List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (2024)

This is a list of all Layered Weapon Augments for Bows. Read on to see each layer's appearance and requirements.

List of Contents

  • Base Layers
  • Part Layers
  • Unique Layers
  • Monster Hunter World (MHW) Related Guides

Base Layers

Layer Required MaterialsResearch Points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (1)Basic Bone Fierce Dragonvein Bone x1
Thick Bone x1
250 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (2)Basic Iron Fierce Dragonvein Bone x1
Meldspar Ore x1
250 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (3)Iron Cutwing Fierce Dragonvein Bone x1
Meldspar Ore x1
250 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (4)Iron Gear Fierce Dragonvein Bone x1
Meldspar Ore x1
250 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (5)Kjarr Kulve Taroth Golden Nugget+ x1
Dragonvein Solidbone x1
750 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (6)Kjarr+ Kulve Taroth Golden Nugget+ x1
Elder Dragonvein Bone x1
1000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (7)Kulve Taroth Kulve Taroth Golden Nugget+ x1
Fierce Dragonvein Bone x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (8)Kulve Taroth+ Kulve Taroth Golden Nugget+ x1
Heavy Dragonvein Bone x1
750 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (9)Lunastra Gear Tempered Azure Mane x1
Elder Dragonvein Bone x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (10)Solid Bone Fierce Dragonvein Bone x1
Thick Bone x1
250 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (11)Thornwing Bone Fierce Dragonvein Bone x1
Thick Bone x1
250 points

Part Layers

Images in this section include the Lunastra Base Layer.

Layer Required MaterialsResearch Points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (12)Acidic Glavenus Honed Tailblade x1
Heavy Dragonvein Bone x1
Effluvial Frenzybone x1
Effluvial Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (13)Anjanath Flickering Flamepelt x1
Fierce Dragonvein Bone x1
Mossy Greatbone x1
Decayed Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (14)Azure Rathalos Azure Scale x1
Dragonvein Solidbone x1
Dragonscorched Wildbone x1
Hellfire Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (15)Banbaro Ancient Great Horn x1
Fierce Dragonvein Bone x1
Hoary Icebone x1
Frozen Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (16)Barioth Coldblooded Icefang x1
Heavy Dragonvein Bone x1
Tunder Icebone x1
Rime Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (17)Blackveil Vaal Hazak Twilight Fang x1
Elder Dragonvein Bone x1
Guiding Rotted Dragonbone x1
Guiding Effluvial Crystal x1
750 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (18)Brute Tigrex Shuddering Darkjaw x1
Dragonvein Solidbone x1
Afflicted Frenzybone x1
Twilight Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (19)Coral Pukei-Pukei Hydrated Sac x1
Fierce Dragonvein Bone x1
Vivid Crimsonbone x1
Pale Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (20)Diablos Twisted Bravehorn x1
Heavy Dragonvein Bone x1
Wasteland Cragbone x1
Wasteland Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (21)Fulgur Anjanath Crackling Thunderpelt x1
Heavy Dragonvein Bone x1
Volcanic Wildbone x1
Magma Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (22)Glavenus Smoldering Tailedge x1
Heavy Dragonvein Bone x1
Wasteland Cragbone x1
Wasteland Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (23)Gold Rathian Moonlight Scale x1
Elder Dragonvein Bone x1
Guiding Wasteland Dragonbone x1
Guiding Wasteland Crystal x1
750 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (24)Kulu-Ya-Ku Colorful Plume x1
Fierce Dragonvein Bone x1
Weathered Cragbone x1
Cracked Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (25)Legiana Smooth Icehide x1
Heavy Dragonvein Bone x1
Coral Crimsonbone x1
Coral Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (26)Nergigante Immortal Shard x1
Elder Dragonvein Bone x1
Dragonbone Artifact x1
Purecrystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (27)Nightshade Paolumu Obsidian Fur x1
Fierce Dragonvein Bone x1
Weathered Cragbone x1
Cracked Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (28)Pink Rathian Pink Scale x1
Fierce Dragonvein Bone x1
Vivid Crimsonbone x1
Pale Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (29)Pukei-Pukei Fragrant Poison Sac x1
Fierce Dragonvein Bone x1
Mossy Greatbone x1
Decayed Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (30)Rathalos King's Scale x1
Heavy Dragonvein Bone x1
Woodland Greatbone x1
Forest Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (31)Rathian Queen's Scale x1
Fierce Dragonvein Bone x1
Weathered Cragbone x1
Cracked Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (32)Ruiner Nergigante Extinction Greathorn x1
Elder Dragonvein Bone x1
Guiding Tundra Dragonbone x1
Guiding Rime Crystal x1
750 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (33)Silver Rathalos Scorching Scale x1
Elder Dragonvein Bone x1
Guiding Reef Dragonbone x1
Guiding Reef Crystal x1
750 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (34)Tigrex Strongman's Jaw x1
Heavy Dragonvein Bone x1
Effluvial Frenzybone x1
Effluvial Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (35)Tobi-Kadachi Binding Cathode x1
Fierce Dragonvein Bone x1
Mossy Greatbone x1
Decayed Crystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (36)Vaal Hazak Deceased Shard x1
Elder Dragonvein Bone x1
Dragonbone Artifact x1
Purecrystal x1
500 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (37)Xeno'jiiva Xeno'jiiva Soulscale x1
Elder Dragonvein Bone x1
Dragonbone Artifact x1
Purecrystal x1
750 points

