Recipes — The Boy Who Bakes (2024)

Edd Kimber


Recipes — The Boy Who Bakes (1)

Edd Kimber May 10, 2018

I think, after doing this job for eight years now, I have come to recognise when I become besotted with an ingredient and it becomes all I want to use. It has happened with cardamon, passion fruit, caramel and a whole host of ingredients far too long to list. But one ingredient has been a constant, my baking companion, the ingredient I turn more than anything else, and of course that is chocolate. I don't discriminate, I love everything from the candy bars I grew up with to the fanciest single estate, rare bean bar. Chocolate is a magic ingredient and I will never tire of using it. Now when it comes to white chocolate, I love it for different reasons. I do love to eat it occasionally, I like its more simple sweetness, its creamy flavour, it’s comforting almost. Sadly, however, it’s hard to deny that the flavour is a little more one-note, none of the complexity of milk and dark chocolate. That is unless you cook it slowly and caramelise it, and you absolutely want to do that!

I’m not sure I can tell you just how good these tarts taste, you really need to bake a batch yourself. Think a white chocolate cheesecake but which someone has completely slathered in salted caramel, do I really need say more? This recipe uses the joy that is caramelised white chocolate, mainly because I have a small obsession with the stuff. It is dangerously easy to make, it takes the flavour of white chocolate up to a ten, adding a full dulce de leche note to the creamy vanilla notes of the chocolate, and it becomes this golden nectar that you could eat with a spoon. To further complement the flavours in this recipe I have also infused the cream for the ganache with a little spice, some fresh ginger, cinnamon and cardamon. The spicing is on the more subtle side but it really rounds out this recipe wonderfully.

Caramelised White Chocolate Cheesecake Tarts

12 four inch tart shells, fully baked (use 2x recipe here)

Cheesecake Filling
225g cream cheese
75g sour cream
1 large egg
2 large egg whites
85g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla

Caramelised White Chocolate Topping
150g white chocolate (30-35% cocoa butter content)
150ml double cream
1 inch piece of fresh ginger, sliced
1 cinnamon stick, broken in half
1 cardamon pod, lightly crushed

To start this recipe you first need to make the caramelised white chocolate. Whilst this recipe only uses 150g it is easier to make in bigger batches, normally I don’t make less than 300g, thankfully it keeps for months so you can use the extra in a different recipe.

Preheat the oven to 120C.

Roughly chop the chocolate and place onto a rimmed baking tray and place into the oven for about an hour, to an hour and a half, stirring every ten minutes until the colour has gone from cream to a rich caramel colour. The darker the colour the stronger the flavour change will be and the more caramel like the chocolate will become. Think of making this chocolate the same way you brown butter, it is the milk solids in the white chocolate that caramelise and add such an amazing flavour. When it comes to the stirring, make sure every ten minutes you give the chocolate a thorough stir, making sure to scrape the chocolate from the bottom of the tray otherwise it may catch and burn. As the chocolate cooks don’t worry if the chocolate seems grainy, when you stir it, the chocolate will liquefy again. Once caramelised scrape into a container and set aside until needed. As the chocolate sets, because you haven't tempered it, the chocolate will look streaky and maybe grainy, this is absolutely fine as you’ll be melting the chocolate for the recipe.

Preheat the oven to 150C.

Before making the cheesecake infuse the cream for the ganache. Add the cream, ginger, cinnamon and cardamon to a small saucepan and set over medium heat and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat and set aside to infuse.

When ready to bake these tarts we first need to prevent the pastry from becoming soggy. Take the two leftover egg yolks and beat together and use a pastry brunch to coat the inside of the tart shells with the egg. Place these tart shells into a hot oven for a few minutes until the egg has set.

Recipes — The Boy Who Bakes (2)

For the cheesecake filling, whisk the cream cheese until smooth then add the sour cream, egg, egg whites, sugar and vanilla until the cheesecake mixture is smooth. Scrape the cheesecake filling into a jug and divide evenly amongst the prepared tart shells, filling about two thirds full. Bake for about 12-14 minutes or until the cheesecake is set around the edges but still has a little wobble in the middle. Remove from the oven and allow to cool to room temperature before transferring to the fridge for 30 minutes.

For the ganache place the cream back over the heat and bring to a simmer. Place the chocolate into a bowl with sieve set over the bowl. Pour the cream through the sieve to remove the spices then set aside for a couple minutes before stirring together to form a smooth silky ganache. Pour the ganache onto the tarts and when the ganache starts to set, sprinkle with a little flaked sea salt.

I find these tarts are best kept in the fridge, which will allow the tart shells to stay crisp longer, around 2-3 days.

Recipes — The Boy Who Bakes (3)

Edd Kimber April 26, 2018

I am currently day dreaming about Paris, longing for a lazy morning drinking coffee at my favourite coffee shop in Belleville, wandering the streets of Le Marais going from patisserie to patisserie, finishing the day with a carafe of roséat my favourite street side wine bar. I get this same feeling every time spring starts to rear its head, when the sun starts to show itself and flowers appear everywhere. Maybe it is because Spring is one of my favourite seasons in Paris or maybe it is when I grow weary of London and need to escape for a while, either way without a trip planned anytime soon I will have to get my francophile fix by making some pastries.

