to FOURTEEN The CENTRE DAILY TIMES, STATE COLLEGE and BELLEFONTE, PA. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1967 Look Here for the Car of Your Choice CLASSIFIED ADVERTIsem*nTS Classified Ads will be accepted until 10 A.M. at State College and 9:30 A.M. at Bellefonte Office for publication that day. Phone State College 237-4964 Bellefonte 355-4766 RATES: Twenty five.
cents per line. five line. Minimum order three lines. Each additional line twenty-five cents. For three or more consecutive insertions, cash with order, discount will be allowed.
All bills are payable within ten days. A service charge will be added to all overdue accounts. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY deadline: p.m. on the day prior to insertion. Rates on request.
No extra charge for numbers picked up Times Office. Replies will be held 30 days. The Times reserves the right 10 reword or reclassify any advertisem*nt in keeping with good taste and the uniformity of the columns. The Times will correct errors In classified advertisem*nts only if notified before 10 a.m. on the day following the appearance of the ad.
WE HOLD BOX NUMBERS: 419, 560, 575, 580, 582, 583, 591, 592 WALL VINYL: Congoleum Nairn 54 Inches wide, 50 cents per yard or $9.95 roll of 30 yards. Hall's Salvage: State College 237-4801, Snow Shoe 387-6821, Bellefontel 355-5484. BIG STOREWIDE SAVINGS Now During Kauffman's Annual Mid-Winter Piano and and Organ Sale. KAUFFMANS' Piano Organ Studios 1229 North Atherton Street Across from Howard Johnson's State College, Penna. co*ckER SPANIEL puppy--AKC, 12 weeks, paper trained, beautiful black male, Permanent shot.
$45.00, 355-9444, 1 1-FOR SALE A -SERVICES CLASSIFIED CARPET CLEANING AND REPAIRS Fast, reasonable service in cutting, binding, rug cleaning. Pick and delivery, or wall-to-wall done on tion. Call 238-8428 or 377-4117. Ken's Carpet Cleaners. INCOME TAX SERVICE ALL TYPES JOHN D.
DOTTS AND ASSOCIATES 227 West Beaver Avenue State College, Pa. Open 9 to 9 Weekdays 9-5 Saturday No Appointment Necessary 238-4883 1A- -FOR SALE (LOTS) TWELVE ACRES level land in Curtin Township along Little Marsh Creek (William Singer estate); six miles from Blanchard Dam: suitable for hunting, fishing or building lot, Phone 692-7195 after 5 P.M. 1-A 2-FOR SALE (HOUSES) $108 TOTAL MONTHLY payment If you assume our four and one-half per cent mortgage. Three bedrooms, basem*nt, dead-end street; conveniently located. Call 238-8689.
Early American Colonial Design Four bedroom, two story residence situated on full acre lot on premium suburban location. Centre hall trance, large living room, Colonial fireplace, formal dining room, dream kitchen, family room, powder room, first floor laundry room off kitchen and entry from two car garage. Second floor offers master bedroom suite with private bath; three guest bedrooms and family bathroom, Full basem*nt, front and side porch and electric heat. Available for immediate occupancy. Priced to sell at $34,900 with financing already arranged! For inspection call Centre Realty Co.
Edward A. Basler. Realtor Larry E. Basler, Salesman 418 W. College Avenue Ph.
238-0621 or 466-6695 State College, Penna. Developers of Harris Acres Look Over This Lovely Home! university realty Charles E. Woodring Realtor 300 South Allen Street 238-2482 ExcellentLocation Looking for more room? Start smiling, for here's the home for you. Situated on a large corner lot, this two story brick home with aluminum siding is just two years old. There are four lovely bedrooms, one and one-half baths, attached garage and full basem*nt with a fireplace.
In excellent condition this home has a delightful living room and dining room plus a cheerful kitchen with built-ins. There is wall to to wall carpeting in the living room, hall and on the stairs. Close to elementary and secondary schools plus a shopping center and community swimming pool. This is a home you really cannot afford to miss. Call today for an immediate appointment! Ready for early occupancy and priced to sell at $27,600 what more could you ask for? Be sure to call today and beat your neighbors to visit this very special home built to suit your housing needs! Beautiful View Located on a one acre lot with some trees, this home is off the beaten path with neighbors in some proximity.
