The Blind Alley (PG-13) Action/Adventure (2024)

AN:/ Even though no one reviewed the last chapter, I've gotta hope that maybe someone likes this story and continue. So onward we shall go!


Chapter Two: Pokemon Battle

Get up! Let’s see what you’re made of
Bring it on! You know I’m not afraid

Angela Via

It was late September, several seasons past. Back when they were all just barely thirteen. Pallet was littered with a full range of colors- filled with the crisp smells of the coming winter. It was in the age where she could still afford to waste time doing nothing at all.

Misty almost didn’t notice him when she was passing down the road. Her arms packed with groceries, Misty just barely saw the tussle of brown hair over the rims of her paper bags. Luckily Brock’s load was less. He was able to identify the stranger for her.

“Hey, Gary… Brock. You remember me, I was one of Ash’s companions.”

“Ah yes,” answered the boy before them. “I remember you. And Misty, right?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“You cut your hair. It’s cute.”

Misty blushed slightly, shifting the weight of her bags to her other arm and reaching up to touch the red locks that only just graced the back of her neck.

“You really think so?”

“Yeah. It suits you.”

“Ah. I was afraid it would make me look even more like a boy.”

“Eh. No, I don’t think so. It’s charming, really.”

“Thank you, Gary.”

He was always charming. He knew exactly the right thing to say to a girl. Gary was sweet, charismatic, and (as she recently noticed) quite pleasing to the eye. Ash was nothing like him.

“I surprised you two are in town.”

“Well it is Ash’s birthday…” began Brock.

“We kind of hoped,” interrupted Misty hastily. “That if he were to show up anytime this year, it would be on his birthday.”


“Isn’t that why you came home?”

“Uh. No… not exactly. I’m terrible with dates,” answered Gary somewhat sheepishly. “I honestly had no idea it was Ash’s birthday. I only came back to check on my grandfather- he’s been having a few problems with arthritis lately…”

He faltered, obviously not wanting to delve any deeper into the topic. “Um. So how is Ash?”

“Unfortunately, he hasn’t come home yet,” said Misty a deep frown splitting her soft features. “He’s terribly difficult to get in contact with. Even his own mother isn’t sure if he’s coming home.”

“Really?” Gary looked momentarily nonplussed. “Well that’s not like him. He usually gets so excited about his birthday. I remember when we were kids- he like, let every one know a month before so that he could get as many presents as possible.”

“Well, people do grow up. Even Ash has to eventually. Maybe birthdays aren’t as important as they used to be… since he started traveling on his own. Maybe he matured?” offered Brock.

Misty snorted right along with Gary. Both of them knew that couldn’t be true. Ash wouldn’t grow up. It was against his very nature.

“But are you absolutely sure he hasn’t come in?” added Gary curiously.

“What do you mean?”

“I just- well, I swore I saw Pidgeot flying around that area just a while earlier…. I assumed- hey!” Misty had already shoved grocery bags into both Brock’s and Gary’s arms.

“I’ll go check,” she said earnestly before rushing off.

She left the two boys laboring over the load of food and various other supplies in their arms. It took Gary several moments of struggling to get underneath the weight of all that she had loaded upon him.

“Does she still have that crush on Ash?” He gasped, once getting his arms around it.

“You couldn’t tell?” grumbled Brock.

Misty was already halfway down the dirt road. It was a beautiful fall day but the sun was hot. It burned down on Misty as she ran making her much hotter than she felt it was outside. Misty was only just managing to suck in air by the time she reached the Ketchum Household. She jumped over the low white picket fence in the back yard and barely avoided landing on Mrs. Ketchum’s precious tomato patch.

The last stretch was the easiest. Jumping onto the cobblestone path she raced up to the back screen door and slammed it open violently.

“Mrs. Ketchum! I’m back!” Misty shouted out with what air she had left.

Delia turned about startled by Misty’s sudden entrance. The back door opened into her quaint little kitchen and all the wonderful smells that accompanied it. It appeared that Delia had already started on dinner. She was in the middle of slicing up vegetables with Misty burst in on her.

“I see that,” said Delia. She wasn’t able to speak any further for Misty had already moved onto the other rooms. Delia set down her knife and rushed after her.

“Misty- wait. You ca-“

Misty stopped in the living room just at the side on the couch. And there he was, sleeping soundly. His jacket was strewn across the coffee table. His shoes were plopped just south of his propped up feet. His dark hair was a mess and his face and clothes covered with the dirt and stench of travel. Pikachu slept quietly curled on his chest, snoring with the same wispy sort of style of his master.

“He made it,” said Misty with a smile.

“I was going to let you know,” Delia whispered quietly at her side. “But he passed out as soon as he came in. I think he traveled a long way to get back- He mentioned the Al…ger…sa region?”

“Never heard of it.”

“Me neither. Heaven only knows where this kid goes.”

“That’s Ash for you.”