Unique Layers

Layer Required MaterialsResearch Points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (38)Awakened Safi'jiiva Zionium Crystal x1
Elder Spiritvein Bone x1
Great Spiritvein Gem x1
2000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (39)Azure Era Azure Era Seal x1
Large Azure Era Gem x1
Elder Spiritvein Bone x1
Great Spiritvein Gem x1
2000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (40)Black Diablos Blackcurl Temperhorn x1
Spiritvein Solidbone x1
Spiritvein Gem x1
1000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (41)Brachydios Tempered Ebonshell x1
Spiritvein Solidbone x1
Spiritvein Gem x1
1000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (42)Deviljho Deviljho Gem x1
Elder Spiritvein Bone x1
Great Spiritvein Gem x1
2000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (43)Diablos Twisted Temperhorn x1
Spiritvein Solidbone x1
Spiritvein Gem x1
1000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (44)Frostfang Barioth Silverwhite Frostfang x1
Elder Spiritvein Bone x1
Great Spiritvein Gem x1
2000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (45)Furious Rajang Rajang Heart x1
Elder Spiritvein Bone x1
Great Spiritvein Gem x1
2000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (46)Guild Palace Fest Ticket x1
Spiritvein Solidbone x1
Spiritvein Gem x1
1000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (47)Kushala Daora Tempered Steelwing x1
Elder Spiritvein Bone x1
Great Spiritvein Gem x1
2000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (48)Legiana Tempered Icehide x1
Spiritvein Solidbone x1
Spiritvein Gem x1
1000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (49)Namielle Tempered Trancehide x1
Elder Spiritvein Bone x1
Great Spiritvein Gem x1
2000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (50)Nargacuga Tempered Cutwing x1
Spiritvein Solidbone x1
Spiritvein Gem x1
1000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (51)Nergigante Nergigante Gem x1
Elder Spiritvein Bone x1
Great Spiritvein Gem x1
2000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (52)Raging Brachydios Immortal Reactor x1
Elder Spiritvein Bone x1
Great Spiritvein Gem x1
2000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (53)Rajang Tempered Glimmerpelt x1
Elder Spiritvein Bone x1
Great Spiritvein Gem x1
2000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (54)Ruiner Nergigante Annihilating Temperhorn x1
Elder Spiritvein Bone x1
Great Spiritvein Gem x1
2000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (55)Safi'jiiva Zionium Crystal x1
Elder Spiritvein Bone x1
Spiritvein Gem x1
2000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (56)Savage Deviljho Spattered Hide x1
Elder Spiritvein Bone x1
Great Spiritvein Gem x1
2000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (57)Shara Ishvalda Shara Ishvalda Gem x1
Elder Spiritvein Bone x1
Great Spiritvein Gem x1
2000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (58)Shrieking Legiana Tempered Frosthide x1
Spiritvein Solidbone x1
Spiritvein Gem x1
1000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (59)Stygian ZInogre Tempered Dragonhold x1
Elder Spiritvein Bone x1
Great Spiritvein Gem x1
2000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (60)Tobi-Kadachi Tempered Cathode x1
Spiritvein Slogbone x1
Spiritvein Gem Shard x1
1000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (61)Uragaan Tempered Scute x1
Spiritvein Solidbone x1
Spiritvein Gem x1
1000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (62)Velkhana Tempered Crownhorn x1
Elder Spiritvein Bone x1
Great Spiritvein Gem x1
2000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (63)Viper Tobi-Kadachi Tempered Viperthorn x1
Spiritvein Slogbone x1
Spiritvein Gem Shard x1
1000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (64)Workshop Ace Hunter Coin x1
Hero King Coin x1
Spiritvein Solidbone x1
Spiritvein Gem x1
1000 points
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (65)Zinogre Tempered Shocker x1
Spiritvein Solidbone x1
Spiritvein Gem x1
1000 points