In excellent condition this lovely home features a large living room with brick fireplace and a large family type kitchen with paneling in the living room and kitchen area. Three bedrooms and a bath complete the practical living area of this home. Extras include an excellent view of Mount Nittany, full basem*nt, carport, and beautiful landscaping. Located in Green Acres this delightful brick ranch will be your dream of a lifetime. Call today for an immediate appointment! ASSOCIATE BROKERS P.
W. Hart 237-7111 G. Hunter 237-4200 A. N. Coombs 237-4235 W.
H. Leonard 238-8809 2 NEW LISTING IN BELLEFONTE Three bedroom ranch house, attached garage, cherrywood kitchen, built-ins including dishwasher, fireplace in living room, wall-to-wall carpeting, brick construction. In beautiful condition ready to move in. Call for an appointment. CORMAN ASSOCIATES J.
Doyle Corman, Realtor 355-4844 215 East Bishop Street 122 East College Ave. 238-4995 ASSOCIATES Harold E. Leightley 355-9458 Rebecca D. Corman 355-9672 2 Why? W. S.
BREWER A 238-5025 We have traffic through your home by AD LIBS by Larry Hurb IM WORLD A7 GEN CHATURES 2-6 RIGHTS RSVP. "Let's run out on this mess and start all over with this new apartment." 2-FOR SALE (HOUSES) 2-FOR SALE (HOUSES) BEGINNER'S BARGAIN Located on Whitehall Road in Fair. brook. $850. total cash and $109.
per month with taxes and insurance will put you into this three bedroom rancher with full basem*nt and carport. Well landscaped lot 100 x135'. Includes 30" Philco range. Owner transferred. Lillian Husted, Realtor 237-4221 SALES PERSONNEL: Martha Musser 238-2595 "We Try Harder" NEW 'N' NICE 'N' THE COUNTRY Wonderful country living in one of the most progressive developments in the area.
We have a three bedroom, Gold Medallion, L-ranch style home complete with all modern features. Kitchen includes plenty of counter space and wood cabinets; built-in electric stove and oven; ceramic tile bath with shower; one car garage; and basem*nt is partially paneled. Brand new! $18,500. Call for an appointment, LITTLE PARADISE Located in the Rock Road Area just 5 miles from State College, a compact one story home. Real cozy with two large bedrooms, paneled living room with log-burning fireplace, Full basem*nt with inside garage.
Large lot with plenty of trees and scenery. A nice stream flows nearby. Excellent buy for permanent home or all year round relaxation. $10,500 is a very fair price for this house. Call for appointment.
Doty Hench Inc. 314 South Pugh Street State College. Pa. Phone 238-6725 Sales Personnel E. Hench 355-3409 Frank.
J. Doty 238-3595 John J. Carey 238-4800 2 Duplex Ranch For Sale Live in one side and let rental income from the other make mortgage payments. Located in Overlook Heights. Total price $21,000.
$3200 down. Five rooms, and bath on each side. W. S. BREWER A 238-5025 FIVE BEDROOMS; lovely new split level, Colonial, three and a half baths, alumi-1 num siding, large lot, double garage, hot water heat, permanent sewer.
June occupancy. Owner 238-0894. 2 FIVE BEDROOMS, lovely new split NEW CUSTOM brick three bedroom ranch home. Dining area, one and one-half! baths, electric heat, basem*nt, garage. $20,500.
Phone 238-4213. 2 ORDON D. AGENCY KISSINGE Realty Exchange Building 245 South Allen St. State College, Pennsylvania Office 238-6772-3-4 PenField Road FIVE BEDROOMS--three baths, Ilving room, dining room, large kitchen built-in) dishwasher, recreation room, two fireplaces, laundry room, balcony, bi-level with two car garge, oak flooring. This is a new home.
Ask about 1. $55,000. PARK HILLS An Address of Distinction This sparkling, nearly new, ranch home will delight the most discriminating. With its many charming details-combined with excellent materials and superb workmanship, this home is truly a model for gracious living. Three spacious bedrooms and two complete baths.
Large living room with wood-burning fireplace and separate dining area. From the side picture windows, the panoramic view of the mountains and surrounding countryside is a never-ending joy. The Family-Kitchen is truly luxurious, reflecting the same design excellence usually seen only in the finest furniture. There is a full basem*nt and king-sized two-car garage. If you are in the market for the best, make sure that you see this--a truly delightful home.
