Battleground results, live match coverage (2024)

WWE NXT Battleground is all set to pop off tonight (Sun., June 9, 2024) at 8 pm ET, live on Peaco*ck and WWE Network! will provide LIVE blow-by-blow, match-by-match coverage of NXT Battleground below, beginning with the first match of the evening and right on through to the main event.

It’s a historic event, as TNA Knockout’s Champion Jordynne Grace challenges Roxanne Perez for the NXT women’s championship. Plus, Ethan Page immediately finds himself challenging Trick Williams for the NXT championship, and so much more! We can help get you up to speed on all that in !

Kick your off your shoes, relax, and enjoy all the action with the best damn pro wrestling community on the interwebs. And remember to keep refreshing!


  • NXT Championship: Trick Williams (c) def. Ethan Page
  • NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez (c) def. Jordynne Grace
  • NXT North American Championship: Oba Femi (c) def. Wes Lee and Joe Coffey
  • NXT Underground: Lola Vice def. Shayna Baszler
  • NXT Tag Team Championship: The Good Brothers
  • NXT Women’s North American Championship Ladder Match: Kelani Jordan def. Sol Ruca, Lash Legend, Fallon Henley, Jaida Parker, and Michin


Be careful how you touch me, my body is an earthquake, ready to receive you. Mind’s making glaciers, metals for my soldiers. Let’s liveblog this pro wrestling show for you, folks.

The main show kicks off quick a quick overview of UFC Apex.

Sexyy Red is in the ring to preside over the show as host.

She welcomes us to the show and we toss to the traditional overview intro video.

Fallon Henley vs. Jaida Parker vs. Kelani Jordan vs. Lash Legend vs. “Michin” Mia Yim vs. Sol Ruca (NXT Women’s North American Championship Ladder Match)

Chaos on the floor, Lash and Kelani in it in the ring, Jordan ducks a lariat, Legend catches her crossbody and lands knees to the ribs, ribbreaker, Parker and Yim fighting over a ladder on the announce desk and Mia sends Jaida careening square into Booker T! Kelani with a missile dropkick, she and Ruca fighting with Henley over a ladder, malfunction at the junction but they team up to send Lash to the floor!

Sol with a kickflip moonsault knee drop to bowl Lash over but she pops back up and slides inside to set a ladder up! Powerbomb lift, Kelani fights out with elbows, Mia and Jaida ram a ladder in the corner, Legend trapped behind it with Jordan stuck on top! Sol with a basem*nt dropkick to send Lash outside, Fallon back in, clearing her out, setting a ladder up in the middle of the ring!

Parker on top of it, she hits a Banzai Drop onto Jordan on the bridged ladder! Mia with a German suplex, headed up top, Lash cuts her off and pulls her down! Whip reversed, Legend stops short of the ladder and sidesteps Yim face-first into it! Lash with a sleeper on Mia, Henley a sleeper on her and Jordan a sleeper on her in turn but Legend backs them into the corner! Fallon holds onto her sleeper hold, Ruca climbs, Jordan on Henley’s back as Lash starts climbing!

All six women struggling, Ruca down and out, Kelani bent over the top of the ladder as Lash and Jaida pull on her! Sol cuts Parker off, Jordan kicks Legend aside and lands a diving Frankensteiner to the floor! Michin back inside, ladder knocked over, Ruca with an X-Factor to put Jaida’s jaw into the steel!

Henley back inside, clearing the ring, setting a ladder up, back and forth, two ladders set up, Lash climbing, Ruca with her, fighting over the top, Sol takes a chance, looking for a sunset flip off the top but Legend hangs in there! Four women work together to military press Lash... AND SLAM HER OVER THE ROPES AND TO THE FLOOR THROUGH A LADDER!

Mia with a DDT on Jordan, climbing, Sol and Fallon tip one ladder over but Yim just climbs to the other! They tip that one over and she crashes down! Parker cleaning up, setting one of them back up and climbing, but Mia is right back up there with her! Ruca comes back over, chop, Sol Smasher connects on Parker! SOL SMASHER OFF THE LADDER ON FALLON!

Sol climbing, Kelani right with her, stereo kicks and they both go down and out! Mia clotheslines Ruca out of the ring, jumping knee from Jordan staggers her onto a prone ladder, split-legged moonsault connects! Kelani climbs...

Kelani Jordan wins by retrieving the title, becoming your inaugural NXT Women’s North American Championship.

Axiom & Nathan Fraser (c) vs. Good Brothers (“Machine Gun” Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) (NXT Tag Team Championship)

Anderson and Axiom to start, Machine Gun immediately targeting the champion’s injured shoulder. Axiom snaps off a dropkick, whipreversed, octopus hold, Frazer had gotten the tag and comes off the ropes with a big boot for a nearfall! Soon enough back to Axiom, Big Hoot working him over, heat segment rolling on.

Nathan gets a tag, in hot, up and over, duck a lariat, springboard moonsault into an interverted DDT, springboard shooting star press... NOPE! Headed up top, nobody home on the Phoenix Splash! Anderson with a fireman’s carry Gun Stun, tag to Gallows, back suplex neckbreaker... NOPE! Liger Bomb, Axiom breaks it up!

