Tomato Tea Recipe for Cold and Flu Season (2024)

Published: by Becky Striepe · This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

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Feeling under the weather this cold and flu season? Soothing tomato tea can help soothe that sore throat and clear out your sinuses.

Tomato Tea Recipe for Cold and Flu Season (1)
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  • Ingredients and substitutions
  • How to make tomato tea
  • Helpful tips
  • Storage directions
  • Frequently asked questions
  • More recipes for when you are sick
  • 📖 Recipe

Sickness has swept through my house over the past few weeks, and when it was my turn to be sick, I turned to my old friend: tomato tea.

I've been making tomato tea for over 20 years, and it's become a go-to when I'm dealing with a nasty cold or flu. Over the years, my recipe has evolved as I made it again and again, using what was in my pantry and what seemed appealing.

Here, you'll find the recipe that I usually make alongwith substitutionsto help you use what you have. Because the last thing you want to do when you're sick is run to the store.

Tomato tea is not a cure for the cold or for the flu, meaning that it most likely won't shorten the duration of your illness. What it definitely does is help give you temporary symptom relief for a sore throat and stuffy nose.

It's also a good way to sneak in a snackwhen sickness has sapped your appetite.

Tomato Tea Recipe for Cold and Flu Season (2)

Ingredients and substitutions

Here's a quick breakdown of why the tomato tea helps you feel better while you drink it and for a while afterwards:

  • ginger - There is evidence that ginger is a goodpain reliever. Adding a dash of fresh or ground ginger to your mug can help soothe a sore throat and may even offer some relief to sore muscles.
  • spice - The ginger, garlic, and hot sauce make this drink pretty spicy, and that's no accident. Spicy foods and drinks help with sinus congestion, and they havea numbing effect that's nice on a sore throat.
  • warmth - Just like spice, a warm drink helps ease congestion. Don't just sip this tea - breathe the steam deeply. It's so soothing!
  • nutrition - The reason this drink is made with tomato juice is because when you're sick, chances are you're not inclined to eat. The tomato juice deliverssome calories and vitamins to help you feel a little bit less weak. A cup of tomato tea has around 65 calories, 84% of your vitamin C, 31% of your vitamin A, 11% of your iron, 23% of your potassium, and 4% of your fiber needs for the day. Not bad for a little mug of goodness!

How to make tomato tea

Warm the tomato juice on the stove or in the microwave. It's even OK if it's a little bit too hot. That nice steam is good for soothing your poor nose and throat!

Add the rest of the ingredients to your mug, and stir.

Sip, and enjoy!

Helpful tips

  • You can make this on the stovetop, if you're feeling up to it. For quicker results, use the microwave.
  • If you do feel a cold coming on, you can mix up a big batch of tomato tea, so you can shake, pour, and heat it as needed. It will keep for up to a week in the fridge.

Storage directions

You can store tomato tea in the refrigerator for up to a week. Feel free to make a big batch, so you can warm it up as needed!

Frequently asked questions

What can I use instead of tomato juice?

Any savory vegetable juice, like V8, will work in place of the tomato juice, if needed.

Can I sweeten tomato tea?

Sure! Add a little agave or maple syrup to sweeten it, if you prefer.

What can I use instead of sriracha sauce?

Any hot sauce that you like will work! You can even use crushed red pepper flakes or black pepper. Use what you have on hand.

What are the benefits of tomato tea?

I've been drinking tomato tea for years to soothe cold and flu symptoms. It's an easy way to get something into your belly while providing temporary relief for a sore throat and congestion.

The combination of ginger and garlic in this warming drink team up to reduce inflammation and help clear your sinuses!

More recipes for when you are sick

  • Instant Pot Elderberry Syrup
  • Ginger chocolate maca latte (maca hot chocolate!)
  • 20-Minute Creamy Miso Ramen

📖 Recipe

Tomato Tea Recipe for Cold and Flu Season (6)

Tomato Tea

by Becky Striepe

Feeling under the weather this cold and flu season? Soothing tomato tea can help soothe that sore throat and clear out your sinuses.

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Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Cook Time 2 minutes mins

Total Time 7 minutes mins

Servings: 1


  • 12 ounces tomato juice or vegetable juice
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice Or 2 teaspoons of vinegar. I've used rice vinegar, apple cider vinegar, and even balsamic to make this in the past.
  • sriracha sauce to taste, or use hot sauce of your choice, or a pinch of cayenne or crushed red pepper or black pepper
  • 1 pinch of ground ginger or ½ teaspoon minced fresh ginger
  • 1 clove garlic minced or crushed, or ¼ teaspoon garlic powder


  • Warm the tomato juice on the stove or in the microwave. It's even OK if it's a little bit too hot. That nice steam is good for soothing your poor nose and throat!

  • Add the rest of the ingredients to your mug, and stir.

  • Sip, and enjoy!


📝 Notes

As you can see, this recipe is very flexible. The idea is to get an acidic, somewhat spicy mix happening, so use what's in your pantry to make that happen. I'm sure that some of you are not fans of the microwave, but if you have one, I hope you'll make an exception in this case. Give yourself a break, because (as Daniel Tiger loves to remind us), "When you're sick, rest is best."

