Aesthetics Of Beauty And Power: Ten Maya And Aztec Sites In Mexico (2024)

The Aztecs and the Mayans were the two most important ancient civilizations of Mexico and today numerous of their archaeological and heritage sites can still be explored. This guide picks out ten distinguished sites to discover in Mexico.

Aesthetics Of Beauty And Power: Ten Maya And Aztec Sites In Mexico (1)

The Aztecs

The Late Post Classic period (1200-1250 A.D.) was the rise of a group of people called the Mexicas, better known as the Aztecs. The word ‘Aztec’ was popularized through the literature of such writers as William Prescott and Alexander von Humboldt. With strong religious beliefs, the Aztecs were a cultured people dedicated to their heritage. They carried their strength in the knowledge and worship of their pluralistic gods, often bringing gifts to their capital of Technotitlan to decorate and honor it. At its height, the capital of the Aztec empire had a population of 250,000 – one of the largest cities in the world at the time.

Aztec Sites:

Templo Mayor

The Templo Mayor is located at the site where the Aztecs received their prophetic vision, promised by their god Huitzilopochtli, of an eagle perched upon a cactus devouring a snake. Upon the site, the Aztecs erected a pyramid with two temples, one to Huitzilopochtli and one to the agricultural rain god Tlaloc. This temple was the sacred mountain and sacrificial altar for the Aztecs. The temple integrates symbols of water, earth, sun, and sky – the natural elements honored by all Mesoamerican civilizations. Part of the Historic Centre of Mexico City, the site was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987. The Museum of the Templo Mayor, situated on the site, is a recommended visit.

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Aesthetics Of Beauty And Power: Ten Maya And Aztec Sites In Mexico (3)
Aesthetics Of Beauty And Power: Ten Maya And Aztec Sites In Mexico (4)


The Pyramid of Tenayuca is located in San Bartolo Tenayuca in Tlalnepantla de Baz, in the State of Mexico. Almost surrounded by modern day Mexico City, Tenayuca’s surviving pyramid is an excellent example of the type of construction linking the Toltecs with the Aztecs. It is an almost exact duplicate of the structures of Tlateloco and Tenochititlan except that the pyramid is much smaller. The main characteristic of the structure is the display of interlocking stone serpents, once believed to surround the whole building. There are also two coiled serpents, one on the north face of the pyramid and another at the south face, aligned with the sun’s position during the Solstice.

Aesthetics Of Beauty And Power: Ten Maya And Aztec Sites In Mexico (5)

Santa Cecilia Acatitlan

Located in the town of Santa Cecilia, the Santa Cecilia Acatitlan houses two temples, the leading dedicated to the Sun Dead divine worship of Huitzilopochtli, ‘God of War’, the second built to Tlaloc, ‘God of Rain’. Inaugurated in 1961, the National Institute of Anthropology and History operates an on-site museum called the Eusebio Davalos Hurtado Museum of Mexican Sculpture, which is located behind the village church of St. Cecilia.

Aesthetics Of Beauty And Power: Ten Maya And Aztec Sites In Mexico (6)

Cholula Pyramid

Originally constructed over 2000 years ago, the Great Pyramid of Cholula boasts to be the largest in the Western Hemisphere. It is known to have a larger volume than any other ancient, man-made structure including the Egyptian pyramids, with its final form measuring 400 by 400 meters. When the Spanish arrived at Cholula in 1519, they failed to recognize the pyramid and saw it as a convenient hill site for one of their new churches, La Iglesia de los Remedios. The Architect Ignacio Marquina started exploratory tunneling within the pyramid in 1931, which is now open for visitors to explore.

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Malinalco is a small village located 65 miles Southwest of Mexico City. This village houses an impressive Aztec shrine, carved into the hillside, which presides over the valley. Rock carvings and paintings that date back to 600 B.C. can be found by exploring the hills around the town. When the Aztecs showed up in the 1400s they built a ceremonial site known as the Cerro de los Idolos (Hill of the Idols). A zigzag staircase of 427 steps leads to the site, where priests once offered sacrifices to the Aztec gods.

