The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

2 SAT. THE OCT. TIMES 5, 1974 RECORDER 2-B Stocks Close Mixed 2 Banks Cut Interest Rate New York Stock Exchange (Idaho 1.96 7 Ideal Basic 1 17 Ill Cenin 1.30 3 65 Ill Pwr 2.20 8 x67 163 Imperial Cp 155 INA Cp 2.10 5 237 Inexco Oil 53 5 Ing Rnd2.32 10 168 InindSt1 2.40 5 49 InspCop2.60 4 16 IBM Corp 6 13 742 InHarv 5 233 Intl Mining 81 IntNcki 1.40 6 687 Intl Paper 2 8 263 35 Int 1.52 3 1086 Itek Corprtn 15 54 J- Joy Mfg 9 94 Jones 6 171 28 Jostens 5 8 11 Jantzen 4 8 JohnMv 5 75 JeffPilot 10 135 JonLogn 2 277 5 88889881 27 362 -K K- Kaiser Alu1 91 CSoln.50d 8 8 10 Kan GE 1.56 00 19 KansN 1.32g 3 KanPL1 1.52 6 49 15 KayserR .60 6 Kenmt! 1,40 5 53 28 Kencott 2.60 5 467 Kerr McG 1 14 242 52 Kidde .60 2 43 Kim CI 1.44 5 130 Airl 7 15 Knight .32 9 99 20 18 Kopper 2.40 5 25 Kraftco 1.92 8 176 Kresge .22 16 974 Kroger 1.36 5 54 L- LearSieg .28 49 41 Lehi PIC .80 Ca 5 10 10 Lehm 1.14d 178 LOF 2.20a 5 37 Libby McNI 4 17 Ligg My 6 13 Littonin 103 Lockheed 2 61 LoewCp 1.20 3 268 Lone Ind1 75 9 LoneStG 62 173 LTV Corp 115 LuckyS 8 175 8 Luken StI 1 5 22 16 LykesY 3 706 -M M- MacMill .25 3 54 Macy 1.10 37 Mad Fd. 45d 104 73 7 Magnv 51 139 Man Hn 1.72 93 23 Mar Oil 1.80 143 Marcorinc1 256 16 143 Mar Mid 1.80 55 MarshF 1.24 6 46 Mart 1.20 59 Massey May DS 1.60 46 MayerOs.92 6 25 16 Maytag 1.30 9 56 19 McCroy 1.20 27 5 McDonD .40 3 169 70 McGr HI.50 21 6 McLean .72 5 5 22 Mead Cp .80 4 35 Merck 1.40 20 440 MG 5 29 MidSoU 1.26 5 1044 10 1.25 17 476 Minn PL 1.46 7 7 MobilO1 3.20 658 Mohsco 1.20 24 11 Monogram 23 Monsan 2.40 5 222 MorgJP 1.60 10 140 41 MorrsK Motorola .70 12 134 35 Fuel 2.40 1 10 MISt Tel 1.52 7 17 16 16 MurpCo 1.20 6 N- Nabisco 2.30 10 38 NatAirin. 50 2 76 838 Natl Distill 5 121 Gyp 1.05 6 81 10 NatSteel 5 53 31 Natomas 1g 446 NCR Cp .72 236 Nev Pw 1.40 20 NEngEl 1.78 67 NiagMo 1.18 194 9 Norfolk Ws 5 73 Indust 0 179 NoN1Gs 3.10 44 42 NoStPw 1.84 7 47 NwBan 1.60 6 71 tonSi.30 5 206 GnAOil 10 Gen Dynam Gn Elec 1.60 10 GnFood 1.40 7 GHost Gen Instr 2i GenMill 1.20 GnMot 2.55d PubU 1.68 Gn Steel Ind 1.80 Tire 1.10g Ga Pac.80g Gerber Pd 1 6 Getty 1.30d 9 Gillette 1,50 Giobal Mar 6 Goodric 1.12 Goodyr Tir 1 5 Grace Grand .80 25 GrantW 42 G1 00 GINNek 1.80 5 G1WsFin.40 5 Gt West Un Grn Gia 1.08 Gryhd 1.04a Grumn Gulf Oil 1.60 3 GulfStU 1.12 6 .80 3 HammiPa1 3 Harrahs .22 HarrisC1.20 HeciaMin 2i 11 Heinz 1.12 8 Hercules .80 12 Hershey .80 7 Heublein 1 7 Hewitt .20 21 Hilton Htl 1 5 Hobart .72 7 Hoff Electn 13 Hol Inns .32 6 Homstake 115 Honywl 1.40 4 HousLP 1.56 6 HowardJ.20 6 Howmt Cp 1 6 46 33 16 684 32 788 5 5 32 61 x.49 926 35 284 23 541 59 124 2338 80 93 9 61 107 136 22 89 69 591 14 250 12 446 3 31 48 36 339 196 9 1438 14 125 45 1026 16 427 317 -H H- 17 14 x3 21 110 31 153 28 18 120 271 59 103 10 137 13 10 96 763 4338 305 46 326 48 Occid Petri 2 479 838 8 OgdenCp .80 19 1238 Ohio Ed 1.66 7 92 13 OklaGE 1.36 8 x125 1512 OklaNG 1.40 6 34 1538 15 15 Olin Cp 1.10 4 22 1512 Omarkin 36 11 8 77 Rckl 1.20 7 44 9 898 El 2.20 5 70 2334 22' 2 OutbaM 1.20 8 34 1358 Owen CF .88 11 53 293 2834 Owen Ill 1.60 5 86 P- PacGas 1.88 5 136 171 Lta 1.68 42 15 PacPetrl.75 7 31 14 14 PacPwr 1.60 7 97 1618 1578 1.20 CO 27 13 1234 Am Air 727 238 21 Panhandle 2 5 49 20 Centr 55 158 112 Penney 1.1611 x912 35 Penn Dix .24 4 18 458 41,2 Penn PL 1.80 6 58 Pennzoil 1g 283 1312 PeopGs 2.36 5 28 241 PepsiCo 1.40 163 2914 Pfizer In .76 11 336 2212 2138 Phelp 2.20 41 PhilaEl 1.64 5 1201 10 PhilipMo.80 12 523 3738 35 36 PhilPet 1.40 7 224 3338 Pillsbry 1.80 7 22 3214 Pitney 8.60 106 918 Polaroid .32 12 810 161 2 1538 Potlatc 1.40 4 15 Ind 1.70 5 87 21 20 21 1.80 18 313 691 67 683 Col 1.20 6 164 1058 1.72 242 12 Pullman 112 174 3612 36 PurexCp.