Priced to sell at $28,900. Lived in less than a year -Owner is leaving area. Shown by appointment only. Ask about WE HAVE MANY OTHER LISTINGS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE Gordon D. Kissinger Realtor James I.
Beamer 238-5681 Associate Broker SALES REPRESENTATIVES Kenneth B. Bunn 237-2520 Frederick J. Kissinger 238-3701 Real Estate Counseling first. 2 2 3-FOR SALE (CARS) -FOR SALE (CARS) One -Stop Transportation Center One Stop Is All It Take At Riders Stop In 1966 Oldsmobile Tor onado $3875 1965 Oldsmobile 98 $3875 Luxury Sedan, AIR CONDITIONING 1965 Oldsmobile Jet star 88 S2150 Four Door Sedan 1965 Pontiac Catalina $2075 Four Door Sedan 1965 Oldsmobile F-85 $1595 Club Coupe 1965 Mercury Comet S1450 Four Door Sedan 1963 Oldsmobile Sup er 88 $1575 Four Door Hardtop 1963 Oldsmobile 88 S1500 AIR CONDITIONING 1962 Oldsmobile 88 $1375 Station Wagon, AIR CONDITIONING 1962 Oldsmobile 88 $1095 Four Door Sedan 1964 Chevrolet Corva ir Monza S1095 Coupe Low Priced Dependable Cars 1959 Pontiac $450 Four Door Sedan 1960 Oldsmobile 88 $595 Holiday Coupe 1960 Oldsmobile 98 $595 Convertible 1960 Oldsmobile 88 S550 Sedan 1959 Oldsmobile 88 $450 Four Door Hardtop 1959 Oldsmobile 98 $450 Holiday Coupe RIDER MOTOR COMPANY Show Room. 121 South Burrowes Oldsmobile Sales and Service Phone BUY YOUR used car from an old, established car dealer.
McClellan Motors, THIS WEEK'S 1962 VOLKSWAGEN Dark Grey LIKE NEW WAS: $795 NOW (for this week only): $695 at GRAND PRIX MOTORS, 238-0593 Central Pennsylvania's Largest Sports Car Dealer Belle Bargains 1960 Ford Sedan Two Door $199 1959 Buick Station Wagon $199 1960 Rambler American Belle Buick, Inc. $199 Your Authorized Buick Dealer 226 North Water Street Bellefonte, Penna. Phone 355-4891 3 1965 CORVAIR CORSA convertible; best Corvair line; one owner, blue with white top, radio, heater, whitewalls, four speed, 140 horsepower, simulated wire wheels, special instrumentation. Real nice. Call 238-7153 after 5:30 p.m.
3 1966 Pontiac Bonneville Convertible Hydromatic transmission, power steering, local one-owner, FULLY EQUIP. PED. 1966 Pontiac Bonneville Four Door Hardtop Automatic transmission, power steering, and fully equipped. Very clean. 1966 Pontiac Lemans Four Door Hardtop Power steering and brakes.
Air-conditioned. Fully equipped. Automatic transmission. Local one owner. 1963 Pontiac Catalina Four Door Sedan Automatic transmission, power steering, and is a local, one-owner car.
Bellefonte Motor Sales Bellefonte. Penna. 402 West Linn St. 355-4793 3 19.58 CHEVROLET BEL AIR. Six cylinder, standard transmission.
New brakes, generator, battery. Call 238-7532 after 5:30 p.m. 3-FOR SALE (CARS) IT'S WHAT YOU PAY THAT COUNTS! You hear a lot about SELLING PRICE but very little about how much cash you hand over Mothers end! Ford Hill Come and to see Dunlap how much you can really save! 1964 FORD 100 TON 1965 FORD 100 TON LIKE NEW. 8,000 MILES 1964 DODGE TON Dunlap Motors Used Car Lot Phone 355-4839 Benner Pike, Bellefonte STANDARD POODLE pups-two brown, black, very handsome, AKC tered males. Phone 692-4677.
1-FOR SALE A LOT OF Think our prices for Lees Carpets start at $16 a square yard. And. go up. That's a pity. Because our prices start at $35 a square yard.
And go down. All the way, dollar by dollar, to $8 a square yard or less. So, if you can afford $12 or $11 or $10, or even $8 a square yard, you can afford Lees wall-to-wall carpeting by Roland Hull. And very good carpet you'll be getting. It won't be as thick or luxurious as the most expensive carpet we sell, but it will be just as carefully made: same good firm backing, same carefully dyed fibers, same finicky inspection.
