we - tyler seguin

a fight threatens your relationship with Tyler, until a sunset boat ride changes everything

pairing: tyler seguin x reader

warnings: angst, alcohol, boats, mentions of marriage, shelb projecting (when am i not?)

word count: 2.3k

a/n: inspired by my own september long weekend with two black labs and some white claws. thanks as always to @antoineroussel for making sure it's coherent and a special shout out to @hotanddistraught for telling me i'm sick <3

“Those things are disgusting.”

They’re the first words Tyler has spoken to you all morning, since you woke up all alone in the spare room of the cottage. The first words spoken without vitriol since the screaming match yesterday, really.

It had started innocently enough—a mention of how you didn’t want this summer to end during the drive up to Muskoka—that had somehow devolved into you silently crying in the passenger seat with Gerry in your lap trying to lick the salt from your face and the other two’s wet noses poking at you from the backseat.

When he’d finally pulled into the long driveway of the ostentatious cottage, you’d all but leaped from the still moving vehicle without so much as making an attempt to help with the bags or the dogs.

Supper had gone similarly—chock full of your silence and malicious noncompliance as you left him to suffer through not only grilling but preparing a side dish, too.

And then you’d stubbornly side stepped his outstretched hand offering to take you to bed, choosing to spend the night alone in the spare room.

You spent the entire night reliving the argument in your head, wondering how your wistful expression that you wished the summer would never end translated into unhappiness and a desire to leave the sincerest, most fulfilling relationship you’d ever known in Tyler’s eyes. Tossing and turning, you couldn't escape the way you felt in that passenger seat, the hurt and the anxiety intermingling with the fear that it was all slipping through your fingers.

Fear that somehow turned into anger, a fire lighting within you that he’d taken your words and twisted them until they were unrecognizable before throwing them right back in your face.

Which led you here, cracking a hard seltzer at nine o'clock in the morning which was clearly offensive to your boyfriend who looked on with a disapproving stare.

“Really?” you raise an eyebrow at him. “Is critiquing my drink choice your idea of an apology?”

He brushes past you as easily as he brushes past your words, reaching into the fridge for the orange juice and taking a giant gulp straight from the bottle. You barely suppress a grimace as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, his chest tattoos and abs on full display. If you weren’t still so mad you probably would have made a joke about it, but, as it stands, you can barely stomach being in the same room. Especially since he seems content to ignore the issue.

“We should go out on the boat today,” he says, proving your unspoken point. The B word gets the dogs going and you use the moments Tyler is shushing them to school your features.

“Are you joking?” The hurt is present in your voice and written clearly across your face. Tyler winces at the sharp sound.

He says your name softly, and though it’s normally one of your favorite sounds, it does nothing to temper your mood or your outrage this time.

Swallowing the lump in your throat, you speak, “I’m not going to just let you sweep this under the rug with a f*cking boat ride, Tyler.”

He kind of pauses, then. Almost like he hadn’t expected your outburst. “I’m not—I’m not trying to sweep anything under the rug. I just don’t know what to say.”

All efforts at controlling yourself fly directly out of the window at his words. You slam the now empty can on the counter and grip your forehead in frustration. “You don’t know what to say? How about start with an apology and then let’s talk about how an innocent comment turned into all out war on the f*cking highway.”

“I’m sorry—”

He’s the gasoline and you’re the slow building fire that started last night under the itchy covers of the spare room. “Well now it doesn’t mean sh*t because I had to tell you to do it! So what’s the real f*cking issue here huh? I’ve given you everything I've got, Ty, it’s gotta be enough.” You’re referring to his heated comments yesterday, where he’d implied maybe this wasn’t working anymore.

“It is! It’s enough. God, baby, it’s more than enough. It’s not you it’s me—” You give him an exasperated look, all but ready to push past him and grab your bags, ready to take your chances hitchhiking back to the city. “I didn’t mean it like that. You’re perfect and you’re everything and I’m just some idiot hockey player with a no good hip, past his prime. You could have anyone you wanted-“

“You, Ty. I want you.” It’s honest and earnest, and you’re still f*cking mad at him, but you love him, too.

“I can’t give you stability, I can't promise you I'll be home for supper every night. Hell, I can't even give you an entire summer at home. You’ll never be first, hockey will always be at least tied-”

“Do you think I don't know that? Tyler, we've been together for three years, I’m very aware of the limitations of your career. And I love your passion and your drive and your resiliency. I love you and the boys and the life we’re building.”

“I know and I am sorry. So sorry, baby. I let my insecurity get the best of me.

“If anyone should be insecure it’s me—have you looked in a mirror lately? Or read your instagram DMs?” You’re joking, and the sound of your laugh calms him, soothes his soul, reassures him it’s safe to step into your space and steal a kiss.

“Don’t need ‘em,” he says. “Got you.”

You lean into his embrace for a minute, fully giving into the love he so willingly offers before you break the spell briefly. Curving your hands alongside his jaw, you brush your thumb over the stubble on his cheek. “You gotta promise to talk to me, Ty. I can't read your mind and I can’t help when I don't know what's wrong. It’s not fair to either of us to hold it all in until you snap.”


“Okay, I promise, too.” You kiss him quickly, before giving him a little love tap on the cheek. “Now go get the boat ready. I’m going to fill the cooler with beer and my disgusting drinks.”

It’s a good morning on the boat—the perfect juxtaposition between the cool breeze as you cruise the lake and the gentle warmth of the sun as you drop anchor and Tyler tries (and fails) to catch fish for supper. Despite his earlier teasing, you find him more often with your drinks in his hand than his own, but he just gives you that stupid grin of his when you try to say something.

Marshall and Cash lounge away on a bench seat, content to soak in the sun rays while their brother alternates between trying to jump on your and Ty’s laps and lounging at the front of the boat where the water crests over the bow. Your Insta stories consist of a short video of the boat cutting through calm waves, a shot of the cold drink in your hand, and one of Marshall looking away from the camera. Tyler reposts each one—every story slightly tilted in the way that all hockey players do when reposting on Insta.

Without the tension hanging over your head any longer, the good mood continues back at the cottage. You giggle and laugh through making supper, feeding the boys more than their fair share through meal prep before lounging on the back deck to enjoy your meals.

The boys don’t get the invitation to climb up onto the bed until long after Tyler’s made your toes curl and your eyes roll to the back of your bed.

Truth be told, the next morning you’re not quite sure how any other day of the long weekend could possibly hope to compare to the complete 180 of the day before. Until you’re woken with a kiss and the smell of caffeine and waffles. The waffles turn out to be just eggos, but he gets a solid A for effort, if only because he’s made you a cup of your favorite warm drink exactly how you like it.

The morning fades into early afternoon as you lounge outside with your boys, your book in one hand and a cold drink in the other while Tyler runs around after the dogs, checking in every now and then like a toddler. “Did you see that babe?” and “what about that babe?” and “look at Gerry, babe!”

The sun is warm on your face, and you’re content to soak it all up while focusing most of your attention on your book. Only most of your attention, because Tyler is running around without his shirt on and there may have been a time or two where you had to read the same page several times over until it stuck. You’re just finishing a chapter when your sunlight goes dark, mere seconds before your boyfriend is tucking your bookmark to mark your page and tossing the book to the side and covering your body with his.

“You, me, shower then boat. Whaddya say?” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and you nearly choke on your own spit before letting out a sharp laugh.

The shower is short and quick, less handsy than maybe you were expecting until he slides behind your naked body, gripping and holding your bare skin as you apply hair products in the mirror.

“Wear that sundress I like,” he suggests, nipping at the skin of your shoulder and dancing out of the bathroom before you can get out so much as a confused ‘okay?’

Undoing the knots holding the boat to the dock is a tad harder than you remember it being while your movements are slightly more restricted in the dress you’re wearing, but you manage to get it done while Tyler starts up the boat.

Getting on the thing itself is a little harder after you’ve pushed it off the dock a little, what with the yellow lab laying directly in front of the door.

“Move it, Ger,” Tyler says, pushing his youngest back to give you room to hop onto the boat. “Let mom get on board.”

You preen under the sound of his voice, your stomach warming the way it always does when he calls you the dogs’ mom. Grabbing Tyler’s hand, you thank him quietly and have a seat beside Cash in the tiny bit of space not occupied by the large dog.

When you get out further on the open water, you grab a drink from the cooler at your feet and relax further into the seat, head tilting back to try and catch some of the breeze.

“This is nice, Ty,” you tell him contentedly before taking a sip of your drink.

He doesn’t drive much further, finding a little bay and dropping the anchor before shutting off the boat’s engine.

You look out at the water, admiring the way it reflects the sun that’s beginning to set. He moves until he’s stood at your back, caging you in his arms. He kisses your bare shoulder and then your neck and then your cheek. “I love you.”

You sigh again, relaxing further into his embrace and leaning your head back against his shoulder. “I love you too. I can’t believe I really thought you were going to break up with me.”

He kisses your shoulder once more before backing off entirely, and you find yourself missing the warmth even though the early September air isn’t exactly cool yet. A minute or two pass before he speaks, “Well, I don’t really wanna call you my girlfriend anymore.”

You’re confused, a little bit of that earlier hurt finding its way back into your heart and brows furrowing as you spin around, only to pause in your motions with a gasp caught in your throat.

“There’s something else I’d rather call you if you let me.” Tyler’s on one knee, holding an open ring box and you’re sure it’s a lovely ring but all you can see is that stupid smile on his face and all you can feel is just how much you love this guy. In this moment, every single stupid fight you’ve ever had is inconsequential, utterly unimportant except for the fact that they’ve all brought you forward to this place, this moment, this feeling.

He starts to launch into some clearly rehearsed speech, and you wonder how long he’s been planning this if for no other reason than all three dogs are perfectly quiet and well behaved despite their dad at ground level which would ordinarily send Gerry into a licking fit.

And it’s all just so crazy, so ridiculous that you say “No.”

“No?” He looks a little nauseous, that same look on his face from yesterday where it’s like he couldn’t comprehend your response crossing his face.

It’s not what you mean, not at all actually, the exact opposite, really, and so you quickly fire back “No because yes.”

“Yes?” he asks, somehow like he can’t believe it and yet like it’s the exact answer he was expecting.

You’re crying now, a hand clasped firmly over your mouth, and the other reaching for him as you nod fervently, “Yes!”

“She said yes!” he shouts, popping up and pulling you into his body. Shouting comes from all around you, flash photography nearly blinding you as a dozen of your closest family and friends reveal themselves on nearby boats. The dogs finally lose their cool, barking and jumping and you honestly could not care less about the chaos.

Not with Tyler sliding a ring on your finger and his tongue in your mouth in an earth shattering kiss, the promise of forever with him on his lips.

#nhl fic#nhl imagine#nhl imagines#nhl fanfic#nhl fanfiction#nhl x reader#tyler seguin fic#tyler seguin imagine#tyler seguin imagines#tyler seguin fanfic#tyler seguin fanfiction#tyler seguin x reader#shelb writes


May 28, 2022

family man , tyler seguin

note, how did i come up with this idea? i got a tiktok on my fyp, an edit of ty from his gq interview. we all know the one.pair, tyler seguin x readersummary, the five times tyler gushed about his family to the media.warnings, children/kids, mentions of murder (jokingly)word count, 2098 words

(gif not mine)

Tyler was a proud guy and he loved talking about his family at any chance he could. If prompted, he would proceed to gush, and even un-prompted he would gush about you and Rosie.

one. postgame, september 2017

Tyler was getting ready to leave for the arena. He really want to have you there with him but Rosie was still too small, so you settled for watching it on TV.

He kept, longingly, looking back at you and Rosie as he tied his tie, "Stop. Just get ready." You laughed, throwing something at him.

"Hey, violence!" He shouted.

You shook your head as you rocked Rosie. He eventually was ready and opened his arms. You placed Rosie in his arms and he smiled, "Goodbye, Roro. Be good for mom. Promise?"

He held out his pinky, which Rosie wrapped her tiny little hand around, "Good." He smiled and kissed her head.

He stared down at her for a few more minutes, not wanting to leave or let go, "You gotta go, Ty."

"No." He shook his head, "Wanna stay."

"I know." You frowned, "But you have you." He sighed but relented.

He grabbed his stuff and you followed him to the door. He slung his bag over his shoulder and turned around you both and looked so sad you almost didn't want to send him away.

"We love you." You told him, leaning up and kissing his cheek.

"Love you, too." He kissed you. He then leaned down and kissed Rosie's head, "And I love you, too, sweet girl."

You watched from the comfort of your couch, dogs laying all around you, sporting your Seguin jerseys, Rosie wearing one of her own but it being a little too big on her.

"Stars Fans, this summer, our very own Tyler Seguin and his girlfriend Y/N welcomed a new family member to their clan. Please put your hands together and welcome Rosie to the Stars family." The arena erupted in cheers, from both sides.

You smiled, moving Rosie so she could see the screen. On the jumbotron, a photo taken after Rosie was born flashed up onto the big screen. It was after you got home from the hospital. His mom had taken it.

The camera flashed down to Tyler who flashed a teary smile to the fans. He nodded appreciatively and waved a hand. Fans on the other side banged their sticks against the side of the wall.

After the game, Tyler knew most, if not all, questions would be about Rosie and he was pumped.

"So, Tyler, tell us…" Right off the bat, Tyler knew exactly where the question was going, "How's dad-life?"

"Oh, man, I was waiting for this one." He got laughs, "It's the best thing in the entire world.

"You have a daughter, correct?"

"Yeah, Rosie."

"Is Rosie best friends with the dogs?"

"Oh, for sure. Before she was even born, they were the ones standing guard next to Y/N, my girlfriend." A smile found its way onto his face when he said the word 'girlfriend'.

“And is Rosie a daddy’s girl yet?”

“She’s a doggy’s girl.” He laughed, “They’re best friends.”

“That’s so sweet.”

two. home interview, june 2018

Home interviews weren't something done too often, but Tyler was asked and he accepted. So, you cleaned your house to the Gods, even when Tyler assured you people wouldn't judge you on the appearance of your house.

You ignored him.

While Tyler sat in the backyard, Gerry sitting at his feet with the interviewer, you were in the little playroom with Rosie, attempting to entertain her.

"Dada." She whined.

"I know, I'm sorry. Daddy's busy." You cooed, rocking her back and forth, trying to avoid a meltdown.

"Dada." Marshall and Cash tried to soothe her but even they couldn't help.

She kept crying as you tried to soothe her, bouncing her up and down and running a hand up and down her back. She pointed up, "You want to go upstairs?" She nodded.

You held her hands and helped her up the stairs and helped her walk into the kitchen. Her eyes went wide when she saw all the camera equipment sitting in the living room.

You opened the fridge and looked down at her, "Do you want a snack, Roro?" She nodded, and you picked her up, pointing to the different food sitting in the fridge.

She pointed to the container of strawberries, "Berry." She pointed.

"Good choice." You pulled out the strawberries and set her on the ground so she could play with the dogs. While you were cleaning and cutting the strawberries, she waddled over to the backyard door.

"Do you guys have any special game-day rituals?" The interviewer asked. The questions before had been a bit more hard-hitting, so a fun question in between was a nice change of pace.

Tyler laughed, "Yeah, we do. It's different between each game. Before home games, all three of us have a special little ritual, which I won't share because it's our special thing." The interviewer nodded, understandingly.

