The Bennington Evening Banner from Bennington, Vermont (2024)

Signs 58 8 th Rutland Winter Carnival Plans Set Stan Cardinal Pact an For $100 ,000 Signin': Marks Highest Salary In National. League History I POETS IN M'M By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS GENERAL Philadelphia Naiional fouba League owners eLmtnated the tvoeoj choice from their annual player draft Arcadia. Calif Jkey WCUe Shoemaker moved to wiihjn one of the coveted J.tMYmerk by riding to winner! at Santa AnHa. Cleveland The International team, led by Johnny of Auvtraha. won the nine-day international Cycling Derby by nine laps ever the Dutch teem.

COIF rhoenu. Aril. Uoyd Mangrum and Lionel Hebert tied with 6ta in the proemateur preliminary to the 1 15.000 Phoenix Open. baseball Glen Cove, N. Campa-neila.

Dodger catcher critically injured in an auto accident, thowrd marked improvement as feeling returned to the upper part of hla chest, arms and hands, but remained paralysed. Boston The Boston Red Sox sold first baseman Mickey Vernon to the Cleveland Ind.ans for the waiver price. St. Louie Stan Muaia! became the highest paid player In National League history, signing a Stno.ono contract nh the St. Louis Cardinals.

RACING Arcadia, Calif Nooran won the S29.650 Santa Maria Handicap at Santa Anita. If aft competitors. Top domestic and foreign aporta cars wt3 fua SO miles courae. Revere bo' are planned tor lt, 2nd and 3rd places and presentation wiU take place at a party follow ln tbe racy. Protective racers should write tho Rutland Chamber of Commerce for entry blank The Carnival Coronatio Ball Saturday night will climax I weeks of competition among 33 girls for the title of Green Mountain Snow Queen.

Coronation Ceramoa i a start at 7.00 m. at the Rutland Armory and will be followed by dancing to the orchestra of Garry Steven, star of TV Showcase on WRGB TV, Schenectady. Square dancing la also planned, High ranking Nr England Jun-lor skiers in the and 16-17 year age brackets will race at Pico Sunday in the first annual New England Junior Giant Sla-. lorn. The race will double as a competition among junior girls for a chance to race In the Junior Nationals scheduled for gutter Park, Colorado, March 20 to 24.

An Ice Show is planned far th are planned. Pr Way will a aki-day on th mountain chmaxed Friday night ith a 1 hour Carnival Jars Concert at th Rutland Armory. Small combo, band, and gucat la-atrumentatiatj ill criteria!) with modern Dixieland and jazx, Lewis GcfTsrd, from the Baldwin Plena Co, and Mel Merrill and his Orchestra will be featured performer. Saturdays program 13, start with an ail-day Cherry Pie Baking Context. Junior Ski Races are scheduled for the Rutland Country Cub in the morning.

Six musical units, I floats, and many marching units will step off at I 30 pm. Saturday in the annual Carnival Parade which baa "Salute to Winter" as its theme. Nearly 30 sports cars scheduled to compete in the Rutland Winter Carnival Invitational Sports Cara Rally at 2 30 starting in tbe De-nol Parking lot will join the parade. Triies of $50. $33 and $25 for first, second and third beat floats wfil be awarded.

The Sports Car Rallye is being Te AiveciaUd Pra l.i, a buy have t-fi in L. ikdQ it I au a l.fli tx-tlered rtt rj or anoher, jj allei ano'hcri under Va'iona! figure dtf Rutland Annual Winter Carnival will wrap up sports cars. chamguuAship akiing. sugar a a snow, f.reorhj. a Jau festival, dancing, carnival queen and cherry pte baking in one tremendous four dsy pekage to bring skiers and their Rutland hosts the must attractive indoor and u'door win'er program ever staged by the Rutland Ptco Region.