88 0 66 83g 8 Purolatr .92 5 9 Q- QuakOat .80 48 15 15 -R R- Raiston .80 13 111 33 33 Rapid Am 1 34 7 658 Raython 80 6 187 207 a 20 Corp 1 5 728 1034 1038 1058 Co 20 RepbStl 1.60 3 66 2114 207g Revion 1.20 11 275 41 3918 Ind 2.68 6 476 381 371 Met 1 3 297 14 Riviana 68 7 21 1212 1158 Robshaw.90 5 12 958 93 1.24g 24 1138 1118 Rockwell 12 5 2138 RohmH 1.12 9 21 55 Ind .90 5 17 10 958 RoyalCC .64 6 814 734 2.71d 2 440 221 5- Safewy 1.80 7 107 3138 303 3058 Minri 2 5 47 281 StRegis 1.20 6 103 201 Sander Asso 42 25 23 Elc.70 21 834 814 In 1.80 5 261 223 22 Schering .80 20 463 441 4238 Schlumb .72 24 555 7434 7738 Cp.50 3 57 912 ScottPap .68 5 112 101 958 97 1.60a 10 817 4644 2.40 5 91 327 3112 3258 Pc .92 5 70 85 8'2 SigniCo 2 134 1538 153- SimnsCo .88 6 131 1318 In Moderate NEW YORK (UPI) Caught between a prime rate reduction and oil price increases, the stock mixed Friday trading on the New York Stock Exchange. But the Dow Jones industrial average lost for the 11th consecutive session, falling 3.05 to 584.56, its lowest closing since it finished at 579.35 on Oct. 29, 1962. For the week, the average lost 37.39 points and for the past 11 sessions has given up 89.49 points. Other averages, however, were higher.

Standard Poor's 500-stock index gained 0.06 to 62.34. And the average price of an NYSE common share increased in value by a penny. The closing upward surge the pushed advances ahead of declines, 688 to 670, among the 1,784 issues crossing the tape. Declines had held a two-to-one margin for much of the session. Volume totaled 15,910,000 shares, up from the 13,150,000 traded Thursday.

First National City Bank of New York, and the Bank of America -the nation's largest banks -reduced their prime lending rate to 11 per cent from 12 per cent early in the session. Investors who had anticipated the move ignored it. The big concern on Wall Street is the price of oil. It has risen fourfold in the past year and further increases are anticipated. Some investors, however, did buy stocks which had reached depressed levels, producing the late rally.

"It was purely technical," said one analyst. Times-Mirror Co. was the most active issue, off at 9 on 225,900 shares, including a block of 210,400 shares at 8 Westinghouse Electric followed, off at 9 on 188,200 shares. Simplicity Pattern was third, off at 6 on 180,500 shares. Trading 15 MOST NEW YORK (UP!) active stocks traded Stock Exchange Times Mirror Wsinghse Elc Simplicity Pin Consol Fods Dictaphone wis Brunswick Am Tel Xerox Corp Phil Elec Eastman Kdk Citicorp Mid Sth UTI Gulf Oil NEW YORK (UPI) on the New York close Sales P.E (hds) A Addres 99 98 1.08 129 Air Pro 14 478 Aircolnc .90 5 17 Alcan Al 1.20 1508 Alleg Cp.20d AllgLud 1.60 Alig Pw 1.52 141 Allied Ch 11 UR 287 AlliedSt 1.50 26 Allis Cha.

.26 398 Alcoa 1.34 8 181 AMAX 1.65 286 AmHes 272 Am Airlines 20 324 ABrand 2.56 59 AmBrest .80 120 Am Can 2.20 94 AmCyan 787 AmEicPw 2 371 AmHoist .60 24 AmHom .80 20 1022 AmHosp .30 16 141 AmMot 252 AmNG5 2.54 6 51 Am Smit 229 Am Stnd .80 82 AmStor 1.60 10 3.40 8 1356 Ametek .80 5 20 AMF In 1.24 132 Ampex Cp 109 Amstar 2.10 15 Anacon 242 Apeco Corp 81 ArmcoS 1.60 116 Arms Ck .92 36 Ashl Oil 1.40 72 AtRicht 11 436 Atlas Corp 18 51 Avco Corp 8 187 Avnetinc .30 2 105 -B .80 6 132 BakerOil .37 16 32 Bangor Pn Bath Ind. .40 3 34 Beat Fds.72 8 308 Beckmn .50 9 76 Bell Hwl.84 88 Bendix 1.80 104 Beth Steel 2 5 352 0.40 20 530 Boeing .60 5 223 BoiseCas.50 3 195 Borden 1.30 7 56 Borg 1.35 41 Bost Ed 2.44 x107 Bourns Inc 203 Braniff 1000 BrigsS 1.60a 8 27 Bris My 1.52 219 BritPet 177 BrGrup 1.60 18 Brunswk .32 3 x1511 Bucyrus 114 377 Budd Co .80 3 40 BulovaW.70 51 Bunker .40 6 44 Burl In 1.60 214 Burl No 1.70 5 142 Burrghs .50 19 581 Camp $1.18 9 33 Can Pac.62d 7 36 CaroPL 1.60 5 485 ACTIVE STOCKS The 15 most on the American Friday Sales Close Chg. 225,900 188,200 180.500 163.400 1138 162,700 51 154,900 8-16 151,100 135,700 121,000 120,100 114,500 6034 108,600 107,600 223 104,400 102,600 10 Selected stocks Stock Exchange at Net High Low close Chg. 37 2318 223- 213- 1238 2434 23 243 37 34 291 29 24 1538 93 85 20 191 2738 273- 173 24 24 10 10 10 3 29 15 15 1938 19 38 16 138 3 5 1 12 24 23 638 6 125- 18 22 22 2458- 17 1458 12 113 Ve 32 16 16 14 28 273 8 8 43 1 29 C- 2334 231 12 113 CarrierC 52 105 Cater Tr 1.60 11 184 1.46 6 261 Celanse 2.80 403 CentTel 1.12 42 CerroCorp1 Certn-1d .60 10 Cessna .90 Champinti1 109 ChmpSP :60 90 ChaseM 2.20 182 ChmNY 2.88 91 Chessie 3.60 56 Chris Craft Chrysir 1.40 857 Cin Gas 1.64 CIT Fin 2.20 34 Citicorp .80 10 1076 CitSrv 2.40g 104 City Inv .66 3 189 Clev El 2.40 40 Coca Col 2.13 12 638 Colgate .59 12 246 Col Gas 1.98 77 Comb 1.80 210 Com Siv 1.20 CmwEd 2.30 173 Comm Sat 1 46 Con Ed 3 364 ConsFd 1.35 1634 Con Frat .70 Cons NG 2.10 33 Consm Pw2 138 Conti Air Ln 8 112 Cn Can 1.60 6 91 ContiOil 1.80 434 Contini Tel 1 77 Contri Data 805 CornG 1.12a 00 213 Cox Brd .35 CPC Intl 2 67 Crane C1.40 218 Crwn 211.60 67 Curtiss 93 Cyprus 1.40 5 13 -D Dan Rivr .60 27 DanaC 1.36g 90 Dart In. 40g 49 Dayco 1.14 x8 PL1 1.66 45 Deere 1.60 88 Del Mnt 1.30 79 DeltaAir .60 Dennisn .90 4 13 DetEdis 1.45 5 154 Diam Sh 1.20 5 46 Diebold.