Misty momentarily spotted a hint of a frown on Delia’s face. It was only for a second and so brief that Misty thought that maybe she had imagined it.

“He sprained his wrist again,” Delia said nodding to the clumsy sort of wrap about his left hand.

Misty glanced over to it. He held it comfortably over Pikachu as if it didn’t hurt him at all. She had completely overlooked it.

“It’s just a sprain,” said Misty weakly.

“Hm,” Delia sighed and then said. “He’s so reckless. I’m just waiting for the day when my son comes home in a wooden box.”

Misty audibly gasped. She covered her mouth quickly, hoping that she hadn’t been loud enough to wake up Ash. But even if she screamed, Ash would probably still sleep.

“You shouldn’t say that.”

“I shouldn’t…” Delia said before turning to leave the two alone. “But that’s what I think.”

And Ash hadn’t heard a word.


The field behind the gym was the perfect place for an unsupervised pokemon battle. Most sound would carry to the south. They were completely shielded by the massive structure that was the highlight of Viridian’s architecture. The grass was overgrown but tasted sweet, according to pikachu and butterfree, who had taken the moment to nibble on a few blades.
Misty looked across to the young man she was preparing to duel. Unlike her, he was completely careless- sitting in the grass with pikachu and staring up at the stretch of sky above them. As if he didn’t take this battle seriously, or rather that he didn’t take her seriously. It was infuriating but she wasn’t going to let his lack of enthusiasm dissuade her.

There were so many things she wanted to ask him. It had been so long since she had last seen him. Ash acted as if he hadn’t noticed time pass at all. Still carefree and completely devoid of any true vigor that was attributed to his idolized career path.

A child, that’s what he still was. Teasing a blade of grass between his lips and playfully tickling pikachu on the nose with it- it was cute. But he was seventeen-year-old trainer; someone who should already be fighting against the elite, not hanging around pokemon gyms like some novice trainer. At the very least he should have given up if he wasn’t making any progress or taken a job somewhere in the pokemon career field. Aimlessly wandering through the different novice leagues was ridiculous- especially with the strength of the pokemon he had at his disposal.

The ideal trainers stopped being trainers after their first year. Some went through two or three leagues before getting a job as a gym leader. But to go seven years without gaining any sort of title at all, either he was stubborn or incredibly bad at taking on responsibilities. Misty assumed it was both.

“Are you quite done?” snapped Misty, hands on her hips.

Ash looked up at her curiously from his lowly position and then Pikachu sneezed in his face. He rolled over, laughing and rubbing his face as if it would help any. Misty only sighed.

“Geez Mist,” said Ash chuckled still wiping his face with the back of his hand. “Lighten up. It’s just a pokemon battle.”

“Since when has a pokemon battle been just a pokemon battle for you?”

“It’s called not sweating the small stuff.”

Ash grinned at her disapproving glare. Misty waited until he climbed to his feet, Pikachu on his shoulder, before she continued.

“Which pokemon will you be using?”


“It is a one on one battle. Either use Butterfree or Pikachu. You can’t use them both.”

Ash sighed, and plucked a pokemon ball from his belt. One push of the button shot out a beam of red light at Butterfree, sucking her back inside.

“Sorry buddy. Mist’s in a mood,” said Ash to the pokeball.

“And stop calling me Mist,” snapped Misty as she made her way back across the field. “The name is Mist-y!”

“Okay. Whatever you say, Mi-st!” He somehow managed to add an extra special ta on the end just to spite her.

“Ugh, you really haven’t matured at all,” muttered Misty to herself. She pulled a pokeball from her belt and thrust it out in front of her.

“One on one battle. If I win, you have to tell me whatever I want to know and you can’t run away.”

“Oi, I don’t remember agreeing to that.”

“If you have any objections I can always call out Togetic again,” said Misty with a sly sort of smile. Ash visibly paled.

“That’s quite unnecessary,” said Ash quickly. “If you win, you can torture me to said heart’s content. But if I win, no more chasing. And you forget you ever saw me today.”

“I don’t recall forgetting as part of the agreement.”

“Now we’re even then.”

“Bite me.”

“I’d love to Mist darling,” said Ash with an obnoxious smile. “But I do believe you wanted to have a pokemon battle.”

“You’re such a pig, Ash Ketchum.” Misty lifted her arm and released a pokemon from the ball. It shot down into the grass and formed the shape of a pokemon. It had smooth turquoise skin and fin-like ears on either sides of its face with a main fin protruding from the top of its head. Its collar was webbed and formed a ring around its neck. The tail was mermaid-like backed with ridges- fitting a very mystical fox-slash-mermaid-listic fairytale look.

“Va vaaa,” said the pokemon swishing its tail. Neither human understood it. Pikachu interpreted the saying merely as a battle cry. A pathetically cliché one like “I’m here, bring on the competition!” Needless to say, it wasn’t very intimidating.

“When did you get a Vaporeon?” said Ash unable to hide the surprise from his voice.