"But at all the home games they come to, we have our ritual up by the glass."

"And what's that?"

"I'm sure we all know what it is because it's been posted everywhere on social media, but we blow each other kisses through the glass. It's our thing." He shrugged.

"And is it different for away games?"

"Yeah, we do our goodbye ritual before I leave, but before each game, I usually Facetime them, just to see them. So, that's usually our only game-day rituals." The interviewer smiled.

Gerry's head popped up and he looked over at Rosie. Tyler out of the corner of his eye spotted Rosie. She grinned and waved. He waved, gesturing for her to come over.

She waddled over and raised her arms, "Up." She demanded, and Tyler picked her up, setting her in his lap.

She had yet to see the interviewer, but when she did, she got shy and huddled further into Tyler, "Speak of the princess, and she shall appear." Tyler joked.

"What's your name?" The man asked.

"Rosie Juliet Seguin." She stated, making Tyler smile proudly.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you, Rosie." The man smiled, holding out his hand. She reached out and shook it, "So, Rosie, do you like watching your dad play hockey?"

"Sticks?" She asked.

"Yeah." Tyler nodded.

"Yeah!" She cheered.

"What's your favorite part about going to dad's games?"

"Unke Rope."

"Her favorite part is seeing Uncle Roope." Tyler translated.

The interviewer nodded with a laugh. Rosie looked over to the backyard door and saw you standing there. You raised a brow but she only burrowed herself further into her father's arms. You sighed, shaking your head but letting her win this battle.

three. podcast interview, august 2019

"So, tell me, now that all the work questions are out of the way, let's get down to the fun ones. Congrats, I saw you got married last month." Ally, the interviewer smiled.

"Yes, thank you." Tyler nodded.

"I might've shed a few tears while watching your wedding video." She admitted, "Especially when Rosie walked down the aisle."

"Oh, you and me both." Tyler laughed.

"And when the dogs walked down the aisle." She looked down at her notes, "I know there are so many different moments to pick from, but which one is your favorite?"

"I have two." He stated, "The first one is definitely seeing Rosie for the first time. We had a special first look with me and her, so seeing her the first time was special."

"That's so cute."

"It was, I think it's in the wedding video, but it was my favorite moment I got to share with her. She was so excited too. She picked out her dress and the entire night she gushed about how excited she was to get her makeup done and get her hair done up all special." He gushed.

"Awh." Ally smiled.

"And my other favorite moment was after the ceremony before the reception, Y/N and I, we just sat in a room in the reception hall while guests were arriving, just sitting there. We were eating a bag of goldfish and I think then it was finally settling in that we were actually married."

Ally nodded with a laugh, "That might be universal."

"Did that happen with you too?"

"Yeah, after I got married, we were sitting in the car, my husband and I, and we were literally just sitting there and it was finally sinking in. It was crazy."

"It was surreal, that's for sure."

"Well send my congratulations to the Missus, and tell her she looked absolutely gorgeous."

"I let her know that every day." He flashed his goofy grin.

four. gq tattoo tour, february 2020

"I'm Tyler Seguin, and this is my tattoo tour." He slammed the clapperboard.

He got through all the tattoos on his arms and his right chest, as he called it, before stopping at the tattoo on his right ribcage. It was Rosie's name in cursive. It was simple but it meant so much to you and Tyler.

"This tattoo is special to me because my wife and I got matching tattoos. We both got our daughter's name tattooed, but her's is on her forearm."

He ran his hand over the lettering, "I tossed up a few ideas, but the only idea that stuck with her was this one, so here we are." He nodded.

"I, of course, have my wedding band tattoo." He flashed the tattooed wedding band etched into the skin of his left ring finger, "It has both of our initials and our wedding date." He explained.

"I can't wear my ring on the ice, so this is the next best thing I have." He shrugged.

"Any more?" The person behind the camera asked.

"Yeah, I have one I have yet to tell my wife about, so sorry honey." He looked into the camera with a laugh, "I recently got this one while on the road." Below Rosie's name was 6 delicate small hearts.

"All 6 hearts represent our family. So one for me, one for Y/N, one for Rosie, and the other three are the dogs." He laughed.

The GQ interview came out, and you watched it, learning about the new tattoo on his ribcage. You found him in the basem*nt playroom, "Let me see it." You demanded.

"See what?"

"You know what." He lifted up his shirt, letting you see the tiny hearts, "Oh, Ty." You cooed.

"What? Is it bad? Do you not like it?" He panicked.

"No, no, I love it. It's sweet." You smiled, kissing his cheek.

five. interview, june 2020

"So, Tyler…" The interviewer began, "There have been some rumors flying around, and I've had many people send me messages asking me to ask you this question."

"Oh, boy." He laughed.

"Before this question gets taken the wrong way because that's the last thing I want to do is insult you or your wife, but are you expecting?" The man asked.

Tyler smiled, "Oh, man, she's gonna be so upset with me. But yeah, baby Seguin is coming sometime of next year." He beamed.

"Well, you heard it here first, friends. Baby Seguin number 2 is coming soon." The interviewer clapped.

"Thank you, thank you."

"Congrats, and send my congrats to the Missus."

"I will if she doesn't kill me first." He laughed.

The next day, Tyler awoke to messages from friends, family, and everyone else in his life, to articles of different titles, but they all said similar things.




He decided to take to Twitter to send out a message because there were a few messages, concerned you had in fact murdered him.

tseguinofficial: Yes, baby number 2 is coming, and thank you o the people who reached out to make sure I was still alive. Thank you for all your kind messages.

19.6k likes5.4k retweets

ynseguin: for the last time, i wasn't gonna actually kill you loser 🙄



Liked by dallasstars, tseguin92 and 12,395 others

yn.seguin yes, baby #2 is coming. i had a special announcement planned, but blabbermouth tyler had to go out and spill the beans. and yes, tyler’s alive and doing fine.

tagged: @/tseguin92

View all 395 comments

tseguin92 it was an accident!

dallasstars congrats again!! 💚

starswags the fact that she has to keep saying he’s still alive 😭


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add yourself to my taglist!

for rosie’s name tattoo (view here) imagine it says rosie’s name and not james lol

#tyler seguin imagine#tyler seguin imagines#tyler seguin x reader#tyler seguin fic#tyler seguin#nhl imagine#nhl imagines#nhl fic#nhl#hockey imagine#hockey imagines#hockey fic#hockey#dallas stars imagine#dallas stars imagines#dallas stars fic#dallas stars#taylor writes#taylor writes: hockey#the seguin squad series#the seguin squad#dad!tyler


Jan 13, 2023

tyler seguin - happier

pairing: tyler seguin x readerrequested: yessummary: your near perfect relationship shatters when an article is released word count: 1.1kwarnings: cheating, swearing, angst

a/n: so this was a request someone sent in and if you guys know me, you know I'm a sucker for angst lol anyways ty for reading and I hope you like it!! big thanks to @bookluversposts for editing this! I am currently accepting requests which you can send here and my masterlist here & frequently asked questions here.

It started out like this:

Mornings spent together eating breakfast, stealing sips of his coffee when he was distracted on his phone even though he takes his drink black but you still liked the small smile on his face when he pretended not to notice. Getting take-out after a game, sitting in his truck in some random parking lot like two teenagers on a date because sometimes it was nice to forget about hockey and the media and pretend you both were just an ordinary couple. Late night calls when he was on the road, sharing details about each other's days and planning future days. Being there for each other on the bad days. After the tough losses or bad days at work.

It wasn’t all perfect because there were still the arguments that ended in tears and silent treatments and sleeping in separate beds. The next mornings when you would sit in silence, not wanting to apologize and be the pushover in the relationship.

The nights you would lay in bed while he was on the road or out with friends wondering if the rumors about him were true. His friends joked that you were the girl who changed him but he always looked uneasy when they said that and it left doubts in the back of your mind.

When you brought up marriage one night and he shrugged and said marriage is boring, isn’t this enough? So you had to convince yourself that it was enough for you, while you watched his teammates propose to their significant others and listen to the whispers from the girls wondering why he hadn’t asked you, saying maybe he didn’t want to settle down and wanted the single life.

So it ended like this:

A text message from Jamie one night while they were on the road and you were getting ready for bed, that had a link attached and two words.

I’m sorry.

It was obvious before you even let yourself open the link that you would find what you had been expecting. A clear picture of Tyler kissing a random girl, that you knew was recent and not some old picture because it showed one of his tattoos that he had only recently gotten. The article title, Seguin cheats on girlfriend as if they were announcing the morning weather.

You waited for a text from him, trying to say it wasn’t real or maybe even an apology but Jamie’s text was the only one you received. So you went to bed that night wondering if he was aware of the article and was afraid to text you or simply didn’t care. It was the latter, you realized when he didn’t text you for the rest of the road trip.

When he got home in the early hours of the morning, you were curled up on the sofa with one of the dogs, coffee in hand. He didn’t see you at first, tossing his keys on the island and dropping his duffel bag by the door, but as he started walking to the kitchen, his footsteps faltered when he saw you sitting there.

“Exciting road trip?” You asked, watching as he opened and closed his mouth looking like a fish out of water gasping for air. You wanted to scream, cry and maybe throw something at him because you spent the last two days feeling like you were drowning.

He finally settled on, “you saw it?”

The laugh that escaped you was bitter and your next words felt like acid. “Saw it? I had it shoved down my throat since Jamie sent it to me. I’ve had to ignore calls from everybody who saw it and wanted to know if it was true.” You stood up, letting the blanket you had wrapped around you drop to the floor. “I wanted to get the full story before I said anything so tell me, was any of it real? Did you think about me sitting at home waiting for you while you went and slept with whoever you wanted?” He opened his mouth to say something but you cut him off. “Given your history, I should’ve known better.”

“It- it was once.” He whispered, as if that would make it any better. “It didn’t mean anything, I swear. I love you.”

You watched as he took slow steps towards you, as if you were a spooked deer. When he was a foot away, you told him to stop and he did.

You always prided yourself on the fact that you were good at reading people. Telling if they were good or bad. Lying or telling the truth.

If they were a decent person or not and boy, did you f*ck that up when it came to Tyler.

“You love me?” You asked, carefully keeping your voice steady.

“Yes.” He said, reaching for your hand and you let him take it, just like you let him take your heart and smash it in a million pieces. Like you gave him everything you had and trusted him to not ruin it.

What a mistake that was.

You stepped back, making him drop your hand. “Try telling someone who’ll believe you.”

His face crumpled and you wondered if it was a facade, a ploy to try and get you to forgive him. For you to give him what was left of your heart, trusting that he wouldn’t break the rest.

Without another word, you turned your back to him and walked out the door.

Six months later.

It’s a coffee shop, of all places that you bump into him. He’s with Jamie, standing at the counter ordering his black coffee and flirting with the girl serving him. You should feel sick, angry even but you feel nothing. Even though you dated for five years, you somehow found it easy to get over him. Maybe it was because you were always expecting it in the back of your mind, but it didn’t wallow for longer than two or three weeks. You moved on and found out who you were without him and you have never been happier.

So when he turns around and his eyes land on you, you don’t react like you know he’s expecting you to. You walk up to the counter and order your drink, watching the barista he was flirting with still flustered and you want to tell her don’t fall for it like I did. But you just smile politely and take your drink, turning around only to find Tyler still standing there.

“Hey,” Jamie says, giving you a brief hug before looking at Tyler who is staring at you. He looks like he wants to say something or maybe hug you. You just smile and brush past him, walking outside into the warm Dallas day.

#tyler seguin imagines#tyler seguin fanfic#tyler seguin fanfiction#dallas stars imagines#dallas stars fanfic#hockey fanfic#hockey imagines masterlist#nhl imagines#allies writing


Nov 8, 2022

Made to Last || Tyler Seguin/Jamie Benn Pt. 22

A/N: I'm thinking there's going to be just 1 or 2 more parts to this story unless y'all want more. I definitely cried writing this.

Song Inspo: Made to Last by Issues & You're Not Sorry Taylor Swift

Paring: Tyler x Reader Jamie x Reader

Warnings: Cussing, angst

Word Count: 1216


Y/N's P.O.V.

Last night you cried yourself to sleep, mourning the relationship you and Tyler once had. You came to a conclusion, whether you and Jamie work out or not, you still have to have this conversation with Tyler. Just the thought of what you're about to tell the man you used to think you were going to spend the rest of your life with guts you. Part of you wishes you could be a chicken sh*t and do this over the phone. As you wait for the door to open you try to collect your thoughts.

"Y/N now's not really a good time." Tyler's greeting is laced with annoyance. Not exactly the greeting you were hoping for. Though you can't really say you're surprised.

"Tell Nessa to put some clothes on, or tell her to wait. We need to have this conversation, and we need to have it now. I also need to get the rest of my things." Maybe this conversation will be easier than you thought. Rolling his eyes, Tyler steps to the side inviting you in.

"So this is it?" He asks.

"Tyler, I've wasted all this time waiting and hoping you'd come around. I've been giving out chances and every time all you do is let me down. And it's taken me this long to figure it out. You're thinking we'll be fine, because every time you f*ck up I come running back, but not this time around. Could've loved you all my life if you hadn't left me waiting in the cold. You had me crawling for your love, and it never would've gone away. You used to shine so bright, but I watched all of it fade You can tell me you're sorry, but I don't believe you like I did before. I don't want to hurt anymore. It's not just me I have to look out for anymore. Part of me was hoping we'd work out for our child, but you accusing me of cheating, and you running back to the arms of Nessa the second something seemed off between us is the last straw. So you don't have to worry about the 2 of us anymore. I'm done, we're done. The baby and I deserve so much better and more than you could ever give." You were proud of yourself, not a single tear was shed.

"I'm sorry." That's all he had to say. After 2 and a half years, all he had to say was he was sorry. You had hoped that maybe he would've shown that he still cared, but he didn't.

"You're not, but that's okay. I'm really sorry. I'll grab my things and be out of your hair." You reach in your back pocket and grab the ring he gave you, "give this to someone you really want forever with, not because you feel guilty." With that, you go collect your things.

"What are you doing here?" Nessa hisses. Lovely.

"Don't worry you dumb bitch I'm just here to get my sh*t and go." You can't see what Tyler sees in her, maybe she's got a puss* of gold. That's the only thing that would be appealing about her.


Tyler's P.O.V.

"Y/N, before you go I feel like I need to give my side." Right now seemed like the best time to come clean. She's already leaving me, not that I blame her.

"It's not going to change anything Ty, I've made my mind up, and seeing Nessa here just cemented my choice."

"What I have to say is only going to make things worse." I take a deep breath, " I can't tell you why or when but I lost feelings for you, and around that time I started seeing Nessa again. I know it was wrong, but I just didn't see a way out. I figured if I was a big enough dick eventually you would've left me like you're doing now. I really am sorry I thought hurting you was the best option. That being said, you can drop the whole pregnancy facade." The look on Y/N's face tells me I struck a nerve.

"You're a f*cking idiot." Is all she had to say before slamming my door in my face. We hadn't been having a lot of sex in the first place with her being stabbed and all, so there was no way she is pregnant with my child. There was a small voice in the back of my head telling me she wouldn't lie about something like that, but I refused to believe her. If I believed her, that makes me an even bigger asshole than I intended to be.

A knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts. Maybe Y/N forgot something? She's about the only person I could think of that would knock. To my surprise it's Jamie.