The Carnhil is scheduled for the weekend preceding Washington's Birthday and moat of the activities are scheduled as evening entertainment keeping Ptco slopes open for plrnty of good skiing. Night time fun at Pico Peak on Thursday eight, Feb. 13 launch the Carnival, A two-hour Sugar on Snow Party, the National Open Jack Jumping Chamnlon-ships. Torchlight Tarade and Snow Holiday fireworks display Williamslowii Trips Eagles The Wlihamstown Indians' handed the Arlington Eaglet, their fifth setback of the current cage campaign on the Col-legetown boards last night as they turned back the Vermont vLshort by a NS-M scoie. Willlamstown, which had been tripped by the Eagles in an earlier meeting at Arlington evened things up as they can-( ned a 27 goal total while to an IS goal output for the evening.

htld in cooperation with the Sports Car Clu of Vermont aed la open Risk String Richie Adiiburn ot the Phdadel- phis Ph.ibe. the National League I leader In 1955, came to terma for a3 Cdtim ted IrTX). The fleet rorf. elder batted .297 lasl year, C.acinnati signed Wiy pitcher Joe Nuxhall, the New York Van-. kiia rounded up p.tcher Art Dit- i 1 iiuir and outfieliler BoLby Del Greco and Washington hauled in the contracts of second basem*n ik-rfa Pleas and Bob Maikrmia, outfielders Jerry Schoonmaker and Carlos Paula and pitcher Bob Iw ieler.

The Senators also sold outfielder -first baseman Art schult to Minneapolis of tbe Amen auto The burly. 36-year-old baseball veteran has regained soma feel-Dick-un, hands, arms and upper The hospital also said there bad indication of strength and some movement in his bands. But St. Johns Lone Major College Five Willi Unbeaten Record KINC FORM Penn StaUa lay Werner rats a grace-ful figure while executing a maneuver en the n'? a dual meet between NllUny Lions and Temple la Philadelphia. Notre Darnel whipped by 11 at Louisville, peppered the Cardinals 73 53 at South Bend.

Dayton de- be.jfeated Xavier of Ohio 74-59. A balanced a lack brought Duquesne. an easy 66-58 decision over St. Sub Goalie Sparks Bruins Late Showings By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Veteran goalie Harry-Ltimley, subbing for the injured Don Simmons, is one of the big reasons the Boston Bruins are improving their position in the National Hockey League. But General Manager Lynn Patrick admitted today that Lumley was only a second choice.

"When Simmons got hurt four weeks ago we tried Al Millar who was brought up from the Quebec League, explained Patrick, "But he was only a fill-in until we could pick up someone with more experience. "We really went after Johnny just a case of how large a Bower but he did not want to icore-the purple clad Knights Cleveland (American would up. When Bower turned us The Sals-Moose clash proved down we were glad to be able to tobe a surprise from the view-1 Pick up Lumley from Chicago. point of scoring efforts as the Were not sorry either. TV fioimi! The netminder, who The Eagles on the other hand made the most of It from the ginning of a chance at prestige free throw line where they coud tonight be the beginning of nected for 18 points while ll- th end for St john-g of Brook-liamstown hit the hoop for but jrn laLst the unbfatens in ma-four free throws.

college basketball. Ron Pero St. John. 94) took over the wmer JoePjnudtkic assisting undefeated ISfher beJta with 14. The Indians were led top-ranked for six wteka tn hat had figuredtothe Rotary Skating Rank at 2 00 on Sundcv afternoon.

Francis of Brooklyn. St. Joseph's Pa defeated Lafayette 98 97, and NYU ended Fordham'a winning atreak at four, 90-73. Army eased tome for a 76-66 victory over Siena, the Air Force defeated Creighton 63-32, Brown defeated Northeastern 91-, 77, and Montana, the Skyline leader, was beaten 72-63 by Montana State in a non-conference game. Marshall whipped St.

Francis Pa 100-96. Pre Basketball Standings By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS EASTERN DIVISION PcL CB Boston 33 IS Syracuse 28 31 New York 24 35 Philadelphia 2124 WESTERN DIVISION 6'i .490 10'- .467 11 ll st. Louis Cincinnati Detroit Minneapolis Indy Action Knights Shatter Arlington As Sals Oilmen Stop Moose Five Br nt Tellon who racked 1- Fvan uhn up 1.) and Mike Evans wno up netted 14. A.h!e'"-s He was signed on the recommt ndation of his old bat- Celtic Iloine Court Jinx Ey THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Boston Celtics are a tough ie bewt cm- any at vena i Bn k.toall A.n. court.

