The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)

1 Trw 'if Vt ') lutinstl Prspsrty nr 121 Neiobnrhivid "ftrocerv-MarVet THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, FrW.r, Msrrh 1, 1955 t) 33 North Sido 135 VACANT oiien 2 to 6 m. each day until sold. Ilrlck. 2 bedrms den, 2 tmlhs, cuipori and lneecdv. tio Bufoid tuin left, atrium new homes.

Mrs. Watson EL. nt'si. Duplies Unfurnished 1 1 1 2 bedroom and den. Convenient to churchea.

transportation and shop-pun area. Adulls preferred. Available about April loth. L0 per month including beat and waier, all Mr. liwlnr WA.

547T ADAMS-CATES CO. 201 Hurt Building- Realtors DRUID HILLS 1273 PONCE DE LEON HH room buck upper duplet. Private entrance, drlie and aiae. Larue opeu terrace porch. Heat, boi and ruld water furnished.

1115. UK. 33114. Dal. 2077.

Cary Bone Decatur 157 SYCAMORE DECATUR KINGSHORO ROAD. NORTHEAST llnir block i'eaohtiee Road. Duplex apartment. Living room, dinette, kitchen, downstair. Upstairs: Halh.

nice spacious liedrooms with pii-lurt window overlooklmr lieauliful garden. Heat, water, Venetian blinds, refrigerator and lov furnished. CHciokee 53 HI. WESTEND 855 OAK STREET Available April 151 h. l-ame homev S-rnum with long hall, left front apartment.

Every, thing separate. Near schools, churches, and Scars. 175. CH, 6S72. N.

E. rma.T bath, 2 closet nice yards, near Ansley Park bus and shopping. 175. It you have itove and phone C. Taylor, VE.

6720. res or AT. 5475 ofc. 21 Norlh Ave Ng DECATUR 145 S. McDONol'GH S75 Call AT.

IISS5. or 0. R. Hubert. DE.

8764. evens. HI IIEKT A TAYLOR REAI TY CO. 1409 Peachtree NE NICE 2-BEDRM. DPLXS.

Apartments Unfurnished 115 I fflORY-blllllD" HILLS i bedroom: Jtvins-dlntnii combination. 15x32, couid pe. divided for 2nd bedmom. kitchen, bath, screened porch, all ut nil lei fur- rilshed 190. Business coubl.

DE. inc. hedrm. ITS and IsS mo. All i eonv.

DE. 25.14. FUHK.NER. REALTY CO. REALTORS Avoniluie Estates.

Ga. 827 I'RVOR STREET. SW rooms and balh. Redecorated. 1311 per mo.

Redd Gr Baldwin Rlty. Co. fl Healey Building. WAInut Tito WELLSWOOD APARTMENTS (44 SE DI. SMS 5-RM." "bath, Vu.

Kit ViifvT RW. 6-rm. balh. S.7I). 3-rra.

bath. J.W 2-rm. balh. $43. BUTLER (itLKS.

BROKERS I Ave. SW. RA. 5X1 S5T TTIEl'LE'S STTSCSTHicI: 4-rm. ant tlx APT.



K10RNINGSIDE DRIVE7 -bedroom tenure aiwrtment. Redecorated. Equipped kitchen. Convenient transportation, s5 month. Children vvelrome.VErnon 4BSH.

roTXEGE PARR Nice" lame Hvmi room, bedroom, dlnelte-kitrhen combination, balh. Water and blinds furnished. Elm floor. 219 Qim. hrtdiie.

CAIhoun 9M. 977 PONCE DE LEON-! rooms, a'uve and refrle. 175. SfiM N. Fl'LTON-4 rooms, all utilities furnished.

175. Call LA. DIM er EL. 197(1. Emory 14! AT.

AND CN. IfiftO HARVARD v-ATTRACTI Vkl red brie. Ig. din. den, braikl.

mi mod. Early American den, 2 balh, (Ion floor: upstairs has Inv. Iga. rm. half bath, attic, 2-car li ult tieea.

near Emory Lniv. ETHEL LILLEY, EV. 1736 21) Id pun, de l.eon Ave. 1 440" EMORY ROAD" 2-TORY brick, tile roof, 5 B.Rl, aleeping porch, 21 baths, Ig. I.R, DR, and breakfast plus garage aps.

Renting for $60 per mo. Near Emorf niversitv shopping and trans. $25. UIKI. Shown by appt.

only. TindalL EV. 62.1M: ofc. CR. 1761 Benefield Decatur DOWlsTTO cr ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom wooded lot, pine paneled den, larga screened porch.

patio, basem*nt. Fenii-d In yard, near school, transnor-taiion. Ownertranaferred. DE. 68 ill 2 baths.

Chair D. Thompaon Co. Crane Rd.J.'H. 1105 EAittiE and smallhomes. Xeotiard Al len W4" ll'ton Rd L.fRj 4719J Druid JHilli 142 "REDUCED GREATLYiT OPEN SAT -SI'NDAY SPRINUDALE RD.

LOVELY brick, 1 floor, den, baths, lae. I lae. hkfst. lovely kit. amr fan.

scr. poi'h. attic. Mrs. Walton.

CR. i MM. LGE. 2-STORY BRK. I ST SELL! Near Emory, lovely, excell.

liedrooms up ani down, also Karaae am. In twenties. Mrs Smith, DE. 3-S3 MRS DORA SMITH RLTY. VfH Emory, Rd WHERE ELSE CAN YOU taiy a 4 liedrm.

and den, 21- liath home, with "every little thinti" for kinkI IIviiik. on a beautiful loi" Walking disiaiwe of Emory. Uruid Hills Schisil dial riot and Druid Hills Coif Club. In the middle 20 s. Let me show you what I mean.

Call Mrs. Smith, res. CR. 4751: ofc. CR.

3stil. L. W. Morris Bkr. Ill Tilniiy PI, Decatur Northeast 136 M'SIUE ('has.

Latontalre, Ilealey Jtldj. 2 1 1 br. Oul-latt EM.2(iS4. Northweit 137 Fl'Ll I'ltlCfTTuSo. 7 iwiii, $75(1 DOWN, lial.

notes. AT. 1771. Lewis Ridley S5 12th, N. E.

ia RESALE 3 bednsims. fireplace, screi'iied (sucli. down payment, I.EIiniaiL.usta. Chomblee-Dorovillo 138 KESWICK VILTAGE I.KT allow yuu this atlraclive S- irfdiixtin. J'-i-toiv Imme wilti valu plu.

Looairtl on tjuift ifMilentiai nil vet on kolhI lot. laivniK room, din-1111. aieu. Ixib hfi. wilt, tai imne div IhiNat.

tilpfl 11 h. 3 hciiriHin.a. Am suim1 IM.75 Cll loan. pHalile ttft a month. ToUl orue SlaHnd.

Can In liuiitllrj Willi part rah anl suit rtoie or i-Hii place top KHA litan. Call for Hpix'intincnt to avt Itnlav It K.N' HVUK, todav, 47 2743 to- lUKlit anil SatuHlitv. 3 -BEDROOM BRICK NORTHWOODS RESALE SEE this unusual value todav. Brick lamhtMie with living room, dining I'sjtn. 3 bediisims.

laith. kitchen, seiunaie storage room. Level lot. onlv $12.11011. Call ROY HEAD.

EX. 75H2 today, 47-2544 loniBlit and Saturday. Sprotlin, Harrington Thomas, Realtors 28. Paces Ferrv Rd EX. 7V)2 OPEN DAILY Beautiful Gordon Hills 100 Gl LOAN LOVELY NEW SISEDRM, Isitb.

brick Homes, near oencral Motors Plant ami iree-Industcinl lllvil Only tlisi down Imvs these exceptionally well-built- and ex-iiulsilely finished ranch-type homes, on It k. wooded lots. Carisirt, central una heat, plenty sloriine space. Priced from to $14 CI or FHA Truly. Hie most house for sour money in Atlanta.

A hotna you ran lie in pud of. AT INTERSECTION of Peachtree Inilustiliil Blvd. and Bufoid Hwy turn riiiht over Stewart Rd. and follow our sinus. CALL J.HINNY JOHNSON AT 2-'o5 Ofc.

EX. 7527 OR OLDEN Res. ofc. EX. 7527 Etheridge Vanneman Reallnis P'tiee EX.

7527 PRETTY CAPE COD TYPE 11EI)HOOl 479 KESWICK COl RT. off Johnson KernH.I., near iWhlree Jn.lus- 1H 11 VII. OWI1IO- wim unurht home and la offering a real value here Has many desirable features In. ludinii twsem*nt area for exlia si-race or workshop. You tmv $3il cash ami take over Ihe present 4(c loan or approt.

k.i75 ami pay '''0 plan wHh about cash of $.11. 1 would like for )'m s'1' lovelv place. Call R' HOLMES. AT 1r75i WAHr.ll. DRAPER-OWENS CO.