"Why the hell are you knocking?" I ask.

"We need to have a little chat." Something is off in his tone. My gut tells me whatever he's about to say isn't going to be something I like. Stepping to the side I let him in. "I've done a lot of thinking and I feel it's best that I tell you how I'm feeling." What the hell is he talking about?

"Okay? If you're about to tell me what a sh*tty person I am, Y/N did a pretty good job of that already, and sadly I don't give a sh*t." There is a small part of me that does feel bad for the sh*t I've done, but I don't really care.

"I'm glad she did. Tyler you f*cked up, bad. But I'm not here to yell at you. I've already told Y/N, but I feel like you deserve to know that I'm in love with her." What. The. f*ck. "I don't know why or when but I'm in love with her. Like I said I already told her, and if she decided to have me, I'm going to treat her right."

"How long have you 2 been f*cking?" Logically I know Jamie wouldn't do that to me, but right now I'm not thinking logically. Of all the people I could see Y/N moving on with, I never would've thought it'd be my best friend. I thought she'd leave Texas and I'd never see her again. That's what made this so easy. Seeing her happy and thriving is something I don't know if I can handle.

"You're a f*cking idiot. You know better than that. She was or is madly in love with you, she would've never done you dirty the way you've done her dirty. I was happy to sit back and let you two be happy, but you went a f*cked up again. So now if she'll let me, I'm going to step up to the plate and treat her the way you should've from the start."

"So you're just going to throw away our friendship over a little bit of pus-," before I could finish my sentence his fist connected with my jaw.

"You are the only person to blame for our friendship being what it is now. And don't you ever talk about Y/N that way. We both know she's more than that." I haven't seen Jamie this pissed since the morning Y/N left the first time.

#Tyler Seguin#tyler seguin fic#tyler seguin one shot#tyler seguin imagine#tyler seguin imagines#tyler x reader#jamie benn#jamie benn imagine#jamie benn fic#jamie benn x reader#made to last#imagine#nhl imagine#hockey imagine#dallas stars#dallas stars fic


Dec 1, 2021

Kid... (Tyler Seguin)

Does include swearing and mentions of cheating...

Tyler and I had met when he first came to Dallas. I was only a few years younger than him but for some reason, he had nicknamed me Kid. For a while, he was just like an older brother. Throughout the years, a bunch of things in both of our lives changed but the one thing that was consistent with him was that he never liked any of the people I dated. So it was no surprise that the minute I started dating Princeton, Tyler had his reservations.

"You're dating a dude named Princeton?" He asked as soon as I finished announcing my new relationship.


"His name is Princeton?"

"Tyler. What's wrong this time?" I asked, sitting back on the couch and sipping on my wine.

"Kid, his name is Princeton."

"And you're name is Tyler." I laughed, knowing exactly where his logic was currently.

"Princeton is such a douche name!"

"And Tyler isn't? Can't you just give him a chance?"

"Fine kid. But don't come crying to me when it all goes wrong." He laughed, pouring more wine into my glass.

"Deal." I laughed as well, taking another drink. What I didn't know was just how right he was.


A few months later, Princeton had decided that he wanted to meet my friends. I had met his friends but he had yet to meet mine. When I got the text that the boys were heading to the bar after a winning game, I jumped at the chance. I texted Princeton and then started getting ready.

Not long after, he showed up in an uber and we were on our way. The whole ride, I told Princeton a little about the boys and how we had met. I told him how Tyler was the first one of the bunch I met and how we immediately clicked. I also warned him that Tyler may be a little standoffish. When he asked why I slowly danced around how Tyler had never liked any of the guys I was with.

"He's just very protective and only wants the best for me. Once he gets to know you and sees how amazing you are, he'll lighten up."

"Okay." He whispered back, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"And you let me know when you want to leave. I don't work tomorrow but I'll go when you go."

We pulled up to the bar and ran in. It wasn't freezing but it was cold in my current outfit. Once we made our way in, I spotted the boys and pulled Princeton towards them.

"Kid! You made it!" Tyler yelled over the music, pulling me into a hug. "You're freezing. Here." He said, taking his suit jacket and wrapping it over my arms.

"Thanks, Ty. Princeton, this is Tyler, Tyler, Princeton."

"Nice to meet you man," Tyler said, holding his hand out.

"Yeah," Princeton said, ignoring Tyler's outstretched hand and instead, wrapping his hand around my waist.

"Well, I'll introduce you to the rest of the boys." I said, mouthing 'I'm sorry' to Tyler. Once all the introductions were over, Princeton offered to get us drinks. Tyler sat next to me as soon as Princeton made his way to the bar.

"What a jerk."

"Ty, he had a long day at work. Give him another chance. Please? For me?" I said, using my best puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. But he should have at least shook my hand." He joked, nudging me on the arm.

"Here you go, hun," Princeton said, setting down my drink beside me.

"Thanks, babe." I smiled, taking a sip. Instead of it being my favourite, it was something else, something strong. As a reflex, I made a face, not expecting what was actually in the glass.

"Everything all right?" Princeton asked, sitting in on the other side of me.

"Yeah. I just haven't had anything to drink in a while." I smiled, leaning into his chest.

I slowly finished my glass and threw my two cents into the conversation every now and then. Princeton was quiet the whole time but kept his hand on me in one way or another. With an empty glass and a few empty beer bottles, Tyler was next to get the drinks. He came back with a tray full of more beer and one glass, placing it in front of me.

"Here you go, kid."

"Thanks, Ty..." I chuckled, taking a sip and letting it run down my throat. This one went much better and once I had it down, I became more lively and began to actually enjoy the night again. That soon came crashing down as I felt Princeton squeeze my shoulder.

"We should go." He whispered, sliding out of his chair. I nodded, getting out of my chair and turning back to the table.

"I'll see you guys later," I called, waving at everyone. I went to take off Tyler's jacket but felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Keep it. I'll get it later. Stay warm."

"Thanks, Seguin," I whispered, giving him a side hug. "Good game."


The next day, I was over at Tyler's place on the floor with the dogs as he was making coffee.

"I knew it. He's a douche."


"He didn't realize you were freezing when you first walked in, didn't know your drink order, and made you leave as soon as you were having fun. And, may I reiterate, his name is Princeton."

"Tyler, I told him to let me know when he wanted to leave."

"And you're making excuses for him... again." He pointed out, passing me a mug. "Just admit that he sucks, break up with him, and then we can move on."

"You are literally the worst friend in the world," I said, getting up. "Tyler, I'm happy. Why can't you see that?"

"Because that's not how a relationship should be kid!"

"And I should be taking relationship advice from you? A man who hasn't been in a serious relationship since I met you?"

"God, you really can be an idiot at times." He laughed, sitting at the island.

"Great. Well, I should go." I sighed, checking the time.

"What? Oh, come on. Don't do this."

"Do what? I told Princeton I was going to meet him for lunch so I need to go. I'll talk with you later." I scoffed, walking out. I knew this fight wasn't going to last. We couldn't be mad at each other for more than a few days. This time, however, I would need more than a few days to cool off.


Princeton and I's first year anniversary came faster than I thought but we weren't going to be spending it together. He had a work trip set up but had sent me flowers that morning. As disappointed as I felt, I couldn't dwell on it too long. For the rest of the day, I spent time alone but had promised Tyler a dinner. We hadn't seen each other in a while, with him busy with hockey and me with work. I made a quick stop at the grocery store before making my way to his house.

"Good evening." Tyler smiled, leaning on the door frame as he opened the door for me.

"Hey, Ty. You gonna let me in or are you just going to stand there looking like a GQ model?"

"You think I look like a GQ model?" He laughed, stepping aside.

"Don't let it get to your head. I brought stuff to make pizza."

"This is why you're my favourite."

"I beat out Jamie?" I smiled, setting all the bags up on the kitchen island.

"Don't let it get to your head kid." He laughed, helping me unpack. Tyler helped me around the kitchen but let me take charge.

"Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Or we could go sit by the fire? We haven't just talked in a while." He suggested, pouring us both some wine.

"That sounds really nice." I chuckled, taking the pizza out of the oven. "Thank you for tonight. I've missed this."

"You know you are welcome anytime. Not just when I'm not here." He laughed, silently thanking me for taking care of the dogs while he is away.

"I'll keep that in mind." I chuckled, picking up both pizzas and following him out onto the patio. We placed everything down and started the fire pit. I went to grab a few blankets as he went to grab some cushions.

"So, where's Princeton?" Tyler asked as he set the cushions down.

"He's on a work trip. He didn't want to go today of all days but-" I stopped realizing what I just said.

"What's so important about today?"

"Well. It's our one-year anniversary." I said, knowing he would see right through any lie I tried. "And before you say anything, I know."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. We're planning on getting dinner when he's back."

"That's nice. Is he taking you somewhere nice?"

"I think so. He's keeping it a surprise." I smiled, lifting the wine glass to my lips. "Enough about him. How have you been?"

We spent the rest of the night outside, finishing off the bottle of wine and both pizzas. It was nice to just sit together, talking about whatever came to mind.

"We need to do this more often," I whispered as Tyler was helping me back into the house and towards his guest room. I was definitely feeling that wine and knew I would regret it in the morning.

"And we will. But right now, you should get some sleep."

"Thank you, Ty. For everything." He tucked me into the bed, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Good night."


A few weeks later, Jamie and I were over at Tyler's place. Empty take-out containers were littering the coffee table and there was music playing over the stereo. Tyler had just gone to the bathroom, leaving Jamie and me alone.

"So?" He started, keeping his voice low.


"How's Princeton? You two still together?"

"God, you're starting to sound like Tyler."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, sliding closer to me.

"Tyler has never liked any of the people I was with but for some reason, he really hates Princeton."

"Cause he likes you."

"What?" I whispered, my stomach twisting.

"Oh come on. We both know you're not that oblivious."

"There's no way. He keeps calling me kid."

"Okay, maybe you are." Before I could have my rebuttal, Tyler walked in, a pair of sweatpants in hand.

"Maybe you're what?" He asked, throwing the pants on my lap.

"Nothing," Jamie answered, a sh*t-eating grin taking over his face.

"You guys are f*cking weird."


For our second year anniversary, I decided to surprise Princeton. He had been extremely busy with work and I had a feeling that he would forget. I went shopping for a new dress, picked up our favourite take out and made my way to his apartment. When I finally arrived, I smoothed out my dress before getting to the door. I grabbed the key from under the mat and walked in.

"Princeton?" I called, not seeing him anywhere. "Prince?"

I set the food down onto the island and walked over to the couch, sitting on the couch. As I grabbed my phone to text him, I heard something from further into the apartment. I slowly walked down the hall and started hearing some more questionable sounds. Everything broke when I heard another woman moaning Princeton's name. Just like that, I froze. I finally came back to when I heard footsteps in the bedroom. I ran back to the front door and back to my car. I was able to drive away and got to a park before I broke down. I grabbed my phone and quickly called Tyler, not thinking straight at that point.

"Hello?" He yelled, some loud music in the background of his call.

"Ty." I squeaked out, hoping I would be able to keep it together.

"Hey, kid. You okay?"

"Yeah. I just, it's been a long day." I wiped away some tears, laying back in my seat remembering that conversation we had when I first told Tyler of Princeton. "Are you busy? I should let you go. I'm sorry."

"I have a few people over but we're not doing anything crazy. Do you want me to come over?"

"No, it's okay. I uh, I um." I started, feeling my throat starting to close up. "I'll talk to you tomorrow," I whispered, hanging up quickly.

Throwing my phone onto the seat next to me, I covered my face with my hands and just let it out. I was able to recover fairly quickly and safely made it home. I ripped off my dress, took off my makeup and put on some sweats and a t-shirt, falling back on my couch. I laid there for a while before feeling the hunger taking over. I got up to grab the takeout I got but quickly realized I had left it at Princeton's place. Shaking my head, I ordered something else and returned to the couch. About 20 minutes later, there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened the door to see Tyler standing there with a grocery bag in hand.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, shocked to see him.

"You said you had a long day so I brought some of your favourite food. Can I come in?"

"Uh yeah," I said, taking a step aside. "I uh, ordered some food in. There should be enough if you want some."

"Sounds good." He smiled, pulling me back to the living room. "So, you want to watch a movie?"


"Nope. We're not going there. We're going to have a relaxing night tonight." He placed his hand on my knee, squeezing it slightly. "We could watch the Hurricanes game? We play them next."


"Okay. Here." He said, passing me some chips from the grocery bag. He grabbed the remote and put the game on. He put the remote back on the coffee table and laid back. Only a few minutes later, there was another knock on the door. "I got it."

"My cards on the table," I called, leaning back to watch him.

He came back and passed me my dinner. We both ate in silence, the game on in the background. When we finished, I threw everything out and sat back next to Tyler. As the night went on I got closer and closer to him, finally laying my head on his shoulder. Before the third period even started, I had fallen asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I found myself wrapped in Tyler's arms. I slipped out of his hold and made my way to the kitchen. I made both Tyler and me some coffee and went back to the living room to see Tyler finally sitting up.

"Morning." I smiled, passing him a mug.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?"

"Pretty good. How about you?"

"Really well. Probably the best sleep I've had in a while." He laughed, hiding a smile behind his mug.

"Do you want some breakfast?" I asked, going to get up. Before I could, Tyler grabbed my wrist, pulling me back.

"Before that, do you want to talk about last night?"

"Yeah, sure." I sighed, getting comfortable.

"Y/N, you called me crying. I know you and I also know what last night was. What happened?"

"Ty, I'm not doing this," I whispered, getting up.

"What do you mean?"

"You um, you told me not to come to you when it all went wrong so..."

"Oh, kid." He sighed, pulling me into his chest. I took a breath but quickly fell apart. We sat there for a while, Tyler rubbing my back as I cried.

"I'm sorry Ty."

"Don't apologize. I'm sure it's not your fault."

"I don't know. Maybe it is?" I said, sitting up and wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Oh, kid. He didn't." He sighed, pulling me into his chest again. "I'm gonna kill him."


"I'm not actually going to do it." He laughed, rubbing my back again. I started laughing as well but stopped when I heard my phone ring. "Is that him?"

"I think so." I sighed, picking my phone up from the coffee table. I checked the name before showing it to Tyler.

"Are you going to answer it?"

"I'm going to have to. I didn't last night so I have to break up with him somehow."

"Do you want me to stay here?" I nodded before picking up the phone and putting it on speaker.


"Hey, babe. Did you bring some takeout to my place last night?" He asked a little bit of guilt in his voice.

"Uh yeah. I just assumed you were working last night so I thought I'd bring you some dinner." I said, feeling the anger bubbling in my body.

"That's so kind of you. Yeah, I was super busy last night. You should have come to see me, hun. I was just in my office."

"Huh. I thought I heard you in your bedroom. It sounded like you had company so I just left the food there for you."


"Yeah. What were you doing in there?" I asked looking up at Tyler, wondering how Princeton was going to try and dig himself out of this.

"My buddy recommended a tv show so I was checking it out..." He slowly said, not believing his own story.

"How long?"

"What?" He whispered out.

"How long have you been cheating on me?" I whispered, feeling Tyler grab my hand.

"Baby. Come on..."

"Princeton. I deserve to know."

"A year." He choked out, taking my breath away.

"Okay. Um, have a good life Princeton." I looked up at Tyler and hung up. "I can't, I."