40g 6 30 DisneyW .12 12 444 DistilSea.80 12 13 Dr Peppr .30 13 169 Dome Mn .80 15 393 Dow Ch 1.20 12 497 Dresser 1.40 9 243 Duke 1.40 6 510 DuPont 4d 8 754 DuqneL 1.72 6 52 -E EascoCo .40 3 34 Eastern Air 129 East Ko1.5615 1145 EatnCp 1.80 47 EIPas Co lg 83 Eltra Cp 11 17 Emer E1.70 13 228 Esmark 1 4 40 Ethyl C1.20 3 118 Ex Cell 01 5 31 Exxon 3.45d 794 -F Faberge .40 34 Fair Cam .80 3 193 Faircind .30 6 43 FairmtF .60 5 4 Farah Mfg 7 Ferro Corp 1 Firstne 1.10 6 103. FsPaCp 1.32 159 Fleming .70 5 32 Flintkot 1.16 23 FlaPwr 1.95 114 FMC Cp .92 55 FoodFar .20 FordMo 3.20 347 For Mck .88 57 FreptM 1.20 133 Fruehuf 1.80 99 -G GAC Corp 2 132 GAF Cp.44 3 56 Gam Sk 1.40 3 10 .44 15 105 Mutual Funds 73 3 27 1514 15 12 1134 26 26 1 29 12 34 323 3 173 18 175 18 Ve 38 14 12 11 34 31 91 2458- 20 7 17 17 31 17 14 14 113- 20 28 E- 10 22 12 23 11 F- 5 14 14 14 13 3 18 11 5 353 35 97 18 18 18 G-- 18 19 223- New York -Fol-DodgCx 9.87 9.87J Gwth 6.34 6.89 Voyag 6.07 6.63 lowing is a list of Drexel 6.55 6.55Janus Fd 13.90 13.90 Reserv 1.00 bid and asked pri-DREYFUS GRP Johnstn 13.37 13.37 Revere 3.91 4.27 ces on Mutual Dryf Fd 7.20 7.85JOHN HANco*ck: Safec Eq 5.02 5.49 Funds as quoted by Eqty Fd 3.06 3.2; Bnd Fd 16.75 18.21Safeco 3.81 4.16 the NASD Inc. Dryf Lv 9.62 10.54 Grwth 4.05 4.40SCUDDER FDS: Dryt LA 10.01 Signat 5.60 6.09 Intr Inv 9.56 9.56 Friday Sp Incm 5.94 6.5 KEYSTONE: Balanc 10.17 10.17 October 4, 1974 3rd Cent 6.20 6.79 Cust B1 16.45 17.20 Com 5.89 5.89 Bid Mu 2.20 2.20 Cust B2 15.94 17.46 Specal 15.27 15.27 Adm Gw 3.08 3.38 Eagle Gr 5.06 5.5! Cust B4 6.52 7.15Sbd Lev 3.42 3.75 Adm Inc 2.79. 3.06 EATON Cust K1 5.32 5.83 SECURITY FDS: 3 Adm Ins 6.65 7.29 HOWARD: Cust K2 3.36 3.68 Equity 2.29 2.51 Adviser 3.36 3.67 Bain Fd 6.16 6.73 Cust S1 12.08 13.24 Invest 4.46 4.89 Aetna Fd 4.72 5.16 Gwth 5.52 6.0: S2 5.86 6.42 Ultra 4.10 4.49 Aetna In 10.64 11.63 Incre 4.59 5.0% Cust S3 4.23 4.64SELECTED FDS: Afuture 4.69 4.69 Specil 4.04 4.47 Cust S4 1.92 2.10 Am Shr 4.77 4.77 AGE Fd 3.63 3.70 Sick Fd 6.27 6.85 Apollo 2.44 2.67 Opp Fd 5.34 5.34 Alistate 6.19 6.66 EDIE Sp 11.11 11.11 Polars 1.99 2.18 Spl Shrs 8.84 8.84 Alpha Fd 7.32 8.00 Egret Gf 7.43 8.08 Knickr 3.98 4.36Sentinel 6.46 7.02 Amcap 2.81 3.07 Eifun Trt 8.83 Gth 4.22 4.62Sentry 8.72 9.48 Am Birth 9.65 10.60 Energy 8.05 8.0! 4.58 5.00SHAREHLD GRP Am Dvrs 5.60 6.12 Fairfid 5.00 5.4LD Edie 10.11 10.81 Comst 2.49 Am Eqty 3.10 3.40 Fm Bure 5.59 5.55LEX GROUP: Entrpr 3.64 AM EXPRESS Fed RRS 4.92 Cp Ledr 9.49 10.55 Flet Fd 2.77 FUNDS: FIDELITY Grwth 4.01 4.38 Harbr 5.92 Captal 3.96 4.33 GROUP: Resch 8.95 9.78 Legal 4.17 Incom 6.40 6.99 Bnd deb 7.63 8.3-Life Iniv 4.01 4.39 Pace Fd 4.95 Invstm 5.53 6.04 Captal 5.61 6.13Linc Cap 3.95 4.32SHEARSON FDS: Spect 3.97 4.34; Contra 6.35 LOOMIS Appre 12.30 13.44 Stock 4.44 4.85 Cv SSec 5.40 SAYLES: Incom 14.10 15.41 Am Grth 3.31 3.62 Dest 4.36 Cap Dv 6.88 6.88 Invest 6.47 7.07 Am Insin 3.17 3.46 Essex 4.72 Mutual 9.17 9.17Sh Dean 9.10 9.10 Am Invst 3.14 3.14 Everst 7.80 8.5: LORD ABB: Side Fd 6.31 6.92 Am Mut 5.76 6.30 Fund 9.88 10.80 Affilat 4.70 5.09IGMA FUNDS: AmNt Gr 1.54 1.68 Puritn 6.96 7.61 Am Bus 2.20 2.38 Cap Shr 4.11 4.49 ANCHOR Salem 2.50 2.73 Bnd deb 7.92 8.66 Inv 6.22 6.80 GROUP: Trend 12.89 14.09LUTHERAN BRO: Trst 5.95 6.50 Grwth 4.35 4.77 FINANCIAL Broh Fd 6.99 7.64 Ventur 4.44 4.85 Incom 5.52 6.05 PROGRAMS: Bro Inc 7.73 8.45Smith 6.64 6.64 Reserv 10.26 11.24, Fin Dyn 2.48 2.48 US 9.92 10.846B 7.43 7.43 Spectr 2.82 3.09 Fin Ind 2.51 2.51MASS CO: So GenF 8.04 8.42 Fnd Inv 4.59 5.03 Fin Inc 4.33 4.33 Freem 5.56 6.095wst Inv 4.68 5.06 Wa Natl 6.87 7.53 Vent 2.34 2.34 Indp 5.12 5.6 1Sw Inv 3.20 3.46 Audax 4.32 4.72|1stFd Va 6.78 7.41 Mass 7.57 8.30Sovr In 7.29 7.98 AXE FIRST MASS FNCL: Spectra 2.60 2.60 HOUGHTON: 'INVESTORS: MIT 7.06 7 InD 4.06 4.06 Fund A 3.68 4.00 Disc Fd 2.75 3.01 MIG 6.45 OSSTATE BND GRP: Fund 5.69 6.18' Grth Fd 4.28 4.69 MID 9.76 10.67 Com Fd 2.67 2.92 Stock 4.45 4.86! Incom 5.96 6.53 MFD 7.37 8.05 Divesif 3.20 3.50 Axe Sci 3.11 3.38| Stock 5.08 5.57 MCD 8.71 9 52 Progrs 2.58 2.82 BLC Gth 6.33 6.91 1st Multi 6.53 6.53 Mates lv 1.22 1 2251 Fr Gr 2.87 2.87 Babson 6.63 6.63 F1m Ber 6.42 6.42 Mather 6.03 6 0351 Fr Inc 6.41 6.41 Bayroc 4.26 4.66 FORUM GROUP: Mid Am 3.31 3 62State Str 26.38 26.74 Bayrk gr 3.43 3.75 100 Fnd 5.74 Money 1.00 1.00STEADMAN FDS: Beach HI 5.96 5.96 101 Fnd 6.05 Fd 5.93 6.48 Am Ind 2.08 2.08 Beacon 6.69 6.69 Colum 6.36 MSB Fd 8.32 8.32 Asso Fd .90 90 Berkshr 2.13 2.33 25 Fund 4.18 Mtl BnG 5.61 6.15 Invest x.93 .93 Bondst 3.13 3.42 Fdn Gr 3.27 3.57MIF Fd 5.44 5.88 Ocean 5.39 5.39 Bost Fon 6.48 7.08 FOUNDERS MIF Gro 2.28 2.46STEIN ROE FDS: Brown 1.83 1.89 GROUP: MuOm gt 3.24 3.52 Balanc 12.03 12.03 Brnhm 7.13 7.13 Grwth 3.51 3.84MuOm in 6.53 7.10 Capitl 5.11 5.11 CALVIN FUNDS: Incom 8.85 9.67 Mut Shrs 14.65 14.65 Stock 7.92 7.92 Bull 8.27 9.06 Mtual 5.66 6.19Mut! Trs 1.68 1.68SIS GROUP: Can 8.05 8.81 Specil 8.22 6.98Nat Indu 6.24 6.24 Grwth 3.88 4.25 Div x2.05 2.05 Foursq x5.50 5.50NAT SEC FDS: Incom 5.83 6.39 Natwd 6.63 7.26 FRANKLIN Balanc 5.79 6.33 Smmit 5.07 5.56 NY Ven 7.53 8.24 GROUP: Bond Sr 3.75 4.10 Techni 4.26 4.67 CG Fund 6.00 6.49 DNTC 4.47 4.90 Dividn 2.56 2.80 Survey 5.66 6.19 CG IncF 6.72 7.26 Gwth Sr 4.12 4.52 Pref Stk 4.47 4.89 Templ 6.07 6.66 Cap Prsv 93.81 Fr Incm 1.46 1.60 Incom 3.57 3.90 Tran Cap 5.64 6.13 Cent Shs 6.70 7.32 US Gv 8.99 9.85 Stock Sr 4.68 5.11 Travi Eq 6.76 7.41 Chal Inv 6.05 6.61 Utilitie 2.92 3.20 Grwth 3.63 3.97 Tudor 8.36 8.36 CHANNING Res Cap 5.12 5.61 NEW ENG LF: 20th CG 1.64 1.80 FUNDS: Rs Eqty 2.60 2.85 Equity 10.51 11.4220th CI 2.76 3.02 Amer .84 .92 Fki LfEq 6.47 7.07 Grwth 5.68 6.17 Unified 4.94 5.40 Baincd 6.95 7.60 Fd Mt dp 5.38 5.38 Incom 12.79 13.90 Unifund 5.11 5.58 Bnd Fd 7.19 7.86 FUNDS INCP Side 8.98 9.76 UNION SERVICE Eqty Gr 4.59 5.02 GROUP: NEA Mt 5.59 5.59 GROUP: Eaty Pr 1.69 1.85 Comm 5.88 6.43Neu Cent 3.72 Bra lv 7.96 8.70 Fnd Am 4.61 5.04 Impac 4.89 5.34Neuwth 5.59 Natl Inv 4.05 4.43 Grwth 2.98 3.26 Indus tr 7.67 8.38 Newton 8.63 9.43 Un Capt 5.63 6.15 Incom 5.10 5.57 Pilot 5.32 5.81 Nw Pers 10.50 11.48 Union In 9.42 10.30 Prov In 2.62 3.08 Gatewy 3.53 3.82New Wid 7.37 8.05 UNITED FUNDS: Speci 1.03 1.13 GE S-S 17.41 Nichlas 7.30 7 30 Accum 3.99 4.37 Ventur 4.34 4.74 Gen Sec 4.55 4.55 Nest Ivtr 12.33 12.33 Bnd Fd 6.29 6.89 Chart Fd 7.36 8.05 Gth FAm 3.13 3.420mega 5.99 6.11 Cont gw 5.72 6.27 CHASE Grth Ind (z) (z) Neil fd 10.31 10.31 Cont Inc 6.50 7.12 BOSTON: Guard 16.61 16.610ne Will 9.86 9.86 Incom 7.49 8.21 Fnd Bos 4.33 4.73 HAMILTON GRP: OPPENHM FD: Scienc 3.82 4.19 Fron Cp 2.90 3.17 Fund 2.59 2.83 Aim Fd 5.94 6.49 Vangd 3.11 3.41 ShTr Bs 4.86 5.31 Grwth 3.52 3.84 Op Fnd 4.21 4.60Utd SvcF 4.49 4.49 Speci 3.57 3.90 Incom 4.36 4.77 Mony 9.63 10.06 USAA Ca 5.31 5.31 Chem Fd 5.91 6.46 Hart Gth 6.51 6.51 Time 3.37 3.68 US GvtS 8.99 9.13 CNA MNG FDS: Hart Lv 5.50 5.50 OTC Sec 8.43 9.16 USLIFE FUNDS: Librty 2.96 3.23 Hedge 4.30 Paramt 4.53 4.95 Apex 2.36 2.58 Manht 1.94 2.12 Heritge .67 Paul Rev 4.04 4.42 Bal Fnd 6.09 6.66 Schus 4.34 4.74 Horace 11.00 11.89 Pgasus 2.46 2.70 Com Stk 8.04 8.79 Schu Sp 4.06 4.44 Impri Cp 6.21 6.79 Penn Mt 1.09 1.09 VALUE LINE FDS: COLONIAL Imp Gr 5.12 5.60 Penn So 4.63 4.63 Val Lne 3.72 4.08 FUNDS: Inc Am 10.42 11.39 Phila Fd 3.94 4.32 Val Inc 3.03 3.32 Conver 7.13 7.79 Inc Bost 4.92 5.39 Phonix 6.51 7.11 Lev Gth 3.74 4.10 Equity 1.61 1.76 Ind FAm 1.22 PILGRIM GP: Val Spc 1.89 2.07 Fund 7.34 8.02 Integon 5.85 6.32 Pil Frm 7.68 VANCE Grwth 3.42 3.74 111 Invest 16.05 17.59 Captal 1.92 2.10 SANDERS: Incom 7.53 8.23 Invern 4.72 4.72 Incom 6.56 7.17 Invest 4.84 5.29 Ventur 1.60 1.75 Inv Co A 8.65 9.45 Pilg Fd 4.70 5.14 VS Com 4.43 4.84 Colum 8.57 8.57 Inv Guid 4.31 4.31 Pine St 7.10 7.10 Speci 4.08 4.46 COMMONWLTH Inv Indic 1.79 Pin Tre (z) (z) Vndrbit 2.15 2.15 TRUST: Inv Bos 7.06 7.72 PIONEER FD: Vant 1090 4.92 A .70 .75 INVEST Pion Fd 8.06 8.81 Varied 2.29 2.49 1.00 1.09 COUNSEL Pionr 11 6.98 7.63 Vikng Gr (z) (z) Comp gr 3.46 3.78 Capam 5.79 6.35 Plannd (z) (2) WallSt gr 3.67 4.23 Comp Cp 3.23 3.54 Capit tv 1.90 2.08 PLI GRO 8.04 8.79 Wash Mu 8.15 8.91 Comp Bd (z) (z) Capit Sh 3.03 3.32 PLI Trn 4.46 4.87 Weing eq 5.99 5.99 Comp Fd (z) (2) INVEST GROUP: PRICE ROWE: WELLING TON Conced (z) (z) IDS Gth 3.17 Grwth 6.87 6.87 GROUP: Cons Inv 5.87 6.37 IDS ND 2.93 3.18 Incom 8.99 8.99 Explor 12.74 13.92 Cnsin gw 3.64 3.64 IDSPr 2.01 2.19 Nw Era 7.85 7.85 I vest 4.63 5.06 St ConMt In 5.82 5.82 Mutual 6.29 6.83 Nw Hor 4.51 4.51 Morgn 6.58 7.19 Contry 7.98 8.63 Stock 11.54 12.54 Pro Fd 3.93 3.93 Trust 6.49 7.09 Cwn Dall 3.98 4.35 Select 8.00 8.60 Provd Gt (z) (z) Welsly 9.26 10.12 Cwn Div 3.96 4.33 Var Pay 4.20 4.57 Prud SIP 5.91 6.46 Welltn 7.36 8.04 Dallas 2.45 Inv Res 4.04 4,42 PUTNAM Wstmn 8.70 9.51 Davidg (z) (z) I FUNDS: Windsr 4.95 5.41 DELAWARE Grwth 3.94 4.31 Conver 7.85 8.58 West Ind 1.60 1.75 GROUP: Incom 3.56 3.89 Equity 5,38 5.88 Wsfid Gr 4.52 4.91 Decatr 7.16 7.83 Trst Ut 3.68 Georg 9.07 9.91 Wiscons 3.36 3.67 Delw 6.45 7.05 Trst Sh 13.63 14.90 Grwth 6.52 7.13 Ziegler 6.80 7.43 Delta 2.66 2.91 1stel Fnd 15.51 15.99 Incom 6.54 7.15 x-ex-dividend. de Vegh 40.66 40.86 Ivy Fund 4.54 4.54 Invest 5.23 5.72 -unavailable.