But, suppose you can't afford our lowest price, and you've seen carpet advertised for less. Don't do it! You may be lucky but more likely you'll be disappointed. We know how much a good honest carpet has got to cost. We know the cost of expert installation. When you pay less, you're taking a big chance.
Here's is a better idea. Instead of wall-to-wall carpeting right now, consider a room-sized rug for the living room or dining room. Then, when you want wall-to-wall carpeting, there will be many years of wear in it to use in another room in your home. If you can spend even $90 for a 12 rug, you can still afford Lees Carpet from Roalnd Hull. And if you can't afford it.
You honestly, honestly can't? Then, you know what? Walt! Because when you get right down to It, if you can't afford a Lees Carpet from Roland Hull you can't afford a good carpet. And that is the only kind that is worth your money. Roland and Hull Floor Coverings 258 East Beaver Avenue 237-3321 ruetonday and Wednesday, Friday Thursday, Saturday 9 to 5 DINETTE SET, bronze tone metal, round table, extends 60-inches, four chairs. Excellent condition. Call 238-1519.
EXCELLENT, EFFICIENT and economical, that's Blue Lustre Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner. Rent electric sham-1 pooer $1.00. Brachbill's, Bellefonte. TWO 6.50-13 SNOW tires; one six foot picture window; one 32 inch sliding window (both with frame and storm glass). Call 238-3888.
DOOR MATS and BOOT TRAYS For Inside and Outside Centre Hardware 221 South Allen Street State College, Pa. MAHOGANY DUNCAN Phyfe dining room suite table, buffet and six chairs. J. W. Brown, Bellefonte.
Phone 355-2087. SIAMESE CAT, male, six months old. Call 238-3611. Furniture for Sale Chest of drawers; dressers; breakfast sets; desks; lights; swivel chairs; book shelves; studio couch; beds. Hoy's Used Furniture Pike Street, Lemont 238-0420 Open 1 p.m.
to 9 p.m. HOT AIR furnace, five years old, complete, $80; 82 gallon hot water heater, five years old, $35. Phone 364-1440. Brand New 1967 Sewing Machine In walnut cabinet with all accessories. 25-year guarantee.
On-the-spot financing. $129.95 Bank Financing Arranged Moyer's Sewing Center Branch Road Open 9-9 Phone 238-8367 AKC SCHNAUZERS, Bassets, Beagles, Wires, Welshs, Bouviers, German Shepherds, Hounds, Stud Services. Duncansville 695-4137. Kennedy. NEW GENERAL Electric two-door Avacado refrigerator $160; three piece bedroom suite $135; vanity with mirror and stool $30; five piece Formica dinette set $75.
Kel-Wood Mobile Homes. CLEARANCE OF CURTAINS AND DRAPES Brand Names In Fiberglass, Cottons, and Dacrons Choose From Drapes, Cafes, Tailored, and Ruffled First Floor 0. W. Houts Son, Inc. State College, Pa.
NEW--NEVER installed kitchen. three 48 inch base cabinets; one 22 inch base cabinet; one 39 inch oven and broom closet cabinet; one hanging cabinet; one 60" x36" hanging cabinet; one hanging cabinet; one 24" x36" hanging One new built in Tappan gas oven with broiler, stainless One new built-in Tappan stainless steel gas counter top One new built in Tappan dish washer with four One Tappan stainless steel hood with 36 inch fan and light One used 21 inch Motorola tele-1 vision $35.00. One used Speed Queen Must sell, leaving country, Phone 355-9311. COAL OR wood range. Call 237-4453.
ELECTRIC RANGE, Kelvinator; overhead garage door, complete with frame; table TV. Reasonable. 238-2090. SCM ELECTRIC portable typewriter, pica type, 12 inch carriage, like new; 8 mm Brownie camera, like new; new two-lite bar and 30 40 screen. 238-8512.
SPECIAL CLOSE out on salad dressing, Ragu Sauce, Tomato Juice, Apple Sauce, two for one. Hall's Salvage: State College 237-4801, Snow Shoe 387-6821, Bellefonte 355-5484, 1 Things Nautical are available in large and varled quantities boats, outboard motors, marine hardware, fishing and water skiing supplies. Bierly Boat and Hobby Shop On the Jacksonville Road RD 3, Bellefonte 355-5051 Open p.m. to 9 p.m. KENMORE WASHER and dryer.