"C'mere kid." He said, pulling me onto his lap. I spent the next almost 10 minutes bawling my eyes out. Eventually, I was out of tears and was drained of energy.

"I should have listened to you," I whispered, slipping my sleeves over my hands.

"Oh, kid. You know I don't like any of the people you date. Even the good ones. There's no way you could have known."

"But I should have," I said, sitting up. "Ty?"


"Do you like me?"

"Of course I like you. More than Jamie, you know that."

"Tyler..." I whispered, placing my hand on his arm.


"You do." I smiled, looking down for a minute. "That's why you never like anyone I date."

"Kid, you just found out your boyfriend was cheating on you for a year."

"And I know I'm in no shape to start a new relationship but if I was going to, it'd be you."

"What?" He choked out, wide-eyed.

"Ty, you have always been there for me. You were a much better boyfriend than Princeton could have ever been. You were with me on both of my anniversaries."

"So you would go out on a date with me if I asked?"

"In a heartbeat. I just need some time."

"Of course. I can wait." He smiled, grabbing my hand. "Oh, by the way. Can I get you saying you should listen to me in writing? Or I could record it."

"Shut up."

"Anything for you kid."

#tyler seguin imagine#tyler seguin imagines#nhl imagine#nhl imagines#tylerseguin


Oct 11, 2022

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly- Magical Mystery Ride chapter twenty five

Previous Chapter- Chapter Twenty Four- Aftershocks-

Wednesday- December 19th- Tyler’s house

Teddy stood in Tyler’s kitchen and added flour into the wet ingredients into a large bowl. She used a wooden spoon to stir the ingredients together. "Pretty One?" he called as he walked into the house, "I have food." Tyler walked into the kitchen with a pizza in one hand and a bouquet of roses in the other.

She looked up at him and smiled. "Sweet One, are those for me?" she asked as he set the items down. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned back into him. "What is the occasion?" she asked as she tilted her head as his mouth found the nape of her neck.

"I have the best girlfriend ever," he chuckled. He examined the island. “What are you doing, Pretty One?” he asked.

“Awww, Sweet One- I am not sure that’s true, but I appreciate the flowers. Love you to the moon and back” she replied, “To answer the question, I am making snickerdoodles to take to Lex tomorrow.” She turned her head to kiss his bearded cheek. “Mmmm, I will have to reward you properly later. Can you put them in the vase for me? I want to get the cookies into the oven before Lex’s game starts.”

Tyler rolled his eyes and reached into the cabinet for a vase. He teased, “A lesser boyfriend might get jealous that you insist on watching another team for the sole purpose of watching another man. And making him cookies too? That's the next level.”

“It’s a good thing that my boyfriend is a superior man then,” she teased back as she began to roll the cookies into balls. “Also, I am making enough for you too, Sweet One. I would never leave you out.” Tyler sat at the kitchen island and watched Teddy in "her element'. The first batch went into the oven a few minutes before the puck dropped.

Teddy sat next to Tyler and looked at him taking a swig of beer. "sh*t," she said, "I left my drink." She walked back into the kitchen. She stared for a moment before finally settling on a mixed drink, "Hey Sweet One, I am going to stay over tonight. Is that okay?"

"Is Tipsy Teddy staying too?" he laughed, “You never have to ask if it’s okay for you to stay the night. You are always welcome in my bed.”

"Absolutely," she said as she heard the game and returned with her glass. Her head popped as she heard the commentary from the announcers.

Now we have gloves coming off and it is Oleksiak and Wilson. And Oleksiak down and Wilson will skate around and eventually go to the box. Somebody better grab onto Oleksiak there. He was popped by Tom Wilson and is going to need some help getting to the dressing room. The first time Tom Wilson sees the Pittsburgh Penguins since that hit back in the playoffs last year. Isn’t on the ice for more than ten seconds. And he took offense to a big hit earlier in the sequence. Good on Wilson for not continuing after he KOs Oleksiak right there. That was all a by-product of a big hit earlier in the sequence.

The glass fell out of Teddy's hand and shattered on the floor. "Lex?" Teddy's voice sounded small and unsure. Tyler tore his eyes from the TV and saw the look of horror on her face. She took a step and her bare foot landed on a jagged piece of glass. She winced and Tyler leapt over the couch to pick her up. He swiftly carried her to the kitchen island. Teddy's eyes focused on the TV at the replay of the fight. The camera focused on Sidney Crosby in a shouting match with Alex Ovechkin. She smiled without thinking, "Thanks, Sid."

Tyler pulled the glass out her foot and applied pressure to her foot. "Hold it there," he said. She placed her hand on the cloth, craned her head and watched Lex walk down to the tunnel. Tyler turned his head, picked up the remote and turned off the TV. "You don't need to see anymore." he said softly. Teddy protested and Tyler silenced her with a kiss. "Pretty One, you will only work yourself into a lather," he said calmly, "We need to get your cut bandaged first."

Teddy watched him work efficiently. He cleaned the wound and then bandaged it neatly as she zoned out. The image of Lex's blank stare on the bench played on a loop in her mind. Tears started to fall, "How bad do you think he's hurt? Will he have to go to the hospital?" she asked quietly.

Tyler looked up and wiped her tears. "Hey, Big Rig will be okay. They are checking him for a concussion right now. Then they will check to make sure nothing is broken on his face."

"How long will it take to find out?" she questioned.

"Definitively? A couple of hours? It will be after the game," he answered, "Let's put on a movie. You text Big Rig and I will text Crosby. One of them will let us know."

Teddy reluctantly agreed and sent the text to Lex asking him to contact her. Then Tyler carried her back to the couch. "Princess Bride?," he asked but already knew the answer. The buzzer from the oven went off. Tyler took the cookies out of the oven and put them on the counter to cool. “We can deal with the cookies later,” he said as he climbed over the couch with a warm snickerdoodle in his hand. She smiled and leaned her body into his. After a few minutes she drifted off to sleep. Tyler reached for his phone and sent two quick texts. One to Lex asking him to call Teddy as soon as possible. One was to Crosby asking for an update.

Tyler gently shook Teddy and her eyes slowly opened. "Your phone is ringing," he explained.

She bolted upright and lunged for it. She answered without looking at the screen

Teddy: Are you okay? Lex, are you okay?

Sidney Crosby: Teddy- it’s not Lex.

Teddy looked at the phone and saw “Anonymous”

Teddy: Who is this?

Sidney: It’s Sidney Crosby. Seggy asked me to call you to update you on Big Rig. You know it seems like deja vu. Didn’t we have a conversation last December about Big Rig?

Sidney laughed and Teddy was silent.

Sidney: I am sorry, Teddy. That was a bad attempt at a joke.

Teddy: Oh no, I am sorry. I am just a little emotional.

Sidney: I understand. I don’t have a lot of information, but they are fairly certain that he has a concussion. The severity of the concussion is undetermined right now, but they should have some more information tomorrow. He will fly back with the team tonight and they will do more tests in the morning.

Teddy: Have you spoken to him? Is he okay?

Sidney: You know him better than I do. He seemed to be managing.

Teddy: I was going to fly in Friday morning to see him for his birthday. I was hoping that I could surprise him at practice that day. Can I still do that?

Sidney: That’s Friday. He should be here then, but not practicing. Shouldn’t be a problem for you to see him. I will make the arrangements to get you in.

Teddy: Ummm, Sid? How will he get home tonight? Should he drive?

Sidney: I will make sure to get him home tonight safely. Don’t worry Teddy. It looked worse than it is.

Teddy: You don’t know me, Sid. Worry is my middle name. Thank you for calling me though. I am sorry for the things I said to you in March.

Sidney: I deserved the words, Teddy. No thanks necessary.

Teddy looked over to see Tyler staring at her, "Go ahead and make the call."

"What call?" Teddy questioned.

"The call to your Dad to move up the jet," he replied calmly. Teddy crawled across the couch to Tyler and sat facing him. He looked at her and then looked down. “Pretty One, why wait until Friday morning . You are not going to be able to focus on anything else until you lay eyes on him. Go ahead and fly out early so you can see him. That’s all I am saying,” he answered quietly.

“Is it really all that you want to say?” she asked quietly, “It seems like you want to say something else.”

“There may be a twinge of jealousy in there. I don’t want it there to be, but it’s there,” he admitted.

“Jealousy of what?” she asked as she grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers.

“I am afraid that you are more concerned about him than me. It’s silly,” he confessed.

“Feelings are not silly, Sweet One,” she stared at him until he lifted his head and met her eyes. “This is my first experience with someone that I care about getting injured so maybe I am not handling it well. I don’t know. It was a tough thing to watch, but that doesn’t mean that I care more about Lex getting injured than if you were injured. If that had been you, I don’t think you could peel me off the floor. I wouldn’t be able to wait until the next day to get to you.”

Teddy felt the tears form in her eyes. “I don’t want to imagine if that was you. The thought alone makes my heart race, but I would have immediately picked up the phone and gotten to you by the end of the game. Nothing could keep me from you” The tears slowly released and rolled down her face.

“Shhhh,” Tyler whispered, “Don’t think about it. I am sorry that I got jealous.”

“No, I understand what you are feeling,” she kissed his cheek, “You are my number one priority. Got it?”

“Got it. Now make the call so we can go to bed,” he squeezed her tight.

Teddy’s phone rang and she looked down to see Lex’s face.

Teddy: Hey Lex

Lex: I can’t talk long. The plane is about to take off. Sid said that he spoke to you.

Teddy: He did.

Lex: So you saw the fight?

Teddy: Yes, I did.

Lex: I am okay, Bliss. Don’t worry about me.

Teddy: Have you met me? Did that punch knock all memory of me out of your brain? I worry about you on a normal day. Watching you unable to skate to the bench? That was a sucker punch to the gut. Not worrying about my best friend isn’t an option.

Lex: Try not to worry?

Teddy: I will try. Do you have food at your apartment?

Lex: Bliss…..

Teddy: Answer the question

Lex: No, I don’t have food. I was going to go grocery shopping tomorrow. I’ll figure it out somehow.

Teddy looked over at Tyler with a pained look on her face. He whispered “I know. You need to go now. I will call your dad.”

Teddy: Okay well, I will talk to you tomorrow and we’ll figure out the grocery thing, okay?

Lex: Bliss, please don’t worry too much about me

Teddy: I will try. Love you Lex.

Lex: Love you too.

Teddy put her phone down and went to find Tyler who was finishing his phone call with Robert. He turned to her, “You leave at 4:30 to arrive at 7 AM. There will be a car waiting to take you to Big Rig’s apartment. They will have breakfast for you to take to him.” She ran to him and jumped into his arms. “Woah, Pretty One,” he laughed.

She showered him with kisses, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“Thank you for what?” he asked.

“Taking one look at my face and knowing what I needed to do. Then you made it happen,” she began to laugh but then got serious. He shook her gently to lighten the mood. She rested her head on his shoulder. “Sweet One….” she began before her voice cracked. He squeezed her tight, “How did I get so lucky? How did I get so lucky that you fell in love with me?”

“Nope, I am the lucky one,” he insisted “You do what you need to do and then come back to me, okay?” He started to carry her up the stairs. “I can think of one way you can reassure me before you leave,” he laughed.

“Oh really? What is that?” she inquired.

“Help me get lucky with that hot Teddy. I love her so much,” he kissed her softly.

“Not as much as she loves you,” she replied.


Lex lifted his head off of the pillow and set it back down. He could see the sun beginning to rise through his curtains. He did a quick assessment of his body. Nothing hurt below the shoulders other than his right hand, which was bruised. He brought it up to gingerly touch the cut below his left eye. All things considered he had come relatively unscathed from the fight the night before. Well, except for that pesky concussion. Lex silently cursed to himself. It was his first concussion in the NHL, but he knew enough that the diagnosis would require him to jump through multiple hoops to get back on the ice. Now was not the time that he wanted to be away from the team and potentially drop down on the roster.

Lex was lost in these thoughts when he heard the knock on the door. He looked at his phone for the time. It was seven thirty AM. Crosby had instructed that he would be by at 8:15 to drive him to the rink. The knocking persisted and he got up. “Coming,” he called as he padded barefoot through the living room to the door. He opened the door to find not a NHL captain standing there, but a fiery redhead. “Bliss?” he choked out in surprise, “What are you doing here?” She didn’t speak immediately and he rubbed his eyes quickly to make sure that he was , in fact, awake. The sharp pain when he rubbed over his cut was proof that he was awake after all.

Her face pinched up ever so slightly at the sight of his facial injuries, but she quickly masked it with a smile. “Lex!” she called as she lifted the paper bag containing breakfast, “Are you hungry? I didn’t realize that when Tyler arranged the breakfast to be in the car when I landed that it would be quite this much food. I mean Tyler really didn’t pick out the food. It was probably Mary. Do you remember her? She is Daddio’s assistant. Tyler probably did tell her to do breakfast, but didn’t do the details. All though he is remarkably good at details.” She rambled as Lex studied her. He tried to identify what he was feeling in the moment but he couldn’t put a label on it.

“Bliss, come inside,” he interrupted her free form rant.

She stopped midthought and blinked at him, “Yes, yes, yes- I should come in now.” She stepped in quickly. She surveyed his apartment quickly. It seemed to be in relative order considering Lex was a bachelor who traveled frequently. Lex quickly took the large bag of food from her. “Hey,” she protested and playfully swatted his arm.

“I am not an invalid, Bliss,” he said quickly.

She watched him set the bag down and turned to look at Lex, “I know that you are not an invalid, but neither am I." She pushed him off to the side. "Did you eat anything when you came back from Washington?"

"No," he replied as she started setting out food. His stomach growled and he reached for the sausage, egg and cheese sandwich. She smiled as he unwrapped and started eating.

“So you have an appetite. That’s good news I suppose,” she teased.

“What? I am a growing boy,” he laughed, “So why are you here, Bliss. Not that I am complaining, but why are you here?”

She stepped closer and examined his face slowly, “I had to see for myself. I had to make sure that you were okay.”

“You didn’t have to fly to Pittsburgh to do that, Bliss,” he looked down as he ate, “You didn’t have to come all this way because I got in a stupid fight.”

“I actually was planning on coming anyway,” she said as she put her egg souffle on the plate along with the fruit. Lex’s head snapped up in question. “My best friend’s birthday is tomorrow. I didn’t get to celebrate with him last year. I wasn’t going to miss it this year,” she explained.”

Lex looked at her as she sat at the bar and began eating. He nudged her and smiled, “You were going to surprise me? What if I had a girl here when you showed up?”

Teddy looked at him and blinked, “Do you have a girl here Lex?”

“Not now,” he laughed, “I was a little tired last night.” They both laughed. The laughter was a little forced on both sides. Suddenly tears filled Teddy’s eyes and she looked away. “Bliss, it was a joke. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Furiously, she wiped the tears and refused to turn back to face him. “Bliss, talk to me.”

She took a few ragged breaths and then inhaled deeply. “Get it together. Don’t be a baby,” her anxiety mocked, “Gah, you don’t think Lex has better things to do than walk on eggshells around you?” A wave of sadness washed over her and she began to wonder if coming to see him was a good idea after all. “I’m sorry, Lex,” she finally whispered, “I just remembered last night and the image flashed in my head. I am sorry.” He placed a hand on her back and she felt the warmth.