Tagged in, Axiom gets caught with the Anderson Spinebuster! Magic Killer reversed into a sleeper hold, Luke flagging but not failing, Good Brothers with the Boot of Doom... NATHAN BREAKS IT UP! Enzuigiri sends Gallows packing, Axiom with a small package, cover for two! Front kick, Axiom dives, Frazer off the ropes, dive caught and Big Hoot chokeslams him into the apron!

Machine Gun cuts Axiom off with a knee in the corner, fireman’s carry... AVALANCHE FIREMAN’S CARRY GUN STUN ISN’T ENOUGH TO PUT HIM AWAY! Karl sets him back up top, Axiom slips out, enzuigiri connects, they send Gallows to the floor and Frazer blasts him with a dive! Tag made, Axiom hits a Spanish Fly off the top!

Frazer off the top...

Axiom & Nathan Frazer win by pinfall with the Phoenix Splash from Frazer on Karl Anderson.

Lola Vice vs. Shayna Baszler (NXT Underground Match)

Baszler hard out the gates, fighting up the aisle with aplomb, back into the ring, ankle lock applied, Vice scrambling to get away, rolling under, Shayna rolls her right back! Lola cralws for the corner and slings Baszler off and face-first into the post!

Sleeper hold applied, Baszler gets her feet under her, Vice hangs in there, right back down on one knee, but Shayna rolls both women off the edge of the ring to break free! Baszler clearing the announce desk, setting Lola on top of it, Vice fights out, trading punches on the table, double leg into hammerfists but Lola turtles up and manages to get off the table!

Shayna with a knee but Vice sidesteps and her knee goes hard into the desk! Back inside, Lola working a Stump Puller, wrenching back on her leg, shifting to an ankle lock! Vice with leg kicks, Shayna taking guard, fighting her off, blocking punches, back to her feet! Lola kicks her leg out from under her, grounded punches, taking her back into a sleeper hold!

Rolling to her back, but Baszler gets away and stomps in passing. Roundhouse kick, hip toss, mounted punches and now Lola’s in guard as Shayna takes her back into a sleeper hold with the hooks in! Vice prying at the injured leg for an opening, Baszler has to release the hold to ease the pressure!

Back on her feet, leg kick and a running knee but Shayna can’t capitalize due to her own knee issues! Baszler rushes in, backfist from Lola, Baszler collapses to the floor and Lola demands referee Darryl Sharma call the match! Outside with her, Shayna gets a lucky shot, Vice goes down but Baszler gets caught up in fighting security and Lola clobbers her!

Fighting on the apron, Shayna with a triangle but Vice windmill punches her until she gets away. Lola puts Baszler face-first into the steps, back inside, backfist, grounded punches...

Lola Vice wins by referee stoppage with grounded punches.

We get an Eddy Thorpe vignette where it’s made clear he’s returning on Tuesday.

Sexyy Red congratulations Kelani Jordan on her title win and they’re gonna go party later.

Joe Coffey vs. Oba Femi (c) vs. Wes Lee (NXT North American Championship)

Out and back in, Lee with a quick nearfall on Coffey! Femi back in, cutting him off and laying him out, grabbing Joe, double suplex on both challengers! Delayed vertical on Wes, Coffey with strikes, Oba puts him down, back body drop sends him to the floor and a boot sends the Iron Man sprawling! Lee springboards, Femi cuts him off and presses him clean into Coffey!

Joe spikes Wes with a tornado DDT, German suplex follows, clubbing Oba off the apron, whip into the corner, backbreaker connects! Side slam on the champion, elbow drop, cover for two! Fireman’s carry, Lee with double stomp and Joe lands a Death Valley Driver on Femi out of it! Lee punches Coffey into a cover and immediately breaks it up!

Oba powerbombs Joe into the apron, catches Wes on a dive and powerbombs him into Coffey! Back inside, Cardiac Kick, Femi blocks, Lee tries again and gets it but Coffey breaks it up! The rest of Gallus runs down and beats Oba up, Joe with a moonsault and a headbutt on Wes... NOPE!

Lee lays him out, charges in, Meteora connects! Charging forearm, superkick, enzuigiri, Cardiac Kick connects but Mark Coffey pulls the referee out of the ring! Lee dives on them, Femi returns to the ring, blocks All the Best for the Bells with a boot, pop-up drop connects!

Catch Wes on a dive, powerbomb him, lift Joe up...

Oba Femi wins by pinfall with the big powerbomb on Joe Coffey, retaining the NXT North American Championship.

We also get the Wendy Choo return vignette with a new date, confirming that she, too, will be back on Tuesday.

Jordynne Grace vs. Roxanne Perez (c) (NXT Women’s Championship)

Collar and elbow, Grace shoves her away and calls her back for more! Circling, Perez with a go-behind, Jordynne slings her aside! Grace calling for a Test of Strength, Roxanne short-circuits it by stomping her foot, off the ropes, tilt-a-whirl blocked, shove off, Jordynne one step ahead of every beat so Perez slaps her across the face!