Drect Cp 2.89 3.17 Vista 5.81 6.35 SingerC 2.60 3 16 1 Smithkline2 CalEd 1.68 South Co 1.40 5 5 SoRes 1.65 6 63 SoPacif 2.24 2858- So Rail 2.12 SowstPS .82 103 Sp Rand. .76 23- SquarD 1.10 19 Squibb .84 12 12 St Brnd 1.83 11 233 Std Oil Cal 2 3 St dO Ind 3.20 7 StOiiOh 1.36 18 22 3 SteriDr .70 12 3 StewWn 1.92 5 3 Sun Oil 1e 4 Sunshine .60 11 Sup Oil 1.40 12 Tandy Corp Teledyne 3i 3 Teneco 1.60 Texacoinc 2 3 TexETr 1.70 6 TxGSTr 1.76 5 Tex Instr 115 Tx PLT 6 TexUtil 1.16 8 TexGulf 1.20 6 Textron 1.10 5 Thiokol .70 14 ThriftyD .40 5 Timkn 1.80a 6 TraneCo .96 Transam .59 5 TranUn 1.56 8 Trans Air 8 9 TriCon 2.57d TRW In 1.12 4 58 TwCFx. 15d 7 13 UALInc.37d UnCarb 2.20 6 Un Elec 1.28 UnOCal 1.98 4 Un Pac 2.80 8 Uniroyal .70 UtdAircrf 2 Utd Brands 2 UnCorp. 77d US Gyp 1.60 5 US Indus.72 2 12 USSteel 2.40 5 US Tob .80 7 UniTel 1.08 7 UnivsOil .70 Upjohn .96 17 Utahiti 14 Utah PL 2.36 6 UV Indust 1 2 Varian .20 5 VendoCo .40 9 Vetco Offsh 16 Victor CC .50 5 Va Elec 1.18 6 Walgreen 1 5 WarLam .84 10 Wash 1.48 7 15 WstnAr 76 Ws Banc 1.40 WUnion 1.40 5 28 Westg El .97 11 Wstvac 1.40 4 .80 10 WhiPSt 2 Whr1pool .80 6 Whit Con .80 3 Wht Mot 3 Whittakr Cp 8 Wickes Cp 1 4 Winn Dx 1.32 12 Woolwh 1.20 4 29 Xerox 15 Zayre 85888 2 ZaleCorp. 4 ZenithR 6 Zurn Ind 7 WHAT THE By United New York New Highs New Lows 10 Advances 8 18 Declines V8 Unchanged Totals New York Stock 15,910,000 Warrants 204,800 Bonds $17,950,000 NEW YORK By United Approx final total Previousday Week ago Month ago Year ago Two years ago 1974 to date 233- 1 1973 to date 1972 to date 15 14 5 22 51 10 473- 3 36 16 13 31 38 1 38 38 18 8 9 1314- 38 291 18 171- 1578- 1 1278 18 1312 241 2134- 273- 12 3g 4 12 18 18 g- 3g 3914-134 1158-1 958 73- 2212- 83g- 138 94- 81- 415 25 3134 602 681 10 21 33 106 26 32 72 83 484 25 38 150 23 23 46.