“A long time ago, Ashy boy. You’d know that if you didn’t fall off the face of the earth… And you still owe me a bike.”

“I sent you a voucher for your birthday, didn’t I?”

“The bike shop wouldn’t accept it. It was damaged.”

“Oh. Well, I did accidentally get caught up in a battle with the Rocket-dan beforehand. You see they wanted to steal it…”

“Oh just shut up and choose your pokemon.”

“Fine, I will.”

Misty anticipated on Ash sending out Pikachu. After all it would be the smart choice; applying the basic elements to their natural counter opposite. It was the pokemon of his choice in the gym battle against her, wasn’t it?

But Ash’s hand went to his belt and Pikachu made no attempt to jump into the fry. Pikachu was too busy acting in the replace of Ash’s hat.

The pokeball Ash had selected enlarged in his hand. He grinned in a way that almost caught Misty off guard. His expression had changed.

Ash was actually excited now. Somewhere betwixt the excitement, Misty thought she caught a glimpse of the years she had not seem him. Years that had matured in him ways she would never be able to understand.

“I wonder if you remember him. It took me awhile to track him down and readjust myself to his own style of battling.”

He cast a wink her way, giving her no time to guess. With a simple toss, a pokemon of huge proportions erupted from the pokeball. It spread its massive orange wings and bellowed a roar so loud that Misty had to cover her ears.

“Charizard?” Misty gasped. “You’ve got to be crazy Ash. You can’t control that thing.”

“You’re right. Oh no, what was I thinking,” said Ash with such relish that Misty found herself blushing over her own fear.

Charizard wasn’t charging, just standing. Its flaming tail swung lazily and eyes glaring down both Misty and her little Vaporeon. Ash had disciplined it after all. Perhaps it really had been too long a time since she had seen them.

“Charizard,” said Ash firmly.

And the massive dragon turned itself around, back now to the opponent. Misty watched curiously to see if there was any purpose to this strange tactic. But neither Ash nor Charizard showed any sign of there being a purpose. They merely stared at each other- as if they were trying to win the other over with their eyes.

“You’re foolish to match Charizard up against a water pokemon,” said Misty. “And if all you’re doing here is giving me a better shot at his tail, I’m not going to be merciful like some others would. I’m taking the shot, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Ash didn’t react. Neither did Charizard, his tail still swinging.

Misty followed the tail with her eyes. She pointed catching Vaporeon’s attention instantly.

“Vaporeon. Watergun. Aim at the flame on Charizard’s tail.”

And Misty almost missed it. Ash’s eyes went up to the sky just before the water gun hit its mark. Charizard, in that exact same instant, flew up. The stream of water shot harmlessly by Ash’s shoulder, spraying both Ash and Pikachu with a very light mist. Pikachu disapproved, but Ash didn’t even seem to notice.

Charizard flipped over in the air and came back down. Its front claws wrapped around Vaporeon’s midsection and lifted her up with him into the sky.

“Vaporeon!” Misty cried running forward into the middle of the field as the Charizard went higher into the sky.

Her eyes shot back over to Ash who was watching the skies as well. Ash seemed to notice her staring for his eyes fell back down towards her, and he grinned.

“Call off your Charizard, Ash! Just what is he doing?”

“I think it’s a seismic toss, although I could be wrong,” said Ash almost carelessly, his eyes wandering back up to the sky. He shielded his eyes with one hand so that he could see better. Misty was not amused.

“Haven’t you learned to control your pokemon yet?”

“Control,” said Ash with an empathized gasp. “Never. Why in the world would I want to control them?”

“Stop it, Ash. This is serious. I’m not battling against some rampaging wild pokemon that just does whatever it feels like at its trainer’s benefit.”

“I’m sorry Mist. But I really have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Charizard had turned in the air now, putting both him and Vaporeon upside down. The small blue pokemon was still struggling in his grip for a break of some kind but Charizard held firm. He thrust them into a tailspin, shooting straight at the ground. Vaporeon let out a scream for help.

“Vaporeon, bite! Bite its claws!” Misty shouted up to the form rushing down at them.

Vaporeon heard her mistress’ voice from below. Surging with a sudden purpose, Vaporeon bared her teeth and sunk them deep into the flesh of the dragon. Charizard wailed, but didn’t release. They were coming down just as fast, and Misty was directly beneath them.


Charizard’s grip loosened and the small pokemon broke free. They were only twenty feet above Misty’s head and still falling.

And Ash was there before Misty saw him coming. He grabbed her roughly by the shoulder and pushed her behind himself. For a second, Misty felt her heart skip a beat. She noticed that he was taller than her. His back was so straight- and strong. What happened to the scrawny little wimp she used to beat up for his lack of brains? Was he was protecting her?

Ash was just in time. They were both showered with earth as the pokemon touched down only a few feet away. Ash shielded Misty as best as he could. She buried her face into his back to prevent herself from choking on the cloud of dirt. And Ash smelt so good and clean; of sweet soap and dryer sheets. She quickly stepped back, embarrassed at her own ill-bred actions. Ash didn’t notice, having only eyes for the battle.