Giant llble. Reallors REAL VALUE CAPE COD $9,500 100 CI LOAN THIS attractive and popular-stvle home has nn excellent floor plim wilh 2 bedrooms on find fluor a i id a hukte bedroom upvlMiiH. lias custom Kitchen vas heul. feiHi'd-in lot and is tut 4 blocks (torn tiuiwpiirtHtion. with fcihool bus at door This is an uu stand inn aliic, ko don't fail to see It.

fail i KX. das, I'll. nights. Spratlin, Harrington I Dn Itmrr NORTHWOODS MANY CI homes now under CMnsti-uctbin or will build vour custom home on lai ee wooded lot. convenient ie oil mi kc wih'mcii nn.

cun eiiit-iu grammar school and shopnln. lo (eniii. Walter L. Tally, Inc. BUILDER AND DEVELOPER 47 Sm DAYS 47 .775 AMI T4 Tfln WITH small down payment you ran own this new home.

2 balh, wned for electric alove. Onb' 15 niln. from Gen. Molors' Doraville Plant. N.

on Huford Hwy. to nn nirn rignr ro t-ieasan'naie sun division, (itc. open every dav. or call M. L.

Bilker, Nnnroa VETERAN TO VETERAN 1t I'M rwn Ml norlii or plant. oien dally. fll.jlKl. 3HR. de bie bricks, lame lnis Veterans, nnlliluK down.

CiMlians, down. Select vour bd mi heamiful Potiliac Doravilles finest and newest residential xectiun. IIUKE HARRiiN. iiutlder, EX. H7II3 $1,495 Down Anyone (t RMS.

AND TILED HATH Ml CL. COST (II RESALE HR I. I). It utility in nice bit. cnitin.

redec. insulated anil entliei sti inneil. iiaed driv loan, notes Incl. T. and 1.

(I. El. Gl RESALE BY OWNER PAY KMALL euully and ansume lHii Save rlns. cost. liednos HuiiKihit disii-isal, eb.

fan, blinds Incl. I7 J24H i Tiotlies. conv. tinndus-lilnl Hlvd. Ilii.niKI.

N. Atlanla Hnsikhnven. CH. 39'Jl; 31S7, Grov Park 139 5 BATH $57)00" 2l'i5 HAKER 8 yrs. old.

mi nice int. Fenced finnt ard. Terms. Mr. illles.

It A BUTLER GILES, HKR. 1236 Lucille Ave SV. 51K1 Avondole Estate 140 3 BEDROOMS Den and Sewing Room 2 STORY BRICK. (IKOHOIAN TYPE. Cenlered nn lots wilh ltl.Vft.

frnnlage and double garage. Lovelv trees. A wondeiful buv at 5.21,5(10. Call Jack Itmall. home.

IE. 811H; ofc, CR. 3tl. L. W.

Morris Bkr. Trinity PI Decatur CATRON REALTY CR. fi421 Avnn.lHle Estates' Plaai 1 2 11 I i i i i i I I I I IIS BOB DELL REALTY CO. OFFERS "Choice Homes for Choosey People" OPEN DAILY 383 Woodward Wy. NW GOT THAT LEVEL LOT RARER THAN A PAY I.N JUNK- 2 bed-rooma that fit your bill, a dellthtful den opening onto a screened poo on iritr, nains, larsa nvini room wmr-place, dining room and kitchen.

Utility room, basem*nt and full aitic. Immaculate condition and an outstanding pine In low 2()a. MRS. CRITCHKTT, CK. 7359, CH.

6751. DRIVE BY 5855 Mitchell NW 8PR1NO lf BUSTIN' OUT ALL OVER the .1 acrea of level wooded property, enhancing the simplicity and charm of this ranch-style home, 3 yrs. old -It has a dellahtful floor plan with 3 large bedrooms. 2 baths. a kltchen-den WfireDlace.

livine loom wfireplace and dlninj room. There's i a nounie earporr ana tnun easem*nt. Sensibly priced In 20s off loni Island Dr. MAOOLYN KOU.KR. CIC lMi i.

CH. 6751. MASTERPIECE IT'S A BEAUTY WITH DETAIL AND APPOINTMENTS THAT ARE EXCEPTIONAL. In the New Orleans slvle wheie living Is easy entertaining no problem. Arcadia doors open from living room and llbisrv onto a cool, cool screened porch.

Beautiful dinlnj room, large, but workable kilrhen and breskfaat room Four delightful bedrooms. 3 baths and powder room. Maid's room and bath. Most convenient neighborhood. AUG hi TOWLES.

EX. 2fi'5, CH. 6751. IVY SECTION JUST A HOP FROM THE NEW SMITH GRAMMAR SCHOOL, on a beautiful lot llilUfillO. 3 large bed-rooms, living room 'fireplace, big dining room, tine kitchen, large acieened porch, llaablt basem*nt, cute brick home In low 2(is.

BETTY BREWER, DK. 1211. CH. 6751. MT.

PARAN 20 MINUTES FROM LOCKHEED OR ATLANTA A 150' lot affording elbow room. Ranrh-atvle of brick and redwood. A good arrangement of 3 bedrooms, 1', baths, living room w' fireplace, dining room, excellent kitchen wbreakfast space and an estra large acreened porch. The full hasemeut boasts a big clubrm. The price In low 20s is real value.


THE LANDSCAPE BUDDING. THE HOME SPACIOUS. AND THE PRICE AT $25 000 IS A SONO. You'll be tickled to find 3 bedrooms, a paneled den. 2 baths, spacious living room, separate dining room and a kitchen like "House Beautiful.

Had i workshop will be Ideal In the big base, ment, Double carport. We'll iihatan-tiaie on call. ROBIN HOOD, CU. 11394, CH. 6751.

ARC0NNE FOREST BUtJT TO ORDER FOR A DIS-CRIMINAT1NO OWNER, BORDERING ON MODERN WITH its PURFl LINKS, spacious rooms and i i SHtni.v?i uiiiuiK ivillll. riiii irill kilcben. master bedruom 1425. with private balh and 2 double closets. 2 other large bedrooms wilh balh.

Big basem*nt double garage Out of Hie ordinary for Ron liEl.i. SR, EX. 4955. KARL 1CENOOLE, CH. 3300, Cll.

6751. E. RIVERS SCHOOL INDIANA LIMESTONE AND ROl'CH HEWN TIMBERS FORM THE EXTERIOR OF THIS OUTSTANDING HOME. The formal fover leads into a cathedral beamed living room with its great stone fireplace. There ia a formal and expansive dining room, an up-to-the-minute kilehen separate breakfast room.

The powder room is convenient for guests. Up the Impressive, winding stairs there are 3 very large bedrooms and 2 large baths. ah mis rests on a granite foundation laced wilh steel beams and railroad iiiuiii. ii naa uouu aaraae won aervant room and bilh. MRS.

HECKNELL, VE. 8437, CH. 6751. NOW IT CAN BE SOLD MANY HAVE DREAMED OF OWN-1NO THIS llll.ME on one of At-lania'a must beautiful streets walkirg distance lo tree Road on lovely grounds plus swimming pool fed bv springs. Coveted barbecue area Large Hill.

me hall leadine to rear hall sibie to all rooms. Formal living room, aeparaie inning mom. gorgeous i. masier Deuiooins, 2 beautiful baths.

Beautiful kitchen dishwasher and verv large breaktast area, iistairs: 1 large bedroom, bath and sewing room, 2-car Integral gaiage. Priced right at $19,500. No addie-s over 'phone. MRS. MOULSON.


trulv lovelv small home, beautifully decorated, wonderful location, waiting for you Living room wilh fireplace, lame acieened porch, dining room, co.v kitchen. 2 nlre-siw bedrooms pretlv hath, large attic, full dnvlight bssem*nt, garage. $17,500. MRS. BECKNEI.L, VE.

8437. CH. 6751. BOB DELL REALTY CO. 1 W.

Paces Ferry Rd. CH. 6751 THIS FINE HOME IS AVAILABLE BECAUSE THE OWNER IS MOVING FROM ATLANTA 1650 SUSSEX NE Near Berkshire NE TWO-STORY brick in excellent condition. Located in one of our best residential areas. FOUR cheerful bedrooms.

Two lovely bathrooms. It has all the finer things you would want in your home if you built it today. THE price is much less than you expect to pay for a home of character and top construction. Shown by appointment. Will cooperate with agents.

SAMUEL ROTHBERG Realtor 575 Peachtree NE VE, 0706 RANDALL MILL Mt. PARAN SECTION FOR the famllv who are used to the best and now want a smaller beaulifullv appointed home this la II on liniKeuus 2-Hiie lol. 2 bedrooms each wilh private balh, lovelv den Ihe most marvelous rluhronm downstairs Evervlhliur up to the minute. Mrs. Lvnch.

Cll. 27. Exclusive. PUTNAM DRIVE THE CHARM of this slalelv Colonial home is In having the large liv. ami dining mom- in the back overlooking Ihe garden and wooded area.

Downstairs there is a verv laree, lieauliful, sunnv bedroom with balh. 2 lovelv bedrooms and hath upstairs. A game room with fireplace In nasem*nt where children ran really eninv life. School bus at door, rinse to chnnnincr renter. Owner has bought home in iviuntrv and anxiotia for oniric mln Exrlujirve.