Monster Hunter World (MHW) Related Guides

Layered Weapon Guides

How to Apply Layered Weapons

Other Layered Weapon Lists
Charge Blade Dual Blades Long Sword
Switch Axe Insect Glaive Hunting Horn Great Sword
Lance Gunlance Hammer List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (77)Bow
Heavy Bowgun Light Bowgun

Weapon Related Guides

Melee Weapons
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (80)Great Swords How to Use
Overall Best List Best Skills
Layered Weapon Augments
Best Great Sword for Each Element
Best Great Sword for Iceborne
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (81)Long Swords How to Use
Overall Best List Best Skills
Layered Weapon Augments
Best Long Sword for Each Element
Best Long Sword for Iceborne
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (82)Swords and Shields How to Use
Overall Best List Best Skills
Layered Weapon Augments
Best Sword and Shield for Each Element
Best Sword and Shield for Iceborne
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (83)Dual Blades How to Use
Overall Best List Best Skills
Layered Weapon Augments
Best Dual Blades for Each Element
Best Dual Blades for Iceborne
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (84)Hammers How to Use
Overall Best List Best Skills
Layered Weapon Augments
Best Hammer for Each Element
Best Hammers for Iceborne
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (85)Hunting Horns How to Use
Overall Best List Best Skills
Layered Weapon Augments
Best Hunting Horn for Each Element
Best Hunting Horn for Iceborne
Hunting Horn Notes and Effects
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (86)Lances How to Use
Overall Best List Best Skills
Layered Weapon Augments
Best Lance for Each Element
Best Lance for Iceborne
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (87)Gunlances How to Use
Overall Best List Best Skills
Layered Weapon Augments
Best Gunlance for Each Element
Best Gunlance for Iceborne
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (88)Switch Axe How to Use
Overall Best List Best Skills
Layered Weapon Augments
Best Switch Axe for Each Element
Best Switch Axe for Iceborne
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (89)Charge Blade How to Use
Overall Best List Best Skills
Layered Weapon Augments
Best Charge Blade for Each Element
Best Charge Blades for Iceborne
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (90)Insect Glaive How to Use
Overall Best List Best Skills
Layered Weapon Augments
Best Insect Glaive for Each Element
Best Insect Glaive for Iceborne
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (91)Kinsects Kinsect Tree and Complete Kinsect List Best and Recommended Kinsects
Ranged Weapons
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (92)Bows How to Use
Overall Best List Best Skills
Layered Weapon Augments
Best Bow for Each Element
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (93)Light Bowguns How to Use
Overall Best List Best Skills
Layered Weapon Augments
Best Light Bowgun for Each Element
List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (94)Heavy Bowguns How to Use
Overall Best List Best Skills
Layered Weapon Augments
Best Heavy Bowgun for Each Element

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List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (2024)


List of Layered Weapons for Bows | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8? ›

Layered weapons are unlocked via master rank augmenting. You'll need to reach the guided lands and farm materials there. Then you can use the augment weapon interface to select a layered appearance.

How to unlock all layered weapons in MHW? ›

Layered weapons are unlocked via master rank augmenting. You'll need to reach the guided lands and farm materials there. Then you can use the augment weapon interface to select a layered appearance.

What is the most overpowered weapon in MHW? ›

Dual Blades are arguably the most powerful weapon type in the game. Similar to Long Swords, Dual Blades charge up attacks to enter Demon Mode, which raises the attack damage through longer combo chains. Raising these levels lets the player enter Archdemon Mode, which boosts even higher.