“Bliss, what’s going on in your head?” he asked gently.

She forced a smile and turned back to face him, “Nothing. I am fine. Everything’s fine.”

“Bullsh*t,” he smiled back.

“Touche,” she replied, “Okay it’s not fine, but it will be okay…. eventually.”

“Okay,” he said softly, “You know that you can talk to me, right?”

“Of course,” she smiled tightly, “What time do you have to be at the rink? I promised Crosby that I would drive you.”

“What?” he laughed, “I can drive, Bliss.”

“Take it up with your captain, Lex,” she laughed.

UPMC Lemieux Sports Complex

Geno skated up to Sidney toward the end of practice, “Who is redhead by ice? I’ve seen her before.”

Sidney looked over toward Geno and replied, “Oh, that’s Teddy. She’s Big Rig’s uhhhhh, friend.”

Geno looked again, “Girlfriend? I saw him with a different girl last week at Christmas party.”

Sidney shook his head as the buzzer went off and started for the locker room. “Not girlfriend- friend friend. I don’t know. I think it’s complicated.”

Teddy walked from the rink back into the locker room area after practice. She didn’t quite know what to do while she waited for Lex to be done with his examination and meetings with front office staff. She also couldn't shake the feeling that it had been a mistake to come to Pittsburgh. She dug out her phone and sent a text to Tyler.

“Hey Teddy,” Sidney called as he came out of the locker room. She looked up from her phone. “I see that you made it here safely,” he joked, “You didn’t even need me to sneak you in.” Teddy swallowed hard and didn’t say anything. “My jokes must be getting lost in translation,” he said softly.

“I’m sorry. I am just stressed about Lex and the concussion,” she answered.

Sidney stood by her and leaned against the wall, “I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I don’t think it’s that severe. He should be back on the ice in a week or so.”

“Is that a good or bad thing?” she asked quietly.

“Depends on your perspective I suppose. It will be a good thing for Big Rig and the team. Probably not so good for you,” Sidney explained, “When I had my concussions, it was really hard for the people around me.”

“You had more than one concussion?” Teddy replied.

“Too many concussions. I missed a season because of one,” he answered casually.

“I am sorry to hear that, Sid,” she sighed. They sat silently for a few minutes. Teddy was vaguely aware that this was probably out of his normal routine, but didn’t question it. “Since you have had concussions, what can I do to help Lex?” she questioned.

“Nothing,” he answered quickly, “That’s the thing about concussions. It takes time for the body to heal. It may take days,weeks or months. He is going to get frustrated. Just be there to listen. That’s all you can do.”

“So I don’t guess I needed to fly here to do that,” she laughed.

“Maybe not, but I know that it means a lot that you did,” Sidney said seriously. “Good, supportive friends are hard to find and I know that he appreciates you.”

Lex stepped out of the examining room and walked towards Teddy and Sidney. They looked up and said “Good News?” Then they laughed at each other.

“Yeah, it’s mild. It should take me about a week to get through the protocol and get back.” Lex said softly.

Sidney smiled broadly, “Best news all morning- right, Teddy?”

Teddy nodded enthusiastically, “The best news!”

Sidney stood up, “I am going to leave. Teddy, will you be at the game?"

Teddy looked to Lex who shrugged, “I’ll let you know.”


Teddy and Lex sat quietly in the press box. He was even more quiet than normal. Teddy tried to chalk it up to his concussion, but her gut told that it wasn't the case. At the end of the second period, Teddy went to the press lounge to grab snacks. She came back with an arm load of food and placed it down in front of Lex. He gave her a side eye and turned back to the game. “Ummmm, thanks Teddy for bringing me food,” she said to herself.

“I didn’t ask you to bring me food, Bliss,” he said without turning around.

“Have you eaten dinner?” she asked, “You need to eat something.”

“You know that I haven’t eaten dinner,” he sighed, “You have been with me all day.”

Teddy studied his profile and decided to let the comment go unresponded. She checked her phone and smiled. Tyler had scored in the second period. Lex looked at her and shook his head, “What did Tyler do? Score?” Her eyebrows creased together and she inhaled deeply. It was the second snide comment of the evening.

She looked up at him as coolly as possible. “As a matter of fact, he did.” She sent a quick congratulations text and returned her attention to the game. They sat in silence until the end of the third period.

Internally, Lex was beating himself up for the snide remarks. He knew that they had been hurtful and Teddy was doing her best to mask the pain. He tried to pinpoint this emotion that was raging through his body. It was not any ONE thing- anger, sadness, annoyance, and regret rolled into a big mess. He examined her from the corner of his eye. She sat stoically, pretending to care about a game that he knew she had no interest in the outcome. He knew that her interest rested solely on him and he was doing everything he could to make her feel unwelcomed.

The truth is that he didn’t know what to do with her. When she came to visit in September, things were different- at least they were in his mind. First Penny was there and her presence acted as a buffer. He would be lying if he denied that some very unfriendly thoughts had floated across his mind while she was there. The memories of their time together kept popping up and quite frankly, it took considerable effort to keep something else from popping up as well. Secondly, although he was supportive of her being with Tyler, it was still BRAND NEW and he wasn’t entirely sure it would last. He chalked it up to Tyler’s past rather than an indication that his feelings about Teddy were decidedly complicated.

After she returned to Dallas, the friendship became easy. The support for her relationship was natural because she wasn’t right in front of him. She still looked as good as the first time he saw her. In fact, she looked better. She behaved the same way as before and it was warm and comforting. He hadn’t realized how much he had missed her presence in a non-sexual way. The reality was although her words and actions were primarily the same, she was not available to him. At least she wasn’t available to him in the way that he needed her to be. She was like a piece of forbidden fruit served up on a goddamn silver platter and he was pissed off about it. Now rationally, he could see that none of it was her fault. She was being her natural self with no intent to cross boundaries. “Let’s be honest here,” he told himself, “I am not even sure she is aware that there is a boundary or should be a boundary when we have NEVER had boundaries in the past.”

He groaned to himself. What was he going to do about tomorrow night? He had a date for the team birthday dinner. He had a very hot date that he had spent quite a lot of time texting/chatting with over the past couple of weeks. He wasn’t sure if it was a love connection but it had potential. Then Bliss had come and surprised him and now the plan was in jeopardy. He was wrapped up in his own thoughts when she felt her hand on his arm. He looked up at her and she had an unreadable expression on her face.

“The game is over. Pens won,” she said softly.

“Oh,” he said in disbelief.

“Do you need to go downstairs to see people before we leave?” she asked.

“Yeah, I should make an appearance,” he answered.

Together they made their way to the bottom of the arena. Lex was greeted by words of support from fans, reporters and arena personnel as they walked. “You’ll get him next time,” was a popular theme. Teddy waited outside the locker room as Lex went inside for the post-game talk. When he walked back out afterwards, he was followed by his teammates. Reluctantly he introduced Teddy to his team. She could feel his reticence and it wounded her. “Is he embarrassed by me?” she considered. She was in utter confusion by his demeanor and actions.

“Teddy!!” Crosby called jovially as he exited with Malkin and Letang. Lex made the brief introductions.

“You are friend from Dallas?” Malkin asked, “In town for visit?”

Teddy smiled at Geno’s friendly demeanor. She was happy that someone didn’t seem annoyed by her presence. “Yes, Lex, ummm, Jamie is one of my best friends. We became buddies last year, right Lex'' she turned to him and asked.

“Who is Lex?” Letang questioned.

“Sorry, Lex is my nickname for him. I forget that you all know him by Jamie and have to correct myself,” she explained.

“You came in for his birthday? Are you coming to the dinner tomorrow night?” Letang asked.

Teddy looked up at Lex who looked pained. “I am not sure if I am invited but I would love to come,” she answered. “That is- if you trust me to not spill Penguin secrets to the Stars when I get back home.” Letang and Malkin’s eyebrows went up in surprise. She continued, “Ummmm, my boyfriend is Tyler Seguin so ummmm…..” She realized that it was a- a bad joke and b-they had no idea of the complicated past that she and Lex had shared. It hit her that her presence was confusing from anyone looking in from the outside. She looked to Lex for reassurance and found none. “Lex?” she asked softly, “Do you want me to come tomorrow night?”

Lex stared at her for a moment and decided that this was the moment of truth. It was time to rip the band-aid off. “No, I don’t,” he said, “I don’t want you to come tomorrow night.” Teddy felt her knees starting to buckle as she processed his words. “I have a date and I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to come,” he said plainly.

“A date?” she thought to herself, “A date? He hasn’t mentioned anyone. She had specifically asked him last week if he had been seeing anyone and he had told her no. Now he has a date for a team birthday dinner? That didn’t seem to be a casual thing.” She looked up at him and forced a smile. “Oh, you didn’t tell me that you had plans. You didn’t tell me that you had a date,” she said with more snark than she intended in her tone, “You should have told me.”

Lex looked stunned but her snarky tone angered him more. “I know, Bliss- I should have told you, but I didn’t have a chance. You swooped into today like some perverted version of a mother/girlfriend. You are NEITHER to me by the way. I didn’t ask you to come. I don’t need you to baby me and smother me. Did you just assume that I wouldn’t have plans on my goddamn birthday? That I would be sitting at home reminiscing about you? My world doesn't revolve around you, Bliss. It never will.”

“I know that your world doesn’t revolve around me,” Teddy stammered, “You could have told me. All you had to do was tell me.”

“Tell you when,” he asked, “You have been smothering me all DAMN DAY.”

Sidney and Geno exchanged a look then looked at Teddy who stared blankly at Lex.

“Hey Big Rig, let’s take a moment to cool down,” Sidney said softly.

“No- it’s okay, Sid,” Teddy said softly, “I behaved selfishly. I should have asked and not assumed that he would want to spend his birthday with his best friend. I know that if I had the option of spending my birthday with my best friend, I would take it in a heartbeat. I should have asked if he needed someone to assist him after the concussion. I know that I needed help after mine- just like you did.” She paced back and forth. “If I something happened to me, I stupidly thought you would be there if I needed help. I guess that was my mistake.” She stopped and looked him in the eye, “Maybe that’s the lesson I need to learn, right Lex? You were never as emotionally invested in me as I was with you. I thought you were my best friend. I guess it turns out that I was just the friend that you liked to f*ck. Now that has gone away, I serve no purpose in your life.”

Sidney stepped towards Teddy, “Teddy….”

Teddy inhaled deeply, “Sid, can you take Lex back to his apartment or arrange for an Uber? I am going to my hotel now.”

Lex looked up in surprise as she continued, “Yeah, I bet you thought I planned on sleeping at your place, huh? Like some love sick fool?” She crossed her arms and leveled her gaze at Lex. “For the record, I am not upset that you have birthday plans. I am happy for you. I am happy that you have friends that will celebrate with you. I am happy that you have a date and I hope that she is worthy of you,” she stopped as her voice cracked, “That is all i have ever wanted for you Lex- your happiness. Clearly being friends with me no longer brings that to you. So goodbye and happy birthday.” She turned to walk away and turned around again, “but I call bullsh*t on you not being able to tell me. You had plenty of time to make snide little remarks all day damn so you had plenty of time to tell me the truth. Now why you chose not to- well, that’s on you to figure out. I am done being your emotional punching bag. Have a good birthday. You don’t have to worry about me smothering you ever again.”

Lex watched her walk away in silence as she wiped tears from her face. He felt the weight of Geno's stare. "G, it's complicated," he sighed.

Geno shook his head, "No, it’s not complicated. You were asshole to your friend. Shame on you, Big Rig, shame on you.”

2 AM-Friday, December 21st- Pittsburgh Fairmont Hotel

Teddy stared at the clock in her hotel room as if staring would make time pass by quicker or somehow magically put her to sleep. She replayed the conversation with Lex over and over in her mind. Her heart hurt and she could think of no logical reason for it. The sense of disappointment washed over her and she resented herself for feeling it. Lex had humiliated her in front of his teammates with his words and actions. She contemplated what she wanted and what to do next. This much was clear- she didn’t want to be in Pittsburgh and she wanted Tyler.

She sat up, got her phone and began texting. Her first text was to the pilots to ask for the quickest departure they could make. Then she arranged a courier to pick up Lex’s birthday gift from the hotel to his apartment. It was too late to cancel her other surprises.

Eight hours later- Dallas

Teddy climbed down the stairs of the jet onto the tarmac at Dallas Love Field airport. She got into her waiting SUV and stared out into the distance as her luggage was placed into the back. She checked the time. Tyler would be on the ice for practice.

Without thinking, she drove on auto-pilot to the rink. She kept her composure, nodded and waved to the Stars social media team and stood beside the boards. Her eyes searched the sea of black practice jerseys for him as they skated up and down the ice in a drill. She finally found him in a line standing next to Benn. Since their fight in November, an uncomfortable truce had been formed between the two former friends. They were civil and professional on the ice but did not speak beyond what was necessary off the ice. It was Benn who noticed her first. He tapped Tyler on the shoulder and pointed to Teddy. Tyler looked up and they made eye contact and Teddy froze. Tyler’s mind raced, "What day was it?" Teddy wasn’t supposed to be home until tomorrow. Something was wrong and he could see it in her eyes. Tyler mouthed the words, “Are you okay?” She shook her head no. Benn leaned over “Go, I’ll cover for you.”

Tyler skated over to the door nearest to her as quickly as he could. He opened it and stepped out, “Teddy? What’s wrong?” She ran into his arms and he lifted her up. “What’s wrong, Teddy?” he asked again, “Did Big Rig do something?”

She tucked her face into his neck and began to sob. “It was a mistake. I should have never gone, Sweet One. I should have never gone to see him. It was horrible.” He set her down, took off his gloves and wiped her tears. She waved off his hands and pressed her face into his chest. The tears flowed fast and hard. “I am an idiot, Tyler. I thought we were friends. I thought we were friends but we are not. You were right all that time. You were right that he was just using me to get laid. He never cared about me. He was never my friend,” she choked out in between sobs.

Tyler listened to her words and struggled to make sense of it all. He guided her to the bench and they sat down. “Tell me,” he instructed, “Tell me what exactly happened. You are not making sense.” Teddy looked around suddenly and realized that practice was still going. She turned to Tyler who stopped her, “Chubbs said that he would cover for me. They can do without me. You are more important.” She nodded and began to describe the events of the past twenty four hours. Tyler’s hands reached out for her hands and he rubbed the backs of her hands with his thumbs to comfort her.

When she finished, she looked up into his eyes, “See, I am an idiot. You were right. You were right all along.’

Tyler blinked slowly. He thought to himself, “If there was ever a time I wanted to put an end to this friendship between the two of them, this is the moment. I could squash it right now.” However, he looked at her and knew that he couldn’t do it. Not only would it break her heart, it would be the wrong thing to do. Big Rig may have f*cked up, but he was a good friend to Teddy. He was a friend that Teddy needed in her life. He took a big gulp and said, “No, I was wrong then and I would be wrong if I made that claim now. Big Rig is your friend. Ask anybody and they will tell you the truth. Is it complicated? Yes, it is. Did you have a really messy and hurtful moment? Yes, you did. That happens with good friends.”

Teddy looked up in surprise and he continued. “Look, Big Rig and you have never been traditional friends. It has always been messy and complicated. I think that you, him- hell even me- underestimated how difficult it was going to be when you fell in love with other people. Things have changed, Teddy. Now your relationship has to change.”