A surge of frustration brewed inside Misty again. He really still thought nothing of her. But yet, her feelings spun sickeningly into her stomach, he had saved her. If he didn’t like her, why would he do that?

Charizard and Vaporeon had twisted around in the air at last second. The little bubble jet pokemon had somehow managed land on its feet- the gust of Charizard’s wings lessening the impact. And Charizard had flapped its giant wings just in time to avoid taking recoil for a failed attack.

“Vaporeon, bubble beam!” shouted Misty from behind Ash.

She was incredibly composed for someone who narrowly avoided being crushed, thought Ash. It took Ash a moment to take in her command. He pointed up to the sky, and Misty saw him. It was impossible not to, after all. She was standing right behind him this time.

Charizard gave two mighty flaps of his wings before shooting skyward- the bubble beam narrowly missing the edge of its tail.

Misty grabbed Ash from behind, disregarding all previous inhibitions, and shook him like a rag doll. He didn’t fight her, just laughed.

“What was that?!” She exclaimed, hands still on his shoulders.

“You’re quite the sore loser, Mist. You know you’re not supposed to mess with your opponent in a pokemon battle.”

“Tell me what you did!!”

“What?” asked Ash innocently.

Pikachu grinned down at her from its perch, nibbling nonchalantly on its gremlin cookie. She hadn’t even noticed that Pikachu was still there. How in earth had that sudden brush of death not faze either of them?

“Don’t give me that,” snapped Misty. “You haven’t issued a single command this entire battle…” She paused, staring skeptically between both Pikachu and Ash. “Are you psychic?”

Ash burst out in laughter. “Oh come on, Mist! Me, psychic? I’m not even smart enough to pass the SATs.”

“Then how are you commanding Charizard? He’s not acting on a whim.”

“I’m touched you noticed. Most of my opponents usually freak out for a good while before figuring it out,” Ash grinned. “It’s actually quite funny.”

“What are you doing?!”

“I’m signaling him, just like you are. Except where you use your voice…” Ash looked back up at Charizard and then pointed back down with all five fingers wiggling. It seemed the pokemon understood. Charizard inhaled and released a fire attack of incredible proportions.

“Vaporeon, watergun! Full power!” shouted Misty. The pokemon responded shooting up a powerful stream of water. The two trainers were blasted with a hot steam. Misty had to cover her face. Ash did nothing- almost as if he enjoyed it.

“I use my hands, my eyes. Turns out, Pokemon understand visuals better. Go figure,” said Ash continuing his train of thought. “Granted, none of my other pokemon adapted so easily to the change. Charizard was the best at understanding the hand signals and responding to them accordingly. Besides Charizard never liked having orders shouted at him. Pikachu told me so.”

“Pikachu… told you so?” repeated Misty incredulously. “So what, now you know Pikachu language?”

“No, I never quite got the hang of it,” answered Ash with a sheepish sort of grin at the Pikachu on his head. “But I know some sign language. Believe it or not, it really does help.”

“He really is terrible at pikachu,” said Pikachu through his cookie. “Most humans are. Just can’t form their mouth around the syllables.”

“What did he say?”

“I just told you I don’t know!” Ash made a sort of face and then shrugged. “Something about pikachus. That’s all I got.”

“Ash, all he says is pikachu.”

“Like I said, I don’t know!”

Ash drew away from her then, eyes going back towards the battle.

“Do you think you can go back to where trainers usually stand, and stop getting so excited?” said Ash. Misty was certain he was mocking her. And he probably was this time.

“Don’t flatter yourself,” snapped the red head. “I was just concerned for Vaporeon. Your Charizard was quite unruly in the past.”

Ash said nothing in retort. He merely smiled. “I’ll wait for you to get back into your spot if you wait for me.”

They didn’t have to say a word. Instead the two trainers shared a look that illustrated to the other exactly what they were thinking. Without a single second’s hesitation, both took off at full spring across opposite ends of the field, spinning about when reaching their places, and shouting an order. Misty reached her spot a second before Ash. And caught in the moment, Ash shouted his attack as well.

“Vaporeon aurora beam!”

“Fire blast!”

Both pokemon inhaled drawing the power within themselves. Charizard was able to discharge his attack first. But fire blast was a slow moving move. The pillars of scolding hot flames danced in the hair before falling towards the waiting Vaporeon.

Its mouth hung open, a charge developing there. The ball of light increased and the pressure weighed heavily on the small pokemon’s mouth. It wasn’t until the energy became too great that the pokemon released it up back up at the flames falling down upon it.

The two attacks intermingled briefly before exploding in a huge flash of light. Both pokemon were knocked backwards through recoil.

Charizard caught itself in midair with its large wings. It flapped just feet from Misty and the two exchanged a momentary glance.