Grace with shoulder blocks, inverted tilt-a-whirl slam, powerbomb lift but Roxanne thumbs her eye for separation! Jordynne catches her, short powerbomb, up on the second, Perez under her, yanking her face into the turnbuckles and arm dragging her into the mat! Wristlock, stepover knee drop armbreaker, kneeling armbar!

Arm wringer into a side Russian legsweep, clubbing blows to the shoulder, standing armbar, Grace trips her up, Perez with kicks, sending her into the corner, sidestep the charge, boot connects, diving crossbody caught into a World’s Strongest Slam, Grace Under Pressure... NOPE! Roxanne up top, Jordynne cuts her off, kneeling and trading shots soon enough.

Hammerlock elbow from Perez, Grace stabilizes throwing a chop, scoop and a slam! pump kickf rom the champion, another scoop and a slam from the challenger! Elbows to the jaw, backfist sets up a lariat and the Juggernaut is rolling! Cop Killer blocked, spinebuster for two! Suplex lift sets Perez up in the corner again, uppercut, thinking about a Muscle Buster but Roxanne slips out! Wheelbarrow DDT connects, off the ropes, headscissors driver... NOT ENOUGH!

Snap armbreaker into an old-school seated cross armbar, trading kick for stomp as Jordynne fights free! Deadlift powerbomb counter, Perez manages to hang on over the ropes for a cross armbar in the ropes for the five count! Grace sets her up top again, headbutts, again thinking about the Muscle Buster... SHE GETS IT BUT CAN’T KEEP ROXANNE DOWN!

To the apron, fireman’s carry, Perez slips out and posts her, thinking about Pop Rox on the apron but Jordynne hangs in there so she pulls her face-first into the apron! Suicide dive into a tornado DDT on the floor, throwing her back inside, double jump moonsault... STILL NO!

Arm-trap crossface applied, Grace rolling her over into a cover for two! Pop-up back elbow, pumphandle, blocked, rolling solebutt (or should I say TNA Kick?) Pop Rox countered into a Gory Facebuster! Tatum Paxley jumps the rail and stalks the title belt at ringside and grabs Jordynne’s TNA Knockouts Championship!

Dana Brooke Ash By Elegance appears to grab the title, Jordynne goes after both of them and lays them out! Back inside, block the solebutt, backfist, fireman’s carry, California Roll connects! Pumphandle... ROXANNE COUNTERS WITH AN ACE CRUSHER! POP ROX! IT’S OVER!

Roxanne Perez wins by pinfall with Pop Rox, retaining the NXT Women’s Championship.

Sexyy Red is interviewed backstage and says she’s had a great time and promotes her upcoming tour.

Lola Vice rolls up to crow about winning her match like she said she wouldn, and she and Red twerk together.

Wes Lee runs into an interview and he’s understandably upset but Gallus roll up to beat him up before he can say much.

“All Ego” Ethan Page vs. Trick Williams (c) (NXT Championship)

Page with a double leg and hammering punches out the gates! Charging in with a knee, Williams sidesteps, hard right hands, backing Ethan into the corner! Whip across, scoop and a slam! Shoving All Ego to the mat, mounted punches, jumping neckbreaker connects! Page low-bridges him to the floor, clutching his knee briefly before heading back outside and throwing Trick Willy through the steel steps hard!

Back inside, Williams trying to recover, All Ego with a hanging butterfly backbreaker for a nearfall! Back suplex connects, another nearfall, suplex neckbreaker for another nearfall after that one! Bear hug, I can hardly bear it, Trick trying to fight out with overhead elbows!

Shoulder blocks in the corner, big right hand, setting the champion up top to the tune of “Ethan sucks!” chants, right hands up top, Williams hooks him for the Book End but Page gets under him with the cross-arm Iconoclasm and a powerslam follows... NOPE! Waistlock, Trick breaks the grip briefly, turns him around and boxes his ears!

Off the ropes, float-over DDT connects and both men are down! Blocking punches, Williams throwing his own, slicing right, leg lariats, flapjack, kip-up, champion is rolling! 540 pump kick but All Ego rolls to the floor for a breather! Whip reversed, Page goes over the barricade and into the crowd!

Crossbody over the barricade, back inside, a boot, but Page kicks out! Williams up top, Ethan pulls him down, running knee in the corner, cover for two! Trading right hands on their knees and to their feet, Trick getting the better of it, floating over a powerbomb attempt, duck a roundhouse kick, second try connects but Williams hits the Book End... STILL NO!

Out by the announce desk, Trick clears it, perching on the steps, All Ego counters... POWERSLAM THROUGH THE TABLE! Back inside, up for it... EGO’S EDGE FOR TWO! Arguing with the referee, right hands in the corner, warned about castigo de excesivo and Trick Shot connects... IT’S OVER!

Trick Williams wins by pinfall with Trick Shot, retaining the NXT Championship.

Sexyy Red celebrates with Trick Williams in the middle of the ring while All Ego fumes in the corner.

That’s the show, folks.

Battleground results, live match coverage (2024)


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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.