The Mayans

The Classic Period of the Maya civilization (300-900 A.D.) saw them control a vast expansion of territories. Among those were Honduras and El Salvador through to Guatemala and Belize, and north to Yucatán and southern Mexico. The Mayans were highly skilled in mathematics and science, as well as technology, and would have a great influence on future civilizations to come. Their incredible numerology system lead to the creation of zero, the calendar and they were also known to use a special dot system to mark special events and activities. This culture is still alive today, located in central and eastern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and Honduras.
Maya Sites:

Aesthetics Of Beauty And Power: Ten Maya And Aztec Sites In Mexico (8)


Becan is a unique and excellent example of Mayan fortification. Between 100 and 250 A.D. a defensive moat was dug surrounding the ceremonial city, and reservoirs and the dirt from the ditch was piled up to create a fortified wall. Originally much deeper, the moat is now an estimated four meters deep and 15 meters across. At one time Becan was the dominant center of the Rio Bec area, with the oldest permanent structures dating back to about 550 B.C. Because it is enclosed by a wall, the site is compact and rich in its temple structures.

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Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza was a sacred city of the Itza, its name meaning the ‘Mouth of the well of the Itza’. This archaeological site is rated among the most important of the Mayan culture, located 75 miles East of Merida, the capital of the State of Yucatan. The ruins are divided into two groups: One belongs to the classic Mayan Period which was built between the 7th and 10th centuries A.D. The other group corresponds to the Maya-Toltec Period, from the later part of the 10th century to the beginning of the 13th century A.D. This area includes the Sacred Well and most of the outstanding ruins.

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Palenque is an ancient Mayan city located about 500 miles Southeast of Mexico City. Its ancient name was Lakamha, meaning ‘Big Water’, and its modern name comes from the nearby Spanish colonial settlement of Santo Domingo de Palenque. The site’s most impressive structure is the Temple of the Inscriptions. Deep within the temple lies an ornate vaulted chamber containing the crypt of the ruler Pacal.

Aesthetics Of Beauty And Power: Ten Maya And Aztec Sites In Mexico (11)

Temples of Uxmal

The name Uxmal means ‘thrice-built’ in Mayan, referring to the construction of its highest structure, the Pyramid of the Magician, standing at 117 feet (38 m) high. Unusually built on an elliptical base, this pyramid is the result of five superimposed temples. The site is one of the most impressive and was once one of the largest cities in the Yucatán with a population of about 25,000.

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Monte Alban

Monte Alban, meaning ‘White Mountain’, is an ancient Zapotec capital and archaeological site overlooking the valleys of Oaxaca. The ruins of pyramids, temples, plazas and other residential structures all center on the Great Plaza, a large open area on the flattened mountain top that offers impressive 360-degree views of the city and valleys below. The earliest known structure at Monte Alban houses the site’s most important discovery, a series of rock carvings known as Los Danzantes (The Dancers).
By Eleanor Cunningham

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Aesthetics Of Beauty And Power: Ten Maya And Aztec Sites In Mexico (2024)


Where are the Aztec and Mayan ruins in Mexico? ›

Ciudad Prehispánica de Teotihuacán is home to the most famous Mexico City pyramids. Discover the awe-inspiring Aztec pyramids at Teotihuacan, located 30 miles outside of Mexico City. Teotihuacán has two famous pyramids known as the Temple of the Sun and the Temple of the Moon.

What did the Aztecs and Maya have in common? ›

The two civilizations have a lot in common. Both were desert-dwelling societies who were aggressive and bellicose. They both performed human sacrifices. They are also both still known for their architecture, vibrant clothing, and influence upon smaller societies.

What are some things that are unique about Maya and Aztec society? ›

Political Structure. The Mayans lived in city-states, each with its own independent ruler. These city-states often engaged in warfare, alliances, and trade with each other. The Aztecs, on the other hand, had an empire ruled by a single Emperor, with Tenochtitlan (modern-day Mexico City) as the capital.

How are the Mayan and Aztec cultures similar How are they different? ›

While distinct in many aspects, the Maya and Aztecs shared intriguing similarities, such as their grand temples and advanced agricultural techniques. However, one captivating facet that stands out is the ancient Mesoamerican ball game commonly known as "Ōllamaliztli" in Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs.