403 803 387 71 150 44 328 16 Va 12 17 17 27 37 59 16 147 145 147 26 143 95 9 287 173 V2 960 172 9 366 61 59 3 20 20 20 130 16 90 23 418 x91 54 26 25 21 13 204 11 26 378 5 56 15 465 46 5 5 5 U- 193 281 34 34 75 10 123 170 55 54 131 6 40 166 61 69 445 4 400 32 162 11 83 265 44 266 188 25 -V V- 31 18 89 x16 639 -W W- 33 10 353 12 17 16 16 72 45 14 173 1882 8 9 63 317 93 159 11 56 56 10 10 74 54 41 30 111 -XYZ1210 60 16 31 3 3 114 18 5 MARKETS DID Press International Stock Exchange Friday Thursday Wk Ago 2 0 235 206 141 688 403 368 670 957 970 426 414 407 1784 1774 1745 Exchange sales: Stocks STOCK SALES Press International 15,910,000 13,150,000 12,230,935 15,131,260 18,822,290 16,633,340 2,596,851,237 2,943,031,421 3,146,933,217 American Stock Exchange NEW YORK on the close. P.E A Petro 1.50 Austral Oil Banister L1 Brascan 1g Buttes Gas Cal Comptr Carnatn 1.08 ChmpH Circle .30 Equip CreoleP 2.60 Crw CP DayMn Dixtyn Corp Dome Petro Feimnt Fincl SB.20 Fischer Pt 5i FordC 3.40a Frontier Air Husky O1 .50 Kaiser Kirbylnd.60 Lee Ent .36 Lee Nati Cp Loews Th wt McCullch O1 OKC Corp 1 Okiep 10.99d PacNW 1.12 Pnumo Rem Ar .80 Sambos Rst Solitron Dev SoundCp .40 STP Cp. 30d Syntex .40 Utahidaho 01 Vikoa Incor Wyo Bnc .50 Yates Indus (UPI) Selected stocks American Stock Exchange at Sales Net (hds) High Low close Chg. 5 14 8 281 7 14 52 3 46 12 12 6 131 13 1258- 3 17 10 177 19 337 2 5 13 103 3 174 1 11 15 3 58 3 6 56 17 17 7 25 93 10 3 38 6 5 5 FEE 4 z2510 62 60 60 -3 3 63 9 3 149 3 9 1158 1158 1158 7 2 11 38 4 5 278 111 7 162 3 27 3 z750 55 3 8 3 12 12 2 2 5 47 5 13 9 834 9 10 123 936 44 2 112 3 48 558 166 9 338 1 14 358 295 31 9 12 1378 60 5 3 3 25 718 Treasury Notes YORK (UPI) for Friday. 1974 1974 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1978 1976 1978 1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980 1981 Federal Dictaphone was the big loser of the session, falling 5 to 7 after a delayed opening.