What do you get when take a croissant but as you roll and fold the dough you liberally sprinkle in a layer of sugar? This magical sounding pastry is the kouign amann, which is Breton for butter cake. Butter cake, does anything sound better than that?The folk in the north of France, in the Brittany region, are known for their love of, and the production of, wonderful butter and salt and they put it to very good use in their pastries and confections. If you've had anything salted caramel flavoured then you have Brittany to thank. I happen to think it is the kouign amann though that shows off the flavours of Brittany best, a sweet caramel laced pastry laminated with butter, simple but absolutely delicious. I would say they were elegant but really this is a rustic pastry, that has over the last few years slowly become a trend with the pastry becoming the trademark offering at more than a handful of bakeries (if you ever go to San Francisco both Jane The Bakery and B.Patisserie make world class versions), and these bakeries dont just make the classic version, they have peppered them with flavours as simple as chocolate or apple and flavours as unusual as black sesame. The version below is from my book Patisserie Made Simple and uses a version of my simplified croissant dough, although these are quicker to make than the croissants themselves, if you want to dig further into French baking then make sure you check out my book.

Kouign Amann

60ml whole milk
125g plain flour
125g strong white bread flour
7g active dry yeast (1 envelope)
150g caster sugar
1/2 tsp salt
225g unsalted butter, chilled

Put the milk plus 60ml lukewarm water in a medium bowl and mix to combine, then let sit. Put the flours, yeast, 2 tablespoons of the sugar, and the salt into a large bowl and mix to combine. Dice 125g of the butter into cubes. Add to the bowl and using a pastry blender cut in the butter briefly to form large chunks.This is the most important stage: if the butter is mixed too much into the flour, the dough won’t expand and puff up as it bakes, so it is better to err on the side of caution. If you can’t see chunks of butter, you have blended in the butter too much.

Transfer the butter and flour mixture into the liquid, and using a spatula, fold the dry ingredients into the liquid, trying to combine everything without making the butter pieces any smaller. Once you have formed a rough dough, transfer to the countertop and very lightly work it into a ball of dough. Form the dough into a flat rectangle, wrap in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 45-60 minues or until cool and a little firm.

Meanwhile, put the remaining chunk of butter in the freezer to chill it thoroughly (it needs to be hard). Lightly flour a countertop and roll the dough out with the short edge facing you into a long rectangle, about 20x50cm (although the exact measurements are not crucial). Brush off any excess flour. Take the butter out of the freezer and coarsely grate it over the bottom two-thirds of the dough. Fold the top third of the dough over the middle third, then fold the bottom third over the other two-thirds, as if folding a business letter. This is known as the first turn. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and turn the dough 90 degrees so that the open ends are facing you, with the seams on the right.

Repeat the rolling process, and before folding, sprinkle the dough with half the remaining sugar. Fold the dough into thirds as before and repeat this a second time. Wrap the finished dough in plastic wrap and chill for 30 minutes before using. Any longer and the sugar will start to liquefy and the dough will become difficult to work with.

Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and cover the countertop with a small amount of caster sugar. Roll the dough out as before. Using a sharp knife, trim the edges of the dough, then cut the pastry into two strips, and divide each strip into five equal squares. Fold the corners of each square into the centre and press gently to secure in place. Put each pastry on the prepared baking sheets, preferably inside lightly buttered tart rings (these help to give the pastries a better shape; if you don’t have them, you can bake the pastries inside buttered muffin tins although I find them to a little on the denser side this way). Leave the pastries to rest for 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 190C / 375F.

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until golden brown and the sugar has caramelised. Remove from the oven and remove the tart rings, if using, then leave the pastries to cool on the baking sheet. I prefer to serve these at room temperature when the sugar on the outside has set, giving you a wonderful texture. They are best served on the day they are made.

From my book Patisserie Made Simple - buy here!

Recipes — The Boy Who Bakes (4)

Recipes — The Boy Who Bakes (5)

Edd Kimber April 19, 2018

I have been making version of these savoury scones for years, switching up the flavours on a whim or according to whatever ingredient is in season. My favourite incarnation of these scones though has to be ones that in some manner include wild garlic. This magical ingredient, which grows wild all across the UK which means if you want to go foraging then this recipe is for you (just be careful wild garlic looks annoyingly similar to lily of the valley which is poisonous so if your confident with distinguishing between the two it is best to find a different source). Generally I find the best place to go looking for the garlic is in damp woodland, where it often grows in abundance. The only other tip I will give you, because im no foraging expert, is that avoid the garlic that is close to the paths and walkways. As these areas are popular with dog walkers the garlic on the sides of the paths has a big risk of being contaminated and not something you want to eat. But enough with that lets talk flavour, in these scones I have paired them with cheese as is common for a savoury scone plus a little background fennel seed with a final flourish topping the scones with a liberal dusting of zataar, a lebanese herb blend that I have a particular fondness for especially alongside egg and cheese.