You can store tomato tea in the refrigerator for up to a week. Feel free to make a big batch, so you can warm it up as needed!


Nutrition Facts

Tomato Tea

Amount per Serving



% Daily Value*





Saturated Fat




Monounsaturated Fat

































Vitamin A





Vitamin C










* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Keywords tomato tea

Tried this recipe?Tag @glueandglitter on Instagram and Threads!

About Becky Striepe

Tomato Tea Recipe for Cold and Flu Season (7)

Hi there! I'm Becky Striepe (rhymes with sleepy), and I love using gadgets and shortcuts to create easy vegan comfort food recipes for busy people. Whether you love your Instant Pot, your air fryer, or just love delicious plant-based meals, stick around. You'll like it here.

Learn more about me >>>

Reader Interactions


    Got a question? Tried this recipe? Leave a reply!

  1. Muliki Joseph Enock

    Is this solution safe for babies less than a year old, alternatively at what age can this solution be given to a baby


    • Becky Striepe

      Hi! I'd talk to your pediatrician about that. Kids are all so different, and I'd hate to give you the wrong info!


  2. Emma Scott

    Completely unable to breathe or sleep I have tried this tea but so far I have not seen any difference. How long does it take to work in your experience?


    • Becky Striepe

      For me, the steam and spice usually help right away. You might try more hot sauce, to see if that gets things moving. I am so sorry that you are this miserable! I hope that you feel better soon.


    • Hailey Damron

      My grandma found tomatoe Tea recipe years ago she has been canning it and giving out to everyone for early Christmas presents... I'm feeling so sick and I don't live in my home town so I'm ab to make some

      My grandma makes it like this!


      • Becky Striepe

        Oh I am so glad that you were able to find comfort in this recipe! Get well soon, Hailey.


  3. Alisa @ Go Dairy Free

    I've never heard of tomato tea, but wow is your version packed with antioxidants! I hope everyone in your house is all well!


    • Becky Striepe

      Thank you! We are feeling a lot better over here. Poor Darrol had two colds in a row, but Dave and I managed to dodge the second one.


  4. The vegan 8

    I watched your video and loved it! I can totally see how soothing this would be, just like a hot bowl of tomato soup! Totally going to try this!


    • Becky Striepe

      Thank you, Brandie!


  5. Linda @ Veganosity

    I can totally see how this works, and it sounds delicious, like sipping on tomato soup. I love the addition of ginger as it's also an anti-inflammatory, which would also help reduce the symptoms of congestion. Thanks for this!


    • Becky Striepe

      Thank you, Linda!


  6. Sophia | Veggies Don't Bite

    I've never heard of tomato tea but what an awesome collection of ingredients to help you get through a cold. The hot sauce sold me!


    • Becky Striepe

      Hot sauce forever!


  7. Cadry

    I don't feel sick at all, but I'm going to make a mug of this anyway! In the winter, I get bored of the usual drinks, and I want something warm and satisfying. For a while, I drank a lot of broth teas. This is a similar idea and would be homemade. Thanks for the great idea, Becky!


    • Becky Striepe

      Ooh broth tea sounds really pleasant, too!


  8. Ginny McMeans

    How very nice! I already feel better. This is going in my medicine cabinet.


    • Becky Striepe

      I'm sorry that you're under the weather, Ginny, but glad the tea helped!


  9. Mel |

    Why did I not see this before I got sick? I only saw it when I was nearly better. It looks awesome and so comforting. Bookmarking for next time....hopefully I won't need it for a long time!


    • Becky Striepe

      I'm so sorry that you were sick! Here's to a healthy new year!


  10. Mary Ellen @ VNutrition

    I thought this was so interesting when I saw it on Instagram! Hopefully my husband and I don't get sick but if so, I'm totally trying this!


    • Becky Striepe

      I hope you don't get sick, too!!


  11. Jenn

    I have never heard of tomato tea before. I love sipping on tomato soup though, so I'm guessing I would love this too. Last year at this exact time I was super ill, so I know what you're going through. Luckily, this year, we were all sick in October, so the holidays were smooth sailing. I'm reaching for this spicy tomato tea next time though!


    • Becky Striepe

      Thank you, Jenn! May you and your family never need to make tomato tea!


  12. Sarah

    I'm totally intrigued by this—I used to like V8 juice when I was a kid—go figure! I hope you guys start feeling better soon. I hate the way germs linger and make their way through every member of the family before making a very long overdue exit.


    • Becky Striepe

      I liked it too! I remember when the spicy one came out. It was so exciting! Dave and I are feeling better, but Darrol seems to have caught something else in the week since he got over the last thing. Ugh!


  13. Amy Katz from Veggies Save The Day

    Not that I want to get sick, but I'm intrigued to try your tomato tea!


    • Becky Striepe

      It's pretty yummy when you're not sick, too!


  14. Dianne's Vegan Kitchen

    Dennis and I are both trying to get over colds, so I'm going to need to try this!


    • Becky Striepe

      Oh noooo! I hope you feel better soon.