Mil. Carrlwn. CH. 9417 or CH. 7422.

NEW LISTING REATTTIKOL home on wooded In W'etmlnster School sectinn havln? I esiminsrer Mn.K.i section i bedrooms. 21-. tialbs. den 21'. toh.

den rlnh- room. maid'a room and bath Ex-Huaive. Mrs. Mehre. CH.

1528. N. TUXEDO PARK LOVKT.Y white home In thl ex clusive seenon witn lovelv hed i III B.n.i oerl- nf paneled rl i derful oorrh overlonkinff formal our- Hen. Priced in the 3'a. Mra.


E. Broker. CH. sjj North Sido MS ROYER jENNINCS REALTY COMPANY OKtct Across From BuckheaJ Post Office OPEN SATURDAY 56 Putnam N. W.

Tl'XKUO PARK. This a fiaciuua home, warm and inwtlng and at the i( time magnificent in lelhug. Well budt and in imnuculaie condition, it olleis an amazing amount uf house for Hie laiger lamiu having cnti hall, living room, dining loom, kitchen, bklat. room, laige acr. poich.

.1 bed-rouins, 2i. bairn, den i or 4th bd-rootn', maids room with full balh liunliy room, playioum wnb pahs and fenced aid, ttuublv-car gaiage. Lo-ciitt-U one block from tian-poi lation. (biN Is tiulv an ainaaing value In the man ana, til. Aula, ufntAn, I.A.

ran. in. Northwest Location THIS pretty old-brick home, lust completed, is ktluaird on a beautifullv nooded lot with over loo-ft. ftoniaae. It cunMsis of 3 2 baibs.

living room with fireplace, aep. dining room, and a lovely porch In rear In the 20' s. Snown by appt. nnli. MRS.

4U37 jtr.ia, J.A. 1011, l.M. MOST ATTRACTIVE $18,500 OLD BRICK AND NIIINCSLK home, In cmellent NW location, on lovelv wooded lot with 168-lt. frontage Living room, sep. dining room, screened poich, 3 bcuimv, 2 baths, and onlv years old Owner rus purchased laiger home.

Someone will get a good biy here. No address bv phone. MRS. BECKY JOHNSON, EX. 7511.

CH. 5531. EXCLUSIVE. HOUSE WITH A VIEW BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED and uveilooking a lovely vallev: Unusual ut. hall, enchanting hru x-flouird den hi bmberue pa, living loom acioss rcur with what a view! Three spacious 2 bulbs, Perky cvpreaa-pun-eled dep.

On apixos. 2 aillaeoiii wood ed acres in Northwest secimn. tins is' REAL VW.1'1.: UKS NELSON, EX. 7511, FR. 33b'2.

EXCELLENT VALUE ATTRACTIVE HOME In excellent location on gorgeous level lot. Knt. hall, living loom wiih fne-piace, sep. dining room, 3 den. 2 baths, kitchen with bikfsi.

area. peim. stairs lo altir and pallia! bsmt. '1 he huge brick palm will be a delieht for the entire tamllv. Price MRS, HAX.EL BROWN, EX.

7511, VE. 7405. Enchanting Setting WAY BACK fiom the street, this lovelv nearlv new home is located on almost 3 acrea of wooded land It has an ent. hall, living room with old brick fireplace, separate dining room. 3 bedims, lone 2 baiha.

a wonderful 35-loot playroom In full bsml. Ideal for entritatninf No ait dress on phone. MRS. j.ENA DEM P-SKY. EX.

7511, AT. 9422. EXCLUSIVE. OLD BRICK NORTHSI UE HIOII and Brandon School area Reautlful ilen. 2i--bath home, and in full davlltht basmt.

a 3i)-foot paneled plavroom and 2-car Integral gaiage. Spacious and lovelv on inni2u-foot wooded lot. Pliied In mid-thirties. MRS NORA JENNINGS, EX. 7511, VE.

6484. AMAZING AGREE when you see what is orreird al $27.5011 on new aiieel in lop Ninth esl location. This beautiful buck home ha ent. hall, spacious I.R-HK. roomy, planned Delmar birch cabinet kitchen with dishwasher and bikfst.

area, huge pine-pan. den with Tirepiace. .1 large Demtus. wnn pianneu sonic. 4.

nu sor umoin. ny i fan walk-in closets and full davllght wan space, i eiquisne Dam, aim hsmt with 2-car int. vaiaae. On luvelv wooded lot. CALL EX.

7511. EX-CLCSIVE. ROYER JENNINGS REALTY COMPANY 219 Phair Rd EX. 7.111 SURE THE SHAMROCKS ARE SHINING AT 1480 LAVISTA RD. 'TIS a fine brick home with nlct IS baths, basem*nt.

KNi-ft. landscaped lot. Onlv 1 Bv appt. onlv, please! Exclusive with "Mular-key" Morse, EX. 1763, CH.

4421. 2117 McKinley NW NEAT AND PRETTY TO YOCR GREETING Perfects located between Howell Mill and Nolth- side. Trackless trollev and acbool bus wj rjJrrh. nice vard. Mis'.

Morse; EX. Esclushe. "BIT 0" HEAVEN Sl'RK wax and your colleen will thrill at Ihe siehl of ihis wide-suieadlriK, Knrtmn buck and cvpiess funclionnl h-niie! Kveu St. Patrick would approve Hit In hi ly mtiiiiruied lnwn, Ihe amainr closet iimce Ihf huneslv uf TKt'K t-on- tcmix'ian archtlectur? thai it SO defined in this 2 bednn lor 3rd bedim, i. 2-hath home.

Ihe owner ts Minnesota Imund and has priced the house realisllcallv at Kxclusive with Mia. I.n'ia Wesson. K'. SSai; ofc. CH.

44H1. MORSE REALTY 5058 tree Rd. CH. 4m IT'S A MESS MTTDPY new construction and the iH( won't paved for another 30 day a. Bt'T WR believe you will find It worth your time and trouble.

Now la the time to select one of our contemporary design hornet with aluminum awning windows, famllv kitchen, carport and attic and beautiful wooded lota. BE A part of this plessant communlt? schools, churches snd shopping closs MOST of our homes sre sold during conai ruction so now Is the time to select yours. LESS than 20 mln. from downtown Atlanta. CORONADO ACRES, off old Stone Mln.

Rd. beiween No. Peachtree Rd. and the Butord Hwy. Total Price $1 2.000 S.10 TOTAL CASH TO VET.

Payments 173 mo. "BUI A horns with your rent money." THOS J. NORTHCUTT A CO. EX. H4K4 MAPLE DR.



on left side Hufmd hwv ai 'our Sign JUS! riemi iroiriui. DREW VALLEY -NORWOOD REALTY INC 212 Forsvth Hrokers. fY.74Jl THEY CALL IT A San Fernando Valley RANCH WELL it's as cute as a bullon ami a numoer w'l. "ii strictlv in the counirv with neighbors all around and nice neigblsirs. loo.

The house Is hrick, has lots of paneling and a lovelv ralhedral celling, den with raised fireplace Imllt for 3 ft. logs. 2 balhs. full basem*nt, extra-large carpmi and lueeewiiy. sils liack 4IHI ft.

from Hie mail nn a pel feci nice SUm laitesite at vour back dnor. 10 mm. flom l.nclilieed Plant. Price for oulck salt1. Herbert Cline.

CH. 32IH: nfc, CH. 71144. TELL US WHAT YOU WANT WE HAVE IT' Herbert A. Cline Rlty.

Co. 3164 P'tree Realtors al P.uckhiJ. OPEN 2 'TIL 5 3791 N. STRATFORD COME HY and see this spacious 4-bednmm 2'-lib hume on th loveliest lot on the Nor.hsi.le. Convenient to Heiicbtree and Sara Smith school.

Vacant and readv lo your new home Mm. r.rvarr, Jh. 2M2; EX. H311. Brandon School Area THIS HRICK home redured to sell.

11 is on a lovelv lot near tran-uMJ-'tption. Entrance bnll, llvint' nxim. din'nkf room. 3 bedrooms 1 nine rvttieVri i baths. Mrs.

DIs bro. AT. 5f.27: nfc EX. 6311. LOOK i 4 BEORDflMS 2 baths brick snd iframe.

Dishwasiier. washer and drv- i Mrs. Reimer'. 47 21Tc ofc EX. 11l nfc EX.

HI. North Fulton Realty Co. 1iP5 Fd. 63U Unfc. WAVT AHS FOB PVCI'TTS nAfti ALKs UK KtSLiLila North Sido I 1 115 HANDSOME NEW BRICK HOMES (Very Close In) OPEN DAILY 2 'TIL DARK 3 4 2 Baths rw i All Convenience, Fast Trans.

NEAR Christ The Klul Norlh Fulton Hub Garden Hills, Koers $18,150 to $19,550 Luiurv Class, Economr Priced and fully Restricted 30-YR (11 snd other TOP LOANS ON PARKDA1.E and SPRING-DALE DR. otf LINDBERGH, halfway btwn. PEACHTREE and PIEDMONT In BIRCHWOOD tGarden HiKsi. Mr. Parker.

t.VL 4706, CU. 1257. PARKER AND CO. Real Property 3114 Ponce de Leon W. Pine Valley Rd.