Oils, which lost most of the week, turned around. Natomas, which reported an oil find offshore Indonesia, gained 2,1 Atlantic Richfield gained 2, Getty Oil 2 and Texaco, California Standard, Schlumberger and Superior Oil all point. Lubrizol, however, lost 2 U.S. Steel gained 1 Motors generally were lower following reports of slump in September sales. Prices were slightly higher on the American Stock Exchange.

The average Amex share, however, was unchanged. Volume totaled 1,677,000 shares compared with 1,403,000 traded Thursday. Dow Jones NEW YORK (UPI) Dow Jones closing averages: Open High Low Close Change Indus 585.73 593.71 573.22 584.56 off 3.05 Transn 125.66 128.79 124.30 127.71 up 1.78 Utils 60.65 61.99 60.26 61.54 up 0.64 65 stock 183.68 186.95 180.67 184.64 up 0.40 Transactions in stocks used in averages: Friday Thursday Indus 1,630,400 1,718,900 Trensp 302,600 252,100 Utils 371,000 222,200 65 Stk 2,304,000 2,193,200 Bonds Close Change: 40 Bonds 64.13 off 0.05 10 Higher Grade Rails 45.76 up 0.04 10 Second Grade Rails 61.42 off 0.03 10 Public Utilities .78.52 off 0.11 10 Industrials 70.81 off 0.12 Income Rails 44.56 off 0.20 Dow Jones commodity futures index (1924-26 average equals 100) closed at 377.27 up 1.49. Hospital Tests New Alcoholic Program By WARREN TALBOT. PROVIDENCE, R.I.

(UPI) The mate of an alcoholic is being admitted to Butler Hospital, along with the alcoholic, under a unique program where both live at the hospital during the entire treatment. They live together in a private room, and spend each day together at the hospital. Officials explain that alcoholism is an interpersonal problem. So that's why people affected by the disease are getting this special treatment at the hspital, Rhode Island's major psychiatric teaching institution. The Alcoholism Joint Admission Project (AJAP) allows an alcoholic to be admitted along with a husband, wife, or other family member for the entire duration of the cure process.