Vaporeon had the worst of the explosion. It had taken considerable damage but managed somehow to dig in its back legs so that it wouldn’t be thrown far. It skidded to a halt right before Ash, tail erect and eyes glaring up at the dragon before it.

Misty missed Ash’s signal. Charizard charged at Vaporeon before she could gain a grip on his tactic. By the spread of its arms, Misty was able to determine his goal.

“Vaporeon, don’t attack! Dodge him!”

And the blue pokemon jumped to one side. But she wasn’t quick enough. Charizard anticipated the action and latched onto Vaporeon’s tail. With a grand sweep of his wings he was in the air again, the screeching mermaid pokemon dangling in his grip.

“Crap! Not again!” cried the Vaporeon.

Ash smiled confidently. He was going to get the seismic toss off right this time. And then the battle would be his. He cast a quick glance in Misty’s direction just to pause. She didn’t seem worried. In fact, she looked rather confident herself.

And why would that be, Ash thought. He knew Misty well enough to know she didn’t take too well to losing. So then that meant she had something up her sleeve. What move could she possibly achieve while her pokemon was being helplessly dragged through the air. None, it was imposs-

Then it donned on him. How stupid could he be?

She had just started to form the words on her lips. Ash knew he couldn’t get Charizard’s attention without a vocal order. It would throw away his edge, but it was something he would have to risk.

“Charizard! Drop Vaporeon!”

His command stunned Misty and stalled her long enough so that she didn’t voice the attack in time to trap Charizard. Without question, Charizard obeyed and released Vaporeon to the vicious nature of gravity. It screamed and only Charizard and Pikachu heard its annunciation of “oh shiiiiiiiiiiiittttttt!” as it tumbled earthward.

“Vaporeon! Hydro pump!” cried Misty desperately to her falling teammate.

At first, Misty thought it hadn’t heard her. But then it came. The fountain of water shooting up inexplicably from the earth and swallowed Vaporeon whole.

Ash stared awestruck at the torrent of water. Misty had definitely gotten stronger. If that attack had hit Charizard, Ash was sure that the match would have definitely been over. Charizard seemed to realize that too, keeping as safe a distance it could from them pillar of water.

“That was good. You almost caught us,” said Ash relaxing and sending Misty a wry sort of smile.

But Misty didn’t return it, her eyes still up at the tower of water. Ash knew that expression. She wasn’t done yet.


“Vaporeon, hydro pump!”

Ash was astounded to see yet another pillar of water scream out of the first, shooting with perfect precision towards his Charizard. He didn’t have time to think of any sort of attack or any way to dodge it. Only stood agape at the massive form of water now hurtling towards his pokemon.

But just because Ash didn’t know what to do, did not mean that Charizard didn’t. It tilted back its head and began to form something in its mouth. Energy surged from its core and into the roof of his mouth, radiating a terrifying sort of power. Pikachu climbed down to Ash’s shoulder, its tiny claws digging through his shirt and into his skin. It was a warning and Ash knew it.

Misty saw the attack forming from where she stood. She realized that she was in the direct line of it. But her curiosity kept her from moving.

Instead she stared, trying to figure out what type of beam it was. It wasn’t the same color as the aurora beam. Hyper beam had a similar tint but it didn’t have the same texture of energy. The beam radiated heat that she felt, even though she was so far away from it. Misty herself had never seen anything like it. It almost seemed to be like the blue center of a flame or compressed lightning- the ultimate form of heat.

As the heat intensified, Misty found herself beginning to panic. This attack wasn’t normal. Her skin was actually starting to burn ever so slightly. The water tower had begun to steam and evaporate before their very eyes. The hydro pump attack was actually slowed in its power; misting into steam the closer it drew to the dragon. Charizard was radiating with the power steadily comparing to that of a second sun.

Chaizard’s head tipped backward more and just before the heat at reached its peak- a red capture beam shot upwards and whisked the pokemon away. Misty’s eyes trailed over to where Ash stood, pokeball in hand and arm stretched out. The expression on his face was almost scary as if he knew exactly what it was Charizard was attempting. But just as soon as she noticed, it was gone. He was smiling over at her again.

The pillar of water sagged and splashed out all over the field leading to a heavy but brief rainfall. Pikachu shook itself free of water as Ash made his careful way over to both Misty and Vaporeon. Misty was too stunned to make any move towards him.

“Whew. You alright?” Ash laughed, wiping the wet bangs from his face and glancing carefully from both Misty and Vaporeon.

“I’m fine. Thanks for asking,” chirped the Vaporeon. It was positive enough a tone for Ash to understand.

Misty didn’t answer though. She looked at him through suspicious eyes. Ash tried not to look at her eyes. When he looked down he noticed her shirt was wet. The impression of her bra was visible so Ash had to look quickly back over to Vaporeon to compose himself. While he was grateful for her wearing one, he couldn’t help but feel a little cheated.