But thej're virtually -invincible at hime, particularly when Bob is -on the beam. Just when it appears that the -Cells are going to drop back to the rest of the eastern division Pack, they're back in Bo-Ion Garden to pick up another victory. Last night, they rallied jn the second half to whir) the St, Louis Hawks 111-101 in the nights, only 77B action. That made it action. That made it 17 straight home victories tor Boston which ld'ed its first place margin over idle Syracuse to 6a games.

With Boston trailing by 13 points at the half, Cousy got his team rolling in the third quarter. He scored 11 points in a row during one stretch a reduced the Hawks margin to a single point. Then fath St. Louis leading 89-88, Boston put together 13 consecutive points, including seven by Cousy, to pul! away for good. Cdusy wound up with 39 points.

Bob Fettit led the losers with 22. western division lead over the Cincinnati Royals To 64 games. rliocnix Upen Jlav. 7l i 1, 'i 'i nave no a salary agree- r' Iu-J Sox, Teds .388, ta'ting ju rfo'unance of last sea- non is a good and 1125.000 is excel'cnt klr.nst from the start of career in lm baseball fans have bt-t-n arguing whe'her he or Williams is the better hitter. the moment, Williams leads! In lifetime average 350 1 to 340.

-home runs 456 to 381; aud runs batted in 1,639 to 1.57! Musia! shows the way, however, in haltng tries with seven to Teds five and in Mast Valuable I Haver awards, three to two I H.ght handed pitcher Murry I 41, who was Musial's! teammate for many seasons un- t.l he was unconditionally re-' j. id last fall will try for a l9M.bttfn comeback wi'h the Kansas City The unbeaten Knlghta of Co lumbu five in the Bennington-Industrial League retained it winning streak and virtually sewed up the league championship last night' a they blasted Arlington by a lop-sided 77-49 mark while the Sal's Ideal Fuel quintet kept Inf the running for the playoffs with a 63-42 victory 'over' Moose entry; The Corbett brothers again teryinate, catcher Walker Cooper, Another ret or an, Mickey Yer-non, aUo moved on. He sold ly the Red Sox to the Cleveland Imf.ana in a atra.ght "waiver dcaL" Vernon. 39, a twatiiM Amrlcn League batting cham- his legs remained paralyzed. He stiH is on the critical list.

Campanella, three times the National League's Most Valuable Player with the Brooklyn Dodgers, was injured early Tuesday. His car skidded, hit a telephone pole and turned over. Campy suffered broken neck. He has been in a form of traction since a 44-hour operation to re lieve pressure on a nerve. His wife Ruthe spent 24 hours at his bedside yesterday, but he Thr Cam-panellas have six children.

The 215-pound catcher has been taking fluids through the mouth, but has been fed intravenously. Doctors still consider the overall picture encouraging but admit it may be months or years before he returns to normal. They are hopeful the paralysis eventually There is little hope that Campy ever will be able to return to baseball as a player. Not only would there be physical' danger because of the injury, but at 36, even Campy probably would not be able to come bade. He already had aigned for 1958 with the Los-Angeles Dodgers, although taking acut to an estimated $36,500 after a poor year last season.

Bethea Wins DulH Contest CHICAGO IB Young Jack John-sort; 'who tsnt young nt 29, is fighting under anf alias and maybe 'U'Tjusfas "well 'Tffs- real name ls Jiin, Storey, and the story goes that, his handlers tabbed him jvith the Johnson monicker because he was supposed Moose team during the past few weeks has proved to be one of the upset minded teams in the league. Sals ran away with the-conWim-the-seeond -half York. Jiang fers. baUkdlo after having the score knotted jv1 Th la lae Ch'cago period.lBlack Hawk whipped Toronto 4-1 in the only other game. Lumley turned back 28 '3I-year-old won the Vezlna Trophy while with Toronto In 1954, turned in a fine job last night as the Bruins and New Jvtdat ge knocked off Monday at Duke, a But now the Redmen.

rated 13th. have lost big man 6-6 Lou Roe-thel to injury for tonight's road game against Pittsburgh. He'll still be missing Saturday at Philadelphia against llth-rated Tern- pie. 1 After that, its Weat Virginia at Madison Square Garden a week from.tbnight. Only one of the top 10 was busy last night.