Ten such admissions have been allowed since last July, and Dr. Thomas J. Paolino, director of the program, hopes to have 100 couples admitted before July of next year. we allow a patient to have a close relative other than a wife or husband ad- Week On Wall Street Grumman Grumman arranges four year $200 million loan with group of U. S.

banks and Iran's Melli Bank and reconsiders twice deferred third quarter dividends. Dictaphone Northern Electric withdraws $12 a share tender offer for Dictaphone stock due to latter management's vehement opposition. Occidental Petroleum Occidental Petroleum's British unit arranges $150 million bank funding to help develop North Sea pipe field. TWA TWA and Pan American Airways say they hold informal talks which may or may not lead to possible merger, acquisition or consolidation. MOBIL OIL The Libya goverment says Mobil agrees to $70 million five year Libyan oil exploration program with any discovery shared by both for 35 years.

Exxon Exxon reduces 1974 first half net by $75 million to $1.48 or $6.61 a share due to Venezuela's retroactive income tax rate hike which forced revision of 95 per cent owned Creole petroleum units first half results to a $3.6 million loss from an $81.3 million profit. Other oil companies study the Caracas government move. Chrysler Chrysler recalls 55,862 1975 model Plymouths, Valiants, and Dodge Darts to correct carpeting bulge which may cause accelerator problem. McDonnell Douglas Iran signs letter of intent with McDonnel Douglas to buy 36 Phantom Fighters for unstated terms. Caltex Petroleum Texaco and California Standard joint venture offers to negotiate government takeover of operations in India.

Castle Cooke Castle Cooke 1 buys 75 per cent interest in Brazilian mushroom supply company for an unstated cash amount. By United Press International The nation's two largest banks, the Bank of America of San Francisco and First Soviets Complete Tests LONDON (UPI) The Soviet Union has completed 10 days of testing its latest super rockets in a race against the United States to improve its nuclear weapons ability before strategic arms limitation talks later this month. Defense sources said Friday the tested in midPacific included a submarinelaunched missile with a range of about 4,600 miles outranging the best operational U.S. sub missile 2,000 miles. A U.

S. missile with similar range is only in the developmental stage. The tests were believed to have also involved improved versions of multiple warheads, known as MIRVs, in which the United States has a considerable lead. No information has been forthcoming from Moscow on the type or scope of the tests. The defense sources said Russia racing against time in a determined effort crease its nuclear armory numerically, but above all to improve the quality and dependability of its rockets and warheads before any, agreement with the United States on major nuclear arms curbs is reached.

Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger is scheduled to discuss the SALT negotiations with Soviet Party Secretary Leonid I. Brezhnev and his chiefs Moscow Oct. military, talks may decide whether agreement is possible, the alternative being a nev arms race on an alarming scale. An analysis by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute of the current nuclear weapons status said the United 'States has a vast qualitative lead and will maintain it even when Russia completes ambitious MIRV program.

Quantitatively, Russia has overtaken the United States in intercontinental ballistic missiles and more recently has developed four formidable new rocket types. According to the International Strategic Institute in London, Russia now has 1,575 deployed, 48 more than last year, against America's unchanged total of 1,054. It said in its recent strategic survey that development has continued of four new Soviet ICBM types of greater accuracy than any now in service. Some have been tested with MIRV warheads. But the Soviet emphasis appears to be concentrated on nuclear submarine development and missiles for them.

Six new Soviet D-class Delta submarines have been launched, making a total of nine of these super boats so far, each to be equipped with 12 SSN8 rockets of the range, according to the institute. Treasury Bonds NEW YORK (UPI) the counter U.S. Bonds Friday, Prices and 32nds. 1974 Nov 45 1980 Feb 1980 Nov 7s 1981 Aug 1982 Feb 1978-83 Jun 1984 Aug 1985 May 1975-85 May 1986 Nov 1990 Feb 1987-92 Aug 4S 1988-93 Feb 1993 Feb 1993-88 Aug 1989.94 May 35 1995 Feb 7s 1998-93 May 1998 Nov 99.94 May Source: First Boston MARKET By United Press NYSE Index ASA Index Dow -Jones Ind 500 Stocks tional Bank of New York, Friday eased interest rates for business loans. But the reduction failed to reverse the downward plunge on the stock market.

The two banks, pace-setters in the financial community, lowered their prime lending rate from 12 per cent to 11 34 per cent effective Monday, joining other major banks across the nation in reducing interest for business loans. Identical reductions were made Friday by several other banks, including First National Bank of Cincinnati National City Bank of Cleveland, Mercantile Trust of St. Louis, North Carolina National Bank of Charlotte, and National of Oregon. Lowering the prime from the historic high level of 12 per cent failed to check the plunge of prices on the New York Stock Exchange. The Dow Jones industrial average, which closed below 600 for the first time in 12 years Thursday, fell even lower in early trading Friday.

The trend toward lower prime rates began 10 days ago when two large New York banks, Guaranty Trust Morgans Manhattan. lowered their interest rates to 11 3. Some banks for them, the but Bank many of others America exalted Citibank to act. The decline in the prime, the interest bank's charge for loans to their best corporate customers. followed an easing of the tight money policy imposed by the Federal Reserve Bank which began pouring money.

into the banking system. The Bank of America said it "is lowering its rate in support of recent modest adjustments in federal reserve policies which have led to some declines: in money market rates and the marginal cost of funds and. not as a result of reduced loan growth." "We are pleased that easing: in the money market now justifies a lowering of the prime lending, rate for our commercial, Hodges borrowers," North: said: Carolina National chairman. The high prime rates were a result of efforts to check inflation by reducing credit and of the high demand for loans. TV PROGRAMS Sunday, October 6, 1974 Not responsible for last minute station changes.

WHIZ-18 WBNS-10 WTRF-7 Zanesville Columbus Wheeling WLWC-4 WKBF-61 WOSU-34 Columbus Cleveland Columbus' WTVN-6 WSTV-9 WOUB-20' Columbus Steubenville Athens A Morning mitted, all of them so far have been married couples," Paolino said. The couples have ranged from those in their mid-20's to a couple who are grandparents. "In effect, what we are doing is treating both the alcoholic and the person close to him. By watching how the hospital staff deals with the patient, the wife or husband will gain a better understanding of how to deal with the illness," he said. At the same time, the hospital staff gets a chance to talk with the spouse more often and to see how both the alcoholic and the spouse interrelate with each other on a day to day basis.

In some cases it may be discovered that it is a problem between the couple that has caused the alcoholism. "We get a chance to learn more than from just the sporadic interviews we would normally get from the he said. The spouse or relative can be valuable as a moral support to the patient at those times when the temptation is great to quit the program he added. don't keep the people separated at a time when they should be together. We are bringing the home into the hospital," he said.