“Well, I’m wet,” said Ash stating the obvious nervously.

“What the hell was that?”

“Uh, what?”

“Don’t play stupid, Ash. I saw it. That attack. What the hell was that attack Charizard was doing?”

Ash pretended to look surprised. It might have worked if Misty hadn’t known better.

“What attack? He was doing an attack?”

“Yes! That huge beam! The steaming water! Look,” she thrust her arms out for his inspection, “I’m sunburned, dammit! What the hell was that attack?!”

“Mist, I’m sunburned too but… that’s just the sun. Not any sort of attack. I mean, come on, it is summer,” chuckled Ash. There was still the hint of nervousness in his tone. She knew he knew what she was talking about.

“Look, I just returned Charizard because I didn’t want to rush him to the pokemon center. That second hydro pump got us. I know when to surrender.”

“You didn’t direct him to do that attack… So maybe it’s not something you wanted him to do. But I saw it. That- that looked like one of the harrowed moves…”


“You know, the forbidden ones... ones that masters used to learn as a rite of passage. They were banned because they killed pokemon instantaneously.”


“Please… tell me that wasn’t a harrowed move, Ash.”

She searched his eyes for some sign of her being wrong.

“It wasn’t a harrowed move.”

He smiled, but his eyes looked beyond her. “Come on. Where would I learn a harrowed move? You forget that they’re just as elusive as legendary pokemon. There’s no chance any trainer could just… happen upon them.”

“Please… Ash. Promise me, you won’t use that move again.”

Ash started to say something. It looked as if he were going to try and dissuade her again. But his guilt betrayed him. “I never planned to use it at all.”

Misty inhaled sharply, her fear confirmed. “How on earth did you ever learn-“

“Well you won,” interrupted Ash.


“You won the battle.” Ash’s smile lessened considerably before he hesitantly added, “Commence to the torturing?”

Misty found herself giggling, the shock wearing off. Ash’s face was so cute that she couldn’t bear to keep stern with him any longer. He was always good at weaseling himself out of trouble.

I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, she thought to herself. He’s practically an adult now. I’m going to have to trust him sometime.

“I thought we’d skip the torture,” said Misty with a sly sort of smile. “Would you like to join me for lunch, Mister Ketchum?”

“Oooh. Compelling,” said Ash playfully stroking his chin. “If you buy.”

“Oh ho,” Misty chuckled while taking Ash by the arm. “You obviously don’t remember me very well.”

“It was worth a shot.”


The party was a great success. Although the original intent was to surprise Ash, everyone was more surprised over Ash’s appearance. Almost everyone was able to attend. Duplica unfortunately was stuck in a snowstorm out in the Hoenn region. Richie was in Lulto, which was far too long a travel for someone even with a flying pokemon. Other than that, most everyone was in that house that evening.

The evening went on fairly well. Professor Oak helped Gary work the grill or it could have been the other way around. Delia served up Ash’s favorite side dishes and desert. There was plenty of ketchup to be had-, which gave Pikachu quite a thrill. Most of the gifts Ash received were items to help him along in his pokemon journey. Delia surprised them all with giving Ash a voucher for a bike of his own.

When they were all full and happy was when things started to go an awkward way. Conversation went onto Ash’s travels the past two years he had been traveling alone. Gary had been practically everywhere that Ash himself had been. They all swapped stories around until finally the topic reached the future.

“Come again?”

“I asked what do you plan to do in the future, Ash?” Gary repeated. “What’s your game plan? You have any sort of immediate goal… besides becoming a pokemon master.”

“I don’t understand what you mean,” said Ash. He chuckled and took an almost nervous drink of his Pepsi. “You know I don’t have any idea what I’m doing.”

They all laughed except for Delia. She just continued to serve up more drinks out of the punch bowl. Misty kept a curious eye on Ash’s mother. She seems strangely impassive the whole night.

“I was thinking of building a pokemon gym- right here in pallet. It’s not too hard to get a license nowadays. But could you imagine- a gym in pallet town?” exclaimed Gary. “You and me could run it Ash. We could be gym leaders together! It would be great- don’t you think?”

“We certainly have enough space,” said Professor Oak, with almost as much enthusiasm as his grandson. “If you combine your allowances from training I’m sure you could have a gym built in little to no time.”

“I think it’s a great idea,” said Delia. Perhaps it was just Misty’s own anxieties but the way Delia say it made it sound as if it wasn’t the first time she had brought up such an idea. Both Delia and Ash shared an almost dangerous stare off before Ash relented and looked away.

“Ah it sounds great, Gary. But unfortunately I’ll have to decline.”

“Aw why?” Gary looked somewhat disappointed but his tone was concerned. Perhaps he too had noticed the glances between Ash and his mother.

“I’m not interested in becoming a pokemon gym leader.”

“But it’s a excellent step up from being a trainer,” interjected Oak with swing of his plastic cup. He almost spilled the entire contents on Tracey nearby. He wasn’t exactly the most graceful lately. “You’ll have an easier time working your way up to being a pokemon master.”