Who came first, Mayans or Aztecs? ›

In short, the Maya came first, and settled in modern-day Mexico. Next, came the Olmecs, who also settled Mexico. They didn't build any major cities, but they were widespread and prosperous. They were followed by the Inca in modern-day Peru, and finally the Aztecs, also in modern-day Mexico.

What is the most famous Mayan ruins in Mexico? ›

Chichén-Itzá is the most famous and best restored Mayan site on the peninsula. It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988 and one of the seven new wonders of the world. Both Chichen-Itza and Tulum are the most visited ruins in all of Mexico.

Did Mayans fight Aztecs? ›

The Mayan, Incan, and Aztec civilizations never had contact with each other. The Maya Empire declined and disappeared by 1200 C.E. and did not travel beyond their region into northern Mesoamerica.

Did the Mayans and Aztecs ever meet? ›

The Mayan people deserted their cities and retreated into the forests for unclear reasons. The Aztecs and Mayans did interact with each other during the 15th and 16th centuries, but at that point in time, the Aztecs were much more advanced than their Mayan counterparts.

What's the difference between the Aztecs and the Mayans? ›

The Aztecs were Nahuatl-speaking people who lived in central Mexico in the 14th to 16th centuries. Their tribute empire spread throughout Mesoamerica. The Maya people lived in southern Mexico and northern Central America — a wide territory that includes the entire Yucatán Peninsula — from as early as 2600 BC.

What did Mayans look like? ›

What were the Mayans' physical features? The Maya were a smaller race of people with dark skin, dark eyes and straight black hair, but to them what was considered physically beautiful was not the way they were born, but a long sloping forehead and slightly crossed-eyes.

Is Mexico a Mayan or Aztec? ›

Mexico is a mixture of all the native tribes in North America. Mayan, Aztec, Olmec, Teotihuacan, Huichol, Otomi, Mazahua, Raramuri, Chamulas, Chichimecas, Apaches, Comanches, ETC.

What is the difference between Aztec human sacrifice and Mayan human sacrifice? ›

What distinguished Aztec practice from Maya human sacrifice was the way in which it was embedded in everyday life. These cultures also notably sacrificed elements of their own population to the gods. Prisoners for sacrifice were decorated.

Why did the Mayans disappear? ›

There are a variety of factors that led to the decline of ancient Mayan civilization. Scholars have identified climate change as a major factor for the decline of some lowland Mayan societies. Warfare between various Mayan city-states also has been identified as a cause of the decline of their ancient civilizations.

Who was first, Mayan or Egyptian? ›

The ancient Egyptian civilization emerged around 3100 BC in the Nile Valley of Egypt, while Mesoamerican civilizations, such as the Olmec and Maya, emerged much later, around 1200 BC and 2000 BC respectively, in present-day Mexico and Central America.

How tall were the Aztecs? ›

Answer and Explanation: The people of the Aztec Empire, a Nahuatl-speaking ethnic group known as the Mexica, were generally shorter than people today. On average, men grew no taller than about 5' 6, while women only grew to heights of about 4' 8.

Where are the Aztecs located in Mexico? ›

The Aztecs were the Native American people who dominated northern Mexico at the time of the Spanish conquest in the early 16th century. A nomadic culture, the Aztecs eventually settled on several small islands in Lake Texcoco where, in 1325, they founded the town of Tenochtitlan, modern-day Mexico City.

Where is the best place to see the Mayan ruins in Mexico? ›

Tulum. Perhaps the most dramatically situated Mayan ruins in all of Mexico, Tulum sits right on the edge of a cliff bordering the bright blue Caribbean, and was one of the last cities built by the Mayans.

Is Cancun Mayan or Aztec? ›

To those place you can do a day trip from Cancún. Cancun is within the Maya zone. The Aztec Empire developed in Central Mexico. It is supposed that the Aztecs arrived to the Anahuac (Mexico) Valley around 1321 (the date they founded Mexico- Tenochtitlan (Mexico City)).

Where were the Aztecs located in Mexico? ›

The greatest empire of Mesoamerica, the Aztecs, developed in the Valley of Mexico where modern-day Mexico City is located. The Aztecs were driven out of their previous home in Culhuacan and roamed central Mexico for a place to settle. In 1325, they found an island in the middle of Lake Texcoco.


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