ONLY 3 vis. old. this weathered shingle home. High on wiatriav lot. offers exclusive N.

W. liM-atlon Sound must ruction, good taslr. Nice detail, engineered kitchen. ENTRANCE hall, lovely living room, rav dining room owns to patio 13x17 library and 'i lullb I'psiaiis. nlc, 2 baths.

Pleaae call Mrs Lamai. CH. 0052 or CH. UP BACCETT REALTY CO. bUCKHEAU REALTORS "OPEN 2-6, VA or FHA Financing New 3-Bedrm.

Brick, $16,500 WiKlVA RU. Thf nrw unit 4706 WIEUCA RD. vu ftiltuw iltrertiuriH. lit) Hosewll Kl. lo Wifiiti Inn.

1 1 rut i lift Nurih turn ft to (nit new hoimr on If (I, IMatuiul hlt'nrti in kit. pantr and br. at pi. icp. dm.

rm liv, rm 1 balh. Ibl. i-loneu in nustfi ample rlotem thiuuut. 90 lot. conv, tu rveryllilnii.

Stnft will be tavtd; ulhtr houitei tu br built anon. Mra. Hael Orr, I'll. 795ti; olc, ''BURTON REALTY CO. EX.

6322 2794 BRIARLAKE SUBD." 2 LOVELY BRICKS 6,750 ALMOST COMPLETE. SELECT VOI COLORS NOW. SVJ4 E. Ullar-lake, bedrooms (1 paneled I'i tiatbs. douole-ienglh caiuoit.

lent floor plan on nice 3116 W. BKIAKLAKE-S tieiltooins It paneled! J't tialbs. full basem*nt. Nice lot. Both have sewerage FHA loans.

Co l-aVnia 2 miles he-yond Clatrmont, turn right on Briar-lake at sign. Call Jack Harretl. VE. 5214: Off. AT.

5795. Simms-Dobbs Rltrs. 1542 ULVU. AT PIEDMONT TOMLIN OF BUCKHEAD WEST OF PTREE UARL1NC. blk 1 BRs den, scr.

I. 1 It -I a uoi o. I. L.ri.. im.

i iionc beaulifullv landscaped level lot, in one or Atlanta a lM't secis block to transp sch. bus at front ooor. a verv noon ouv in ine leenv Call MRS. KONT for an apnl lo see your future Home. At.

3Mb; ore foMLIN REALTY CO. Realtors 292 Paces Ferrv Rd. BROOKHAVEN ONLY $12,500 GRANITK home on lOO-foot level lot, near Heaehtree, transportation, hopping and schools. The 3 bed-room, living room, dinmjr room, kitchen, hath and utility room ha-e been redecorated. Screened porch and garaxe.


Psces Fy. Rd. "In Buckhead" BFoc Of "PeacKt7ee A KINK home at a ha run in Ona of the choice properties in this exclusive section. Has three nice bedroom (one maslen. 2l baths, lack' a enhance hall, beautiful living room, nnHiern and, altracttvelv decorated.

Comlortable servnnt'a uuaiieis and laundrv facilities. Well-developed grounds. HK)x3ih. feet. Hi ice Call iloke Blair, residence.

AT. WA. 6177. fclclusie aale ADAMS-CATES CO. J01 HI RT KI.IX; HEAI.TORS Our 5(llli Annlveisarv OPEN SATURDAY 2:30 TO 5:30 AH TNKoKM home of unusual Itt'atily on a am genu ncie vHiit-d lot In one of our best NW sections.

Wonib'iful patio and HWinmiina piiol adioin the iear )i inn porch. This home urn feHlui etl in a imlloiuil niaaazine and will be well worth while to invoect. Puve out to MjKTHSIDK DHIVK. Mis. HHirell.

VK. TMH: off, VK. 1101. Kr-I. HENRY MOOC Rlty.

Co. RKAUTOR 1409 H' I ree NVy Brandon School Section REAlTIKt'L brick hnme. Ilvintf rm. with flreplfice, separate dinine rin miwlein kid hen. nine paneled di tcmrlij be 3rd tvednn i.

2 liu'fcfe '2 full balhs and screened poich. Kull liRht basem*nt readv for additional nims If needefl. Wunhtv constrictlon. Located on i TtP-ri iron ie. In convenient and lovelv nek'h- borhood.

fiwner Imnsferretl. ('nil Mrs. VE Mm or 11. Wrt. DENNY-HAYNIE, INC.

groke I 3 1 04 RiiswellJid. $100 DOWN UNUSUAL BUY OI LOAN Like new, brk ranrh-slyle home. tiled Iwlb. large kitchen, level lot car- mrt. North Wnnits l.iil Sll 7S0.

Call Harris (loldwasser, EM. 3204 Etheridge Cr Vanneman RLTRS. 4411 TREE EX. 7527 WEST WESLEY AREA WK FtARKLY have ho uriced In the 'JO in Ihii lot ut ion, 1 -story, in- ligue brk a tk oiu, ueurmg. vrnn Ige.

close ta. small den lead into the modem kitchen hum ent. hull. A Ige, acr. porch over luuku lovelv rear yiuund, lOOi'Aty lot.

uwner wilt Hade for tfrr home, Kiti-I. Mia. Howard, HOWARD REALTY CO. 254 K. Paeea Ferrv Rd.

"0AKDALE ROAD' NEAR Ponce de Leon. A charming home. Has four bedrooms, 3'j baths, simciniis fiist-flooi' plan. In gsd C'oiiilitiou. ISew gas healing plant.

Keaiitllullv wooded lol lial5IK). Oarages, servant's iiuarters and laundry facilities. Shown bv appointment. Plione Hoke Hlair, residence, AT. 7tKlti: office, WA.

5477. ADAMS-CATES CO. J01 HURT HLDG. REALTORS itr stitii Anjivet -sarv Adair's Buckhead Off ice WALK TO PEACHTREE HUCKHEAD (juiet slteet of lovely hmnes. Siiacious brick home of 3 den, 2 liaths, modern kitchen, bikfsi.

iiaseml. Low twenties. Exclusive, Virginia Edens, EX. 4544. ADAIR REALTY LOAN CO.

HUCKHEAD OFFICE ViT rVNiT ACIT Lwvv Vrjn AS low as S2.R0U down to party who can carry substantial monthly nole, LAKESIDE DRIVE, NE 'i BEDROOMS. 2 balhs. den. Double ganige. lot plunied eniuely jn y.uvsla rssa.

$,22. Olio. SHARP-B0YLST0N CO. Orsnl Hldg. Realtors WA.

OWNER TRANSFERRED IMMFDIATE POSSESSION ATTRACTIVE TKRMS 3 SVIt. larport. cen I is I heal, lisift. womled lot, fenced liack yd. Call CH.


2 to 6 BEAUTIFI'L Norlh Tuiedo Park. Family rm. out of this world. 3 2' baths, best buv In town. Mrs.

Addams. I'll. 7fiSfi. EX. K42V Peachtree Rd.

Rlty. Assoc. ntm PKAfllTRKE RD. EX. B42n GARDE HILLS-While brick.

3 2 linlhs. livirij dinln, bikfst. im kilehen, recrention Htlic Inn. Newlv deco-luted. Near Christ the Klne and Har den H'tts Schools tin t'i line UFMRY ANFORD RKR intrNKT SAINI-UKU, l.

i i LANIER DRIVE at Onletlmrne l'niverity. Reautlful hrlck Colonial. i heHrnnms I naneleH' halhs 2 fur basem*nt caraee. aitlc and wooded lot. 1 Marks to fjidv nf Kllcnen lans.

screenen porcn. iarae Assumntion School Priced under livinon. Ownr.EX. WSL North Sido FULLY equipped, reasonable rent, cash for small stock, apartment connected, living In. will snow ur nUht.

Kiliaitrlca; Grocery, 2252 (atkview RuaJ. SE. between Kit k-wuod and East Lake. SToKE 15xu. tree load in Ruck- neau.

Mis. uso, r. Moore, 3252 P'tfee CH. 6122, CH. 3994.

Stores, Warehouses, Office Spict ALLAN-GKAYSON RalALTY CO SO N. PRYOR ST. WA. 1698 NICE brick store aivl'JI. li North between Peachtrees.

Low tint. Call Pannell. WA. J428. 2973 P'TREE at Huckhead sq.

$15(1 mo Excel. EL U7JI Forreat Auair tree at i otner. McINTYRR REALTY C. 8631. REALTORS HEALEY pLDG.

CORNER store, R-rnokwooc! Hills, tree Rd. $125 mo. EL. 0751. DISPLAY-Otfice space, 997 to" 1008 SpringSt.lJohnston,At!r4 Off ici Dtk Spocf Rsnt 1 29 165 LUCKIE STREET, N.


AT. 7380. ANDERSON-BOYNTON CO. 1531 PIEDMONT, JKRS. AT, 5R41 ON EUNICE office, Fifth" FlooT'Vol-tiuleer Building, opposite elevator, $50 per month or $60 per month with air conditioning.