The program is funded by a one-year $49,640 grant from the federal government. Under the program, the only cost is for the hospitalilization of the alcoholic, which can be carried by medical insurance. The spouse is allowed to stay for free, and all outpatient therapy after the hospitalization is also free of charge. "This is important because the average blue-collar worker is unable to afford many of the alcoholic programs," Paolino said. The average hospital stay is about three weeks.

Paolino said during this "lonely period" many alcoholics usually would check themselves out against doctor's advice. But in the joint admission program, no one has left so far. Paolino said he has checked with more than 130 other hospitals throughout the nation and has found his program unique. "I don't know of anyplace that brings the spouse right into the hospital room with the patient," he said. Livestock, Produce And Grain 455 CATTLE: Choice Steers 39.

to 42.50; Good Steers 35. to 38.75; Standard Steers 24.10 to Holstein Steers Good Heifers 30. to Standard Heifers 19.75 to 27 27.50; Commercial Cows 18. to 23.20; Utility Cows 17. to 20.80; Canners and Cutters 10.

to 16.75; Sausage Bulls 22. to 35.10; Stocker Steer and Bull Calves 22. to Stocker Steer Yearlings 22.10 to Stocker Heifer Calves 20.25 to Stocker Yearlings 20. to 26. 77 CALVES: Choice Veal Calves 40.

to 48.50: Good Veal Calves 30. to 39.50; Plain Veal Calves 20. to Baby Calves 10.50 to 33.50;. 183 HOGS: Best Barrows and Gilts, 38.25 to Heavier and Lighter Weights 32. to Sows 24.

to 29.10; Feeder Pigs By Head 2. to 18.: By Weight 25. to Boars 22. to 24. 321 SHEEP: Best Wooled Lambs 35.

to 35.50; Medium Wooled Lambs 31. to 34.50: Feeder Wooled Lambs 29. to 33.: Best Clipped Lambs 31.50 to Light Weight and Ship Lambs 10. to Sheep for Slaughter 6.50 to 12.60. By Cwt.

18. to 24.50. 7:00 (4) Ounce Of Prevention (6) Communique (7) Gospel Jubilee (9) Old Time Gospel Hour (10) Look Up Live (18) Christophers 7:30 (4) Church By Side Of Road (6) Gospel Caravan (10) Camera Three (18) This Is The Life 8:00 (4) Day Of Discovery(7) Beam Of Hope (9) Ernest Angely (10) Billy James Hargis (18) Focus On Travel 8:30 (4) Your Health (6) Kathryn Kuhlman Spiritual Awakening (10) Together (18) Bible Answers (61) Big Blue Marble 9:00 (4) Cadle (6) (18) Chapelumbard (7) (10) Oral Roberts (9) Church Of Christ (61) Hour Of Power 9:30 (4) Yours For Asking (7) Morning Worship (9) Day Of Discovery (10) Pleasantville Baptist Church 10:00 (4) Catholic Mass (6) Notre Dame Football (7) 144th Morman Conference (9) Jimmy Swaggart (10) Movie (18) Oral Roberts (61) Magilla Gorilla 10:30 (4) Insight (9) Kathryn Kuhlman (18) Herald Of Truth (61) Three Stooges 11:00 (4) Focus On Columbus (6) Point Of View (9) Rex Humbard (18) Faith For Today (61) Little Rascals 11:30 (4) (18) OSU Football Highlights (6) Bishop Fulton Sheen (61) Flintstones Afternoon 12:00 (6) CBPA Bowling (7) Bobby Bowden (9) Evangelistic Outreach (10) Columbus Town Meeting (61) Munsters 12:30 (4) (7) (18) Meet The Press (9) NFL Today PreGame (61) McHale's Navy 12:55 (10) Five Minutes To Kickoff 1:00 (4) (7) (18) NBC Baseball Divisional Playoffs (9) (10) NFL Today (61) Movie 1:30 (6) Issues Answers 2:00 (6) Wally's Workshop 2:30 (6) Soul Train 3:00 (34) Sunday CinemaThe Silent Years (61) Movie 3:30 (6) Jimmy Dean (9) NFL Today Pregame 4:00 (4) (7) (18) NBC Pro-Football (6) Other People, Other Places (9) (10) NFL Today 4:30 (6) Inner Space (34) Animals 5:00 (6) Untamed World (34) Speaking Freely (61) Movie Of Week 5:30 (6) The FBI Evening 6:00 (34) Your Future Is Now 6:30 (6) Action News (34) Antiques VIII 7:00 (4) Last Of The Wild (6) National Geographics (7) Wild Kingdom (9) (10) In Happy The Days. (18) Get Smart (20) (34) Journey To Japan (61) Mission: Impossible 7:30 (4) (7) (18) Wonderful World Of Disney a (9) (10) Apple's Way (34) Canada Week At Chautauqua (34) Lombardi Football re 8:00 (6) Sonny Comedy Revue si (34) Life Around Us no (61) Movie 8:30 (4) (7) (18) Sunday Mystery Movie (9) (10) Kojak (20) (34) Masterpiece Theatre, 9:00 (6) Sunday Night Movie 9:30 (9) (10) Mannix (20) (34) Firing Line 10:00 (4) (7) (18) NBC News Presents (61) Guideposts 10:30 (9). Thurs.

Night Movie (10) High Road To (34) Adventure al Burglar-Proofing (61) Lou Gordon 11:00 (4) News (6) My Partner The Ghost (7) (18) News (10) Eyewitness 11:15 (10) (18) CBS News 11:30 (4) Hope Ball (7) Spring Street USA SI (10) Face The Nation (18) Tonight Show 12:00 (6) Good News (7) Tonight Show (10) Urban, League (61) Dame Football Highlights 12:30 (6) ABC News (10) CBS Friday Late Movie 1:15 (4) News Weather a 20 Closing over Government Treasury quoted in dollars Bid Ask Chg Yld 99.16 99.18... 7.92 82.16 83.16+.4 7.99 79.8 80.8 7.60 90.4 91.4 7.99| 94.12 95.12.. 7.88 70.12 71.12.. 7.86 90.0 91.0 7.69 70.8 71.8 7.16 72.12 73.12.. 8.02 88.0 89.0 7.521 70.4 71.4 6.50 70.12 71.124.10 7.12 70.4 71.4 6.77 83.12 84.12..

8.44 89.24 90.24.. 8.49 70.4 71.4 6.81 70.4 71.4 5.34 84.0 85.0 8.48 70.4 71.4 5.72 98.12 99.12.. 8.61 Corp. INDEXES International 32.90 up 0.01 61.11 up 0.03 584.56 off 3.05 62.34 up 0.06 WE NEED Earn Up To $1500 Per Year Extra. NEW ury Notes and 32nds.

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The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.