Used lightly for two years; excellent condition. 238-1279. AJAX SOAP powder, king size container 99 cents each. Hall's Salvage: State College 237-4801, Snow Shoe 387-6821, Bellefonte 355-5484. 1300 SHARES of First National Bank Stock, State College, Pa.
Will sell all or (in blocks. Bids received until February 15th. Write Box 595, Centre Daily State College, Pa. USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES of all types and kinds. The BIGGEST used furniture store In Central Pennsylvania.
Come In and see for yourself. Furniture Exchange, Inc. 1011 East College Avenue State College, Penna. Phone 238-1181 $1.99 and $2,99 each. Hall's Salvage: State College 237-4801, Snow Shoe 387-6821, Bellefonte 355-5484.
VACUUM CLEANER repairs, bags and! parts for all makes. Quick service, free and delivery, Laing's 238- 2200, if no answer call 238-8814 or 238-6431. MAYTAG Sales Service KEYSTONE TV ELECTRIC S. Fraser St. 237-4766 State College CARPETS, RUGS cut to size, braided and hooked, save 50 per cent or more.
Hall's Salvage: State College 237-4801, Snow Shoe 387-6821, Bellefonte 355-5484. GOLF CARS, electric and gasoline, new and used, new batteries, $24.95. William Shultz, 102 East High Street, Bellefonte. Pianos New and used Fine selection of used pianos including several spinets. Expert piano tuning.
The Music Mart 224 East College Avenue, 238-3711 LARGEST BAG of party time Ice cubes in town- -only 25-cents. The Wee-Nee-Hut, 2108 North Atherton Street, State College. SWIM POOL dealers wanted -in and up. Contact Fox Pools, Inc. RD 4, Box 236, Juniata Gap Road, Altoona, Penna.
Phone (814) 942-3639. Structural Steel Plates and Sheets Reinforcing Bars Reinforcing Mesh Steel Joists Steel and Aluminum Windows Steel Doors Fabricating New and Used Pipe Well Casing WALTER LEVIN Philipsburg Phone 342-2570 CONTRACTORS Company, WHEELBARROWS. Route Stan-! 220, Milesburg, Pa. Phone 814-355-4514. SLOT CARS: Special lot and scale models-50 per cent savings.
Hall's Salvage: State College 237-4801, Snow Shoe 387-6821, Bellefonte 355-5484. BIG SALE of SURPLUS OFFICE EQUIPMENT and FURNITURE From Large New York Offices. Three Trailer loads of bargains in USED FILES DESKS CHAIRS CABINETS ETC. EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS 487 Pine Williamsport 326-1521 JAMES H. STARK Remodeling (Insured) Ceramic Tile Porches Floor Tile Roofing Ceiling Tile General Repairs Finishing Paneling Basem*nts No Job Too Small 238-6374 ALL SEWING machines, vacuum cleaners repaired, all parts in stock.
Inexpensive, fast service. Moyer's, 238-8367. A INCOME TAX forms prepared. Short $2, Long $5, farm, business, etc. -optional.
Mrs. Marva Hillard, 355-3154. A -0- J. Alvin Hawbaker REALTOR 1840 North Atherton Street State College, Pa. Phone 238-2491 or 238-6729 9 a.m.
to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday -0- Short On Cash? For $870 you may move into this clean three bedroom ranch home at 320 Patton Lane in Park Forest Village. In addition to the three bedrooms, there is a large kitchen dining area and living room.
There are laundry facilities located in the full basem*nt. The interior has been completely redecorated. There is a one car attached garage. All this is on a level wooded lot and ready for immediate occupancy. Call us for an appointment to inspect.
Country Living If you like to be out and away from people and like to mow grass, this is just the place. Located on Route 322 South between Panorama Village and Boalsburg. There are three bedrooms, bath, living room and kitchen-dining area all paneled. There is a beezeway large enough for a car between the home and a one-car garage. There is a covered patio at the rear and also a closed rear porch.
Less than $500 down and $114 per month. Give us a call to inspect. SALES STAFF Neil Donohue 237-2263 Jim Williams 238-1390 Gladys Carter 238-0755 David Boore 238-8883 Guy Glenn 355-2543 Ralph Brower 238-1445 Betty Hafer 237-7290 2 2C-TRAILERS FOR SALE 2 Sales, Service, Rentals Space Available BENNER PIKE Mobile Home Sales 3 miles East of State College on the Benner Pike Phone 238-1771 2-C USED TRAILERS, eight and 10 feet wide units. Hilltop Trailer Court. Phone 238-0372.