Call T. J. Wesley Jr. WA. 1694 Allon-Crayson Realty Co.

JO NORTH PRYOR NE 1" LARGE FRONT RM. FURNISHED or unfurnished, conv. W. p'tiee luc. Call Mr.

Helmer. EM. 5618 Mon. FURNISHED office or desSTspace. Receptionist fuinlshed.

Recteiarv oil-lional. .133 Candler 6448, 45 11TH NK 2-ruom suite, $75. 3-rm. suite, $95. Utll.

Janitor serv. furnished. VE. 06ss. Cool) OFFICES.

66 Eleventh St. lXiRSEY-ALSTON Realtors 72 Eleventh SL AT. 7554 PRSK. office malT tei. ans.

service. Downtown. MA, 1A38. FOR RENT? office space seijlon. DEarborn9)J7, ELgln 763si P'TREE-iffice and parking.

Thomaa Bldg. AL. 05(11 MODERN offices, "off-street parking Porter. ATsim. Worthouies for Rsjnt 131 WILL BUILD WAREHOUSE for desirable tenant 3 rum i lil.oon au.

ft. close in. Loading and parking area. Low rental. Norman Carr.

Adair Realty Cr Loan Co. Realtors WA. 0100 Healev Bldx. FDrTWAREHOUSESTCAtXi neKAl.U REALTY CO. CR, 6411 DECATUR CR.

T49S SikkSO RAILROA'D frontage. Sub-divide For Rent Colorad 133 Investment or Home CLARKE SE Near Connallv. Seven-room frame home for colored family, ideal to make Into nupiev $6,000. Call William Bedell, residence, CH. 6S96; office, WA.

5477. ADAMS-CATES CO. 201 HURT BLDQ. REALTORS Our 50th Anniversary 6S7-D Magnolia NW. 3 rooms $27.50 R.592 Hunt NE, rooms 827.50 142 Woodward SE.

2 42 Woodward St, 2 rooms $10 00 Redd Baldwin Rlty. Co. 218 Healey Bldg. WAJnut 2258 414 PET.TON apt. bldgs.

In Atlanta. 2 la r. iiedim living kitchen and hath. Cas heul. High-class ueoble onlv should apply CY.

2514. BREWER-HEAD CO. Realtors Ga. Sav P.k. Bldf.

1181 (IaRIBALDI. SW-New 2 wood floors, hot water Turn $44 1180 IRA SW-2 rms $15 999 FERN SE-3 rms. $45 452 WHITEHALL TER 2 rms. $25 ERNEST L.JMILLER CO MA15I)5 314 Milliard 3 "$42 5o mo. 564H Decatur 2 $30 mo.

127 Crumlev E. 3 rms. $40 mo. R. 313 Crew 2 $24 50 mo.

TAKE a look, and If interested, apply 784 Marietta AL. 6585. "984 Dimmock SW 2 rms. SSTM 675 Garabaldi SW, 2 rms. $37.50 1152 Canltol SE.

2 rms. $35.00 CHAPMAN REALTY CO. MA. 1638 71 F'orsvth NW Realtors ROUSTON AND JACKSON STS. 400 HOUSTON NE-2 rms.

and balh. $37.50. Newly decorated. No children ROOKER, INC. MA.

6550 137 Weslev NE, Apt. 7. 4 rms. 12 bedrms.) all conv $411.50 Apt. 3.

3 rms. NICE $40.00 ('. O. AYUOCK REALTY COMPANY 151 Nassau N.W. WA, 2114 GLENN SW.

AT HUMPHRIES ST. 3 rms. and liath. $50 mo. HARRY CLASSMAN CO.

EL. 6371 1036 P'lreeSt STTNW. Apt 4-2'rooms. hot water, lighis and gas. $40.

DRAPER-OWENS CO. WA. S51 Giant Bldg, "NEAR 250 BOWIE SW 2 rms. and balh, hot-waler cabinet sink. ROOKKR.

INC. MA.6550 ftAST "POINT-Nlce Tbdrm. apt. Comp. with stove, refrig.

Water turn. Call Res. Mgr. between 8 a.m. and 5 pjn.

FAIrfax 52S1. ROOM and lath apartment, 197 Woodward Avenue. Southeast. $45. Redd Baldwin Realty WA.

225S FURNISHED or unfurnished room for refined person or couple. VEr- non 5663, liESfRABLE. 2-room apartment with bath. 191 Merrltts NE. CY.

6671. AND BERCiER A LTY CO. LA. 0428 ROOMS VTtfhenettes. apartments.

.50 up. 420 Piedmont NE. 3 R(50MS. apartment. MTTColeman Street, SW, WAInut 6737.

UNFURNISHED room for couple. Call AU 2146 after 5:30. Wanted to Rent 134 TWO MEN desire 3-room furnished apartment with private entrance, bath, in Northeast, Southeast or Southwest Atlanta. Reasonable. Reference furnished.

EMcrson 3U56 after 5 p.m. EXECUTIVE with national organization requires 3- or 4-liedronm house, preferably Druid Hills School area. Excellent references. M. 115.

WANTED 4 liedrooms. 2 or more baths, den. 2-rar garage. In northern suburbs. Must be fairlv modern.

RAvmond 1443 after 6 p.m. GM representative and family desire futnishd house or aid. for pernia-nel residence. Smvma. 5-44I4 weekdays.

COUPLE desires living, dining, liedroom, unfurnished, with fuinlshed kitchen, in Decatur, CRescenl 8875. Want unfitr. of' furn, bdrdv. or ant. house.

Might buy furniture. CR. REAL ESTATE-North Sido 135 QUALITY AND SPACE THIS lovelv 4-yeir-olil brick home not onlv hat more ipsriotn room than the average but hIso hai extra features found onlv In better quality mnstruellnn. T.lvinj room with fireplace, dining room, marvelous 10x14-ft. porch with a view, paneled den, 2 2 In1ha mpare for Mrd bedroom- and bath on terrace level), full daylight basem*nt, 2-rar garage.

Beat of all, thii fint house ia on a xor-eou lot over 1 70 ft. wide. In a choice location In the Brandon School area. Priced reaionably In the 20s. By appointment onlv.

Mr. or Mra. Ruff, CH 1156 or CH. 4 156. TEEN-PRICED GOOD NW LOCATION IF YOU want an attractive 2-bedrm.

and den or 3 -bedim. home nn a firetty wooded lot and a well-estab-ished alieet In the Morrla Brandon School area near Iransp. and ahoppinR. hurry and call for an appt. to see this one.

Mr. or Mra. Ruff, CH. llftti or CH 41IS6 CITADEL N. E.

3 2 BATHS REALLY nice! Red brick on beautiful lot in thia choice section. Has spacious entry. 20-ft. Ilv. large din.

kitchen with dishwasher, htkfst. area. 2 large 2 tile baths. HONEY of HEN opening onto dellnhtful rear screened notch. Owner leiiMng city.

Low 201, Evalvn Gaines, EX. 5472 or Cll. 1 156. ALSO ON CITADEL isilefullv decorated yellow frame has prettv entrv. 26-11.

liv. -din. kitchen wilh large bikfst area, paneled den. 2 comer 1 i. tile balhs.

attic storage, partial concrete basem*nt, beautiful draperies. Onlv $17,250. Evalyn Gaines. EX. 5472 or CH.

1156. COE LACERQUIST JkhedAe.N. E. Brokers HERE IT IS Discriminating FIRST TIME OFFERED NORTH. Buckheafl.

almnl 5 ml. In community of charminR homei. 1h moKt attractive 3-bedrm 2-haih home, 2-car garage and auto, heat, plu real fireplaces', big acreened HHUutntlti rinti it icuv Ijj. If (ruin crl anrnnf heaut. old oak.

On 8 acr.s. with iinwef and nhrubierv jelore. Ideal for eitv farmer wilh nrehard. vinevurd. Teaetjihle area, atream.

mm woodland. Kecaua of illne. nnre below $20,000. Ftv further details ran Mr. H.

saHfi, CH. i 1. PAYNE REALTY CO. ANPT aPRiNr.i Eiclusivs Ave, NEW 4-hedioom, home, 2 full baths. bruk trim, large wooded lot.

$15,111111. win handle. owner, 1712 Konesi Drue. Ill until dark Peach-tree Road to Asllford-Dunwoodv Road, flu! street left ueond Nancy Creek. THANK VOL IE YOK waul to buy a home or sell a home, lust call me and vour worry Is over.

MRS MIDDI.ETi in. EL. 1167, Cam. LARilE house needed, selling 3-bed-nn 2-balh brick. 25U-ft.

wiKHled lot. much below m.rket value Mr. llen-deison. I'M. 1 I I'll.

SSi'ili. PAYNE Sandy Springs OWNER Attractive liedrisim buck, on bus line. Excellent cniuli-Hon. Nice lot. Spring Street School section.

EIIA committment. El.gin i EM 471)6. 304 P. de 3 2-baih at sihool. Decoudres B'hd.