“But it did change. It changed, Tyler,” she interjected.

“How? Just because you stopped having sex?” he countered, “It doesn’t matter if you having sex if you drop everything to go see him when he gets hurt. That’s a girlfriend move- not a friend move.”

“But I didn’t mean for it to be a girlfriend move,” she insisted, “I am your girlfriend. I have never been his girlfriend. I don’t want to be his girlfriend.”

“I know that, Teddy,” he said softly, “I am secure in our relationship. I am secure in what your intentions are, but your actions send a message that you are not intending to send.”

“So what do I do?” she asked.

“Take a step back, spend some time apart and break that messy emotional connection,” he replied.

“But I don’t want to lose my friend,” she sighed.

“You won’t lose him. It will just be different,” he pulled her into a hug, “I promise you that you won’t lose your friend. I won’t let it happen on my watch.”

“Are you sure that he is my friend?” she asked timidly, “Are you sure it wasn’t just about the sex?

“What? Do I think that he hung out with you, built a friendship with you just because of the sex? No, I do not,” he said with authority. “First you are underestimating how amazing you are. Also, don’t take this the wrong way,” he smiled, “but he could have gotten laid with far less complications with someone other than you.” She frowned. Tyler kissed her softly, “Believe me, Pretty One. Being friends with you, being in any sort of relationship with you is worth dealing with your complications. You are worth everything.It wasn’t just the sex, Pretty One. He was and is friends with you." He kissed her again with more passion. "I need to go back to work," he whispered, "Wait for me, okay?"

She shook her head no, "Can I just meet you at your house? I need a good snuggle from the boys." Teddy stopped and turned around. "Sweet One," she called, "Did you say that Benn covered for you? Why?"

"Not Sure," Tyler admitted, "I guess he saw your face and knew that you were upset."

Teddy glanced over at the captain who was completing a drill, "And he knew where I had been? He knew I was in Pittsburgh?"

"He probably overheard me talking about it," he answered.

Teddy smiled, "Can you tell him thanks from me? I appreciate it."

Tyler smiled, "Sure."

Lex's apartment- Pittsburgh

Lex arrived from his first official day in the concussion protocol at the rink. It consisted of further testing and a light aerobic workout. He was replying to numerous birthday messages and contemplated what to eat for lunch. He looked over and saw the remaining pastries from the breakfast Teddy had brought yesterday. He sighed deeply and checked his phone again. There was no text or call from Teddy. He did receive a text from Johns questioning why Teddy had arrived at the rink in tears. "f*ck," he thought to himself, "Now Seggy knows. He will be lighting up my phone soon."

He was lost in his thoughts when the doorbell rang. His head popped up in surprise. A courier stood with a large gift bag in his hand. "Are you Jamie Oleksiak?" The courier asked.

"That's me," he said as the courier handed him the bag. He signed the receipt and took the bag inside. Instinctively he knew it was from her, but it still surprised him. He pulled out the large containers of snickerdoodles and English toffee with a grin. Homemade goodies made with love were the Baxter women love language Gently he opened the card and read it- "Lex, Happy Birthday! I am so excited that I get to spend the day with you today. Here are some sweets for the sweetest man I know (with the exception of Tyler). Thank you for being the best friend a girl could ask for. You make me feel so strong and brave. I love you to pieces. Friends Forever, Bliss"

He stared at the card and felt the ache in his heart. Obviously the card had been written prior to their fight last night. He was sure that the message would be decidedly different today. Nothing about his behavior yesterday had been sweet and anything that resembled what a best friend would do. His thoughts were disrupted again by a knock on the door. He groaned as he opened it and took the bag- a delivery of BBQ ribs and fixings with a card "I know that you are having steak later so I guess it is a Meaty Madness moment. Happy Birthday to the growing boy!" He read it again. "How did she know we are going to a steakhouse?" He asked himself. He pulled out his phone while he unpacked his ribs.

At the restaurant Lex stood with his date, Emma, waiting in the lobby when the group came into the restaurant. Sid approached the host and spoke softly, "Reservation under the name Baxter". The table was located in an intimate private room decorated with balloons and a birthday banner. Emma, the tall blonde, sat next to Lex at the center of the table. Sid sat across from him. Geno and Anna were to his left. Kris and Catherine were to his right. The evening went by quickly and was filled with laughter. Emma fit in with Catherine and Anna well.

When the evening wound down, the server approached Sidney. He asked, "Mr. Crosby, is all of the bill going on Ms. Baxter's card?" Sidney nodded yes as Lex's head popped up.

"Ms. Baxter?" Lex asked, "as in Teddy? Why would it go on her card?"

Geno scoffed, "Who you think planned dinner?" Lex looked shocked and then embarrassed. She planned an elaborate dinner and he told her not to come.

Emma asked, "Teddy is the friend you were telling me about?"

Lex answered, "Yes, that's her."

Emma.said, "She planned your dinner but left this morning. Why?"

Lex said quietly, "I am not sure. She didn't say anything before she left." Emma's eyebrows raised while Geno and Sidney exchanged a look. They both knew exactly why Teddy left. They witnessed Lex specifically not inviting her and her heartbreak. However, neither were inclined to spread the information to Lex's date.

Later that night after he left Emma's apartment, he texted Teddy one more time.

December 31st- Bishop’s house

Teddy stood in the kitchen door and stared at Katie's back. The blonde wore a backless mini dress covered in gold sequins. She was making a drink for herself. Tyler walked up behind Teddy and rested his chin on her bare shoulder. "Go talk to her," he encouraged, "It is not her fault he was an asshole." He kissed her neck, "Seriously, talk to your friend. Don't let him take that from you," he advised, “You should hang to your friends if you can.”

“Does that apply to you too?” she countered.

He shook his head up and down, “Touche”

Teddy stepped into the kitchen. She walked up behind the blonder and nudged her with her elbow. Katie turned her head and her eyes widened in surprise. Teddy laughed, "Ummmm, ma'am- did you have to wear that dress? Us mere mortals can't compete."

"Mere mortals? Teddy, you are a sex goddess and you know it," she teased back.

"You think so?" Teddy laughed again as she looked at the short dress she wore on a whim.

"Ask Tyler," she answered in a sing-song voice, "Isn't that right, Seggy?"

Tyler looked studiously at the floor and tried to blend into the background. Finally he answered, "Yep, she is a f*cking goddess." Then he walked away to let them speak in private.

Teddy looked at KT and shook her head before she threw herself into her arms, "I missed you girlie,"

"I missed you too," Katie sighed.

Teddy stepped back, "New rule- we don't let stupid boys come between us again."

"No more stupid boys will tear us apart again," Katie agreed. They into an instant rhythm of talking and spent the next hour catching up on the past month. Katie's mouth dropped open, "No that f*cker DID NOT!" Teddy shrugged her shoulders. "Have you talked to him since then?" Katie asked.

Teddy shook her head no. She looked up when she felt the tears fill her eyes. "I miss him," she sighed.

"Who sent the last text?" Katie asked.

"He sent a birthday text today," Teddy replied.

Katie pulled her into a hug, "It's a good sign. Let's face it. Men are idiots. You know that- I mean, look at Jam. They are idiots and they don't know how to make it better."

Teddy raised an eyebrow, "Any idiot in particular wants to make things better?"

"You know who," Katie replied with a smile.

Teddy looked back at Tyler who tried to blend into the wall. He had been unable to resist the temptation to listen in on the conversation. He raised an eyebrow and shrugged his shoulders. Teddy turned, walked to him, grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss, "I am onto your peacemaking ways. You are not fooling me."

"It is the start of the new year. Do you want to go into it with all of the bullsh*t from this year?" He asked.

"Not all of it was bad," she said sincerely as she looked into his soft eyes, “In fact, the last three months have been wonderful.”

"Yes, the best part of my life happened this year despite me being an idiot," he replied as he kissed her, "Walk into the year with a clean slate."

"Will I get rewarded if I do?" she teased. He nodded and smiled.

She walked away. Teddy saw him standing on the patio, leaning against the railing staring at the stars. She walked up and stood next to him. The captain glanced at her and then stared straight ahead. An amenable silence stood between them for a couple of minutes before Teddy spoke. "Did Tyler tell you thank you from me for covering for him at practice last week?” she asked. He nodded in affirmation. "Good, I did appreciate it. You could have said something snarky but you didn't, " she said quietly, "I was thankful ."

He turned and raised an eyebrow, "Nothing snarky to say. Of course you would go check on your friend." He smiled and leaned forward, "I saw the hit. It was nasty and unnecessary. He's coming into town this week. I could punish him for it."

Teddy's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Oh really?" She studied his face to see if he was joking and/or teasing her. She found instead a look of compassion and concern. Teddy thought for a moment. Part of her wanted to say yes but she hesitated. "Question- is that a friend request or a girlfriend request?" she asked with sincerity. He tilted his head in confusion. "If Tyler had been knocked out, then as his girlfriend, I could make the request for punishment, right? But Katie, as his friend, could not. So it's girlfriend request and not a friend request." Benn nodded his head in understanding. "Lex can and will fight his own battles. He would be upset if I made a girlfriend request so thank you, but no thank you."

"Just wanted to make a peace offering," he sighed.

“Oh, I know that the offer was made with good intentions,” she soothed. Again Teddy studied his face. She was again struck by the resemblance between Benn and Chaz, but she looked into eyes and saw gentleness. It was a gentleness that she never saw in Chaz. She smiled, "Did I ever tell you that you look just like my ex, Chaz?" He shook his head no. "He wasn't a nice guy by any stretch of the imagination. He abused me in all the different ways," she explained, "It occurs to me that I may not have given you a fair shot when I met you." He furrowed his brow. She continued, "It is also possible that you might have picked up that vibe and formed some opinions about me that weren't true." He didn't respond. "That doesn't excuse what you did and said," she commented, "but I am willing to try again."

"What like a truce?" he asked.

"No, like a new beginning without the bullsh*t," she said.

He reached out his hand, "Hey, I'm Jamie. I hear my buddy, Tyler, is crazy in love with you."

"Hey, I am Teddy. I hear that my friend, Katie, is crazy in love with you." She smiled.

"Nice to meet you," he smiled, "Think you might put in a good word for me tonight. I am hoping to get lucky tonight."

"With who- Tyler or Katie?" She laughed as they walked back into the house.

"Oh- you're funny!" He laughed, "The one with the pretty face.”

"That doesn't really narrow it down, dude," she smiled. Katie and Tyler stood and watched in amazement as former enemies walked in together with big smiles on their faces. Teddy walked over and kissed Tyler’s cheek. "Hey, I met your captain, Jamie. He is a new friend for a new year." He raised his eyebrows as she continued, "Now I have to go get my old friend back. Be back in a few minutes." She walked back into the backyard, pulled out her phone as Tyler watched from the window.

Lex: Bliss?

Teddy: Is now an okay time? Are you busy?

Lex: I have time to talk to you. Let me get somewhere quiet.

He walked outside of the party

Lex: Happy Birthday Bliss

Teddy: Thanks.

Lex: I am glad you called. I missed you so much.

Teddy: What did you miss?

Lex: I missed my friend- the one that organized a birthday surprise for me. The surprise I didn't deserve. I was an asshole, Bliss, and I am so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?

Teddy: Why? Why were you so mean?

Lex: I was confused, Bliss. I had a lot of feelings and I didn't not handle them well. I took it out on you when it wasn't your fault.

Teddy: We're messy, Lex. We have always been messy and complicated. There is a reason that we have rules. What are they?

Lex: No jealousy, honest communication, respect each other boundaries- physical and emotional

Teddy: Right- I didn't respect your boundaries and came in acting like before we became just friends. I will respect the boundaries of our friendship from now on.

Lex: I wasn't honest. I will be honest from now on

Teddy: New year, New start as JUST FRIENDS


Teddy: I need to go Lex. Tyler is waiting for me.

Lex: Yeah, my date is waiting for me too.

Teddy: One day you’ll tell me about her?

Lex: Yes, tomorrow I will tell you about her. I really like her.

Teddy: Really? That makes me happy, Lex. Talk to you tomorrow.

Lex: Happy New Year Bestie

Teddy: Happy New Year Bestie

Teddy walked back into the house and found Tyler talking with Radalov. She stood behind him and wrapped her arms and his waist. Her cheek rested against his shoulder blade. "Sweet One, can you come with me?"

"Pretty One, it is almost midnight. Where are we going?" he asked.

"I need to talk to you," she teased as she guided him to the bathroom at the end of the hall. "Do you remember this hallway? We ran into each other on that first day?" she asked. Tyler smirked and shook his head up and down. She pulled into the bathroom, shut the down behind him and locked the door behind. With a grin, she hopped onto the counter. "Want to know a secret?" she whispered, "You turned me on that day."

He stepped to her and spread her legs with his body. "You turned me on that day," he smiled as he pushed her dress up her thighs, "I should have made a move then."

Teddy shook her head, "I am glad that you didn't. I am glad we were just friends first. I am glad that it wasn't messy and confusing." She kissed his cheek.

"Me too. I would have f*cked it up, Pretty One. I would have f*cked it up so badly," he ran his fingers through her hair, "Are we going to do what I think we are going to do in here?"

"What do you want to do in here?" she teased.

"I think you know," he teased as he kissed her neck.

"The answer is yes, but I have to say something to you first" she moaned as he nibbled on her neck. "You have to stop so I can say what I need to say," she pleaded.

He groaned and stopped, "What do you need to say, Pretty One?"

Teddy took a deep breath, "In the spirit of leaving the bullsh*t in the past and starting the new year with a clean slate, I want to apologize to you."

He tilted his head, "Apologize for what?"

"I want to apologize that I behaved inappropriately when Lex got hurt. I want to apologize that my actions may have caused any confusion about where my heart belongs," she said softly. "My heart belongs to you- to you and you alone. You are the one I want when I am happy and you are the one I want when I am sad. You are the one I want, period- end of story."

Tyler placed his hand on her cheek and smiled, "Thank you for telling me. I don't think an apology was necessary."

Teddy bit her lip, "I can't wait to start this new year with you. It's going to be the best year of my life."

"Really? How so?" He asked.

"I get to spend it with you,” she kissed him softly, “I get to love you and be loved by you. Nothing could be better than that.”

“Oh yeah,” he whispered, “Nothing can be better than that.” He reached up to pull her panties down and discovered none. “Pretty One, have you gone commando all night?” he questioned. She nodded yes as his fingers began to explore. “You were planning to seduce me all along?” he joked as unbuttoned his pants and slid them down.

“Maybe, maybe not,” she gasped as he thrust into her.

They heard the party crowd begin the countdown to the new year. “sh*t, we are going to miss it,” he panted.

“I am not missing anything, Sweet One,” she moaned as she rocked her hips, “I am exactly where I want to be, starting the new year in the best way possible. Can you think of a better way to start the new year?”

“Better than this? Nothing is better than this,” he smiled as he kissed her again, “f*cking you into the new year.” The chants of “Happy New Year” erupted below.

“Happy New Year, Pretty One. I love you,” he panted as he f*cked her.

“Happy New Year, Sweet One. I love you,” she panted in return.