Is there layered armor for weapons in MHW? ›

You can now use the "Layered Weapons" option to personally customize the look of your weapons. To use this option, go to the Smithy and select Augment Equipment, then select a fully upgraded weapon (Rarity 10 or higher), and then choose Layered Weapons to choose a layered base and part customization for that weapon.

How to get stygian zinogre layered weapon? ›

You probably have to kill Tempered Stygian Zinogre in Guiding Lands. They spawn only in lvl 7 Tundra region. this is correct. you need 1 gsg and 1 tempered dragonhold.

How to get Dante's sword in MHW? ›

Earn seven Red Orbs by completing Code: Red. You will earn between one and three each time. Head to the Smithy and choose "Forge Equipment" > Weapons > Charge Blade to find Dante's Devil Sword.

How do you unlock rarity 7 weapons in MHW? ›

Reach the High Rank Endgame for the Final Rarity 7 Weapons

Reaching High Rank and Master Rank opens up materials for the final Rarity 7 weapons in Rise and Rarity 10 weapons in Sunbreak. These powerful weapons require defeating endgame monsters like Elder Dragons, but it's worth the effort.

What is the strongest solo weapon in MHW? ›

Greatsword. The Greatsword is hands down the best solo weapon in Monster Hunter World. Its high damage combos and charged attacks allow hunters to quickly stagger and knock down monsters. While slow and cumbersome, in the hands of a skilled hunter, the Greatsword dominates one-on-one monster fights.

What is the meta weapon in MHW? ›

Long Sword

The Long Sword's combination of speed and power makes it a versatile weapon capable of dealing significant damage while maintaining fluid movement. Its spirit gauge mechanics reward skilled play and allow for devastating combos when utilized correctly.

What is the strongest creature in Monster Hunter World? ›

Obviously, the top three contenders in my opinion are Fatalis, Alatreon, and Dire Miralis. These three monsters are some of the strongest creatures in the franchise.

How to get astral armor mhw? ›

MHW Astral Cloth Armor Set

Gratitude Tickets can be earned by completing event quests during the Grand Appreciation Fest event. Events rotate every two weeks, and you'll know if the Grand Appreciation Fest is ongoing if the Gathering Hub is filled with paper lanterns.

How do you unlock tempered Zinogre? ›

Here's how to unlock Zinogre in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.
  1. Beat the Game. Nope, you won't see Zinogre at all while playing through Iceborne's story. ...
  2. Go to the Guiding Lands. See A Guide to the Guiding Lands - Monster Hunter World: Iceborne's End Game. ...
  3. Increase Analysis Level. ...
  4. Lure Out Zinogre.
  5. Capture Zinogre.
Sep 8, 2019

What armor to use against Stygian Zinogre? ›

Be sure to farm some of the high dragon resistance armor sets before tackling Stygian Zinogre. This will allow a player to take some hits that may have been lethal without the armor.

How do you unlock layered rampage weapons? ›

Once fully upgraded, a layered version of the Rampage weapon can be forged at the Smithy. At the moment, only Rampage Weapons can be Layered purely in-game. Other layered weapons are available through DLC packs, such as the Stuffed Monster series.

How to get workshop layered weapon mhw? ›

To unlock the option to layer weapons for the first time, you must:
  1. open the Tundra region in The Guiding Lands by following the Special Assignment quest chain starting with Sterling Pride.
  2. gather materials in The Guiding Lands (ore, bones and etc.)
Apr 19, 2024

How do you unlock more layered weapons in Mhrise? ›

You can unlock further layered equipment sets in Monster Hunter Rise by progressing through the game and getting to Hunter Rank 8. From HR 8, you'll be able to get the Smithy to forge you sets of layered armor based on the regular monster and material-derived sets in-game.

How to unlock rarity 10 weapons in MHW Iceborne? ›

How to Unlock Rarity 10 Weapons. Most Rarity 10 weapons can be unlocked for upgrading upon obtaining the required Afflicted Materials. For weapons with multiple Afflicted Material requirements, the ones from higher ranked quests such as Afflicted Claws and Fangs need to be obtained first before the weapon will appear.


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.