EX. SUM NUTITNti A COMPANY Realtois All. Fed. Sav. BIi1g 1.

STOKES A CO. AL. SMI Volunteer Bldg. den, hath. Antique brick.

Dcnti McKov R'head. CH. f.4:'U 2 bath, den brick. Turner U2P'tree. AlrCond.

homes. luil'i, til Fred G. Iiinkins Copnuce 4s Assoc. Rlty." Co 251 Klden I)r CH. Iii'in den.

Cole R.K 57J.fvt. AT. 70115-7 HIS. I rm 4 "TiomeTKath leen King 7(1 2Sih St. EL.

1iT7 P'lrV Hills. hi Ick Bedell Rltv. CI I. p'llee Rd. ljtsseler Carmlchncl.

Bkrs. SANIiY SPRINOS EX .1363 P'tree lillls. 3 BR.TbaUis. Tillis P'lree Mills. CH 2-HR.

brick" Colonial Collier Hills, tlieene P'lree til. 44.i". 4 H.R.--2 ba. t'astlewood Est or build. Lots avail.

CU. K7U4. EX. Norlheosf 136 NEW BRICK DUPLEX I4M WESSYNliToN RD IN SIDE, Jllsl 1, blk. to liansp, Eeilhing seisuate.

2 Itcdrin units. Low down pamt, $'i'2 411 mo. Al Malkin EM -JMI 778 BROOKRIDGE BRICK DUPLEX EXCELLENT Hie liallis. wall-lo-wall cHtlietiug. YounusIovn kitchens with lots of cnlnnets Full bsm' 5-car garage.

Puce, Al Malkln. EM. Wl 1488 LAVISTA I.AROE. wooded lot, 2 yrs. old, 3 I1, Iwihs.

rash. $inn 1110 Al Milkin, EM 2MI. HOME AND INCOME BEA1TIFIL brick duplex, with owners unit, a real luxury home riin.l.linu uf lu ll .11,, ami din'. rm alr-cond spacious Ink's! rm and uliia-nioileni kit. with dish- wasliei, dlNPoxal. ex- Itaust fan. 2 Is-ilrms and 2 ta'atit. Hie tsillis. wall -In-wall drapes, scieened prch. t'pslans unit rents for glial nm.

Full bsmt wilti wash. mach. All ulillties sepaiate. civil, lail. mo, Mis.

Stein, AT. Harry Glassman Co. pKis Ptree EI. 6371 PRELUDE TO SPRING A MASTERPIECE of modern living In this eviulalt den borne. S.1IKI sq ft of luxurv liv inv.

I IhmI- hhiiiis 14I6 bedrofim I. oust uvular rnoin with fiieniu.e mvl'b mite iiiiuiiK nioin, invelv Klll'lien wllb dishwasher, lunre ulavroom with fli enlace will, full sen in. fm-ilitic. I'tilitv room, en rave, circulating hot water heater, attic fan. beautiful landscaped lot JIKl-ft.

front. Huiil bv owner of finest materials. Convenient to schools. sttonninaT, churches, etc. ALSO 3 SPLIT LEVELS CALL A.

T. Rmilh. EV. 412S; nfc, EV. SSfil.

Commercial Trust Co. Brokers 2496 N. Decatur Plaza "First time offered' attention Emory Nurses Doctors 2803 EASTWAY RD. OPKN '2 Th HA RK OS a iiiiicl xlii'tM. '2 blocks of N.

hecaHir Jtd. Wendoii IM. to evei thing, buck ranh-lvpr on I trine level Jul, wilh the rem yard fenct'd. Living room with dining mi modem kit. Mitb bicakfast jtteu and dihwiisher.

A No laine util-iti room. nice slor-aitf space galore, alt.iched gaiaK'. een-tf a I auto. lieHt. ail 2 screentd uoithe like gisiiilmotticr had.

Meei lent nnancitiK. inmted condition. I Oiivs tin-tup Call now. Mrs. Hose, KX.

L'oppage, 1090. Kit lusive. DINKINS COPPACE ASSOC. REALTY CO. H4 EI.I)EN DR.

Cll. HOME ANDlNCOME ATTRACTIVE cream brick tnnwn-low with terrace ant, Corner level I'll, lieauliful shrubs. Vacant. Mrs. Helen.

DE. tlS7. HIGHLAND-VIRGINIA fi RM cream brick bunsjJilow, level I'M Conv. to sch'Mtis mid tians. HarRain.

tHMHt. Mis. Helen. DK. REALTY CO.

1JS6 Ealrview NE DE. 267 2-FAMILY HOUSE 156 Brantley N.E. HOME AND INCOME. 4 rnnms nne sine. si mnms nincr, ptui mice ulilitv rooms; two lull Iwths.

Pes sibilily for gurage aitarlmcnt. Nelv dec.nated. tall ALpine 2333. office houis. 5112 COPENIHLI.

AVE. STtiRY-AN'D-llALF rms, new eas oai tiall' turn I'l Mill Exclusive. .1. K. Svran.

res. EV. i of( 1.1. lMiX llltw Al.TA AVE. 4-HEDRM.

2-slorv fiame. Lot 175x1(11. CnnV. lo tlHiisij, (ini $7,500. Mr.

McKaV. res, EV 37.K7; nfc CY. LAWSUN Mi.MANUS RLTY. I'O. 1152 Euclid Ave.

Little 5 Poillls 12bb LA VISTA RD Heuulifullv decorated. Vetv cleuil. 3 tn'dl'lllK liv. din. den.

2 full Imllis. Powder wall In-wall ciiipcl. di'aiics. Nii-eiv develnped lot. screen bai becue gull.

Mir further Informa-llnn cull Mr, Hlanchaid. WA. 51170. T. Wayne Blanchard Co.

lieajtois Ca. Suv. Kk.Kldg. Mocningside Special NEW HRICK 6 mis. and bikfst, tin.

Nni wood finisii Unfiiii.slicd lisinl ccnlrnl i'hs heul. Neur schools, trana.p. insul. and w. -stripped.

Well financed. Call Mr. Carpenter, EX. 65(1. EM StUIS UNITED REALTY CO.

76 N. Iliehlundat l'otice de Leon LENOX" PARK-OWNER TltANS." SPLIT LEVEL, 1 years old, 3 ilen, 2 balhs, liv. beaulitul lerrace. Marvelous kilcben, dish washer, UisiioshI. bieakfast area, full maid's I'm.

and bath. utll. rm. I2S.750. Shown bv appt.

Mis. Adolnh. AT. Ihinan Meltz 6 175 P'tiee NE. Brick," 6 Rooms, $9,850 POlilL), very cletin nr.

J.iitle Pts. and Marv t.ln School. Reus. cash. I than rent.

IL c. Paugh- 111. I'R. llKJ'J. WA.

n-il i DRAPER-OWENS CO. fjrant Hldg. Kealtora BRICK' DUPLEX DI RANT PLACE 3 Ilv. and din. kit.

ben and bath each unit, i-ertal reliinis SenaiHie utlls, cloie to even-lbine. terms. W. J. EL.

71 EM, 51116. HELMER DIB W. P'TREE HOME tNt't 1MB S4II9 LENOX NE Triplex, sK rnnms. for nwtier. C.4lect Slti rnntiih.

as heal, thlee KHiaifcs. Two blinks Peachtree. Terms, Assume loan, in.raai, $H8 montb. Ralanrp 'asli or clear property for ttiult'. Price J.T.MK).

Owner, APT. $500 DOWN NICE 2-HR. brick, near Piedmont Park and everything. Partly furnished Cnusual oniiorlunltv. Chatham P'tree.

AT. 5716. nights FA. 95411. FORCED SAEETfXfrBW" .11 SANDERSON.

NE-2 blks. White-fnrd Ave. School. 5 encl. jmrches.

fenced. Sac. ls. Til Ml. mo.

Dl. "ikhi. ptre Land Lkwd. Ave. "$1,500 Cash, Bal Easy 7 ROOMS.

2 kitchens, Piedmont Pink section. LOVETT. EL 1467; LcuvwcIkt EM iill6N. ATL. Kt Cain.

WA. 6677. VACANr-lll llnsedale Rd.T NR. 3 2 hatha. EV.

4H.1. EL. SI 16. ORINER REALTY. 41 North Ave.

iTfJPT.FX; 2 baths. SS.7Str LA. 8495. Lsne Realty 436 MorPlsnd Northeast. R-RM.

brirk. io.tisn Nr Inman Oradv schools. $1,500 tash. VE. tSt)9i; WA.

2651. I I i ONELARCTTOi la hpre. numiundinif thi loilv homf built f'r gracious Uvtne. hn 4 bedrms ho'ha, liv. rm wlih (lii'Dlare.

Iittrarv. din lare mod. kitchen and irreened porch for Rummer ploasurp. Three Is ir.i'fim uom garawp apt. Listen, the pncn fA'J Mrt" V1'" BOH BLACKWEL1.

Ileallyt Decatur BEAUTIFLL Druid Hills home. I baths, laiite lot. WA. K-JF- Ji Morrison. Btt k't'i-'bS-P U'eArcade Bldg.