“But I don’t want to become a pokemon master that way.”

“Then how do you plan to become master?” said Gary. “You don’t seriously intend to travel the world and beat every single league?”

“Isn’t that what a master is though?” He looked between the other people in the room, being careful to avoid his mother’s eyes. “Mastery is the mastery of every type of pokemon, every type of battle, every type of terrain. Lately Pokemon training has become so political- only the rich people buying their way up or pokemon gym leaders making enough global presence so that some little guy in a business suit will deem him skilled enough in his own skill type to hand him title of master. I don’t want to be that. That’s not the master that I want to be… I want to be a master of them all.”

The room was silent for a moment. Samuel Oak stared hard into his cup before saying, “You’re making a very difficult goal for yourself, Ash Ketchum.”

“That’s impossible.”

“Even if it was possible… it would probably take years… more than years- maybe an entire lifetime.”

“It’s impossible to determine just how many pokemon you’d have to study, train, how many battles you’d have to fight.”

“The other leagues- there are some really foreign ones, ones nothing like here in Kanto. There are some that could kill a trainer- I’m sure.”

“I think it’s brilliant!” Gary laughed interrupting both Brock and Tracy’s measure of the statistics. “Ash is completely right! A pokemon master should be everything! A god of pokemon training! That’s what a master should be!”

Ash smiled.

Oak looked between his grandson and Ash. The two had been together since they were children. Their constant change between enemies, rivals and friends was almost overwhelming. They had become closer than ever since Ash had started training alone. It seemed they really had begun to understand one another.

“It does make sense… mythically speaking- that is the essence of a master. Even if it is a bit impractical a way to go about it.”

“Then it’s settled! We should start out together! Conquer all the leagues. What do you say? It’s been awhile since I’ve traveled with someone else. Let’s go out and beat all the leagues together, Ash!”

“Yeah!” Ash laughed clasping his friend’s hand. “Then afterwards, we can build the best damn pokemon gym in the world.”

“Ash, watch your language.”

And the two boys shared another genuine laugh. Misty noticed that Delia looked worried. She wondered what could be going on between the two of them that would make her so unhappy. Delia usually was so approving of her son. Why now, did it seem she couldn’t figure out what to do about him?


The Viridian City Plaza was far different than that Ash had remembered riding through on Jenny’s motorcycle those many years before. It had been seven years, hadn’t it? Everything seemed smaller and nostalgic in strange ways. Even places he had never been before seemed to have a very quaint appeal to it.

The café they chose to have lunch at was small and white. Ash chose a seat outside for the three of them to peacefully enjoy their meal. But it turned out that neither one of them were truly that hungry. They ordered simple.

Ash flinched when Misty slammed the tray on the small café table. She scraped back the chair and sat down with such force that Ash had to grab onto the tray so that its contents would not fall.

Three sandwiches and two colas, just as ordered. Ash unwrapped a sandwich in the silence before handing it to Pikachu. Misty’s sandwich remained untouched. Instead she lazily drank from her soda, drumming the table in the most obnoxious way. Ash would have asked her to stop if he wasn’t afraid of her.

Ash had just started unwrapping his own sandwich from the tin foil when he decided to be brave and break the silence.

“I can tell you are mad at me for something,” said Ash cautiously. “But I’m not sure what I’ve done.”

“It’s nothing you’ve done… lately,” said Misty with a dangerous sort of air. Ash and Pikachu both swallowed right on cue.

“Look, I told you,” said Ash in a hushed voice. “I can’t do anything about Charizard’s technique. I’ve honestly tried to get him to forget the attack but it’s like engrained into him. No matter what I do-“

“That’s not what I’m mad about.”

“It’s not?”


“Then what,” said Ash. “I thought you wanted me to pay for the meal?”

“Think Ash. Use your brain for once and I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

Ash sat in the silence for a moment. He nibbled at the end of his sandwich. Peeled off the crust and ate it in the silence. Just as he started to sip his cola, Ash offered the first thing that popped into his head.

“Did you want me to pull out your chair for you?”

“No Ash. That would be a recent event.” Misty leaned forward in her chair. “Think harder. Come on. I know you can.”

She spoke to him as if she were talking to a small child. It was annoying.

“I really can’t see why you would be mad at me.”

Misty took a large bite out of her sandwich and chewed almost thoughtfully. Ash waited until she swallowed- expecting to her to speak. But she only took another bite after that one. And another bite after that. She really did want him to figure it out for himself.

Pikachu climbed up onto the table. He was aiming for the ketchup bottle obviously. So that the restaurant would not have little pikachu teeth marks on the lid, Ash opened the bottle for him. Pikachu then proceeded to pour ketchup on anything within range. Both Misty and Ash instinctively remembered to lift their sandwiches up before Pikachu was able to ketchup them.