Wild Garlic and Zataar Savoury Scones

350g self raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
100g unsalted butter, diced and chilled
150g cheddar, grated (plus a little extra for topping)
6 rasher of streaky bacon, cooked until crisp and then dices
75g wild garlic, finely chopped
2 tsp fennel seeds
150ml whole milk
2 large eggs (plus extra for glazing)
zataar, for topping

To make the scones line a couple baking trays with parchment paper and preheat the oven to 190C (170C fan).

In a large bowl mix together the flour, baking powder and salt. The addition of baking powder when you are already using self raising flour is simply that cheese scones can have a tendency to be on the heavy side and need a helping hand to rise and stay light. Toss the butter through the flour and then using your hands or a pastry blender rub in the flour until the butter is in irregular sized pieces, non larger than peas. Mix in the cheddar, bacon wild garlic and fennel seeds, evenly distributing the ingredients. Whisk together the milk and eggs then pour into the middle of the scone mixture, then using a butter knife mix to form a shaggy dough. Tip the dough out onto a floured worksurface and use your hands to briefly bring together to form a uniform dough. Lightly flour the worksurface and roll or press out to a thickness of about 2.5cm thick. Use a 7cm round cookie cutter cut out as many scones as possible. Gently re-knead the off cuts to cut out the last few scones. Transfer to the baking trays.

To finish lightly brush the top of the scones with a little beaten egg and sprinkle with a healthy dose of zataar and a little extra grated cheese. Bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes or until golden on top. Best served still a little warm, within a couple days of baking. The scones can also be frozen once fully cooled.

Recipes — The Boy Who Bakes (6)

Recipes — The Boy Who Bakes (7)

Edd Kimber April 12, 2018

I seem to become easily obsessed with ingredients, some become short lived obsessions some stick around for years. Tahini has become my most recent obsession, I have been sneaking it into as many recipes as I can. The recipe that started this love affair was a chocolate tahini bundt cake that I developed for Olive Magazine (it's still one of my favourites). The combo of chocoalte and tahini is magical, it just works. If you've never had tahini in a sweet recipe think of it playing a similar role to peanut butter, it has a deep roasted sesame flavour and works beautifully in sweet recipes. This cookie recipe was inspired by a picture of shortbread from a bakery in the states; it was thick and simply served, no adornment, no filling, just simply served sprinkled with black and white sesame seeds. In my mind this turned into what we have here, a crisp tahini shortbread sandwiched together with a salted honey ganache and like most recipes that sit on that line of sweet and savoury they're incredibly moreish, they're also slice and bake cookies making them quick and easy to make.

Tahini Shortbread Cookies with Salted Honey Ganache
Makes about 35 cookies

200g unsalted butter, room temperature
100g caster sugar
75g light brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp salt
100g tahini
385g plain flour

Salted Honey Ganache
100g dark chocolate (65-75% cocoa solids)
100g double cream
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp tahini
1/2 tsp flaked sea salt

1 large egg white
a mix of black and white sesame seeds (2/3 white 1/3 black)

To make the cookies place the butter and sugars into the bowl of a stand mixer, along with the vanilla and salt. With the paddle attachment beat together for about 5 minutes or until light and fluffy. Scrape in the tahini and mix briefly to combine. Add the flour and mix briefly just until combined, you want to avoid over mixing at this point as the cookies will come out tough. Tip the dough out onto the worksurface and use your hands to bring together into a uniform dough.

Cut the dough in half and form into thick sausage shapes, roughly 5cm thick. As these are slice and bake cookies you want to get these logs as round as possible, if you want to learn a nice tip on how to do this you can watch the video. Wrap the logs of dough in clingfilm and refrigerate for about 4 hours until firm.

Preheat the oven to 180C 350F and line three baking trays with parchment paper.

Using a thin sharp knife cut the cookies into rounds, about 4-5mm thick and place onto the prepared baking trays. Dont worry too much about the cookies spreading, you can leave just a couple cm's between each cookie. Lightly brush each cookie with egg white and sprinkle liberally with the sesame seed mix. Bake in the preheated oven for about 10-12 minutes or until lightly browned. Allow to cool on the baking trays.

For the filling place the cream, honey, tahini and salt into a small saucepan and over medium heat bring to a simmer. Make sure to stir this mixture regularly as the honey will sink to the bottom of the pan catching and burning quite quickly. Once at a simmer pour the cream mixture into a bowl with the chocolate and sit for a couple minutes before stirring together to form a silky smooth ganache. Set aside until thickened enough to hold its shape then scrape into a piping back and pine rounds of ganache onto half of the cookies, sandwiching together with a second cookie.

Over the time the ganache will soften the cookies so I prefer to keep these in a sealed container in the fridge, where they will keep for up to four days.

Edd Kimber

Recipes — The Boy Who Bakes (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.