Nittany Trailer Sales. 2-C IMMACULATE 1963 trailer for sale. Two bedroom, washer. $2850.1 1238-6553. 2-C APACHE Canoples, Add-A-Rooms, Medi-Kits Springfield Court 7 to 9 p.m., other by appt.
Rte. 322 Boalsburg 466-6601 times, 2-C 2D HOMES FOR SALE WINTER PRICE now in effect 12 wide models from $4200 up low down payment Valley Mobile Homes Milesburg 355-5452 Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
2-D 1965 DETROITER, 10'x50'. Enclosed bottom for storage. Covered patio. Close to Campus. Call 238-2955.
2-D 47 FOOT, TWO bedroom with washer. Call 466-6038. 2-D MARLETTE 12'x60' Split-Level Front Kitchen Dining Room Step down to 12'x15' living room with wall to wall carpet and Premier furniture. 2 Large Bedrooms Double Lavatory Bathroom Gun Furnace Silent Heat 40 Gal. quick recovery water heater House Door and Storm Door KEL-WOOD Mobile Home Sales 1194 East College Ave.
State College 237-7981 Park Space Available. All display units heated for your comfort 2-D 1965 NEW MOON mobile home, 55' 10', five rooms and bath, new carpeting, completely furnished, in good condition. For information call 466-6970. 2-D 3-FOR SALE (CARS) 1959 BLUE VOLKSWAGEN. In good runcondition.
$350. Call 865-7072 or 238-2922 after 5 p.m. 3 1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air station wagon. V-8, power steering, radio, heater; good condition; must sacrifice; leaving country; $795. Phone 355-9311.
3 1962 Plymouth Four Door Economical six-cylinder, standard shift. This ideal second car is ready ready for that road! REED MOTORS Bellefonte Area's New Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer 701 East Bishop Street 355-4791 ON DISPLAY! NOW the 1967 DODGE ALL MODELS MONACO POLARA CHARGER CORONET DART See all the fine new features firsthand. Inspect the entire NEW collection. at E. M.
Smith Motors 1012 West College Avenue State College Phone 238-3039 SELLING A CAR Sometimes it can get to be a pain In the neck. If you don't want to sit at home and wait for the phone to ring, meet people at odd hours and otherwise tie yourself up stop in and see us. WE'LL BUY THAT CAR OF YOURS STOCKER CHEVROLET Authorized Chevrolet Dealer Benner Pike 238-4905 3 See One Of The GOOD GUYS! At E. M. Smith Motors for your 1967 Dodge.
We have all models in stock, along with dependable used cars. E. M. Smith Motors 1012 West College Avenue State College Phone 238-3039 3 Four 1960 Two 1959 Holiday 1957 1956 Four 1960 Four 1959 Holiday 1959 Four 1960 Holiday 1960 Convertible think small MIERLEY VOLKSWAGEN 1966 CHEVELLE: 427 Chevrolet engine; ram intake and holley carburetors and single four barrel, double headers. Eight tires, two nine inch Goodyear racing slicks, two 550x15 racing tires, four wide oval low profile tires, eight mag wheels, four American.
Four Kustom flate wheels. Four speed transmission, Positraction, crane roller cam, engine completely balanced and built by experts. Complete shiefer, clutch set-up. Two aluminum fly wheels, clutches, new carpet and console. bags.
90-10 shocks. New black satin paint finish. Full home built original original metal tilt front end. Selling everything. Beautiful -have to see it to believe it.
See or call Nevin L. Stitzer, Spring Mills, Pa. 422-8332. 1961 NO MONEY DOWN "IRON SALE" Plymouth $475 Door Sedan Ford $315 Door Sedan Oldsmobile 98 $325 Sedan Chevrolet Sedan $175 Chrysler $130 Door Sedan Oldsmobile 88 $550 Door Sedan Oldsmobile 98 S450 Coupe Oldsmobile 88 $450 Door Sedan Oldsmobile 98 $595 Coupe Oldsmobile 98 $595 RIDER MOTOR COMPANY Show Room, South Burrowes Oldsmobile Sales and Service Phone 2 38-2413.