Eight-ranked Kentucky belted Georgia 74-55 and reclaimed full share of the South-eastern Conference lead-. Th'el Wildcats 13-4. in the midst of a) three-game road schedule, fell in-1 to a tie for the ten with Georgia 1 Tech when the Engineers upset 'em Monday. Vern Hatton led Kentucky scor, but it was the second half sharpshooting of reserve Earl Adkins that got the job done. Adkins scored 14 points, all In the last 20 minutes.

oil gives more clean Doniavt1 -22in-the Rangers goal. paced the Knights with "Little" Butch hitting for 17 point 13-13, and then going Into a while his older brother clicked 1 harrow 26-23 Jead at the end for 15. J. Wyman of Arlington led the attack of the visitors with 14 points but It' was far short of the output of the Knights who led from the opening whistle. The Knights went out in front in the first period by a 21-14 count and were in command at the end of the first half by a 43-25 margin.

Thereafter it was at the end of the first lion of Stan Faryniarz and Burke proved to be far too strong for the Moose quintet. Faryniarz came on late in the fourth period to notch seven baskets to put the game on ice Rr the oilmen while Burke hit for five buckets in the final 16 minutes of "play. Faryniarz came' through with a 26 point evening while Burke notched -a 20 point total. Lasher was the high point man for the Moose with an even dozen. k.

of c. York shots while Gump Worsley Larry Popein put New Yosk in front at 2.01 of the third period and Jerry Toppazzini evened matters with hi 16th goal of the season six minutes later. The result enabled the Rangers to move two points In XronL4o4he competition for second place. The Bruins also gained ground, tying idle Detroit for third place. The Black Hawks scored three goals within two minutes in the second period and two of them came while they were A man short.

Glen Skov, Eric Nesterenko, Elmer Vasko and Ed Kachur scored Chicagos goals while Brian Cullen netted the Leafs only goal. BASEBALL MOVIES CHICAGO Three films are being distribuetd by, the major leagues this winter. Besides the 40-mlnute 16 mm sound film-, highlighting the 1957 World Series, a sound film ln color of 1937 All-Star. game (20 minutes)yand WEDNESDAY'S FIGHTS By THE associated PRE5SfV7 1 AmeNccl Vclean-buming fuel Maguire, f. Marcoux, f.

Long.f. Thompson, f. t. Corbett, c. Spoflord, g.

-Flynn, g. G. Corbettrg. 7 OF 0 3 17 9 77 34 Arlington (49) BREAKS OWN BOWLING RECORD ORLANDO: Fla. LT) Betty Natale, captain of the Cox At- 20 years of World Jeridsiiaijtlc -Top Notch Chicago Wayne Bethea, 204, New York, outpointed Young Jack Johnson, 214, Los Angeles, 10, San Diego, Calif.

Frankie Salas 124 'a, Tucsoiv Ariz. outpointed Joey Augustin, 1234 Tijuana, Mexico, 10. Sao Paulo, Brazil Paulo De Jesus, 156N, Brazil, awarded decision over Woody Winslow, 153i, Los Angeles- (Wlnslopv disqualified in fourth round for butting). of 233, 225 and 218 for a 676 Shejs just plain good on the alleys. -ACHES 92 PRINCE ALBERT, Sask.

a. C. Howard. who organized the SPORT ORGANIZER first baseball and soccer teams here while teahing school, recently celebrated his 92nd birthday. He came here in 1893 from Well-ington County, Ont.

Ken Rosemond, a member cf North Caroline; 1957 NCAA basketball championship team, this season is coaching the Tar Heel freshman five. heat per gallon I DIAL 341 ed by Writing Lew Fonesca, 64 E. Jackson Chicago 4, 111. SHAWNEE-ON-DELAWARE, Pa. (JP) Harry golf pro- fessional at the Shawnre Coun-1 tournaments for 1938 at the popular Pocono mountain layout.