Southeost 144 $395 DOWFTAFYONl' NO CL. (TOST Cll KHAbai lliiO Mamgault HI. NEWLY d. Inside and nut. 1 BR.

L. kit. and bath, fenced lot, S9 mo. inc. T.

and 1. uanfn. and Bchl. Kingloff-'l'ravia I.lly.. 3lS Con-nail Bldg A.

4H1 1: EL. 7911S Hi. ATTENTION Gl 1 paneled den. Ks heal, Ik kib ben. Imin.

pnssessum. Liv rated off 2nd Ave. In nice iia-atmn. down, call TtiM HI HEKT. AT.

USK5. off. or DE. SV84, evenings. Hl'BEKT TAYLOR REALTY CD.

14IW Peaibtree NE BUY MY'enultv for iM. assume CI loun. rruatable al ttfl '21 per iiiontli. 4 rooms, rentuil beat bai-lc nnl (eneed. WAInut IM).

Grant Pork 144-A 71)4 ItOHARf AVE, SE. Approt. noil Prlrd. 7 HO rms I5 ve. Turn Eddie St.

Call day or night. FA. 1040 Kobi. F. Carroll Rllv.

E. PL FI LL price fenon j1 rmihVf .77. KMiiey.Ruv'.. 55 ne FULL PRICE IS (SHI ll.S'W DOWN. 12 rms 2 laths.

I Ulllis reniea sirai a imnri EM, 21141, AT. 1771. 12lh, E. Lewis Ridley Southwest 145 "3575 Boulder Park Drive CROSS price onlv 14. 21X1.

See this attractive 2-HR. home on level liiMKi ft. Comer of Boulder Park i vrn, and "ssunit loan of H.IHHI And ns. Transp. In front.

Natural nas lielng inslalled. Call MAHMN HAMILTON. RA. mm: ofc. CY.

KIKI. Roy D. Warren Inc. Allunla Fed. Sav.

Dldg. "TODAY'S BEST BUY RM. brick buimnlnw with enrazt ant. on rear of lot. Itungalow in the very best of condition Weather-sirniped.

insulated, central heat, (ia-ihkc aid. Condilion periect. Has I rms tia heal. Rented sii.i per m'p. Nice lot, loll, tall TOM FULLER, RA.

2117.1. olfice LA. L1S7. STARNES-ROBERTS CO. A LTD R.S 2 II STON West End 146 DUPLEX ONLY 112.751).

Hrlck and a real beauiy. Seuarale entrances, gas heat, small unit rented still per month, owner lives In laiger unit Notes of only Jfih per mo. Incl. T. and I.

(cud lot. feiired-m liack ard. Suii-stanliul down imymen! reoulied. F.x-clusie and shown bv aiipt. only.

'I'( FULLER, RA. 21)73, office LA. STARNES-ROBERTS CO. REALTORS 2S HOUSTON NB 2 IiUPI.EXES-2 liatbs each, prlvaia entrance, etc. jxiinn each.

HI TLER (ilLES, HROKERS 1236 Lucille Ave. RA. 58J Cascade Heights 147 1ST OUFERINr. SITUATED among tall pines on laru'e cnr. lot.

this firm, ranch home offers beautv and roominess, nnlv 5 rs. old. So outsiandin? ou II want to see Inside. Mr. Baldwin, It A R124.

or FR 1121. PAUL C. MADDOX Reallnrg WA Standard Rdg, 6823 SHERIDAN PR FMroorri apartment. Well kept apartment building. Halt block off P'tree.

Stores, trans. $67. LA. IWS6: EX- mange i.m. itjti peachtree apt; fx LOVELY coiner apartment.

2 lied-rnoms. excellent condilion. Adulls. 106. Drnuer-Owens Grant WA.

951 PPfCi HCY. nTicIf apT BTC Steam heat, itove. blinds fur-nislied 1 blk. Ponce ile Leon. H'HI Durant Pl NE.

I47.5U. WA. S773; EVj, 5366. DECATUR RM. apt, Newly dec.

Stove, ref. furn Conv. loc Adults. 150. DE, 1SB7.

COHIMHl'S Courts Apartments. J05 E. Ponce de Leon, Decalur. 1 4-rom. Avail.

Mar. 18, 1 5-room. Avail, Mar. 1. Call nights, DE.8269, private hath, "entrance, front and hack porch, heat and hot MHter furnished.

Adults only. ISO. 43 Washington SW. SE-Newlv decorated. 3-room 2nd floor ant.

Lara? closets. Heat and water. AdUMS nnlv. DK. 5541 CoSVENrENT ffifee-room apartment.

Stove, refrigerator, porch, garage. Adults. 11)06 Greenwood, Northeast. ELgin 4123 evenings. FORT MacPHERSON" SYLVAN HILLS Redecorated 4 rooms Tiled bath.

Lighis. water. I7U. Couple. RAvmond 6449.

S80 BOt'CEVARD. NE. Aot. No. 8.

Very nice eff. Newlv decor. S42.50. McKenzie-Dreger 5 Ivy NE. rvpress 2512.

porch, living room, liedroom, dining-kitrhen comliination. 7S1 Boulevard NE Call 9:311 a p.m. VErnon 1H87. 1132 VIRGINIA Apartment 14. Nice second-floor corner, 2 bedrooms.

On bus line. Adults, no pen. Sn5. VErnun 4'Jb3, SPACIOUS, luxurious, 9-ruom apart-ment, 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen. 2 forages.

2S95 Peachtiee EVei- gieen 1270. 2M MEMORIAL SE, across street Ed Cook School. rooms. $311. 2 rooms, $25 month.

Water furnished. Adulls. 2 HEDROOM apartment. 2Kth Street. Stove, refrigerator.

$yo. No children, pets. Available April 1st. Exchange 04 ATTRACTIVE 3-rm -and-lath apt. Overlooking East Lake Golf Course.

Priyale. Huslness 384P01XfAM "ST. 3 larae hot and cold water. No drunks. S37.50.

Giffold Realty Volunteer Blda. JiiSh DcKALlt AVENX'E. Northeast-Three rooms, water furnished, private entrance. $4(1. BElmont 269.

COLLEGE PARK Two 2 tile bath, In new triplex. FA. 12X1. CA. 9764.

Ilhl BLUE RlDc.Tf 'Northeast Apt. 82 bedrooms, screened porcn. sb5. Adults. VKrnon tl NTTlIGHLAND NETApart-ment 4-room apartment.

Screened porch. Adults. $56. VEmon 9SS2 nrttti" t7rai tn jiottj; furnished kitchen. Bath.

'Northeast section. $65. CHerokee 36S0. NORTHEAST' 4 rooms, terrace, siove. refrigerator, hot, cold water.

t-oupie. CKescent COOD ADDRESS Bedroom a Dart- ment. Adults oniv. 12th NE. VE.

41N5or VK.J2U). GROVE PARK Two-bedrriom ter" race, stove, refrigerator, hot, cold water. BElmont 8976. DECATt'R-Three upstairs rooms, stove, refrigerator, utilities optional, ('Rescent law. EAST PoTNT 4 rooms (1 berTroomi.

convenient citrllne. El. Mac. $52,511. AMherst 97ti.

TlECATl'R-3 private rooms, heat, hot water, M5. 724 SNCamore Street, PJ5artiorn2265. 4 Rtjo.MS. bath, screened porch, slove. refrigerator, lights, water.

CHescent 1591. tHREE ROOMS, semi-private hath. On East Point Street. $30 month. CAIhoun 1919.

8K6 HRIARCLIFF ROAD 2 bedrooms, stove. Frigiilnire, heat. uhs. CYnress 5571 EFFICIENCY apartment for husL ness ladv. Has stove, refrigerator.

ATwond 6964. NORTHEAST SECTION 4 spacious rooms, private lath. Vtilities. VErnon H9I17. NORTHEAST 5 rooms, redecorated, svater, heat furnished.

$70. Adults. MAin nG61. fOLLEGE PARK 4-ronm garage apartment. $50.

No children. CAIhoun 2253. 8n" st. Charles 3 first floor rooms. 4 second floor rooms.

BEI- morit 4145 HAPEVILLE 2 rooms, stove, refrigerator. Utilities furnished. CAIhoun 1040. SOUTHEAST 4-room duplex apartment. Utilities Included.

$59. DEarbom 9566 TE CATl 3 rooms, bath, pri-vate. Convenient. Water furnished. RA.

2.145. EXTRA NICE 4-room private apartment. $65 month. AMherst 2010 after p.m. EAST POINT Garage apartment; corner lot.

couple. CAIhoun 5309. after 6. WAShTNGTON ST. 2 $7 week Furnished hot water.

AL. 85S5 EAST LAKE 3 rooms, everything private. DEarhorn 5176. EVerercen 913Q KIRKWOOD-P'rivate. three bnth, stove, refrigerator.

DEarliom 1515. WEST PEACHTREE 2 liedroom apartment, alsu efficiency. Exchange 7469. SOUTHEAST'S small rooms. Private Convenient everything.