#magical mystery ride#tyler seguin fic#tyler seguin imagines#tyler seguin fanfic#nhl fic#hwncloud#hwn cloud#nhl imagine#nhl fiction#nhl fanfiction#dallas stars imagines#dallas stars imagine#going to get like 10 notes


May 12, 2021


this used to be a fic for another player that i do not write for anymore, i didn’t know if i should delete it or what but so many people suggested reusing it for another player that i said whatever f*ck it i loved writing this and put work into it it wont just go to waste

so if you’re reading it and think mmmm i’ve already read this is because you probably did but with another player lol

anyway hope you enjoy this new version, i made some minor changes

Word Count: 1.6k

Warnings: make out (?)

Summary: Tyler confesses your meet cute may not have been so much of a coincidence as you thought


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Tyler was laying on the couch, head resting comfortably in your lap. There was some comedy movie playing on the TV, or maybe it was a drama? He was too focused on you to even know. Whatever you were watching was just background noise for him as he relaxed under your touch, your fingers running through his hair, gently scraping his scalp like you knew he loved.

“You’re missing the movie.” you said teasingly. You could feel his eyes on you the whole time, not that he was trying to hide it at all.

He let out a chuckle and then raised his arm, his hand sneaking to the back of your neck pulling you down to him. A smile appeared on your face matching his as you leaned down to connect your lips on a sweet kiss. You would never get tired of that feeling, it was always like the first time. His lips were warm against yours, tasting the coffee you had enjoyed minutes ago. You gave him a final peck and pulled away.

“What’s on your mind?” you asked going back to massaging his scalp. He had been quiet for a while, something really strange for him even if you were after all watching a movie.

“I have something to confess.” he said and quickly corrected himself when he saw your worried expression. “No, no. It’s good I promise. Well I think it’s good, depends on your reaction”

He lifted himself from your lap and sat next to you, facing you. You shifted on the couch to face him too and he took your hands in his, something he’d do whenever either of you were nervous.

“Is this when you tell me this was a bet all along but you eventually fell in love with me and want me to forgive you?” you tried to joke but he knew you, he could sense the concern in your voice even when you tried to play it cool.

“First of all you watch too many movies. Secondly, relax.” He squeezed your hand on a reassuring manner and his tender gaze was enough to calm you down. It was Tyler after all, your Tyler, he’d never do anything to hurt you.

“Can you just tell me so I can stop freaking out?”

“Ok, ok. Remember how we met?” he asked and you nodded unsure where he was going.

“Yeah, at the park when Gerry came running to me.” you said remembering that afternoon almost a year ago as you looked at the Gerry and Cash sound asleep cuddling in Cash’s bed not too far from you.

It was a meet cute right out of a movie. You were new in the city and decided to go for a walk to the park near your apartment, something you had been doing quite often since it was really the only place you knew and it helped you unwind from the stress of the moving.

You were walking down the gravel path when you saw a dog running your way, followed by a really cute guy shouting what you presumed was his name with another two dogs by his side. Thinking he had probably escaped his leash, you kneeled down and brought your arms to pet him so he’d stop running.

“Hey buddy.” you said to the labrador who was already reaching to lick you making you laugh.

“I’m so sorry, he normally doesn’t break loose like that.” He crouched next to you and now that you had him closer you were sure he was even cuter than you thought.

“Oh don’t worry. I’m Y/N by the way.”

“Tyler.” he replied accompanied by his best smile. “And this are Gerry, Cash and Marshall.” He gestured to the three dogs that were already throwing themselves at you, fighting for your attention.

“A pleasure to meet you.” you said to the dogs, moving so you could pet all three of them. Tyler watched the sweet interaction and an idea came to his mind.

“Wanna join us for a walk?”

“I’d love to.” you answered, maybe a little too quickly.

That time you didn't walk around the park alone for a change, this time you were accompanied by a cute stranger and his two dogs. You spent the rest of the afternoon walking and talking, it felt strange to have someone to talk to. The moment you told Tyler you were new in town he saw his opportunity to ask you for your number with the excuse of showing you around the city. And so he did.

He texted you as soon as he got home. Next day he was already taking you to some of his favorite places and you had a wonderful time, for the first time you didn’t miss home so much. Then he took you to places he liked. Then to places he knew. And when he ran out of “new” places to take you to he decided it was time to actually ask you on a real date, to which you instantly said yes, almost too quickly again. So you went on a date, two, three. Soon enough he was introducing you to his friends and taking you to his games. Dallas started feeling like home, Tyler felt like home. And that’s how the cute stranger from the park with three dogs became your boyfriend.

“Well things may have been a little different that you thought.” Tyler’s voice brought you back to reality.

“What do you mean?” You looked at him confused.

“When Gerry went up to you, it wasn't because he suddenly decided to run away. I may have thrown his favorite toy your way …”

“No you didn’t.” You brought your hands to cover your mouth, trying to hide the smile as you realized what had happened.

“I did. I had seen you the last couple days at the park and I didn’t know how to approach you without looking like a creep so...” Tyler blushed and that only made your smile grow. Seeing him embarrassed was not something that happened often, you were really enjoying it.

“So you used your dog as bait?” you finished his sentence teasingly.

“Kind of.” he replied, raising his eyebrows.

“That’s low Seguin.”

“I mean I’d say it was brilliant.” he said, his usual witty tone coming back.

“Shut up.” you said rolling your eyes as you leaned in to give him what was supposed to be a playful peck on the lips, but Tyler had other plans.

The moment your lips touched him he started leaning more and more. You giggled into the kiss, already knowing where he was going. He moved so that you were laying on our back on the couch with him hovering over you, resting his weight on his forearm placed next to your head. His other hand grabbed you by the waist as yours met behind his neck, pulling him closer.

Tyler was about to go down your neck, already thinking about kissing that one spot under your ear just so he could hear one of his favorite sounds, that deep hum you’d let out as soon as his lips touched your skin; when a pair of paws appeared on the couch beside your heads and then he felt Gerry licking his face.

“We’re kind of in the middle of something.” he said, turning his head to face the dog with a mixture of amusem*nt and annoyance. You giggled as you watched the stare down take place, Gerry completely oblivious to what was going on.

“Hey be nice. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him.” you reminded him, playfully pushing his chest so he’d move to make space for the dog.

He reluctantly moved away from on top of you, falling back on his spot on the couch from before with a loud sigh trying to seem irritated but failing. Gerry happily climbed on the couch and then to your lap once you had sat up. Soon Cash was joining you and Tyler couldn’t help but smile as he watched you struggle to accommodate both dogs on your lap so neither would feel neglected.

“Thank God Marshall isn’t here.” you joked a bit out of breath as the two labs moved on top of you. But as if he had heard you, soon you felt the sound of paws against the wooden floor approaching you.

“Incoming.” Tyler said as he watched behind you the brown lab make his way to the couch and climb on top of you to join his brothers.

It was a mess as the three dogs fought to be on your lap and having only two hands to pet three dogs didn't make it easier. Watching the sweet scene unfold in front of him he made a mental note to buy some treats for his dogs next time he went out, after all if it weren’t for them you maybe wouldn’t be sitting in front of him right now, and for that he was extremely thankful.


So I hope you liked it! Likes and reblogs are always appreciated and any type of feedback really, i love reading your comment!

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Nov 4, 2021

Nervous Regrets - Tyler Seguin - Part 42

Word Count: 5,487

POV: Reader then switches to Tyler

Warnings: Language, kidnapping, violence

Notes:Well it’s been a hot minute since I posted. Thank you to those of you that have been patiently waiting for this chapter. When last we saw our favorite fam, they were getting ready for the big family wedding. Only to have it interrupted by Robert, who then took (Y/N) and Jace. Tyler had just found out and now it’s a race to see if he can get his family back in time or will they be lost to him forever.Happy Reading all and as always inbox is open for feedback.

Nervous Regrets Masterlist


"Jace," you breathed out the moment you got in the car and saw your son. He gurgled and smiled up at you. Moving his tiny little hand to reach for his momma. Your hands quickly roamed his body to make sure that he wasn't injured, which thankfully he wasn't. You were vaguely aware of Robert telling the driver to go. Turning your head, you watched the lake house slowly disappear from your vision as you turned north, not knowing where you were going. Robert still held the gun, though his grip had loosened somewhat. There was no way you could try and wrestle it away for fear it would go off. You weren't worried about yourself, but Jace getting caught in the crossfire. So, you remained silent trying to figure out what to do.

You needed to know where you were going, that would give you an idea of how long you had to act. "Where are you taking us?"

"I suppose it couldn't hurt to tell you since we've clearly gotten away. We're headed to the airport. I have a jet on standby."

"And from there?" Even just asking the question made your heartbeat faster, for he could take you anywhere in the world and you might not ever get to speak to Tyler then.

"To the compound in Mexico, my family has. The staff there is paid well to keep their mouth shut until we decide where we want to go permanently."

Time was not on your side. Even if Candace was able to figure out what was going on, by the time she got to Tyler and they got the cops, you could well be on a flight to Mexico. You needed a distraction. There wasn't much in the vehicle, save for you and Jace. You looked down lovingly at your sweet boy and hated what you were about to do. Reaching inside his car seat, you found a little piece of his chubby thigh and pinched him hard. It produced the result you wanted as Jace started to cry very loudly. "It's ok my sweet boy. Mommy's here." You tried to comfort him feeling guilty because of what you'd done. "Robert, he needs a bottle. Did you bring any?"

"There's some on the plane. Can't you just feed him off your breast?"

"No, Jace stopped breastfeeding a while ago. He needs formula and the airport is at least an hour away. He'll make himself sick crying that long."

He looked at you with disgust and glared back at him with just as much disdain. "Fine, is there somewhere we can stop and get him something?"

"There's a store up the road here. Tyler and I buy his formula there all the time." You had a feeling that even if he stopped there would be no way for you to get out of the car, but it would give Tyler a chance to catch up to you and hopefully figure out where you were going.

It was about five minutes and you were pulling into the parking lot. You acted as though you were going to go inside. "(Y/N), you can't go in there like that. You're in nothing but a robe." Of course, you knew that but if you went in people would take notice, and hopefully, if anyone stopped they would be able to say you headed this way. There was also a slim chance you could slip someone a note. "Carl will go in. Just tell him what you need."

"He's on Enfamil NeuroPro Gentlease formula. I'll need bottled water with that." Your mind scrambled for things that would take the driver a bit longer to get. He certainly didn't look like the fatherly type so you supposed anything baby-related would take a bit, even though the corner store wasn't that big. "Oh and he likes the Evenflo bottles, the balance ones." There were about five different options like that and you were pretty sure he'd labor over which one to bring back which would buy you extra time.

"I think that will hold us," Robert interjected before you could think of anything else to add to the list. "Don't tarry, we've got a plane to catch." Carl headed for the store leaving you with Robert and some other nameless goon that he hired to steal you and Jace away.

You kept your hand securely on Jace comforting him as he quieted down. While the formula was unnecessary at the moment, he would be hungry soon. You couldn't help but notice Robert staring at you. "Why are you doing this?" you finally hissed out. Wanting to know the answer to the question, since the moment you found out it was him that was kidnapping you.

"So, we can be a family." He obviously knew nothing about family, if he thought kidnapping a woman and her child would automatically gain him one. You tried not to scoff at the answer but it was futile as it just seemed so ridiculous. "I love you, (Y/N). I have from the moment I met you two years ago and now we can be together."

"Two years ago? What are you talking about? I didn't even know you then."

"Tsk, Tsk, darling, of course, you did. We met that night at the charity ball, but then I can see you don't remember." Two years ago, you'd met and fell in love with Tyler at the charity event, not Robert. "You were sitting at Table eleven, and I watched you most of the night from just three tables away at table eight. The moment you walked in, I couldn't take my eyes off you. You were stunning in that blue dress, darling." The way he said the word darling made your skin crawl. "It was so low cut, almost as if you were tempting every man in the room to look at you. And there were plenty looking that's for sure; myself included. I wanted to take you home and slow peel it off you." The picture Robert was creating made you sick to your stomach. "You'd finally made your way up to the bar, once the auction was over. The moment I saw you go, I knew I had my chance. I was standing there right beside you. Even went so far as to introduce myself, and when you told me your name and shook my hand; I knew we were meant to be together. That was until he came along." Vaguely, you remember meeting someone at the bar that night but didn't realize that it had been Robert. After your run-in with Tyler, it was as if everyone else in the ballroom disappeared. "Such a dick move to pretend to bump into you, and then offer to buy you a drink, but you fell for it. Didn't you?" Weakly, you nodded your head, for that's exactly what had happened. Tyler had bumped into your back with his own, accidentally causing your drink to spill. He'd immediately offered to buy you another one and you accepted; decisively ending the conversation with Robert, for Tyler's boyish charm and rugged good looks. "No matter," Robert's voice brought you back to the present situation. "I figured your infatuation with him would wane, or at the very least his playboy lifestyle would soon have him tossing you aside after a week or two, and then I could sweep in."

He paused and so you added. "But it didn't. Our relationship just grew stronger."

The look of disdain that crossed his face was quite evident. "Yes, it did. So, I had to take matters into my own hands."

"Robert, what did you do?"

He shrugged as if whatever he would say next was of no consequence. "What was only going to happen in a matter of time. I just pushed it in the right direction. I tried throwing women at him. Beautiful ones mind you. Ones that would make any man cheat. But it didn't work. He was faithful to you. So, I had to get creative. I hired some people to talk to him, plant that little seed of doubt that he wouldn't make a good husband or boyfriend." He chuckled then, though more to himself than to you. "I even had emails sent to him, that talked about the perils of long-term relationships."

"You gaslighted him?" You all but shrieked, scaring Jace with your high-pitched shrill and causing him to cry more.

"Such a nasty term. I like to say I was just helping him see the light. Oh, and once he saw it…well it was easy to throw Kira at him and have a couple photos taken. See I knew you needed a man that would be loyal to you, and Tyler was never going to be that man." Robert was so wrong about that, just like he wasn't the man for you. You'd rather die than be with him, which is probably why he'd taken Jace. He knew that you'd never leave your child alone in this world, especially not with him. "It definitely took longer than I expected but eventually you left him."

"And went back," you added hoping he would realize that you were meant to be with Tyler and not him.

"A setback, but now we're together, and that's what matters."

He was delusional if he thought you were ever going to be with him, but right now pointing that out wouldn't get you anywhere. There was only one thing to do and that was to try and reason with him. "Robert, listen to me," you pleaded with the deranged man. "I'll go anywhere with you…willingly. I'll tell Tyler I only want to be with you. All you have to do is take Jace back. He doesn't belong here." Belatedly you added. "With us."

Robert turned and looked you in the face. You hope that you were able to mask your fear with an attempt at sincerity but you weren't sure how well your acting skills were. "Why would I do that darling?"

He seemed genuinely curious as to why you would want to leave your son with Tyler. "Because Tyler's his father; Jace should be with him. We can have our own family." There was a sincerity in your voice that you weren't sure where it came from, especially for as you said the words they made you want to puke.

His eyebrows drew together as if he couldn't comprehend what you were saying. "You can drop the act, (Y/N)." sh*t, you thought you were at least able to be a bit convincing with your plea. "I know Jace is mine."

"What did you say?"

You couldn't have heard him right, for he couldn't seriously believe that Jace was his. "Jace is my son, (Y/N). Just look at him, he looks exactly like me."