The opening tourney will be the Shawnee Invitational set fpr May 7-1R BREAKS 4 MINUTES MELBOURNE. Australia (El Australian Herbert Elliott tonight ran the mile in 3:58.7 the second time in five day he has clocked under four minute. Elliott beat Merv Lincoln the invitation mile race at Olympic Park here. Lincoln time was 3:59. The lanky long-striding Elliott went to the front with one and two half lap to go and comfortably held, off a.

strong challenge by Lincoln in the straight. Ron Clarke was well back' in third place with 4:09.5. SPORTS FILLERS -7 v-SPAHN-WEARS COWBOY DUDS MCALESTER. Okla. War: ren Spahn, pitching star for the Milwaukee Brave, has a different garb in the off season.

He dona the duds of a rancher and when he comes to town from his spread near Hartshorne, he blends so well wkh the cowpokes that few would suspect he is the National League southpaw star. TWO NEW UMIS FOR SOUTHERN ASSN. NEW Orleans UP) President Charlie Hurth of the Southern Assn, has obtained David J. McVey and Lee Weyer. They replace Bill Melvin, who and Warren Helkle vyho haa been released.

TURKEY ShJOOT EXPERT CHEMAINtS. BC. tfl Ben Bradshaw, 12, was high scorer in the turkey shoot here. On the loo-yard rifle range he won three turkeys inji row. LINCOLN.

Neb. B- Robert Schmohr of Lincoln, a seasons bowling average of 166. rolled three game one night with the Goocha Mill team in a local league. Schmohr a acores: lb6, 166, 166. Heres the entirely new fuel oil that cleans as it heats helps keep your fuel system free of dirt -I II' and cIcDosits.

Now Ovn-Action Mobilheat is 3 ways cleaner suncr-rcnned to remoVe clogging and corrosive delivered only according to the most rigid inspection clean-bum in Naw Mobithaot Made by the niakert of obit gat and MobUoil! PHOENIX, Am. WT-With pre-tournament rounds as yardstick, veteran Lloyd Mangrum and youthful Lionel Hebert measure up aj the golfers to beat Tn the $15 000 Phoenix Open. A Geld of 155. tees off today in the first round of the 72-hole tournament over the narrow, tree-lnd Phoenix Country Club couise. Mangrum and Hebert, 30 year-, old trunnit player from Louisiana botn 5-unde-par 66s to share top money in the 3oo pro-amateur preliminary.

Neinrr foand any troupe along the hagardous fairways of the layout. R.ght behind was another -vet-erarf. Bo Winingtr, with a 67. Grouped at 63 were Jimmy Ie-maet. Ed FSHR HRD-HRD TA unaret, Ed Eurcol and Art Wall Jr.

One s'roke bvhind were E. (Dutcht Harmon, winner of tnt Tjjiana Open; too man in the Los Arige Open; in time to see a fox running per defending 'chcm away with the bail in its mouth, t-i money winner at the The fox ran toward the green 2 Tournament, ami and Goodnow cautiously followed. i' us Boros" 'When, the animal- got near the K(-i in. the Sun Franef hole. Goodnow commanded; "Now ea-i no we.

Tl-ued-r- you put that right down." i r-did a 73 The fox obeyed. to have the build and the style of the former heavyweight great of Johnson had' only two fights in the last two years and the. rustiness of the 214-pounder from Los Angeles was glaringly apparent in last night's nationally televised no-hitter at Chicago Stadium. Through 10 drab rounds, Johnson and Wayne Bethea of New York clubbed at each other, pawed arm-wearingly, and clinched while 1.002 ringside customers booed. Bethea, 204, rated the No.

10 contender by the National Boxing Assn, and No. 8 by Ring magazine, took a unanimous decision. One fan described the bout as "a fine example of how the heavyweight division has deteriorated." IN A HURRY? TRY ANY OF THE FOLLOWING SANDWICHES SERVED WITH COLE SLAW AND PICKLE. Roast Fresh Ham 1 Beef Corned Beef Fillet of Sole COFFEE TOTAKE OUT 10c i VILLAGE HOOK 113 DEPOT ST. Referees: Plourde, iano.

J. Ottav- 8 LvcniiJi; iUuncr Ik-nninglon, Janu 30, 1958.

The Bennington Evening Banner from Bennington, Vermont (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.