Tomato Tea Recipe for Cold and Flu Season (2024)


What tea is good for phlegm in the throat? ›

Chamomile tea and peppermint tea have long been a favorite of people recovering from the common cold. Keep in mind that chamomile tea is not recommended if you're pregnant. Stirring a bit of honey into your favorite herbal tea may loosen phlegm, soothe pain and soreness, and suppress a cough.

Is tomato juice good for flu? ›

It may also be a sports drink to restore your body from fatigue (tiredness) and sleepiness. Tomato juice contains lycopene and vitamin E, which might reduce the formation of ”bad cholesterol” in the body. Drinking tomato juice might help avoid colds and flu and boost the immunity of the body.

What are the benefits of drinking tomato tea? ›

Tomato tea is rich in antioxidants

also plays an important role in limiting oxidative damage within the body, which in turn can give your immune system a much-needed boost. And a healthier, feistier immune system means less chance of colds, and shorter cold duration if you've already got one.

What can I drink to dissolve phlegm? ›

Drinking enough liquids, especially warm ones can help with mucus flow. Water and other liquids can loosen your congestion by helping your mucus move. Try sipping liquids, like juice, clear broths, and soup. Other good liquid choices include decaffeinated tea, warm fruit juice, and lemon water.

What is the best way to get rid of phlegm stuck in your throat? ›

Gargle salt water

This can clear the phlegm in your throat and it's one of many sore throat remedies to soothe swelling, reduce inflammation, and calm irritation. To effectively use salt water to break up phlegm, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, and gargle multiple times throughout the day.

Who should not drink tomato juice? ›

Although a small amount of sodium is beneficial to your electrolyte balances, too much salt can induce bloating and water retention and perhaps increase blood pressure. If you have irritable bowel syndrome, avoid drinking tomato juice on an empty stomach because it may worsen the condition.

What does tomato juice do for lungs? ›

Good: Tomatoes

Tomatoes are the richest source of lycopene, which is linked to lung health. Eating tomatoes and tomato products like tomato juice can improve airway inflammation if you have asthma and may lower your chance of death if you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Is tomato good for wet cough? ›

Tomatoes are high in antioxidants called lycopene. Lycopene is directly linked to reducing inflammation and has been proven to better your lungs' overall health. A bowl of hot tomato soup may also soothe the throat and help clear out your airways.

What organ are tomatoes good for? ›

Immune System

Because of that, foods high in lycopene, like tomatoes, may make you less likely to have lung, stomach, or prostate cancer. Some research shows they might help prevent the disease in the pancreas, colon, throat, mouth, breast, and cervix as well.

What part of the body does tomatoes help? ›

Tomatoes offer several research-backed benefits, including protection for brain, heart, and gut health. The fruit, which some consider a vegetable, is also a source of nutrients like vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants. There might be some risks associated with tomatoes, depending on your health status.

Are boiled tomatoes good for you? ›

Steaming or boiling tomatoes is the preferred method of cooking to bring out more lycopene for optimal nutrition. Research indicates lycopene reduces the risk of cancer, improves heart health and enhances neurological response.

What should I put in my tea for a cold? ›

Yes, tea can be beneficial for alleviating flu symptoms. Certain teas, such as peppermint, chamomile, ginger, and elderberry, have properties that may help ease the discomfort associated with the flu. The warm liquid of tea can relieve a sore throat, and ingredients like ginger can aid in reducing flu symptoms.

How do you get rid of a cold fast? ›

These remedies might help you feel better:
  1. Stay hydrated. Water, juice, clear broth or warm lemon water with honey helps loosen congestion and prevents dehydration. ...
  2. Rest. Your body needs rest to heal.
  3. Soothe a sore throat. ...
  4. Combat stuffiness. ...
  5. Relieve pain. ...
  6. Sip warm liquids. ...
  7. Try honey. ...
  8. Add moisture to the air.

What kind of tea clears sinuses? ›

Drink Ginger Tea

This compound reduces inflammation in your mucus membranes, making this the best tea for sinus infection relief. Ginger also contains antihistamines and other compounds that can control allergic reactions and may speed healing. Other teas can help, too, including those with basil and peppermint.

What juice is best for flu? ›

A juice made from kale, cucumber, apple, mint or lemon is a great choice. Kale provides plenty of iron, manganese and potassium and the apple provides a delicious taste along with potassium and vitamin C. This is a winning combination to help your body protect itself and fight off illness.

What kind of juice is good for flu? ›

Orange juice, especially with the pulp, is packed with vitamin C and folic acid, which may give your immune system a boost and help you feel better faster.

What is the best drink for the flu? ›

Get plenty of rest. Drink at least 2 liters each day of liquids such as non-diet 7-UP, Sprite, Gatorade, ginger ale, broth, tea with sugar (yes, soda pop is OK with a cold or flu). For runny nose and stuffy nose, try a decongestant like 12-Hour Sudafed (available without a prescription).

Does tomato juice help with sickness? ›

Tomato Juice

Tomatoes are not only rich in antioxidants, which will help to replenish and flush your system in the height of a nasty cold, but they also contain lycopene. Lycopene not only helps to rebuild cells but it's been shown to help in the prevention of certain types of cancer.


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