The truth of the matter was, Jace was a replica of Tyler. He barely had any of your features. Their baby pictures were almost identical. Even if you looked beyond that, there was the simple fact that you and Robert hadn't had sex. Sure, you'd gotten close. Only once. Though as things has gotten heated all you could picture was Tyler, and you stopped things as soon as they'd gotten started. That he thought you'd actually completed the act, spoke to how psychotic he actually was. "Jace is Tyler's, Robert." Your voice was as calm and as soothing as it could be, not wanting to send him off the deep end; not that he wasn't there already, but going any further would truly be a folly.

His hand came down on your knee. As much as your body wanted to flinch away from his touch, you suppressed the action hoping to maintain the façade you so carefully crafted. "Darling, it's fine. It's just you and me here." He must have forgotten about the other hired thug in the car. "I know he's mine. There's no reason to lie anymore."

"I'm not lying Robert." He shook his head in disbelief, though said nothing. "Please just take Jace back to his father."

Through gritted teeth, he looked at you and practically growled, "Jace is mine." The cold menacing tone of his voice sent a chill down your spine. His hand at your knee gripped you tighter and tighter.

"Robert, you're hurting me." If he was capable of doing harm to you that quickly you had no idea what he would do to Jace. "Fine!" you winced out in pain. "I admit it. Jace is yours." His grip eased up immediately and you knew that playing along was the safest choice for now.

A sinister smile crossed his face. "Of course, he is, darling." You'd been scared before, but now your body was numb with fear, thinking of all the things that could go wrong.

At that moment, Carl opened the car door on Robert's side. "Here ya go, boss." He handed over two bags filled with formula and bottles. You prayed that you bought Tyler enough time to catch up with you as the car started driving on to the airport.



You couldn't seem to make the car go fast enough, as you sped down the winding roads leading to the place that would take your wife and child away from you. Your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest, at the thought that this man could be harming them. While your brain was on repeat asking 'why he would do such a thing?' When you lost (Y/N) you thought your world had ended, but it had never occurred to you to haul her off and kidnap her to make her see that you were the right man for her. The man had to be a complete psychopath to not only take her but your son as well.

"Tyler, slow down." Jamie's voice brought you out of the thoughts that were echoing over and over again.

"We've got to get to them Chubbs. I can't lose them."

"I know, but we need to be alive in order to do that."

You sighed and looked down at the speedometer. The speed limit was forty-five on these back roads and you were well over one hundred. Though you needed to get to (Y/N) as soon as possible, Jamie was right; you needed to be there in one piece. "Ok." While you weren't going the speed limit by any means, you did slow the vehicle down. "Did Candace send you the photos?"

"Yeah, she said the cops are there now and that they're sending several to the airport."

"Good. We need to get them back, Chubbs."

"We will man. We will." You wanted to have the same confidence that Jamie did, but the pit in your gut wouldn't leave until you had them both back in your arms, safe and sound. The scenery was all a blur as you drove with one purpose; to get to the airport. You don't know why, but you were certain that's where Robert was headed. Hopefully, the authorities would get there in time, just in case you didn't.

"Tyler!" Jamie shouted. "Stop!" Even though every instinct told you to slam on the brakes you kept going. "Tyler, I think I saw the SUV." The car came to a screeching halt. You had no doubt there were rubber tracks on the macadam.

You turned the car around in record time. "Where?"

"At that corner market." You knew where Jamie was talking about. Had been there several times over the summer, picking up this and that, that (Y/N) needed. "Don't park where they can see us? We need to hang back."

As much as you wanted to just rush up to the suburban and demand Robert give back your family; you knew he had a gun. You weren't about to put (Y/N) or Jace in danger. Pulling off on the opposite side of the road, you hid the car from view but were still able to see the SUV that had your family in it. "That's it. Same license plate that Candace sent me." Jamie's words finally made your heart beat at a slower pace, though it wasn't near the regular rhythm that it normally was.

"We need to call the police. Let them know we've found them."

"Yeah, but let's make sure it's them." You sat there helpless once again, just waiting to see if (Y/N) and Jace were in the car.

"It's gotta be them."

Vaguely, you were aware of Jamie calling the cops; speaking in a hushed tone as if Robert could hear you. The tinted windows made it almost impossible to tell if there was anyone in the vehicle. Even so, you squinted in hopes of seeing some form of your family inside. Your eyes were peeled just looking for any sign. It was only a moment later that a man, dressed in the same garments the cater's staff were wearing, came out of the store carrying a couple bags. He went to the passenger's side and opened the door. That's when you saw him. Robert. The man who stole your family. Red hot anger boiled inside you. Hands gripping the steering wheel in an attempt to stop yourself from just running over there and grabbing the man by the throat and choking the life out of him. "I wanna kill him." And at that moment you could, if only he didn't have a gun pointed at the ones you loved.

"I know, Segs. Me too." You hadn't realized you said the words out loud but it didn't matter, as Jamie was fueled by the same desire as you; to put an end to the man that took your every reason for living. "As soon as we get them back." Craning your neck, you looked for signs of your wife or son. They had to be in there, but the angle of the vehicle didn't afford you the opportunity to see them. As the car started back up, you waited, with a patience you didn't know you had. Once it pulled away, you started to follow. "Stay back so they don't know you're following them."

It was killing you to be this close yet so far away at the same time. Jamie got back on the phone, this time calling (Y/N)'s brothers, before once again calling the authorities. When they made the turn off for the airport, you knew that your guess had been right. Robert was literally trying to take your family away. The police told Jamie that they were on it, and you hoped that the half-hour drive left to the airport would give them enough time.

Thirty minutes seemed more like days, as you painstakingly followed behind the suburban. The airport was small, used mostly by private jets to fly in and out of, with the occasional commercial flight being operated seasonally. You knew the layout fairly well, as you'd flown into it not only from Dallas but Toronto as well. As the vehicle pulled up to the gate, the security guard sent them through. You looked around for any sign of the authorities but there was none; it made your heart sink to your stomach. Surely, they had enough time to get here. "Where are they?" you asked Jamie, who seemed to be looking around the same as you.

"I don't know. There's not a cop car anywhere, just a tanker truck fueling the jet."

"We need to do something. I can't let them get on that plane. If I do…" You couldn't say the rest out loud, for fear of doing so would make it come true, and there was no way you were going to let them fly off to some unknown destination.

"I know, Segs."

The sound of blood rushing was the only thing you could hear, as the speed of your heart seemed to race faster. Time was of the essence, and the longer you sat here and waited the less you had. "We could go through the terminal," Jamie suggested. "They wouldn't see us coming that way. Possibly sneak up behind them? Plus, there's got to be a guard with a weapon we could use or something."

The only other option you could think of was to just drive right through the security gate, but that would alert Robert to you being there and possibly make him do something rash. "Ok," you finally agreed to the plan; parking the car so you could set things into motion.

Once inside the terminal, it was eerily quiet; devoid of anyone working there. So much for that weapon you thought. You and Jamie made your way to the runway exit. "You there," a voice called out. "Stop. You can't go out there."

Turning, you found an officer in full police gear. "That's my family out there."

He came closer getting a good look at your face then. "Mr. Seguin, I understand you want to help your family but let us do our job."

"Do your job? You don't have a f*cking person out there. I'm not going to let my family get on that plane." You were almost yelling but then Jamie touched your arm, reminding you that you didn't want to alert Robert that you were there. "You're not going to stop me."

"We have people there, Mr. Seguin. The whole tarmac is covered with officers." You looked out then but still didn't notice any police presence. "See that guy fueling the plane?" You nodded as your looked to where he meant. "He's one of ours. The pilot, she's also a cop." It was hard to tell, as the personnel he pointed out looked like average airport workers. "We've got this. I know we didn't have much time, but we've trained for things like this."

"If anything happens…" The unspoken words hung in the air, thick like the lump that was in your throat making it hard to swallow.

It all started to unfold then. The driver got out and made his way to the plane, yet no one else seemed to move. You waited with bated breath for what would happen next; looking for any sign of (Y/N) or Jace. A few minutes passed before the passenger door opened. Another man you didn't recognize got out, while at the same time the back driver's side door opened up. Robert emerged from the vehicle then; the gun still being held in his right hand. Robert's hired thug went to the back door and there was a car seat. You couldn't tell for certain as the man blocked your view, but it had to be Jace. Everything happened in a flash then. The man who was fueling the jet was on the goon in seconds. So much so that he didn't have time to react and he backed away from the vehicle. Another officer ran in, from where you had no clue, but they grabbed the car seat and headed in your direction. It was then that you saw Jace. Lungs on full display, as he cried his eyes out. Your heart started to beat in an almost normal rhythm.

The officer was almost to the door when you saw it, and suddenly your heart stopped once again. Robert held the gun right to (Y/N)'s temple. Tears streamed down her face and before you knew what was happening, you were headed out the door. You didn't stop to make sure that Jace was ok. He would be safe. You already knew that. Jamie was there, he would protect him now at any cost. The cop that had held you up in the terminal went to grab your arm, but years of avoiding a check on the ice or a fist to face, had made your reflexes quicker, and you shrugged him off with ease. Leaving him to follow after you. "(Y/N)!" you yelled making your way out onto the tarmac.

"Tyler!" she screamed back, as Robert turned to finally face you.

Long strides ate up the distance that separated you from your wife. You were at least fifty feet away when Robert finally spoke. "Move any closer and I'll shoot."

You stopped dead in your tracks.

You had no plan for how this would go down; you only knew you had to get to (Y/N). "Let her go, Robert." It was the only thought that came to your mind. Police stood all around you, and you were vaguely aware of them inching closer.

A hollow laugh made its way out of Robert's lips. "And why would I do that. She's mine now. Just like she should've been years ago."

There were more tears from your wife, as Robert's left arm tighten around her upper body. You felt yourself take another step forward only to halt when the gun started to shake. "Please, Robert," you begged, tears now in your own eyes. "Just put the gun down and let her go." When he didn't answer you, you tried another tactic. "Take me instead. I'm the one you really want to punish. I took her away from you. Take me!"

"TYLER…NO!" (Y/N) screamed, the terror in her voice chilling you to the core. "Don't listen to him, Robert." She pleaded with the deranged man. Hands fisted at your sides in anger, you couldn't believe that she would willingly put herself in harm's way. "Please, don't. Please."

Your voice cut through her cries. "Think of Jace, (Y/N). He needs his mom."

She closed her eyes, in what you hoped was an effort to absorb the words you had just spoken. Jace did need his mother, more than he needed you. Jamie and the guys would be there in your absence if it came down to that, but (Y/N)…well she was unreplaceable; both to you and Jace. Keenly aware of her every movement, you saw her chest rise and fall, calming herself. "Robert," she said her voice soft, barely audible to you at fifty feet away. "Just take me."

"NO!" you cried, your lungs burning for the amount of oxygen that it took to expel just one word, just as your soul was being crushed, for it seemed as though all the air had been sucked out not only from your lungs but the very earth itself.

(Y/N) paid you no mind though, continuing to speak to the unhinged maniac that was holding a gun to her head. "We can be together." Her tones were hushed, just like at night when she would rock Jace to sleep. "Just the two of us. We'll go anywhere you want to go. All we have to do is get on the plane. They'll let us do that."

"No, they won't," Robert replied to her and you hoped to god he was right.

"Yes, they will, darling." Her tears were drying up. Her composure stoic even though she faced an unknown peril. "You can put your guns down," she called out to the police around you. "It's all been a misunderstanding." What the hell was she doing? This situation was not some misinterpretation. The man f*cking kidnapped her and your son. "You see, I couldn't marry you Tyler, and Robert…Robert saved me." Couldn't marry you? But the two of you were already man and wife.

Suddenly, there was a presence at your shoulder. Looking out of the side of your eye not willing to turn your back on the lunatic that had your wife, you saw the officer from the terminal. "You have a smart wife. Just play along."

"You want to be with me?" Your eyes moved to Robert's face and you could see his features soften, almost to a childlike wonder.

"Yes, Robert. I do. I always have." With Robert's full concentration now on your wife, it gave the police behind him an opportunity to move in. Stealthily, not wanting to alert him to any movement they inched their way closer and closer. "I realize now that you're the only man I could ever want in my life. I know it took me a while to see that, but everything you did today proved to me, that we should be together."

You could see Robert weighing each word that she spoke, even though they turned your stomach sour. All you could do was pray that he would fall for this charade (Y/N) had going on. "You're lying."

"No," she begged a neediness to her voice that you had never heard before. "No, I'm not." Carefully, (Y/N) spoke her next words. "Let me look you in the eyes…" she swallowed hard before choking out what she would speak next. "You'll see how much…" another gulp and then she added, "I love you."

A powerful grip on your arm held you back from any movement, as you tried to make sense of what your wife was doing. It was a bold plan, and while her words cut you like a knife, even though they were untrue, you could only hope that it would work. Though every scenario that played out in your head said that it wouldn't. What if the gun went off by accident? What if Robert could tell she was lying? It was too much of a risk, yet there (Y/N) was taking it.

What happened after, was like watching a slow-motion replay of a game-winning goal in the Stanley Cup Finals, as it was taken frame by frame. Robert's left arm released (Y/N)'s upper body just enough so she could turn, yet still remain in his embrace. When his right hand, the one that held the gun, moved far enough away from her temple and tilted at an angle in the air, the police jumped into action. The sneak attack from behind gave them the advantage and they were able to flip the gun out of Robert's hand, before twisting that same arm behind his body. He howled out in pain, though you had no sympathy for him. Unwillingly, he released your wife, her body being grabbed away from the man who had just taken years off your life. She was free. Now, being securely shielded by the authorities as they wrestled Robert to the ground.

Her tears were back then, flowing endlessly down her face, as she too struggled out of the hold the officer had on her. You did the same, needing to be with your wife. She started to run towards you, only then did the officer let go of you. It was only three strides before she was running full force into your chest. Her sobs muffled as you pressed her to your chest. "I've got you, baby. I've got you," you whispered, hand cradling her head into you, as you bent yours and just wept with her. Her knees gave out there, and as much as you wanted to be strong for this woman who had been so through literal hell, the magnitude of the day finally overwhelmed you and you felt yourself gently falling to the ground with her. You both knelt there sobbing, with relief that you were finally back together.

Time seemed to stop, as you held the woman you loved. (Y/N), your wife, your very reason for existing. She was your heart, the very breath that you breathed every second of every day. She was beautiful and strong, and the reason you got up each morning. Those last few minutes, the ones that kept replaying over and over in your brain, where that gun was held to her head, in those seconds that hung in the air, like a balloon slowly releasing into the atmosphere; you thought you were going to lose her. You wanted to reprimand her, shake her for putting herself in danger when it should've been you, but right now she didn't need that. She just needed you to hold her, to tell her you loved her, to let her know that nothing like this would happen ever again. In hushed tones, you whispered all those things to her as your bodies rocked back and forth on the macadam. Until finally, her sobs eased.

It was then that you heard your son, his soft cooing noises coming from above you, as Jamie held him in his arms. With (Y/N)'s form still shaking, you lifted yourself and her off the ground. One arm released her, so you could hold your baby boy. Jamie stepped back giving the three of you a moment. You kissed his little head, then his cheeks, and then his little lips. Sensing something was off, Jace started to cry with you both. It was then that your wife seemed to come back to you. "Oh, Jace," she sobbed more, her arm going around your child.

"Shh," you hushed both her and the baby. "It's ok. You're both ok now. Daddy's got you." You planned on holding tight to your family and never letting go.


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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.