It was unusual that Pikachu made sure the deformed cookie stayed out of the way. Ash didn’t question it’s reasoning. It was best not to when Pikachu had a ketchup bottle in hand.

Ash figured that playing dumb any longer might be dangerous.

“Is it because I left without…”

“Ash you left four years ago- telling me that you’d only be gone to the pokemon center up the road!” She slammed her plate back on the table and it squished on impact. Ash had to try hard to keep the smile from his face.

“In my defense,” began Ash slowly. “I really did go up to the pokemon center.”

“But you didn’t come back!”

“You don’t know the whole story.”

“I would love to hear it.”

“Did you… Did you really believe I was just going up the road?” Ash asked with weak amusem*nt.

Misty just glared at him. The look was so harsh that Ash had a hard time keeping still. He cast his eyes over her shoulder unable to keep his composure.

“I can’t tell you.”

“I know you were arguing with your mother,” said Misty softly. Ash’s eyes widened in surprise. “I heard you shouting at each other… just before you left the house.”

“Did you hear anything?”

Ash was the one to look stern now. She almost felt guilty for eavesdropping- almost.

“Not enough to know why you were arguing.”

“Good. It’s better if you don’t know.”

“Why Ash? Why did you have to leave? You never kept in touch besides the few times a year you send stupid birthday presents.”

“Hey. You can’t say you didn’t like them! I know you liked the shells from Igao.”

“I didn’t want gifts Ash…” Misty wanted to say that she wanted him, but that was far too sappy a thing to say. It was close enough to a confession, god forbid.

And she could feel them, the tears, burning in the corners of her eyes, “You wouldn’t tell us where you were… half the time I didn’t even know if you were still alive.”

Ash laughed- but it was a harsh laugh. “Give me some credit, Mist.”

“You didn’t even tell us why! That’s all I want Ash. Tell us why you left! Why were you fighting with your mother!?!”

“I can’t tell you.”

“Why not?”

“Because I just can’t!”

“Why? Why can’t you!”

“Because if I did you’d agree with her!” Ash shouted. His chair fell out behind him and his voice carried across the plaza turning a few heads. Pikachu had ducked off the table hugging the Grendel cookie between his teeth again.

“Because everyone would agree with her…” said Ash softer. “If I weren’t me, I- I’d probably even agree with her.”

“Then why…”

Ash stared at her. It was such a humbling look- so demanding of her understanding. It was almost as if he were measuring her. As if he were attempting to find a way to tell her or not tell her. Or perhaps just trying to find a way to let himself trust her.

“She wanted me to give up pokemon training.”


The rain pounded down so hard that she couldn’t see. Misty slipped up the cobble stone path. The mud sucked her feet under and she fell just outside the swinging gate. Mud seeped down her legs like blood, running with the rain.
She lifted her head. Ash was only a few feet away with Pidgeot all ready to be mounted.

“Ash wait!” She screamed over the thrashing winds.

He didn’t hear. Pikachu’s ears twitched.

Misty climbed to her feet clumsily and raced forward. She caught him before he was able to mount. She threw her arms out and caught him from behind- tightly crushing him in a hug she knew he wouldn’t easily be able to break from.

“Please… Don’t go Ash.” She whispered into his shoulder.

He was wet, just like her. But he smelt sweet. He always smelt good, in a way she could never explain.

Ash turned and Misty loosened her grip. She had expected for him make an excuse. To try to get away. But he surprised her.

Ash hugged her. He tucked his arm behind her and lifted her slightly off her feet.

“This way’s more comfortable, Mist,” said Ash softly into her ear.

Her voice broke and melted in her mouth. She could only hold him back. She knew he was going to leave, even if she begged him not to.

“Please, I don’t want to lose you.”

“You won’t.” His voice was surprisingly cheerful. He pulled away from her. There was a smile on his face. Misty could tell it was just there to make her feel better. Ash was an excellent actor. “I’m only going to the pokemon center up the road. Won’t be gone for more then an hour. Tell Gary I’ll be back soon, okay?”

She wanted to scream… to scratch him, beat him, hurt him in any way she could. Misty hated him so much. She wanted to shout, “You liar!”

But she only smiled and said, “Okay.”

Like some weakling. Like some pathetic little kitten. Something inside her died with her words… She was letting Ash go.

Pidgeot was looking nervously to the skies. Pikachu was miserably clutching onto the pokemon’s worn saddle. It was obvious the pokemon wasn’t thrilled with the idea of flight- especially in this storm.

Ash paused yet again before mounting. He came back to her, and held her tightly by the shoulders. His touch was so real. She was too tired to fight it.

Ash leaned forward and pressed his lips neatly on her forehead. It wasn’t an affectionate kiss. It was one of pity and Misty knew it. She only just closed her eyes and tried to enjoy it.

“I’ll see you later, Misty,” he whispered to her.

And then he was gone.


To Be Continued…
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The Blind Alley (PG-13) Action/Adventure (2024)


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.