WAInut T4f3- TlAPEVtLI.E--S moms, private entrance, private Jiath. CAIhoun 5339. CHAMBLEE 4-room terrace. Private AIJutililies. Couple.

47-9672. THREE' rooms and bath, private terraceaiiartmcnt S45.plxle 1679. FOUR rooms, "screened liack porch, $35 month. 1244 Sells SW. PRETTY 4 rms.


lo M. Saturday 9 to Sun. 10 to 6 Phona EM. 2511 On Expressway Limited BusStot "BLAIR VILLAGE" 1 and '2 bedrooms, redecorated Furnished or unfurnished 847.50 to $r7 50 All kitchens turn Relandsraped Shopping center, schools, nursery, churches and transportation. 9 a.m.

to 6 p.m. Mon. through Sst 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Sundavs Call ALpine 5433 After hours, DL R454: FA.

4741: DL. 2747: Dl. 4866. One month to one Tear lease APARTMEW; Transporta tion. schools npsr.

Low rent. 304 Kawson. Southwest. Duplexes Unfurnished 1 1 8 7TROVE PAft1fll-room terrace apt. blocks business, rranspoi tation.

Stove, heaters. mo. RA. 10116. A PARADF DF BAR- IMC i i VjAINb marching DeTOre you every day in your JOURNAL CpNSTI I I IUIN Want AOS.

vou're in the market for! a home, a car, household articles or a good business, read the Want Ads NOW! to 4 P. 4 1 ADJOINS Hapevllle City Park, conv rhurches, public and Catholic Schools. 1011.50. Ava Park FA. 9152: CA.

3638. BERKELEY AVENTe: Northwest. block off Howell Mill Road and bus Nice new 4-room and bath anart- ment. Everything private. Hot and cold water furnished, $59.

VE. 0375. NOHTHSIDE New. modern, In beautiful setting, close In. 2 bedrooms.

Early Ameilcan kitchen, electric dishwasher. Adults only. CHerokee 242 or EXrhanxe J978. 1901 ROGERS SW t'PPER J-rm. duplet, all utilities furnished.

$60 ner mo Call H.iw.ll Tribble. FR. 2941. or CH. mi).

MORNINGSIDE REASONABLE On bus line, near stores. Automatic beat. Screened front nnroh. VR SMIJ XNSLEY PARK 2 bedroomsTTlv- tn(-dmnt area, tiled bsth. Convenient snooping and transportation.

Adulls. $105. VErnon 8216. 774 Pled- mnn, Wat. KTAkM.t 972 HIGHLAND VIEW.

arge. clean rooms, hath. Stove, refrigerator, heat lights, water. Transportation. Couple or 2 ladles.

References exchanged. 1798 N. ROCK rms. (2 bedrms. i.

tiled hath $1H0 1II9H HOSFDALE 3 $r5 BERRY RLTY. VE. 6695 FIRST FLOOR, redecorated three bedrooms. living, dining, breakfast ano Kitchen. 915 rtosedale North east.

El.gin 4015. 1629 "BOULEVARD-DRIVERS Targe rooms. nreaKtast room. bath, (ia-rage, Strictly private. Adulls.

$55. Open. DECATUR -Large living loom, dln-ette. built-in kitchen, liedroom, bath. Large ard.

DE. 3N45. 1225 Church St. 3249' PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE; East Point, 3 rooms, $so. Pav it, utility bills.

FAIrfas 7807 after 5. COLLEGE PARK Three large bliml' 'urnlshetl. $.111. I Alhoun.lJit, DUPLEX. 5912th Street.

NE. Stove" and refrigerator. Exchange M40 after p.m. 00 A VI5 "Tilock Peach't ree. New 1-liedroom unit.

Couple. CHerokee K6IM. ROOMS, private entrances. lath, $60. DEarbom 6.121.

CRescent 4791. CHAMBLEE 5525 North Shallowford Road-5 rooms, hath. $45. 47-2252. Houses Furnished 120 BRIGHTON RD.

JUST off tree 2-aty. br. home, completely Inc. dishwasher, ironer. washing machine.

Contains 4 3 baths, sun porch, o-rar gar. Avail. April 15th to Oct. 15th. $250.

Call Mr. Bovlan. WA. 21 B2. LIPSCOMB-ELLIS CO.

Realton 88 Walton NW. NICELY furnished 6-room All conveniences, near General Motors, Eastman Kodak and Naval Air Station. For details call 47-9909. Cascade heights My-lovely furnished S-hedroom home. Large den, baths, hreeeway.

double garage. Convenient Fort Mai Pherson. airnort. Days. WAInut 6171: nights, Sundays.

RAymnnd 2M0. 2624 SHEETOH WAY. Norl'east-2 liedrooms. gas heat. Nicely furnished.

LAmar 0936. DECATUR Nice 6-room Adulls onlv. Near churches, trans noriatlon. DEiirhorn 5595, EMORY 2-liedroom house, garage. Adults onlv.

$90 wr mo.EV.4711 Houses Unfurnished 121 1AST LAKE ON ASHBURTON SE. J-bed-rm. home, pine paneled liv. yard completely fenced, cias heat. l-sl'.

stucco. Vacant April 1st. $90. Call WA. 2162 or DE.

1496. LIPSCOMB-ELLIS CO. Realtors S8 Walton house. 4 years old. Fenced laek yard.

Ideal lor couple with one or two children. Partially furnished. Convenient to Ford Plant. Ainwrt and Conley, 25-mlnute drive from Five Points. $711 month.

417 linllard Road, Forest Park. FAIrfax 0735, 1420 VAUGHN 1 bathl 2 sinks, lights, water. Vacant. $60 month as Is. or $75 month If I have to do some needed repairs.

Owner, AL. 2061. AT4208. 2-HEDROOM modern, completely r'e-flnished Interior, ready for occupancy April 1st. 244 Wilbur Avenue, off Memorial Drive.

$75. CYpress 6452, BElmont 3217. FOUR-ROOM e. bath, two screened porches. Close In.

Located at 326 West Yale Ave College Park. Ga. For rent Can be seen Saturday and Sunday. CHAMBLEE. cross R.R.

fraric at depot 4-rm. house, cor. new P'tree and St Mt. rds. $50 mo.

MA. 3990. CH. 6592 HAPEVIHE 5-R0T)M bouse, $67.50. FA.

8741. "4553 CLAIRMONT near Naval Stntlon. Chamblee. 5 rms ss BERRY RLTY. VE.

6695 5-ROOM HOUSE, fenced Wk vnrL 3 blocks Decatur. EVerercen 7.Vto. evenings: Vergreen 1701. days. FIVE ROOM house.

1112 Boulder- crest Drive. Southeast. $75. Water furnished. Dixie SSII2.

2075 GLENWOOD AVENUE. SE 2-liedroom brick, fenced hack ard. EVergreen house, suitable 2 families. Reasonable rent. Exchange ini.l.

EAST ATLANTA 5-room house, newlv decorated. All conveniences. FAIrfax 0838. 904 HANES DRIVE, fturgess Hills Sew. 2 liedrooms, $75.

EVergieen 8287. 3251 HOWELL MILlTRD. S-ROOM HOUSE. CH. 8601 S-RM.

brick, HiH.5 mo. RE. Paae CY. Bldg, HUCKHEAD -Two-liedroom dwelling. Gas heat.

MA. 2214. CH. 8190. CHAMBLEE 3 bedrooms, hrlck.

near Naval Base. KAirrax sins. neap; College park rooms, hath, S40. FAirfav 1345. 6-ROOM HOME, $65.

342 "HoWerness Street. SVv Trailers for Rent 123 37 50 to $2h WK. Allen MA4233 Business Property Rent 128 TUXEDO PLAZA THIS well-located site at 382! ROSWELL with parking capacity in excess of 350 automobiles, has leases now available for 6 different types, of stores, such as: DRUG, BEAUTY SALON, SHOE REPAIRS, BARBER SHOP, 5 AND 10, HARDWARE AND OTHERS. Stores built to your $pecifications. THIS desirable sit has already been $elected by the famous firm of BARRETT LEACH for their new fancy grocery $tor.

nrn tSIJD UCLL KCALIT xU. pAricn itwrrv ru 7M 252 NORTH AVE. -SX3II I sn isai I-IEKMOXT PIKDMONT SbxW. Il'bd m-r. lemming, ex! ate.

iBRY REALTY CO. ITjKealtnrs Downtown Atlanta DF.SIRARLE Int. excellently located, at one of Atlanta's inniet inter- ertion. auitable for used truck or usen car 101. ncr-'mmnnnie ino unus iui 1 1" i iiii'M inn rn, ir-nu Dsvls.

CY. 1B11. HAFKVlLLE offfca and small warehouse, rarkini on property. CAIhoun 78T4. Just as easy as Dialing W-A-N-T-A-D WA.

Get this aasy money, just by doing yourself a favor! Weed out all the unwantablei from your storage space the no-longer-needed baby carriage the furniture all those things too good to sacrifice, yet are "space-takers" in your home. Place an ad in The Atlanta Journal-Constitutioa classified now fot quick disposall JO,.

The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.